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/lit/ - Literature

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5141637 No.5141637 [Reply] [Original]

>Girlfriend broke up with me
>Confused by the way women think and act
>Begin reading 'The Bell Jar' In order to understand women

Are all women this self-centered and need validation this badly?

>> No.5141656

Depends on their upbringing. If they were sheltered, then yes.

You see this in men, as well.

Source: /v/

>> No.5141659

Everyone is shit, relationships are about making your shit smell nicer.

>> No.5141661


Thank god, no. Women are fine, Plath is disgusting.

I dropped that fucking book because she's insufferable.

>> No.5141666

Just date guys. It's practically idiotic to even bother with girls, this day and age.

>> No.5141671

>tfw able to relate to everything plath felt in the bell jar
i didn't know it that was a bad thing

>> No.5141676


She's very superficial and judgemental and whiny and delusional.

>> No.5141686


OP here, honestly so can I, but it doesn't mean Plath isn't a whiny child.

>> No.5141694

i am kind of a condescending cunt so whatever
her representation of depression is very good at least

>> No.5141718

I say kill all the women and let the human race die.

>> No.5141727

Yes. Women are in need of constant validation, not just from individuals, but from society as a whole. Women find and ingrate themselves into social circles to fulfill this purpose. The more men that they can emotionally dominate and lean on for self-validation, the more they find happiness.

>> No.5141736


Advice of the beast. Beware.

>> No.5141737

We come here to discuss literature. Please take your friendzoned, future MRA, NEET self back to leddit.

>> No.5141747

This board is fucking amazing.

>> No.5141752

Oh wait...this isn't even /r9k/.

>> No.5141819

I am torn between trying to find good in women, and hating them. My experience with them is primarily that they are self-centered. Essentially children who have never grown up.

I have never met one with existential dread. Or philosophically fueled angst.

Or one who even dreams of severing themselves from society.

Women really are intellectually shallow creatures most of the time. The most inner conflict they feel stems from rejection, a feeling men quickly grow past in adolescence. If women were held to any of the standards men were they'd be abandoned to the streets. But they aren't, because women have one redemptive quality, and that is between their legs.

>> No.5141826

The real question is is that Phil Elvrum in a wig?

>> No.5141841

Women are (on the whole) incapable of deriving inner security from themselves on account of smaller physical size (being physically weaker naturally makes you feel less secure/confident).

>> No.5141843

> hasn't read Paradise Lost
> doesn't know that women are in love with themselves and this self-love motivates everything they do
> not understanding that women believe their external appearance, which is always beautiful, somehow reflects their inner spirit (they are all blessed by the gods with their beauty)
> not knowing how to use this female self-love in order to seduce women
> not realizing that this self-love explains why women don't know what they want because what they want is to be loved by themselves and everything else they encounter
> not realizing it perfectly explains why feminism exists and why some women are lesbians

Read Milton.

>> No.5142346

>It's true because a guy wrote a work of literature that said so hundreds of years ago

>> No.5142349

>Sylvia Plath represents the mindset of all women

I think you're going to be confused for a long time, bud.

>> No.5142382


Take this gentleman's advice, OP.

Reading The Bell Jar currently, and I like it.

>> No.5142391
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Read some Kate Chopin man

>omg the storm was so stormy I lost control of myself omg

>> No.5142400


>she broke up with you so you read a book to try and understand why this happened

PROTIP: You're probably just a boring dude.

also this:

>> No.5142446

Well maybe women aren't like men in that we don't wear our existential dread on our sleeve so people think we're deep

>> No.5142448
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all the best bitches are crazy

stop being so vanilla and look for a qt that you can jump off the deep end with

>> No.5142454

It looks like his face photoshopped onto that Rose girl's face

>> No.5142461

I'll put more simply: most women are not interesting.

In any group you will always find men who are interesting, but you may not find interesting women.

>> No.5142464
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No you're too busy laughing at all the jokes men make around you and secretly wishing that everyday women knew how to be funny as well.

>> No.5142465

I'm funnier than most men I meet. Smarter, too.

>> No.5142470
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Sure you are, muffin.
Sure you are.

>> No.5142474


ummm r u gay or something lol

>> No.5142490

you're not a woman, you're just trolling some angry virgin

>> No.5142492

More arrogant, too.

Of course there are exceptions, but even I would say that it's obvious men are funnier than women. It's an evolutionary skill to get laid.

Don't ever mistake sense of humor and the ability to be funny. They're very, very different.

>> No.5142498
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Artificial divisions concocted to justify your total lack of comprehension as to the nature of reality.

People like you all could replace the word 'woman' with any descriptor of marginalized society & still feel perfectly validated in your fears.

And still the inexplicable temerity to insist it is women who cannot be unriddled.

You folks have a lot of growing up to do.

>> No.5142515

That was..... elegant and pretty much right.

>> No.5142517

>implying the biological structures and instincts of people today are different from those only 500 years ago.

>> No.5142563


>that one guy who doesn't realize that people are just shitposting nonsense out of boredom and actually tries to lecture people about the "growing up" that they have to do

Biggest loser ITT confirmed.

>> No.5142585


>You folks have a lot of growing up to do.

you have a custom made identity on an anime image board

look to your own inequities, manchild

>> No.5142592

>that one guy who still tries to win the "i care less than you" game

no, p sure it's you bruh
real men give a shit

>> No.5142606


>i care so little i can't even be bother to type out the word "pretty" wow i'm like so indifferent right now lol

way to trip over yourself you dumb cunt lol

>> No.5142610

>complaining about the "i care less than you game" while still competing in it

Protip: I just won the game by hiding this thread