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File: 205 KB, 640x640, i-love-black-humor-i-got-my-outlook-on-life-studying-nihilist-ph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5138830 No.5138830 [Reply] [Original]

Redditor here
Why is Nihilism so pleb?

>> No.5138844
File: 58 KB, 401x504, 1404142796718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're probably a serf who thinks nihilism is some edgy religion.

>> No.5138847

Its premature, subscribe to a school of thought or acquire meaning from various philosophies but nihilism is by nature an oxymoron.

"Man will rather will nothing than not will at all" Some guy that liked horses said that

>> No.5138859

>Redditor here

Kill yourself.

>> No.5138875

that macro is pretty shit. I made the connection to black comedy way before I even thought it might be referring to African-American comedy, and i only got that far because there was successful black man behind the text.

>> No.5138879
File: 35 KB, 404x404, 1405390568011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat pic
>even debating the plebness of Nihilism

>> No.5138897

why do you choose to identify as a 'redditor'?

>> No.5138920

le 4chins mustard race xd

>> No.5138927

le bait op shitpost thread shitpost post xP

>> No.5138930
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>> No.5138936

>why do you choose to identify as a 'redditor'?
It's vastly preferable to 4channer.

>> No.5138945

no it's not.

>> No.5138952

I was at a friends house when one of his acquaintances arrived, he was immediately identifiable as a redditor when he announced some item was "an orgasm wrapped in bacon". To prove my hypothesis I asked this hot-topic clad, crackly voiced lad about topics that would steer him towards reddit.
>Subscribed to atheism subreddit
>Says he "hates" the only subreddits I'm even familiar with (r/cringe and r/nosleep)
>In actuality he just had never used them
My god, what an insufferable faggot he was. I don't think he could have fulfilled the mental stereotype of a redditor I have assembled for myself more if I had paid him.

>> No.5138953
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>> No.5138959

Anonymity is the purest form of conversation and the sharing of ideas. None of things that can create biases exist when anonymous other than what is written. As such 4chan is superior to Reddit in the ideals of pure conversation and freedom of thought.

>> No.5138964

I find it funny how you can recognize redditors in real life by their surface level knowledge of many things but lack of worthwhile insight on anything. Like that guy who will make some random comment about how cool the higgs boson is but have no understanding of what it actually is. Reddit is a breeding ground for dilettantes.

>> No.5138970


I know bacon is a cultural meme to a degree but you can still tell

>> No.5138975

Bacon isn't a meme, it's a WAY OF LIFE.

>> No.5138976

Reddit is more anonymous than reddit. In Reddit they have usernames but they really don't mean anything. I can't name a single redditor.and I've been there for years as opposed to /lit/ where I can name tripfags. Also knowing that they are anonymous means that I'm going to bias and say its a Shitpost. Plus reddit has the upvote downvote system which promotes better quality posts. THAT BEING SAID it doesn't allow the brutal truth in a lot of issues to be heard. The information is still the same but I prefer people saying brutal truth than some irrational trying to play both sides bullshit. Also 4chan allows people to play both sides of the situation because there isn't consequences.

Overall 4chan is better

However a "redditor" that only pays attention to the articles and the subs he likes and avoids the circle jerkery is master tier.

>> No.5138978
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>> No.5138988

there is some celebrity tier drama that goes on over at reddit

>> No.5138993

>However a "redditor" that only pays attention to the articles and the subs he likes and avoids the circle jerkery is master tier.

I refuse to believe there are any subreddits that do not suffer from the plague of pun-chains.

>> No.5139016

Lets be honest
Its much worse here

>> No.5139022

Fact is op, you can't describe why it is. Way to make reddit look that much more asinine.

This is why no one takes reddit seriously. A retard comes round here and makes an ass of himself like you he gets flamed with over 9,000 degrees of termite hate.

>> No.5139025
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Worse.... or -better-?

>> No.5139037

> implying you didn't make yourself the biggest ass in this thread

And that's quite the accomplishment

>> No.5139046


I did not know that quote.

I love that quote.

>> No.5139079

at least compared to 4chan, and with the exception of Evola, /lit/ has/had a higher tier of trips. Trips are trips, but a few can at least talk the talk.

>> No.5139203

that's why you ignore the comments entirely and use it for what it was designed for: a link aggregator