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5138793 No.5138793 [Reply] [Original]

Post the books you are getting to, and rate others.

The Conspiracy Against the Human Race: A Contrivance of Horror by Thomas Ligotti

The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales by Bruno Bettelheim

Hyperion by Dan Simmons

The Crisis of the Modern World by René Guénon

Family Religion in Babylonia, Ugarit, and Israel by Karel Van der Toorn

Empire of Nations: Ethnographic Knowledge and the Making of the Soviet Union (Culture and Society after Socialism) by Francine Hirsch

The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs by Timothy Freke

The Blood Road: The Ho Chi Minh Trail and the Vietnam War by John Prados

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce

Ulysses by James Joyce

Complete Poems and Songs of Robert Burns by Robert Burns

The Kingdom of Armenia by M. Chahin

Paradise Lost by John Milton

The Hittites and Their World by Billie Jean Collins.

Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon

Magick: Liber ABA: Book 4 by Aleister Crowley

The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious by C.G. Jung

Man and His Symbols by C.G. Jung

Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky by Noam Chomsky

Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Cornelius Agrippa

Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing by Stephen A. Hoeller

The Golden Dawn: The Original Account of the Teachings, Rites, and Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order by Israel Regardie

Kybalion: A Study of Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece by William W. Atkinson

The Conquest of New Spain by Bernal Díaz

The Western Esoteric Traditions: A Historical Introduction by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke

Death, Burial and Rebirth in the Religions of Antiquity by Jon Davies

>> No.5138824 [DELETED] 



you are intellectually open and seeking but after a few years of earnestly trying to wrestle with the obscurantist wank of occult and jungian practice you will become even more embittered than you already are and take a nosedive into analytic philosophy or full religious traditionalism as a final plea for emotional solace before you get to the end of your tether end it all in a blaze of hedonistic glory

>> No.5138835
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>> No.5138839 [DELETED] 



you are intellectually open and seeking but after a few years of earnestly trying to wrestle with the obscurantist wank of occult and jungian practice you will become even more embittered than you already are and take a nosedive into analytic philosophy or full religious traditionalism as a final plea for emotional solace before you get to the end of your tether and end it all in a blaze of hedonistic glory

>> No.5138850

Game of Thrones
Farenheit 451
Dawn of War

>> No.5138857
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>> No.5138881

Don't be like that man, we are all friends here.

>> No.5138887


I'm...I'm sorry. Farenheit 451 is good. It really is.

>> No.5138888

What about the others???

>> No.5138902
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You're not getting off that fuckin easy man

>> No.5138932

Finishing Crime and Punishment currently.

Dream of the Red Chamber Vol 1.-Cao Xueqin
The Count of Monte Cristo-Alexander Dumas
Daphnis and Chloe-Longus
War of the End of the World- Mario Vargas Llosa
They Were Counted-Miklos Banffy
Lord of the Rings-J. R. R. Tolkien
Little, Big-John Crowley
Fool's Assassin(very on the fence with this)-Robin Hobb

>> No.5138961

Almost through Butchers Crossing by John Williams. Also reading Conspiracy Against The Human Race.
Might start Flanny O'Connors collected works soon or Raymond Carver's stories or Orwell's essays.
Just finished Mencken's Prejudices serious which was top notch.

>> No.5139004

Looks good. I love it baby!

>> No.5139005

I'm reading over the Tractatus and going insane. Over and over.

>> No.5139062


>Fool's Assassin(very on the fence with this)

Why's that? Fitz and the Fool isn't bad at all.

>> No.5139065

I felt Fool's Fate wrapped things up pretty nicely. Also I wasn't too impressed by Rain wild Chronicles.

>> No.5139066


Not OP, but could you tell me what you're thinking, about Conspiracy? How do you like it?

>> No.5139076


Eh, I'd say go for it man, but not along with Tolkien, otherwise you're going to want to put it down instantly.

>> No.5139146

I'm a little drunk and only about fifty pages into it but okay.

So far Ligotti is spending a lot of time analyzing passages of Zapffe and a few other pessimistic writers like Lovecraft but still mostly Zapffe.
The main idea he's been trying to get across so far is that human consciousness is a mistake and we'd have been better off not being born.
This book had a pretty big influence on the show True Detective and you can tell that it did, especially in Matthew Macconaughey's dialogue.
Still, so far I've gotten the vibe that this book is sort of preaching to the choir and isn't really going to convince any one that isn't already a pessimist to be one. I'm enjoying it for sure though.

My kindle app won't let me copy and pasta or else I'd share some stuff I highlighted haha

>> No.5139156

The Broken Compass by Peter Hitchens
Democracy: The God That Failed by Hans Hermann Hoppe
The Case Against the Fed by Murray Rothbard

>> No.5139160

>Moby Dick
>Bleeding Edge
>Paradise Lost
>A Canticle for Leibowitz
>Foucault's Pendulum
>White Teeth
>Tristram Shandy

I wish I could read them all at once ;_;

>> No.5139161


wow my writing is so disjointed.

>> No.5139166

>We should all actually not exist so please pay me to listen to why and then tell others while you continue to exist

Suck camel dick

>> No.5139178
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>> No.5139200


Hey now, thanks for giving me some insight. I was, and I guess am, a fan of True Detective, but it's disheartening to see the autist masses flock to Rust because of 'how much he reminds me of me'
That makes me want vomit by sheer caliber of aspie, so I'm not too sure if this book is for me.

But it's a step above the clinging quippy atheist comebacks spouted on by the fanboys.

>> No.5139205
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>pessimist fags: life is hard and makes me really sad guys

>> No.5139223

I'm a really big fan of the show, parts of me can really relate to some of what rust says (especially during the interview scenes) but I noticed the second time around that I watched it, a lot of what he says just comes off as drunken rambling, which I think was the point, and isn't really all that deep. I still really like him as a character, and he seems to have more self awareness than a lot of characters on tv which is cool but at the same time I don't watch a whole lot of TV ha

>> No.5139227
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i love daphnis et chloe

>> No.5139244
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i'll just write unusual ones you guys may like

pedro paramo-juan rulfo
mortals-norman rush
The Mahabharata
the blue flower-penelope fitzgerald
pretty boy floyd-larry mcmurty
canti-giacomo leopardi
cien anos de soledad-marguez
dom casmurro-machado
Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me-farina
the leopard-lampedusa
the adventures of magroll-mutis
the betrothed-manzoni
the liberation of jerusalem-tasso
and various african novels

>> No.5139273
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>various african novels

Tell me more, stranger

>> No.5139277
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>> No.5139317
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ask and you shall receive
sleepwalking land-couto
a grain of wheat-thiong-o
scenes from provincial life-coetzee
l'etranger-camus :^)
the cairo trilogy-naguib mahfouz
the sheltering sky-paul bowles
norman rush wrote quite a lot about botswana and jm coetzee about south africa

>> No.5140420


L o L

>> No.5140855

b u m p

>> No.5140899

On the road
The picture of dorian gray
The inferno

>> No.5141180


enjoy dorian bro

>> No.5141219

>cien anos de soledad - marguez
You done goof'd at being a hipster. That translates "One Hundred Anuses of Solitude" also, the author's name is spelled "Marquez".

>> No.5141251
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Ooooh jimmy

>> No.5141283

Any of these good? Mostly into fantasy, but no idea what to expect

Lightbringer series (Brent Weeks)
Night Angel Trilogy (B. Weeks)
The Name of the Wind (Patrick Rothfuss)
The Demon Cycle (Peter Brett)
The Shadowdance Novels (David Dalglish)

>> No.5141311

I tried to read The Trial but then I remembered I don't give a fuck. Just finished five or six short story anthologies. I need something on the short side. Moby Dick and The Sleepwalkers are just too involved. Highly rec the latter, though. Maybe Under the Volcano? Fuck. Reading. I'll probably just skim the Bible and some pomo poetry.

>> No.5141537
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Ghetto at the Center of the World: Chungking Mansions, Hong Kong by Gordon Matthews

Transmission by Hari Kunzru

My Friend the Mercenary by James Brabazon

The Poetic Edda translated by Lee M. Hollander

p-pls be gentle anon, I'm new

>> No.5141766


Does Ghetto at the Center of the World have anything to do with Kowloon?

>> No.5141784

Not with the walled city, no. I have yet to find a good book on the subject.