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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 13 KB, 214x283, Stirner-kar1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5136630 No.5136630[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

From now on, /lit/ has an eternal Stirner thread.

>> No.5136635

Sounds like you're trying to stirner up some trouble.

>> No.5136641

>from now on, Stirner has an eternal /lit/ thread

>> No.5136652

Why would /lit/ have an eternal Stirner thread?

Did all the users of /lit/ agreed to have a self-regulated eternal Stirner thread, based on healthy egoism and mutual interest?

Fuck off, spook.

>> No.5136673

What the fuck is up with you and Stirner?
If you like him so much why don't you marry?

>> No.5136702

Has anyone even read Stirner? One time I looked him up and he only has one major work which goes for $40 bucks online.

Do you guys really drop that much on some meme-anarchist philosopher or do you just skim read a PDF or read Wikipedia articles or something?

>> No.5136707

Someone greentext or hightlight Stirner's thought please

>> No.5136708


>> No.5136712

I'm gonna read him this weekend. Ordered his book for 12 euros.

>> No.5136715

>fuck off faggots its mine
>99 problems but spook aint one
>muh mutual interest
>did I tell you to fuck off already
>Hegel a shit
>seriously fuck off I'm trying to be edgy here

>> No.5136729

Why can't you people just start a pertinent discussion about the philosopher and wait for replies? Why must you try and "out" people in such a douchy way?

>> No.5136743

No man, I was genuinely asking out of curiosity.

If my wording sounds aggressive it's because 4chan is my only human contact and I just kind of get that way. I was merely inquiring, didn't mean to be a prick.

>> No.5136779

well, that was sad.

>> No.5136785
File: 6 KB, 226x223, blank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Maxie will never call you "sweetheart" and dedicate his egoist work to you for purely selfish reasons

>> No.5136792

I know who you are irl and I know how to contact your bf.
(don't ask how but it took me a while)
I'm going to show him your post.

>> No.5136804


>> No.5136807

I don't believe you, but I doubt he'd care since Stirner is deceased.

>> No.5136809

What would Stirner say about compulsive gambling?

>> No.5136811

he might care about you uploading your nudes, and all those sensual vocaroos

>> No.5136813

if you win its k

if not it be spook

>> No.5136814

pls post them

>> No.5136815

That it's only a problem if you lose, probably

Fuck off

>> No.5136820

And you'll probably lose.

>> No.5136828

His bones lie in Friedhof II der Sophiengemeinde. Shall we go desecrate them together, my darling?

>> No.5136829
File: 61 KB, 400x400, 3786640-5767010129-13663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wtf Max, you own me from last night's game
>it appears that you have been...scared!

>> No.5136830

>Fuck off
You upset, baby? Why? You're the one that consciously uploaded your luscious tits to 4chan of all places. You should not have jilted me.

>> No.5136832

have you per chance any sensual vocaroos

I need a soundtrack to read about the sexual life of the Sea of Salomon's tribes

>> No.5136833

holy shit how can one anon be so based this is the best day of my life next thing butterfly herself willbe getting BTFO

>> No.5136841

I was going to as for ghost stories but this thread has turned out much better than expected.

>> No.5136849
File: 327 KB, 752x786, how2gamble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5136851

Feminister what is wrong

an elightened feminist such as yourself should not care abou this as though you were attached to such burgeois concepts as modesty, shame, reputation and fidelity

>> No.5136853


>> No.5136856

We'll let him be the judge of that.
If you link them I'll send them to him.

>> No.5136859

pls deliber

>> No.5136860

besides if you subscribe to egoism you have no reason to complain when someone egoistically exploits you

>> No.5136864
File: 20 KB, 250x250, 133913211897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not already having a stolen bone you encased with rubber and use to pleasure yourself every night
>being this pleb

>> No.5136875


Why are you so arbitrarily aggressive towards someone you've never met?

If she posted them online, why should she care?

Why do you care?

>> No.5136878

I care because I want to see tits.

>> No.5136879

I'm a dumb plebby faggot. can anyone explain what this "Based X" means?

>> No.5136881

link him this thread it is about her boyfriend: http://archive.4plebs.org/adv/thread/14350221/

>> No.5136888

Feminister, explain this to me please.

Feminister !!F9QVQ82MjmE Sat 07 Jun 2014 05:06:14 No.14350221 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quoted By: >>14350226 >>14350232 >>14350245 >>14350252 >>14350330 >>14350501 >>14350555 >>14350581 >>14351473 >>14351806
So earlier today--or yesterday, I suppose--I was in a store with my bf and I started whispering dirty shit in his ear and groping his thigh until he got hard, and then I yelled, "Look everyone! My bf has an erection!" pointing at his dick. I got a lot of pleasure out of seeing him discomfited and trying to casually put his hand in the way as people looked out the corner of their eyes

Later that day I was napping and woke me up my putting an ice cube on my butthole. Said it was payback

Anyway, we're just dicking around. So I'm looking for a way to get him back, thought there might be recommendations? It should be outrageous, but it still shouldn't be mean spirited, just pranky.

>> No.5136890

lurk moar

>> No.5136893

strange relationship

>> No.5136897

she sounds sociopathic
she needs to go to a mental asylum

>> No.5136899

>being this helpful

>> No.5136908

Dude, we're done with that. I made up to him my giving him an exposure coupon and we're settling at that. I'm wearing nothing but a t-shit in public for a while, and he has a chance to expose to me, but if I catch him trying to pull up of shirt, he losses his chance. Whatever way it goes, we're settling the feud there. We're both weirdos.

>> No.5136909

Feminister !!F9QVQ82MjmE Sun 11 May 2014 18:43:18 No.29872817 Report
Quoted By: >>29872900
>What do you write? Examples?
Fiction. Four published novels, three published collections of short stories. Currently working on an abstract aesthetic piece after reading Sun and Steel.

>> No.5136918

How big of a weeaboo are you?

>> No.5136921

honestly, I don't think posting her tits to her bf will do anything, he aleady sounds so emasculated that'll prob just excuse

>> No.5136925

>we are both weirdos
lol we so randum xD

>> No.5136926

Not at all.

Look, if you want to keep asking questions about me, start a thread on /soc/ or /b/

>> No.5136927

yeah, she calls him effeminate and shit like that . he's prolly gay

>> No.5136930

I wonder if Feminister is a kike
just occured to me

>> No.5136938

ayy lmao

>> No.5136941

>the vaginal jew

>> No.5136951

It's about some dumb rapper cunt "based god" or some shit

>> No.5136955
File: 76 KB, 855x595, 1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to /lit/
>see this

>> No.5136974

laughed for a good 12 seconds

>> No.5136981

That's a very precise measurement.

>> No.5136986
File: 406 KB, 584x912, sf6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5136994

12 is the sacred number of laughter.

>> No.5137021

It's not arbitrary and if I really wanted to be cruel I would post her info on here with pics of her.

>> No.5137024

pls do

>> No.5137029
File: 71 KB, 368x368, 52468534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5137039

I'll make a note of it, thanks.

>> No.5137040
File: 56 KB, 600x400, 1402762656596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it or be a faggot forever

>> No.5137063
File: 231 KB, 794x594, Matejko_Stańczyk_Wise_Fool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The time to go full /b/ has come:
pics of didn't happen
tits or GTFO
do it faggot

>> No.5137083


>> No.5137105


How can you idiots read this and still not realise that stupid trollish cunt gets off on the attention this board heaves on her constantly?
Just fucking filter her and hide Stirner threads as soon as you see them.

>> No.5137118

Alright link me the post where she dropped the nudes and I'll do it.
If you can't do that I'll offer you a second chance, you can merely post them but you'll have to link her vocaroos too.

>> No.5137128

People always reference her tits and she never denies it but somehow they never quite surface.

>> No.5137132

how do i filter her pls

>> No.5137146
File: 62 KB, 711x733, 1399790103201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers, lad

>> No.5137148

Irish butt

>> No.5137152

see >>5137118
>but you'll have to link her vocaroos too.

>> No.5137156
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 1404271444905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is one of her face

>> No.5137157

holy mother of god what is this atrocity

>> No.5137166
File: 41 KB, 528x306, Laurie Penny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This explains EVERYTHING.

>> No.5137168

What's the opposite of butterface? Facerbutt?

>> No.5137178

top kek

>> No.5137179
File: 63 KB, 482x287, triphiding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Click Settings in the upper right corner of any page on 4chan.
Select "Filters and Post Hiding"
Click "Edit"
Copy tripcode, name, phrase, whatever into the text box provided and set the appropriate type.
It's !!F9QVQ82MjmE for Feminister

Pic related.

Click Save and then Save Settings.

Enjoy a slightly cleaner /lit/.
Slightly because you still see all the anons responding to her.

>> No.5137182

>not using 4chanX
Especially if you don't want to see people replying to her.

>> No.5137196

damn, you two just crushed my Feminister fantasies...

>> No.5137206


>> No.5137216

link to thread?

>> No.5137289
File: 14 KB, 200x189, 1403845388819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would Stirner deal with feelings of being racist?

>> No.5137302

nah, im a butts man. that front, though nice, does nothing to me if there's a catastrophe as the one posted above behind it