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/lit/ - Literature

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5136201 No.5136201 [Reply] [Original]

How would you change the way stores organize books?

>> No.5136216

I'd have a section in each perfectly tailored to my individual tastes, just in case I might happen to stop in.

>> No.5136258
File: 30 KB, 456x620, jean_baudrillard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd burn all the analytic philosophy. It'd be a continuous fire that'd warm the hearts of its fellow customers all while providing a cozy atmosphere.

>> No.5136285

The store will scan my card when I enter and it will show me my saved wish list and recommendations at a kiosk inside the door, with a map of how to get to there. And I can also sign up for Amabook Prime when I'm there and order it via the interweb, or have a famous simulated actor read it aloud to me.
Something like that. And coffee.

>> No.5136291

What a terrible thing to do. I hope, Sebastian, that someone doesn't burn the books that you like.

>> No.5136295

I wish they would at least catalogue the publisher of a book, if not add that in as some element of organization. It's so hard to find NYRB, especially since I normally buy one from them when I find one, even if I've never heard of the book before that discovery.

>> No.5136311

>he didn't even prove why we should burn analytic philosophy

>> No.5136325

You really expect a continental fanboy to offer support for a hypothesis?

>> No.5136330

analytic philo is irrelevant anyway if you are not a White Man

>> No.5136332

Everything. 1 section. By author's name. If not a primary source, then by editor's name. I'm tired of having to root around 3 sections to find what I'm looking for.

>> No.5136334

They should have a special section with the motto "These books are shit but they were released last week so we have them here". All other books should be separated from them. Makes it a lot easier.

>> No.5136335

maybe some day you should check out the entire discipline of cultural anthropology you mouthbreather

>> No.5136350

>walk in
>sit down at a sectioned-off kiosk, which faces a wall and has blinders on either side
>navigate through a computer-automated book selection process to find what I'm looking for
>select my purchase
>choose the most aesthetically pleasing cover art from a vast menu, as well as paper/hardback
>slide payment into a slot on the wall
>my purchase slides out of a shoot directly in front of me
>pick up the book and place it within a black, opaque bag obtained from beneath the kiosk
>walk out

Total human interaction: 0

>> No.5136400
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You can't seriously be that autistic, can you? I know most barnes and noble branches are aimed much more towards housewives than literary types, but removing all human interaction from purchasing the most human medium of expression?

>> No.5136403

Philosophy is always next to shit about ghosts and aliens. That really needs to stop.

>> No.5136404

>describes the internet

>> No.5136406

LMAO you're probably really insufferable irl

>> No.5136411

You caught me skippy :^).


>> No.5136416

>taking anthropology seriously
all you faggots do is use Bourdieu, steal from Heidegger, and masturbate over Foucault -- no reason to take you lot seriously

>> No.5136433


>> No.5136454

>walk in
>my lit-girl takes my coat and hands me Pynchon's personal annotated copy of Finnegans Wake
>head over to the cafe section where Nietzsche, DFW, and Christopher Hitchens are enjoying a friendly debate over whether or not religion exists
>they all high five me
>signal to the barista more Vyvanse and a black coffee
>as the barista fetches my order, the store lit-girls give the four of us complimentary blowjobs (underneath the table so as to not disrupt the debate)
>while Hitchens is speaking I accidentally make eye contact with DFW
>he winks at me
>look around to see if anybody noticed
>suddenly realize that Hitchens and Nietzsche aren't here at all, they are both actually DFW
>DFW has been talking the entire time
>check under the table
>there are four DFWs giving us all blowjobs
>look at the barista
>it's DFW
>look in the mirror
>I am DFW
>we all cum simultaneously

>> No.5136466

holy shit

>> No.5136471
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>> No.5136476
File: 347 KB, 1202x1600, 1023cfb9-a8e6-4769-91d5-cc6e680f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you were the only one to get the joke

>> No.5136484
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>> No.5136493

they should divide it by author IQ

>> No.5136507


>> No.5136637


>> No.5136692

Yes. They should put all the young adult fiction and manga in the trash bin.

>> No.5136714
File: 63 KB, 584x351, hobo spikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related in the manga aisle.

And this playing quietly throughout the store:

In the front will be a statue of Slavoj Zizek with speakers implanted in the nostrils so as to make obscene noises and so on.

>> No.5136800


>> No.5136931

Have a philosophy and then a pop-philosophy section

>> No.5138282

That's kind of a scary thought.

>> No.5139176

I work at a Chapters in Canada.
>The store will scan my card when I enter and it will show me my saved wish list and recommendations at a kiosk inside the door
We do that.

>with a map of how to get to there.
That's what I'm for

>And I can also sign up for Amabook Prime when I'm there and order it via the interweb, or have a famous simulated actor read it aloud to me.
Dunno about that

>Something like that. And coffee.
We have a Starbucks in the store.

So come visit!
Just come on a day when idiots aren't working

>> No.5139192

If that's real it's a lawsuit against the city just waiting to happen.

>> No.5139311

>my purchase slides out of a shoot directly in front of me
>slides out of a shoot directly in front of me
>shoot directly in front of me

>> No.5139315

All of /pol/ felt the same way and also many of them felt like it was fucked up. They aren't all unsympathetic monsters.

>> No.5139319


>> No.5139324
File: 185 KB, 600x800, Binding tunnle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lump together Auto, Animal, Cooking, Crafts, Health and Travel.

>> No.5139634

Please stop writing Sebastian. You also did this in a thread yesterday and it's freaking me out.

>> No.5139647

Where is your serial comma you fuckhead?

>> No.5139666

Organize all books into two sections: pleb vs patrician

>> No.5139671

I'd keep the books how they are but be sure to notify security that long-haired, fat NEETs from Somerset who perv on the staff aren't to be admitted.

>> No.5139848

Children's books on the lower shelves using existing book catalog systems.

The higher up you get, the older you're presumed to be.

>> No.5139905

But then you'd be thrown out of your own store!

>> No.5139920

I know it's not quite the aim of the thread, but if I didn't need to make a living off of it I'd open the most /lit/-core bookstore, with my stocklist based soley off the stickied essential reading, arranged less by genre and more by tier (god to pleb).

We'd only open three days a week, for four hours a day (albeit never the same four hours or the same three days from week to week), liberally insult anybody who came in asking about the latest YA craze, and have a casino-like dress code which required every person walking in to wear a fedora (we would, of course, have loaners for the uninitiated to wear during their time in the store).

It would be paradise.

>> No.5139922

>a pogrom on old folks with bad backs buying for their grandchildren!

>> No.5140014

keked hard

>> No.5140024

Make them all online stores, convert the brick and mortars to marijuana dispensaries that also do drone delivery.