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/lit/ - Literature

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5132802 No.5132802 [Reply] [Original]

Is Harry Potter worh reading?

>> No.5132807


>> No.5132808


>> No.5132811

not if you're over 15

>> No.5132814


>> No.5132817


Everything but the last book, which is basically fanfiction-tier.

>> No.5132818

If you're a child. Yes.

>> No.5132824

It's vastly superior to the overwhelming majority of shit the pleb twats of /lit/ recommend

>> No.5132840

Yes. Regardless of your age.

>> No.5132843

learn how to use the word 'overwhelming', you twat

>> No.5132848 [DELETED] 

>Everything but the last book
But what the closure, man.

>> No.5132851

I used it correctly, you dipshit.

>> No.5132852

i'm 16 and i read it fite me irl


>> No.5132853

Snape kills dumbledore

>> No.5132854

> Regardless of your age.

maybe if you're a manchild. It's children's lit

>> No.5132856


>> No.5132859

What about the closure, man?

>> No.5132864

>i'm 16


>> No.5132865

So is the Hobbit you fucking faggot. Some of you people must be miserable.


>> No.5132866

If you want a book to read to kill time and have some mindless entertainment it's breddy gud. It doesn't have decent characters or character development, nor is the writing very good (though it's readable), the world doesn't make much sense since Rowling was pretty clearly just making shit up as she went along (but you'll probably never notice since can get through them so fast you'll probably not pause to think about all the inconsistencies), there's no real takeaway message or insight from the series beyond the most basic platitudes, and the plot is formulaic and predictable both for individual books and the series overall. All that being said, that only matters if you're looking for a book with any semblance of depth, if you're not then the flaws shouldn't be an issue.

You get just as much from watching the movies as you would reading the books, so what format you choose should really be determined by how many hours you want to kill.

>> No.5132879

not if you're over 12

>> No.5132884

These are as weird as k-pop threads on /mu/.

>> No.5132886

>Reading genre fiction

>> No.5132887

If you have not read and enjoyed Harry Potter you are a danger to society. You should not be trusted. I'm 100% serious.

>> No.5132894

Called it.

People who disregard genre fiction are pedophiles 100% of the time

>> No.5132898


>> No.5132901

>Reading books for children
>Calls others pedophiles at the drop of a hat
I'm tipping the FBI's website off on you

>> No.5132902

Infinitely more enjoyable than almost everything on the /lit/ recommended reading list.

>> No.5132907 [DELETED] 

FUCK SOCIETY. Society fucked me up bad....made me the ninja warrior of revenge...
Sent from my Iphone

>> No.5132913
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Pretty good overall. A bit convoluted and meandering at points and Hermione is an obvious Mary Sue but still definitely worth reading. Rowling's critique of cultural pluralism and her tacit support of the Hegelian dialectic (evidenced by the moral traditionalist Voldemort contrasted with the the antithesis of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley's curious brand of progressive nihilism resulting in the synthesis of the Longbottomian neo-stoicism) were later soundly refuted by her contemporary John Greene, but that by no means diminishes the historical impact of her work. Overall, though, worth reading. I would recommend beginning with The Sorcerer's Stone before moving onto her more complex works such as Prisoner of Azkaban or even Goblet of Fire

>> No.5132938


>> No.5133034

Just imagine if on the final book, Harry had been killed by Voldemort and a dictatorship was formed which improved the living conditions of magical Britain substantially.

It would be hailed as the king of trope-breakers.

>> No.5133042

JK Rowling would have been drawn and quartered in a televised event if she had done this.

>> No.5133231

Just because it would have broken tropes does not mean it would have been good.

>> No.5133238

>I'm tipping the FBI's website off on you
Haha what

>> No.5133262


>> No.5133332

It's a good series up to and including Order of the Phoenix. The last two were shit.

>> No.5133343

leftist detected

>> No.5133477


>> No.5133491

I feel like if you didn't read it while growing up along with Harry you missed out on a lot of the charm of the series.

>> No.5133512

Everything about the last book was good iirc except the epilogue.

I haven't read it since I was like 12 though so idk maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.5133520

*tips FBI website*

>> No.5133528

No, witches and magic are the devil

>> No.5133544

Screw harry potter and read harry potter and the methods of rationality, its a fanfic but its hilarious, enjoyed it more then the orginal.

>> No.5133547

Hey look, it's Algernon.

Read a couple more books before you go throwing out recs.

>> No.5133559

This I would totally read.
Also Un Lun Dun by China Mieville busts open some tropes really well.

>> No.5133563

Excuse me, but I'm not algernon. Also I don't see what is wrong with recommending a HP fanfic, which in my opinion is highly enjoyable, in a HP thread. I don't see how "other books" are even relevant.

>> No.5133585

Nice try Algernon, but there aren't two people with taste that bad in that way who browse /lit/.

>> No.5133586

I read MoR religiously and follow Eliezer on facebook, and you're embarrassing me. Please stop posting and go back to r/hpmor.

>> No.5133604


>> No.5134142
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>> No.5134224

You don't have to do anything, but It's an entertaining series of books. If you've seen the movies then maybe you don't need to read it though, as the excitement of discovering a new world through Harry's eyes will be weakened.

It's one of the big cultural events of our time and in any mid sized social situation you're bound to meet at least one HP fan, so it's also a good way to make conversation.

>> No.5134229

Fun Harry potter vs Boring "Classics"

>> No.5134232

mouth-breathing philistine scum vs self-realized cultural patrician

>> No.5134242

Let's put it another way
Harry Potter, if not intellectual poison, intellectual junkfood. Yes, you can eat a heap of junk. But you'll get flabby. Reading higher forms of literature is like trying a variety of interesting dishes that also are healthy.

>> No.5134245

>Muh mental loops!

>> No.5134319


You're wrong -- your 12-year-old self, anyway. (Jeez, I'm getting old.) They spend 300 pages camping in the woods; almost the entire book takes place away from Hogwarts, the best of Rowling's characters; and the plot is the typical fantasy fetch-quest monomyth Christian allegory instead of an intriguing mystery like the earlier books.

I liked the closure with Snape, though.

>> No.5134324

Harry Potter is literally the dumbing down of literature.

Know what happened with the dumbing down of movies and video games?
Nothing good. It got kids into it, but it never went back to what it was.
You give kids shit content and they'll want shit content all their life.
Give them good content, help them through it, and they won't be contented by shit anymore.
This is what it means to be hardcore. What do you think Potter kids become? Genius of philosophy?
They all grew up to read Game of Thrones/Hunger Game garbage...

>> No.5134335

>can't present a real counterpoint

>> No.5134348

>the last harry potter book was released seven years ago

>> No.5134354

>books for kids never existed until harry potter

>> No.5134528

>I read MoR religiously and follow Eliezer on facebook
You are embarrassing yourself.

>> No.5134558

We're posting on 4chan, it's a question of degree.

>> No.5134579

You should have read them all by the time you were 10.

>> No.5134593

Depends how old you are. I read them when I was in middle schoolish, basically when they were around, and I loved them. They are really entertaining and I actually think she's a good writer and she gets better at it as it goes along. If you are in your 20s or 30s you probably won't like it that much though.

>> No.5134596

Unless you're 17 or younger you couldn't possibly have read them all at 10. Underage b&??

>> No.5134608

The style is very good. Tight, fluid, with a very fast rhytm and a peculiar sense of humour that even adults can appreciate.

The plots and the themes of the first 2 books are very simple (those books really are for children) but then they get more and more dark and intricated.
The characters are all well painted, the atmosphere too.

I liked all the books, even though the first 2 are fairly boring for anyone over 12.

J.K. Rowling is a far better writer than the averagge twat that gets published. Don't listen to all the pretentious idiots that make fun of her books only to look cool. They, as usual, don't understand shit.

>> No.5134609

>You get just as much from watching the movies as you would reading the books
Nope. The movies are shit. Boring, plain, full of useless scenes they added so famous actors could get more screentime and devoid of crucial scenes they should have added. Horrible shit.

>> No.5134611


>> No.5134613

Now I'm gonna write an alternate 7th book.

It's gonna be identical until the last 20 pages, which are gonna start with:
>And Harry died like a cunt. Voldemort defeated the leftover idiots, divided society between pureblood and all the rest, became immortal and realized the Fourth Reich for all eternity.

>> No.5134617

>idiots trying to sound intellectual by bashing on HP.
You're like a guy trying to prove his strength by beating up retarded kindergarteners.

>> No.5134619

So why do you hate harry potter and the methods of rationality.

>> No.5134623

w-what? I'm not bashing HP. The only other post I have in this thread is >>5132913 and that was just good fun.

I was just pointing out a funny typo. Fucking relax bro

>> No.5134677

No it's shit, but it's required reading.

>> No.5134680

Yeah, but each page goes down between 5-10 seconds, and the books require less exterior processing. Time investment is not comparable.

>> No.5134686

>video games were originally designed as serious intellectual for adults
u wot

>> No.5134705

harry potter was the first thing I FUCKING DROPPED before I even knew what that meant. when the movies came out it just ruined my image of the characters. I agree with the other anons itt, if you're older than 18 don't bother.

>> No.5134765


I stopped reading around book 5 or 6, I don't remember .The quality of the writing started degenerating around 4, the first three books are the best of the series. I dropped it mostly because the protagonist suddenly transformed into a massive dick in 5 and did not show any sign of improvement ever since. The entire series started being predictable (everyone knew the ending of 7 before it was even released). This and increasingly poor character development was the reason I decided to stop.

>> No.5134772
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>mfw people posting on 4chan pretend their time is valuable
Come on. Who are you fooling here

>> No.5134981

>It's one of the big cultural events of our time and in any mid sized social situation you're bound to meet at least one HP fan, so it's also a good way to make conversation.

This is one of the better reasons to read it. It's not garbage and it's culturally relevant, so you'll definitely not waste time reading it.
Also, the series contains 7 books with mostly self-contained plots. Start with the Philosopher's Stone (it's pretty damn short, I read it in a day when I was 11) and see how you like it.

>> No.5134994
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>> No.5135086

Not after the age of 16-17 unfortunately

>> No.5135185
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>all these butthurt potterfags

grow up already

>> No.5135223

Read it as a kid. Got me into reading. But will probably never read it again. I can just watch movies if I get nostalgic about it.

>> No.5135323

who else fantasized about naughty stuff with ginny

>> No.5135335

Stupid shit for children

>> No.5135352

No, but I can see why you'd think so.

>not paying attention to syntax & vocabulary to identify people

>> No.5135378

There are apparently three including myself. It's relatively popular as fanfiction goes so I'm not surprised.

4/10 for wrong guess but somewhat redeemed by "I haven't read this but it's garbage" bait.

>> No.5135392

>reading undeveloped characters go through predictable plot points delivered through below average prose is fun

>> No.5135404

>Harry's boicunt became the world. Voldemort used him in every way a man would use a woman. Sunset found Harry squatting in the tall grass; the more he drank the more he shat but the more he shat the thirstier he got.

>> No.5135424
File: 427 KB, 1024x683, average harry potter fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grown people obsessing over HP/HP fanfiction
>Acceptable in society

Why aren't these people on the same level as MLP fans again?

>> No.5135473

Why are you asking a bunch of hipsters if you should read something popular.

>> No.5135501

I kinda liked the camping part. It felt like the calm before the storm. Everything in the whole series is so fast paced, on a count of it being for kids, but this seemed like the only part that actually slowed down for a bit.

>> No.5135503

>Know what happened with the dumbing down of movies and video games?
>Comic books are the highest form of literature.

>> No.5135506


>> No.5135511

most of those suck lol

>> No.5135564

could you please explain in detail