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5120207 No.5120207 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get a read of 2014 thread going
Also about to finish Leaves of Grass and Paradise Lost.

>> No.5120274

Name your favorites and/or your least favorites and, if you feel like it, why or else this will just be a dick measuring thread.

It still will be of course, but it will be slightly less of one.

>> No.5120276
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>> No.5120284

That's an awful cover for Naked Lunch.

>> No.5120293

all those books are 100 pages or so

>> No.5120303


How's Doors of Perception? Been meaning to read more Huxley outside of Brave New World.

Too lazy to make a chart but here's what i've read from memory this year:

As I Lay Dying
Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrel
Catcher in the Rye
The White People and Other Weird Stories

Currently reading through The Forever War at the moment, might start the first Mistborn novel after it or expand my Tolstoy repertoire.

>> No.5120314
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>> No.5120323


>> No.5120328

Too bad.

>> No.5120336

>Doors of Perception
It reads like your friend describing a drug trip.

>> No.5120343


I hated, despised Fear and Loathing In Vegas, when I read it since it was all "Oh, look how cool drugs are!" will I enjoy DOP, tell me it isn't similar or does he at least do it in a smarter way than Hunter S Thompson did? I did enjoy Brave New World and I do love The Doors.

>> No.5120346


Also forgot to add to my list Journey to the End of the Night.

>> No.5120395

Lurkin' for more books to add to my 'to read' list

>> No.5120411

Good point
Favorite: Crane or Lear
Least Favorite: Red Bird

I thought Middlesex was well done. How's Marriage Plot

Was in the looney bin for 2 months and have been pretty doped this year, so I haven't been able to do too much serious reading.

It convinced me to get past my fear of psychedelics fucking me up--more so that is. Would recommend.

If you like Joyce, definitely read Exiles.

>> No.5120425

I've only recently started reading after somebody gave me their Kindle

So far I've read

Heart of Darkness
Ham on Rye
4.48 Psychosis
The Great Gatsby
The Old Man and the Sea
A Good Man is Hard to Find and Other Stories
The Hour of the Star
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Hard Rain Falling
The Plague
El túnel
Pedro Páramo
The Prophet
The Catcher in the Rye
The Stranger
My War Gone By, I Miss It So
Notes from Underground
Post Office
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska

And I'm currently reading The Amityville Horror
for shits and giggles.

>> No.5120427

Doors of Perception is nothing like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

DoP is a brief yet detailed account of Huxley's first "experiment" with mescaline. He basically just recounts what he felt, his thoughts, and overall what he got out the experience. Heaven and Hell is the followup which is also short and a somewhat philosophical look at what psychedelic experiences might imply and their potential influence.
They're not bad reads, but if you've done hallucinogenics Doors of Perception does read like your friend describing their "trip".

If I'm off the mark here, my apologies, I haven't read these books in a while.

>> No.5120448
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pretty slow this year

>> No.5120454

Orlando, better or worse than To the Lighthouse?
Or how does it compare to her other work?

>> No.5120506

I'm not that guy, but my $0.02 is that Orlando is sort of a strange book for Woolf to have written. It's way less experimental than To the Lighthouse, The Waves, or even Mrs. Dalloway. It has these weird fantasy elements to it that are acknowledged for maybe two or three paragraphs in the entire book, so it's only a hair's breadth from magical realism. It still has some instances of great writing and imagery, but less so than the other three Woolf books I mentioned.

Basically it's a solid work, but a definite outlier from the rest of her stuff. Easy to read, but not representative of her usual style.

>> No.5120522

Thanks anon

>> No.5120544

the problem is huxley's thoughts have been recycled by psychedelic gurus to the point where it feels like you've heard it all already, Seinfeld effect

>> No.5120551

Psychedelic gurus? Any examples?
I only ask because I started doing hallucinogens before I was aware there was a "culture" surrounding them. DoP was one of the first works I had read that talked about the subject.

>> No.5120577
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How was Left Hand of Darkness? I think it's part of a series (or universe or something) but can I read it stand alone?

>> No.5120588

Fight Club
Gulliver's Travels
A Doll's House


I'm a disgrace :(

And I used to read 50 books a year a few years ago...

>> No.5120629

Yeah, it works as a standalone. It's part of a series of books in the same universe but that aren't interconnected beyond a few references. I liked Left Hand of Darkness, despite the fact that it slowed down in some parts.

>> No.5120660

Well I also have certain periods of my life were I read less, but it is always followed by an insatiable lust for books that would get me to read tons in very little time.
Nothing to be worried about anon.

>> No.5120713
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>> No.5120725

Thoughts on Naked Lunch?

>> No.5120731

Boner inducing.

>> No.5120735

The Republic
Prior Analytics
Posterior Analytics
Nico Ethics
The Inferno
The Purgatorio

Should I read Paradisio? I heard it was mediocre compared to the former two.

>> No.5120749

It certainly got me craving some Black Meat if you know what I'm saying

>> No.5120752

Of course I do.

>> No.5120757

>the book that blew literature apart
and blown apart it remained... for all eternity

>> No.5120771
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Currently working on Either/Or and Ulysses. I was trying to finish a book a month, but That might not happen unless I plow through something pretty soon.

>> No.5120848

1984 - Orwell

21st July 2013 with a prostitute, was my first time also. I was 18. Really wanted to fuck.

>> No.5120856

wrong thread m8

>> No.5120869

You may be looking for this

>> No.5120896

It's a book made of heroin

>> No.5120906

Dante kept going and he was a giant pussy. If you don't, then you're worse than him.

>> No.5120919
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-"The Devils" Fyodor Dostoyevsky
-"The Man-eaters of Tsavo" -John Henry Patterson
-"The Jugurthine War" Sallust
-"Conspiracy of Caitline" Sallust
-"Aesop's Fables" Aesop
-" Walden: Life in the Woods" - Henry David Thoreau
-"The Ecologues" Virgil
-"On Sparta" Plutarch
-"On The Nature of Things" Lucretius
-"Stalingrad The Fateful Siege: 1942-1943" Henry Beevor
-"The Epic of Gilgamesh"
-"The Hobbit" J.R.R Tolkien
-"De Bello Gallico" Julius Caesar
-"The Prince" Niccolò Machiavelli
Pretty slow this year

>> No.5120931

1. Bleeding Edge: Thomas Pynchon
2. Divergent: Veronica Roth
3. Siddhartha: Hermann Hesse
4. Taipei: Tao Lin
5. How Fiction Works: James Wood
6. Everything That Rises Must Converge: Flannery O’Connor
7. V.: Thomas Pynchon
8. The Pillowman: Martin McDonagh
9. The Big Sleep: Raymond Chandler
10. The Cripple of Inishmaan: Martin McDonagh
11. Notes From Underground: Fyodor Dostoevsky
12. The Fall: Albert Camus
13. Shoplifting from American Apparel: Tao Lin
14. The Corrections: Jonathan Franzen
15. The Lieutenant of Inishmore: Martin McDonagh
16. Inherent Vice: Thomas Pynchon
17. Stoner: John Williams
18. One Hundred Years of Solitude: Gabriel García Márquez
19. Franny and Zooey: J.D. Salinger
20. Midnight’s Children: Salman Rushdie
21. Point Omega: Don DeLillo

I didn't think The Power and The Glory was as good as everyone said, but it was okay, what did you think?

I feel like Im on the same sort of level as you, trying to get into the philosophical, classic narratives (Dostoyevsky, Camus, Borges) since my uni goes so fucking slow and I didn't know about them until I started being /lit/ 2 years ago.

You planning on reading all of LotR? I started them back in school but I just dont care enough to finish the series.

>> No.5120956

I read the LOTR trilogy last summer, and I wanted to read the Hobbit and Silmarillion this summer. It's unlikely to happen fully though. Love them

>> No.5120992

finished Moby Dick
The Trial
The Giver
The Alchemist
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Tai Pei
50% through Inherent Vice

>> No.5121019

Somebody is taking American literature in high school I see! I like it, I like it!

>> No.5121026

The fukcing Alchemist?

>> No.5121027

wow, i read those two books simultaneously too... "the seducer's diary" is brilliant, but the "or" section with the judge is rather dense.

>> No.5121040

Here's what I remember

Titus Groan
Inherent Vice
Dr Faustus (Mann)
The Tunnel
Assorted Keats, Tennyson, Coleridge
Kavalier and Clay
American Pastoral
Tess of D'Urbervilles

Uhhhhhhhhhh not sure what else. I'm still pleb

>> No.5121075

Is it more alpha to be unsure of everything you've read in a year?

>> No.5121100

Not even kidding here, my college American Lit 2 class had Gatsby, Slaughterhouse, Glass Menagerie, Fight Club and Falling Man for the reading list. No poems or short stories either. Dropped that english major like a chicken in a deep frier.

>> No.5121109

Yea, had it on my kobo, figured I would just get it over with

>> No.5121470

I don't think many of you will believe this but whatev

White Noise - Don Delillo
V. - Thomas Pynchon
Vineland - Thomas Pynchon
Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman! - Richard Feynman
Point Omega - Don Delillo
Mao II - Don Delillo
Drawn and Quartered - E.M. Cioran
Under the Volcano - Malcolm Lowry
The Angel Esmeralda - Don Delillo
Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky
Ten Billion - Stephen Emmott
How Sex Changed: A History of Transsexuality in the United States - Joanne Meyerowitz
The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains - Nicholas Carr
Sexual Metamorphosis: An Anthology of Transsexual Memoirs - edited by Jonathan Ames
Why it's Still Kicking Off Everywhere - Paul Mason
The Anatomy of Melancholy - Robert Burton
Tubes - Andrew Blum
The Koran - translated by N.J. Dawood
On China - Henry Kissinger
The Marriage Plot - Jeffrey Eugenides
Conversations with David Foster Wallace - edited by Stephen J. Burns
Although of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself - David Lipsky
The Crying of Lot 49 - Thomas Pynchon
The Theory of Moral Sentiments - Adam Smith
My Inventions and Other Writings - Nikola Tesla
Slow Learner - Thomas Pynchon
A People's History of the United States - Howard Zinn
The Odyssey - translated by Richmond Lattimore
David Foster Wallace: The Last Interview
Introduction to Metaphysics - Martin Heidegger
Drawing the Line - Edwin Danson
Mason & Dixon - Thomas Pynchon
An Essay on Man - Ernst Cassirer
Beneath the Wheel - Hermann Hesse
The Journey to the East - Hermann Hesse
The Pilgrim's Progress - John Bunyan
Animal Liberation - Peter Singer
Don Quixote - translated by John Rutherford
Smoke Signals - Martin A. Lee
Ulysses - James Joyce
Capital in the Twenty First Century - Thomas Piketty
Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me - Richard Farina
The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English - translated by Geza Vermes
Ghost Wars - Steve Coll
Pensees - Blaise Pascal, translated by W.F. Trotter
The Man in the High Castle - Philip K. Dick
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch - PKD
The Looming Tower - Lawrence Wright
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - PKD
Ubik - PKD
The Information - James Glecik

"The Anatomy of Melancholy" was incredible

>> No.5121481

how is like 2 books a week unbelievable

>> No.5121495

The only I think I can't believe is that you didn't read Gravity's Rainbow.

0/10 life wasted

>> No.5121946

I didn't start reading until May this year. So far I've read:

A Feast for Crows
A Dance with Dragons
The Gunslinger
Cloud Atlas

About to start either Norwegian Wood or Dance Dance Dance.

>> No.5122006

Notes From Underground
The Brothers K.
Don Quixote
The Call of the Wild
The Trial
Collected Stories of William Faulkner
Collected Stories of Nikolai Gogol
Gravity's Rainbow (2x)
Absalom, Absalom!
Inherent Vice
Franny and Zooey
Collected Stories of M.R. James
The Woman in White

Now working on:
The Book of Disquiet
Slow Learner

>> No.5122037
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Reposting because I'm still reading Gravity's Rainbow. I am also reading The Road and Labyrinths.

>> No.5122118
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I've read all of Eugenides's novels and tbh I like Middlesex the least (although it was still a good book) The Marriage Plot is a pretty good book, it's a book about people who read books and think about philosophy so it was endearing to me. Neither Middlesex or TMP were as good as The Virgin Suicides in my opinion. Looking forward to the release of his short fiction in a collection.


TLHoD was amazing, Le Guin hasn't let me down yet although I wish she had fleshed out some of her shorter novels more. TLHoD is one of the first "Hainish Cycle" novels Le Guin wrote but it is chronologically last in universe. I would read them in the fictional chronology but it isn't critical and Le Guin has stated that the Hainish Cyle is "not a series" eg there are small contradictions or discontinuities between the books.


IDK I thought it was a solid book. I've read about a half dozen Graham Greene novels but I still feel like I'm not that "into him" yet.

>> No.5122168

I'll just do my plans for the rest of the year.

>The Myth of Sisyphus
>The Brothers Karamazov
>Classics of Western Thought, Vol. I & II
>Fire in the Belly

I might also try to finish my readings of the Greeks. Maybe Symposium.

>> No.5122248

>being this unaccepting and narrow-minded of someone's tastes

>> No.5122259

holy fuck, a Mike Mignola cover Heart of Darkness

>> No.5122326


Already read it last year. But yeah to read all of Pynchon but "Gravity's Rainbow" would be a failure

>> No.5122328


Yep. That is officially awesome

>> No.5122349

>not accepting something automatically makes one narrow minded
>the only way not to accept what I like is to refuse to evaluate it fairly to begin with, no other tastes than mine are legitimate
I wouldn't have laughed if it was a joke, but I wish it was.

>> No.5122579

Yeah, its the Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition. Paperback, though.

>> No.5122762

To the Lighthouse
Mrs Dalloway
The Waves
La Chute
La Peste
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Brave New World
La Nausée
Cat's Cradle
Currently reading Breakfast of Champions

After that, I'm planning to move on to Sade.
In addition to Les 120 Journées et La Philosophie dans le Boudoir, what third book would you advise ?

>> No.5122913

Animal Farm- George Orwell
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?- PKD
Translations- Brian Friel
Great Expectations- Charlie D
1984- George Orwell
In Cold Blood- Truman Capote
The Cripple of Inishmaan- Martin McDonagh
Vernon God Little- DBC Pierre
The Old Man and the Sea- Ernest Hemmingway
Grendel- John Gardner
The Picture of Dorian Gray- Oscar Wilde
Of Mice and Men- John Steinbeck
Candide- Voltaire
Exiles- James Joyce
The Unchangeable Spots of Leopards- Kristopher Jansma
Wolf Hall- Hilary Mantel
The Stranger- Albert Camus
The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde

>> No.5122954
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Currently reading A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, then I will read Dubliners. Later I will read The Odyssey and then Ulysses.

>> No.5122968

Did you read A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons combined? It's so much more epic than reading one and then the other.

>> No.5122972
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>> No.5122973


I hate Anna Kendrick. Your taste is shit.

>> No.5122989

I just bought all of Joyce, do you have any particular reason for reading Portrait before Dub?

>> No.5122998


Not really. Just felt like reading a novel and not a bunch of short stories.

It'd also be very helpful to read The Odyssey before you read Ulysses, I think.

>> No.5123000

Last time I tried reading Odyssey was in high school few years back, I couldn't make jack shit out of the Finnish translation. Which version would you recommend?

>> No.5123010
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>> No.5123022

I'm lazy and don't know how to pic list my lit. But i can type it out! Not in order, but i can remember it all:

1. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - Philip K. Dick
2. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas- Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
3. Count Zero- William Gibson
4. How to Create a Mind- Ray Kurzweil
5. Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World- Haruki Murakami
6. The Beginning of Infinity- David Deutsch
7. Childhood's End- Aurthur C. Clark
8. The Denial of Death- Ernest Becker

>> No.5123047

I'll be reading the Oxford World Classics edition, which is the 1922 text as far as I am aware.

>> No.5123171
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>Beyond Good and Evil
Stop reminding me.

>> No.5123341

Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
East of Eden - John Steinbeck
Madame Bovary- Gistave Flaubert
The Prince - Niccolò Machiavelli
Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
Dubliners - James Joyce
The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway
Notes from the Underground - Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket - Edgar Allan Poe
Narcissus and Goldmund - Hermann Hesse
The Plague - Albert Camus
Bosnian Chronicle - Ivo Andrić
A Study in Scarlet - Arthur Conan Doyle
Death in Midsummer and Other Stories - Yukio Mishima
The Stranger - Albert Camus
Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse

Currently reading the Illiad, the next things I plan to read are The Call of the Wild, The Odyssey and The Encyclopedia of the Dead.

>> No.5123371

i mostly read 'self-improvement' books or encyclopedia, am i good to post anyway?

>> No.5123374


>> No.5123380

>Johnathan Tree Safran of Foer Codes

>> No.5123441

okay then

As a man thinketh - James Allen
Acres of Diamonds - Russell H. Conwell
Blink - Malcolm Gladwell
Crashkurs - Dirk Müller
Games People Play - Eric Berne
Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl
The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth - John C. Maxwell
Goals - Brian Tracy
The Naked Ape. A Zoologists Study of the Human Animal - Desmond Morris
Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert T Kiyosaki
Social Psychology and Human Nature - Roy F. Baumeister and Brad J. Bushman
Eat that Frog - Brian Tracy
Goals - Brian Tracy
The Social Animal - David Brooks

Also re-read Napoleon Hills Think and Grow Rich and Steven Coveys The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. To be honest, Social Psychology and Human Nature was the most interesting book out of these, and Brian Tracys 'Goals' was the most helpful.

>> No.5124110

Is My French Whore any good?

>> No.5125409
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Here's mine

>> No.5125428

mikhail bulgakov - the master and margarita
zachary mason - the lost books of the odyssey
phil elverum - dawn
j a baker - the peregrine
brian aldiss - report on probability a
d m thomas - the white hotel
anais nin - the four-chambered heart
yann martel - the life of pi
amelie nothumb - the stranger next door
michelle paver - dark matter
david malouf - ransom
john williams - butcher's crossing
richard brautigan - in watermelon sugar
don delillo - cosmopolis
alfred bester - the demolished man
yasunari kawabata - a thousand cranes
cynan jones - the long dry
leo tolstoy - war and peace (edmonds translation)
gabriel garcia marquez - memories of my melancholy whores
anais nin - house of incest
h.p. lovecraft - the call of cthulhu and other weird stories
kurt vonnegut - galapagos
thornton wilder - the bridge of san luis rey
larry niven - ringworld
lao tzu - tao te ching (stephen mitchell translation)
ferenc karinthy - metropole
roger zelazny - lord of light
kazuo ishiguro - the unconsoled

>> No.5125551


my sides

>> No.5125682

They better be hurting from mirin

>> No.5125751

What's that Phil elverum book about? Good?

>> No.5125809
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Holy shit. Plebbest of plebs. Hail King Pleb!

>> No.5125892

>thinking I give a shit what you think
>thinking i don't read for my enjoyment
>thinking you don't read the same books
Sure is denial in here

>> No.5125901

>thinking I give a shit what you think
, he said, after posting a picture with his favorite books on the 4chings.

>> No.5126624
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>> No.5126895

it's a journal he wrote when he spent a winter alone in a cabin in norway, that also comes with a CD of the songs he wrote during his stay and a bunch of photos and drawings

it's surprising good and not as pretentious as you'd expect with that concept. he keeps it very real and he's a pretty good writer imo.

>> No.5126901
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Currently reading One Hundred Years of Solitude and Plato's Republic

>> No.5126911


Are you me?

Seriously though, we've read the same exact number of books this year and A LOT of the books on your list are on mine. How odd.

>> No.5126915

this is the male version of when women sync up their periods

>> No.5126925


Um maybe I am you and this is gonna turn into a PKD novel. Which of our books are the same?

>> No.5126929


Nah, its the uber nerd bibliophile version

>> No.5126933

you mean that regular jocks hanging out at a bar don't all end up reading ulysses at the same time? huh

>> No.5126942


With quantum mechanics anything is possible. And if you live in Brooklyn, that happens all the time.

>> No.5126956

How do you read two books combined? What is that even supposed to mean?

>> No.5127224

Demian - Hermann Hesse (3.5/5)
Anthem - Ayn Rand (2/5)
La Nausée - Jean-Paul Sartre (4/5)
L'étranger - Albert Camus (4/5)
At the Mountains of Madness - H.P. Lovecraft (4/5)
The Cloak - Nikolai Gogol (3.5/5)
War of the Worlds - H.G Wells (3/5)
Catcher in the Rye - J.D Salinger (1/5)*
Might is Right - Ragnar Redbeard (4/5)
The Third Policeman - Flann O'Brien (4.5/5)
An Triail - Máiréad Ní Ghráda (3/5)
Violence - Slavoj Zizek (3.5/5)
Complete Irish Mythology - Augusta Gregory (5/5)
Thus Spake Zarathustra - Friedrich Neitzsche
Storm & Steel - Ernst Junger (4/5)
Hunger - Knut Hamsun (4/5)
Amusing Ourselves to Death - Neil Postman (4/5)

I am currently reading The Noble Quran :^)

>> No.5127239

Joyce - Dubliners
Woolf - Mrs. Dalloway
DeLillo - White Noise
Breton - Nadja
Robbins - Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
Eco - The Name of the Rose
Lin - Eeeee Eee Eeee

it feels like I've read a lot more but oh well that's all I can remember

>> No.5127264

what's the asterisk for

>> No.5127276

2014 so far, favourite 3 marked with *:
The Satanic Verses – Rushdie
To the Lighthouse – Woolf *
Mrs. Dalloway – Woolf
Orlando – Woolf
Eclogues and Geogics – Virgil
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists – Tressell
Galateo – Della Casa
The Invisible Man – Wells
The Trial – Kafka
Pilgrim's Progress – Bunyan
Three Men in a Boat – JKJ
The Club of Queer Trades – Chesterton
The Napoleon of Notting Hill – Chesterton *
The Man Who Was Thursday – Chesterton
The Rum Diary – Hunter
Why Not Eat Insects? – Holt
Isaac Newton – Gleick
The Fight – Mailer
Blood Meridian – McCarthy
Lot 49 – Pynchon
Naked Lunch – Burroughs
The Analects of Confucius
The Song of Roland
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court – Twain (not impressed by any of the Twain)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer – Twain
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn – Twain
News from Nowhere – Morris
Utopia – More (don't bother reading this)
Rasselas Prince of Abissinia – Johnson *
Niels Klim's Underground Travels – Holberg
Jepe of the Hill, The Political Tinker and Erasmus Montanus (three comedies) – Holeberg

>> No.5127308

Didn't finish. That book is so terrible, I had to drop it. It made me realise that plebs and pseudo-intellectuals worldwide actually think like this, seeing as many of them laud it as amazingly good literature.

>> No.5127313

>implying you can only like books when you think like the main character

Yes, we all like Lolita because we're pedophiles.

>> No.5127360

Not at all. For example: I hated Akaky Akakievich (protagonist of The Cloak), yet I still liked the book.

From your passive-aggressive responses, and snarky impliciations, I can deduce that you think just like Holden.

Sorry for being a phony, I can't help it. Let me bow before your intellectual superiority.

>> No.5127370

>projecting this much

>> No.5127378
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I do it in goodreads. It makes me laugh to think that there are probably some chumps who spend 9000 hours in paint making pics like this.

>> No.5127382

>open your argument with a strawman
>feelings get rekt
>this guy can't possibly be smarter than ME noooo ugh what a phony he must be projecting

>> No.5127595

1. Mercier and Camier by Samuel Beckett
2. Wild by Cheryl Strayed
3. Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger
4. The Abyss by Marguerite Yourcenar
5. Arctic Dreams by Barry Lopez
6. Ancient Evenings by Norman Mailer
7. The Street of Crocodiles by Bruno Schulz
8. Wittgenstein’s Lolita by William Gay
9. Banjo by Claude McKay
10. The Boys of Summer by Roger Kahn
11. Broken April by Ismail Kadare
12. Morte D’ Urban by J. F. Powers
13. Hard Rain Falling by Don Carpenter
14. Rich Man, Poor Man by Irwin Shaw
15. Women in Love by D. H. Lawrence
16. River Queen by Mary Morris
17. Victoria by Knut Hamsun

Best of the year so far... Morte d' Urban
and Hard Rain Falling
Worst of the year....Wild

>> No.5127624
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So many fucking plebs ITT. How can you be halfway through the year and have read less than 20 books? Too busy posting on plebbit?

>> No.5127653
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>> No.5127656

Anyone who reads fewer than 50 books a year should be banned from posting on /lit/.

>> No.5127686

>Has read from five whole magazines and selections from his text books


>> No.5127777
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Opted not to post the various playscripts I read as those are done within a sitting. Currently working on Anna Karenina.

>> No.5127984

What did you think of The New York Trilogy? And how did you like Store of the Worlds?

>> No.5128161

Please give your approval>>5125409

>> No.5128188
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Recommendations are welcome. Out of these my favourites were Lolita and Portrait

>> No.5128242

>my favourites were Lolita and Portrait
If you said Lolita and Dorian Gray I would say you are a Gay Pedo...

Although having NOT read A Portrait of the artist as a young man, who's to say that it is isn't filled with the author's ramblings on how he reamed some poor SOD's boipussy.

>> No.5128269

So far I've read:

Inverting the pyramid - Jonathan Wilson
Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon
The Three Christs of Ypsilanti- Milton Rokeach
Girl with curious hair - DFW
The epic of gilgamesh
Seven against Thebes - Aeschylus
Confessions of a mask - Mishima
Dormir al sol - Adolfo Bioy Casares
Inherent Vice - Pynchon
Gödel, Escher, Bach - Douglas R. Hofstadter

I think my favorite so far is GEB. Such an amazing book.

>> No.5128273


>> No.5128323

Nothing special, but here's what I've read:

Flowers for Algernon
Notes from Underground
American Psycho
The Inferno
The Wasteland and Other Poems
Heart of Darkness
The Dream of the Celt
The Theban Plays
Portnoy's Complaint
The Inimitable Jeeves
The Power of Habit
This Explains Everything
Godel Escher Bach
Culture & Value
A bunch of Lovechild stories
The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect
Rendezvous with Rama
The Crying of Lot 49

That's all I can remember

>> No.5128971


I loved the Anti-Christ. Your thoughts?

>> No.5129012

I bet you didn't even understand those Nietzsche books. Holy crap you seem like a faggot.

>> No.5129023


I like your taste, what have you enjoyed most? How was The Wasp Factory?

Whitman and Milton are both great reads there, your thoughts?

And my list:

1. Lust and other stories by Susan Minot
2. American ground by William Langewiesche
3. Oleanna by David Mamet
4. Wind up bird chronicle by Haruki Murakami
5. Arcadia by Tom Stoppard
6. Butcher boy Patrick McCabe
7. Ceremony by Silko
8. City of glass by Paul Auster
9. Technoculture: the key concepts
10. Urinetown: the musical
11. Ballistics by Billy Collins
12. Hitler's Theater by Bruce Zortman
13. Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger
14. Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
15. Lucy by Jamaica Kincaid
16. Grave Justice by Glen Ebisch
17. The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman by Angela Carter

Currently reading the major plays of Chekhov

>> No.5129466


>> No.5129589
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>> No.5129788
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Favourite - Black Lamb and Grey Falcon
Least Favourite - The Interpretation of Dreams

>> No.5129806

>patrician as fuck

What's wrong, didn't like Bismarck's boner dreams?

>> No.5129828

I thoroughly enjoyed them!

I guess it just wasn't what I was expecting. I found it more amusing than insightful.

>> No.5129837

Yes, it's quite outdated (but interesting reading if you're into Thomas Mann and his contemporaries - most of their dream scenes are based on Freud's works! So if you've read The Interpretation of Dreams these scenes make sense). Many people like Camille Paglia see Freud's books now more as prose art than psychoanalysis.

>> No.5129896

Folktales from India
Mason & Dixon*
Slow Learner
Consider the Lobster
The Trial*
The Broom of the System
Girl with Curious Hair
The Way of Kings
Words of Radiance
The Iliad
Anthology of Japanese Literature
Modern Japanese Literature
The Making of Modern Japan
Portnoy's Complaint

Currently reading Naomi.

To read list:
Some Prefer Nettles
The Wind-up Bird Chronicle
The Most Dangerous Book (book about the publishing of Ulysses)

* are favorites

>> No.5129962

>Diary of Anne Frank
m8 are you a fourth grader

>> No.5129966

He's a pleb. And probably in high school.

>> No.5130018

Only a pleb would make these comments. Congrats on being plebs. Pleb pleb pleb derp

>> No.5130029

The opposite. If you don't spend a week thinking about a book before you start the next one you're just reading to pass time, and not better by much than the person who never reads.

>> No.5130031

And here we see Plebus maximus in its wilderness habitat.

>> No.5130036

pleb pleb pleb pleb herpy derpy dooo

>> No.5130042

Seriously, though...how fucking queer are these people who use the word "pleb"

Pretty fuckin' queer, that's how queer

>> No.5130043

>It looks good
Wow, I really needed a week for that.

>> No.5130044

no u

>> No.5130046

Think of the themes, the prose, the characters.

>> No.5130048
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>> No.5130050

>the things that make something good, as in worth reading

>> No.5130057

Wow, look at that perfectly calibrated multi-racial trio. I sure do love diversity. Too bad the next generation will be a vaguely brown mass of mongrels who look nothing like their parents.

>> No.5130059

> you're just reading to pass time
This is you. Reading for you is just the experience of reading.

>> No.5130060

If it was truly a perfect calibration there would be more girls, a crippled kid, and a kid with glasses. But hey, at least if everybody's mixed race then everyone gets to play the discrimination card, thus rendering it useless.

>> No.5130064

>Reading for you is just the experience of reading
Never in my life has an insult been both so pretentious and yet so incomprehensible.

>> No.5130067
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Am I the only one who when he heres of Thomas Mann, automatically pictures James Earl Jones' character Terence Mann from Field of Dreams? I thought they were the same person for the longest time...

>> No.5130069

*hears of

>> No.5130078

You might be slow enough for this to be true. Please don't ascribe your own deficient mental processes to the rest of us.

>> No.5130126

No, I don't usually picture Germans as niggers. Perhaps you should consider cuttting the Talmudvision out of your life since you seem to be so deeply under the spell of its propaganda.

>> No.5130144
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>> No.5130181

Power through some novellas (or individual volumes of poetry.) You can do it. You could easily sit down and knock one out on a weekend day, and another during the week, maybe two.

Here's a list:

>> No.5130195

That list is invalid because it is missing Train Dreams.

>> No.5130199

>goodreads lists


>> No.5130206
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Forrest Gump
Gump & Co.
Breakfast of Champions
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Heart of Darkness
Dracula (Annotated)
2001: A Space Odyssey
2010: Odyssey Two
2061: Odyssey Three
3001: The Final Odyssey

Currently: A Tale of Two Cities.
I'm also burning through all the good DVD movies to be found in my local library. Good shit!

>> No.5130231

>two popular novels
>two novellas
>one horror novel
>four sci-fi novels
>one Vonnegut, one Nabokov

Plebbest of plebs, how do you even manage to keep breathing.

>> No.5130242


I know, I'm bullshit, I'm only recently quitting a video game addiction and substituting literature in its place. Gump novels were the first books i'd read in ages.

I'll get better! I promise!

>> No.5130248
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Gotta start somewhere, bro.


>> No.5130475

You faggots will laugh at anything.

>> No.5130649

>Thus Spake Zarathustra - Friedrich Neitzsche

>> No.5130706

Phenomenology of Spirit
Critique of Pure Reason
The Theory of Moral Sentiments
Ethics - Spinoza
Paradise Lost
The Ingenu
The White Bull
What Pleases the Ladies
Faust, Part I
Faust, Part II
The Diary of a Madman
The Government Inspector
The Flowers of Evil
About to finish The Way by Swann's
Die Leiden des Junge Werther

>> No.5130717

The Shallows what internet is doing to our brains
Au régal des vermines
Comprendre l'empire
Catcher in the Rye
Misère du désir
Mindfulness in plain english
slaughterhouse 5
how to kill a mockingbird
voyage au bout de la nuit

>> No.5130746

Fuck this thread for reminding me that I haven't cracked a book since my girlfriend left me on June 12th.

I miss her so much and I want to die.

>> No.5130749

Get your shit up faggot

>> No.5130783

>What Pleases the Ladies

>> No.5130811

It's Voltaire's

>> No.5131107

I know, but still it was hilarious seeing it among all the other works, stuck out like a sore thumb.

>> No.5131145 [DELETED] 

The Catcher In The Rye - J.D. Salinger
On The Road - Jack Kerouac
A Moveable Feast - Ernest Hemingway
A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
A Season In Hell - Arthur Rimbaud
Illuminations - Arthur Rimbaud
Selected Poems - Arthur Rimbaud
Flowers Of Evil - Charles Baudelaire
Spleen Of Paris - Charles Baudelaire
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man - James Joyce
Selected Poems - William Blake
Letters To A Young Poet - Rainer Maria Rilke
The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain
Selected Poems - John Keats
Maxims - Francoise de La Rouchefoucauld
Love Is A Dog From Hell - Charles Bukowski
The Doors Of Perception/Heaven And Hell - Aldous Huxley
Crome Yellow - Aldous Huxley

Currently reading - Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy

>> No.5131708


>> No.5131751
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Really slow coming this year. The ones greyed out are Theodore Sturgeon's The Man Who Lost the Sea and Verne's Master Zacharius

>> No.5132521

























>> No.5132524



>self-help books

could not be more pleb



















>Faust, Part I
>Faust, Part II
>Die Leiden des Junge Werther

if you read these in German, patrish, if not, decent



>> No.5132543
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>> No.5132562


I find your taste to be abhorrent.

>> No.5132568

That's cool and all m8 but those posts are objective fact and have nothing to do with my taste.

>> No.5132577
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This made me giggle. Paradisio is inferior though, but it's worth finishing.

>> No.5132583
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>> No.5132591

>Die Leiden des Junge Werther
It's Die Leiden des jungen Werthers.

>> No.5132594

oh man I am laffin'

>> No.5132622

>someone finally comments on my taste
>it's to call me a pleb
>still feels good

>> No.5132659

Kadare - Agamemnon's Daughter
Ben Lerner - Leaving the Atocha Station
St.Aubyn - Lost for Word
Hemingway - Fiesta
Bataille- Abbe` C
Pizzolatto - Galveston
Bolano - 2666
Malevic - God is Not Cast Down
Tanizaki - The Key
Wall - Flaubert: A life
Rush - Mortals
Waldman - The Love Affairs of Nathanierl P.
Kushner - Flamethrowers
Moretti - The Bourgeois
D.T. Max - Every Love Story is a Ghost Story
Linden - The Casual ind
Chong-Il Chang - When Adam Opens His Eyes
O'Brien - The Things They Carried
Brassier - Nihil Unbound
John Gray - The Silence of animals
Forsters - Aspects of The Novel
Dormandy - Worst of Evils: the fight agains pain
Mo Yan - Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out
Kawabata - Beauty and Sadness
Flaubert - Madam Bovary
Flaubert - Salammbo
Steiner - Heidegger

That's it for my 2014

>> No.5132706



Which one were you? I'll comment.

>> No.5132722


What was your inspiration/reason for reading Might is Right?

>> No.5132804

Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.5132821

I don't exactly remember because it was on my backlog for a few months. Probably mainly because of its strong message, which I ended up agreeing with. Most of it, anyway.

>> No.5132846

Runaway Horses
The Temple of Dawn
The Decay of the Angel
The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
The Iliad
The Odyssey
Notes from Underground
The Border Trilogy
Light in August
Five Modern No Plays
Thirst for Love
Go Down, Moses
Heart of Darkness
Crime and Punishment
No Longer Human
The Fall of Hyperion
The Plague
The Fall
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Myth of Sisyphus and Reflections on the Guilloutine
The Tale of the Heike
The Grapes of Wrath
The Crying of Lot 49
Snow Country
Fear and Trembling

>> No.5132855

I like 90% of the stuff you read. But the whole hyperion thing was terrible

>> No.5132863

Which translations of Homer? Or are you so patrish that you read Homeric Greek?

>> No.5132867

also read about the last third of plato's complete works during the first half of this list or so, cont' from last year

>> No.5132876

nah i read fagles. i hear he's pleb but i had a great time with them. i'll most definitely be reading those two again though, which trans would you recommend?

>> No.5132889

Not him, but if you want a real romp, next time try the Pope.

>> No.5132900

fall's gradual intersecting storylines were not very well executed and were definitely a disappointment given the build-up from the first's collection of stories. I guess some mysteries are better left unsolved?

>> No.5132909

Well I personally found the style atrocious too.
Everyone frowns, they frown all the time, one paragraph was even "x frowned. y character tells him something. x frown deepened."

>> No.5132915
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A few favs from my list this year:
> To The Lighthouse (Woolf)
> The Crying of Lot 49 (Pynchon)
> The Fall (Camus)

What I didn't enjoy:
> The Narrowing Circle (Simmons)
> Focault (Deluze)
> La Resistencia (Sabato)

>> No.5132917

2014 has been the most eventful year I have had in too long. I haven't read much because of that, but things are beginning to calm down.

I've read Franny & Zooey, Inherent Vice, The Glass Menagerie, Child of God, No Country for Old Men, Fahrenheit 451, Norwegian Wood, and a lot of short stories. I'm reading As I Lay Dying now, which is my first taste of Faulkner.

>> No.5132923

oh yeah, the perpetual incredulity was annoying as fuck

>> No.5132931

>Falling for le epic spooky tripfag maymay

You should just hang yourself

>> No.5132936

I really dislike Fagles. Lattimore's verse is my favourite. Pope is also a must-read.

>> No.5132945
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>> No.5132958
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>listing individual dialogues, plays, and even manga

Who are you trying to impress anon?

>> No.5133111

There's no manga in that list.

>> No.5133143
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Oh, it's a light novel, my bad.

>> No.5133372
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>your taste is shit

In women or in books? Either way I'm a seething caldron of rage and hurt. You've done quite a bit of damage today my friend.

>> No.5133452
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>> No.5133490
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A new release you guys might find interesting: The Terrible Beauty of the Evil Man by Finis Leavell Beauchamp.

>> No.5133526

Title makes it sound teenage pseud to the max.

>> No.5133531
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>all the reviews are by Jewish news sites and Rabbis