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5128652 No.5128652[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Manual labour plebian from the other week.

>Been waking up at 5am to study (100 english papers)
>Coming back from work, doing more study
>Flatmates friend comes over
>Asks what I'm studying
>Turns out the paper doesn't even start for a week
>Says three hours of study a week on the paper is all he had to do and should suffice (C+ grade)
>mfw I'm a month ahead.

Did I have a gross misconception about university study? The university recommended 12.5 hours of study a week so that's what I thought I should aim for to be average. I thought this was a place where you invest your time like a job and go at it hard/treat it seriously. Can the average student really treat this like school and be able to pass?

It costs me 52 hours of labour to even be able to do the paper so of course I'm going to get my money's worth.

>> No.5128656

What university is it?

>> No.5128663

Massey University NZ, correspondence study.

>> No.5128677

>100 english papers
You have to write 100 papers?

>> No.5128679

>Can the average student really treat this like school and be able to pass?

A student of the humanities can.

>> No.5128684

Level 100 English papers (first year)

>> No.5128691

You're taking a 100 level class and spending more than 0 hours a week studying for it? Top kek

>> No.5128692


Never take universities at face value. They say you need that many hours to make themselves sound intensive and rigorous when that's more than likely not the case. If you can't appreciate that, especially now, when it's common knowledge that universities everywhere are a scam, maybe you should stick to manual labour.

>> No.5128778


Most people in university don't study to learn, they study to pass tests and write papers in order to get a grade in order to... etc. Most of the teachers are only looking for a grasping of, and not a hold on, the knowledge, because the system is too large for anything else. Most people come away from college, who approach college like this, mildly improved by their study, instead of transformed, liberated, as is the ideal.
If you study as much as recommended, you'll retain the knowledge much longer, and much more clearly, and you'll potentially find its limits and range of applications and connections to other things you've learned -- you'll understand.

>> No.5129460

>Did I have a gross misconception about university study?

Your flatmate's friend is recommending you waste your time.

>The university recommended 12.5 hours of study a week so that's what I thought I should aim for to be average.

I assume you want straight As and a highly funded top 10 PhD scholarship in your field of study. If so: yes.

>I thought this was a place where you invest your time like a job and go at it hard/treat it seriously.

Passes mean nothing. Excelling is the only measure of your time at university, excelling against external criteria, excelling against yourself.

>Can the average student really treat this like school and be able to pass?

"Passes make degrees" "Degrees are worthless" I'm going to hypothesise a correlation here.

>It costs me 52 hours of labour to even be able to do the paper so of course I'm going to get my money's worth.

Apart from your internalisation of the value-form's ideology of labour, you're doing good. I assume you're a union member.

>> No.5129461

100 = first year first course
paper = NZ English for "course"

>> No.5129480

paper = course
what are those sheep fuckers on?

>> No.5129508

You take a paper in a whole year exam course.
The traditional "5000 words by end of semester" paper was a paper too.

>> No.5129520

See >>512691
I didn't even study for law school finals and managed to graduate on time, never failed a class. Granted not even in the top half of my class, and it was a public school in the U.S., but it was also at least a top 50 program nationally.

>> No.5129526

Sorry, meant see >>5128691

>> No.5129545

A lot of these people posting are US white collars or children of US management. They will live a relatively cushy life.

You're a working class manual labourer doing a BA in New Zealand by correspondence. How well do you think your degree will be received if it is made up of bare passes? Will your Executive Director uncle manufacture a job for you? Like cunt. Work fucking hard, get an excellent degree, push yourself personally to flights of intellect.

The secret of the university is this: the student conducts all the learning, and academics expose themselves to students to allow those who are learning to better their own learning.

You are solely responsible for how much learning you do, and how well you perform (though you might have intellectual limits, restricting performance at the highest levels). Almost any student with enough work can achieve at the Australian "Distinction" or US "A" level. Many are capable of the thought required to achieve at the "High Distinction" level.

>> No.5129555

>spends 50K+ per year for a shitty law school
>doesn't even take it seriously

>> No.5129626

Actually the school I went to is consistently ranked in the top 5 for value nationwide, cost of attendance is more like $35k a year. Plus I was on a scholarship (undergrad GPA sucked but I made the LSAT my bitch and they care way more about that). I can pay off my loans way earlier than most.

>> No.5129634

And yeah, top 50 is shitty. Not to mention top 5-10 for numerous specialties.

>> No.5129690
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>Tfw have a 300 word essay due in 3 weeks but turned it in early by mistake

>> No.5129700

>3 weeks time for 300 words
>writing 300 words with citations takes about 1 hour

American, I assume?

>> No.5129719

i didnt get a response in the last thread i posted this in so i am sticking this in here too.
is plebeian pronounced pluh-bee-in?
if so, how do you pronounce the shortened "pleb" in your head? is pleb pronounced like "pleeeb" or "pluhb" ? any information would be appreciated. i just like to know how things are pronounced even though i have no one to actually say these things to.

>> No.5129726

One doesn't use those words, they're vulgar.

>> No.5129736

>300 words
>takes about 1 hour

You can't be serious. You just can't.

>> No.5129797

that's how I pronounce them
it's like how those kids from "higher SOCIETY" in The Outsiders were called "s-oh-shis"

>> No.5129810

STEM fag, please stop.

>> No.5129866
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this is how Merriam Webster recommends pronouncing them

don't even bother responding to that kind of posts

>> No.5130335

>The university recommended 12.5 hours of study a week so that's what I thought I should aim for to be average.
They make that recommendation because it absolves them of some liabilities regarding the bottom-feeders who make up their sports programs.

I never studied once in college, and I passed with a 3.7.

I imagine it's different if you're one of those soulless STEM pricks, though.

>> No.5130338

>No interest in his field, doesn't study
>Leaves uni knowing only the bare minimum to get by
>(if American) a shit-ton of debt for nothing

the worst kind of student

>> No.5130343

It's all relative. I used to write B- grade papers 40 minutes before class, but then again I supposedly have a knack for writing and it's been that way since I was a kid.

Now, if I tried to train for a basketball game and pulled that bullshit I'd perform horribly. So your inherent ability should factor in.

>> No.5130353

I mean, that's not that fast.

>> No.5130373

I didn't learn a damn thing in college, except a language. My 'field', political science, is toxic bullshit, and everybody who participates in it knows it.

As for debt, I came from upper middle class home, so I incurred none. I didn't care about getting a degree, but my family wanted it and they paid for it, so I got one.

Learning is not something you do, sitting in a lecture hall with a bunch of disinterested age-peers, as a replacement for a job. But that is what college is. That, and a bunch of bullshit busywork.

>> No.5130376

wow a c+ grade

>> No.5130379

Why did you go to university then in the first place? Sounds like you didn't belong there one iota.

>> No.5130390

Because that's what you do when you don't come from poverty in this country, you go and get a degree, and then, using that degree, you get a job.

Quite a disgusting state of affairs, but that's how it is and the alternative is rather unpleasant.

>> No.5130425

More like 3-5 minutes. He did say with citations though, so 20 minutes sounds appropriate. What kind of assignment is only 300 words that aks for multiple assignments though?

>> No.5130438

More like 3-5 minutes. He did say with citations though, so 20 minutes sounds appropriate. What kind of assignment is only 300 words that aks for multiple assignments though?

>> No.5130470

You better be studying efficiently. If you just study without taking breaks it will just burn your brain. I hope you're studying for like 2 hours max and then taking 45-50 minute breaks.

>> No.5130490

Nigger detected

>> No.5130504

Maybe s/he's just from the year 3000

>> No.5130515


That's what I was getting at. 300 words is like, what, half a page on a word processor? That short probably means no citations, so it should be maybe 15 minutes. Even if citations are required, maybe 40 minutes, with the time it takes to bullshit a couple sources.

I also got the third highest grade in a law school seminar class at a pretty quality program by writing my 25 page research paper in 3 days with one more day dedicated to research, but I really can't understand why 300 words should take you an hour.

>> No.5130518

>"Hey anon, head on over to my place!"
>"A'ight nigga, gimme 20 minutes I gotta finish reading this thing first."
>"What, why?"
>"I'm studying."
>"Are you taking summer courses or something?"
>Nah, blood, it's for fun and I enjoy it."
>"Lol, what a fag. Fuck that, get over here now!"
Reading things during the summer that are academic is apparently a no-no. Sorry for venting, but that's all this thread is.

>> No.5130525

>Maybe s/he's just from the year 3000


>> No.5130550

haha, oh early 2000s pop-punk, stay inoffensive

>> No.5130616


dis nigga

listen to him.

>> No.5130625

Unfortunately >>5130390 is correct. Sad state of affairs. Lotta people pushed into programs they don't need to get degrees they don't need to get jobs they don't want. And too many of us are too stupid to see past the bullshit til it's too late and we're already saddles with debt we'll never pay off, working jobs that we don't want, becoming mindless cogs in the shitty machine.

>> No.5130630
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let the brain burn

>> No.5130638

"saddles" should be "saddled", obviously. Just wanted to get that in there before any of you assholes who only post to point out the obvious typos of those anons trying to post shit with something that actually contributes to the discussion.

>> No.5130643


Bro it was just one letter. We got it.

>> No.5130659

>already saddles

what a moron

>> No.5130662


Stopped reading there.

>> No.5130674

Sorry, too used to summer-fag tryhards ripping on bullshit like that.

>> No.5130677


Hahahahahahahaha omg my sides in orbit!!!!!!!!!

Now that you got the attention you so desperately need, would you kindly gtfo?

>> No.5130678

>too many of us are too stupid to see past the bullshit til it's too late and we're already saddles with debt we'll never pay off
>too stupid to see past the bullshit til it's too late and we're already saddles with debt
>til it's too late and we're already saddles with debt
>saddles with debt

>> No.5130679
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>> No.5130686



>> No.5130688

Really? Fuckin muthafuckin fucker of fuckville. Pretty sure the horse is good and dead. Come back when after you hit puberty, anon.

>> No.5130691


You're an anonymous poster.

Stop taking this board so seriously you loser.

>> No.5130692


>> No.5130698


no really, i understand the need to inflict misery and to perpetuate the board's self-loathing, but is this really the thread to shitpost in?

>> No.5130702

An anonymous poster on a forum that is ideally supposed to foster serious discussion. Yeah, sometimes it bothers me when we have to deal with shitposting faggots. Crucify me.

>> No.5130707


today would be a good day to avoid /lit/

>> No.5130709


You are high strung to a comical degree.

For real there is no need to be this much of a loser. Calm yourself.

>> No.5130715

Think you've got the wrong anon, anon. I merely posted originally in an effort to further a particular point of the discussion. Seems to me the shitposting have come from those who since then have posted puerile garbage in an attempt to rustle my jimmies.


>> No.5130719

>forum that is ideally supposed to foster serious discussion
4chan is not supposed to foster serious discussion. This forum is for shitposing and trolling with a book theme. If you want serious discussion go to reddit.com/r/books, or literaturejunction.com

>> No.5130721

I'm plenty calm, but thank you for your concern. Just relaxing and getting ready to pass out for the night, waiting patiently in hopes of someone to save this thread from the abysmal derailing that has occurred. Wishful thinking I suppose, however.

>> No.5130723


>posted puerile garbage in an attempt to rustle my jimmies

I'm sure there is no getting to such a focused and cultivated gentleman such as yourself.

Another great post. Good work.

>> No.5130725


>> No.5130726
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>I'm plenty calm

whatever you need to tell yourself, spergking

>> No.5130731
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>that one anon who continually shitposts about his hatred of shitposters

>> No.5130732

Ah, I get too many keks out of the amount of assuming and implying that goes on in these threads. You all have made what had already been a pretty good night into a terrific one for this anon. Good night faggots, and if you want a glimpse of my sides, I suggest you pay a visit to the nearest observatory.

>> No.5130737
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>> No.5130745
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Is the horse dead, or is the saddles dead?

>> No.5130757


>> No.5130787
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate /lit/, and I hate all of you! I'm never comic back to /lit/, never!

Captcha: kneeke seeming

>> No.5132163
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This is what cancer looks like.

>> No.5132537

I've head the scientifically tested best method

(I know statistics can be pretty sketchy, I don't remember who I head this from but they were an accomplished post-grad with a pretty rocking personality so I personally put a lot of faith in it but mehh)

is 10min study, 10min break, 20min study, 10min break, 30 or 40min study, 10min break, 40 or 80min study, and so on.

>Nigger detected
don't be sexist

>> No.5132560


I'm fairly confident these are all brought to us by the same author, or at least four or five of them are and the other/s are from some dipshit jumping on a wheelless bandwagon.

>> No.5132566

Leave while you still can

>> No.5132587


these ones are probably not the later. it's the clustering of all the posts back-to-back that gives the samefag away. It's nice to see they've become less persistent though, this round shortening their tantrums to only two posts at a time each providing only minimal reading.

>> No.5132595

It works OP but if you put more time in it you get the better grades, hence the better jobs and you understand more about the world.
University is a huge opportunity

>> No.5132645

You're definitely a high school kid.

>> No.5132677

you get what you put into education.