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/lit/ - Literature

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5128877 No.5128877[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many of you consider yourself to be the most intelligent person in your social circle?

>> No.5128878

Is this a serious question OP?

>> No.5128880

>oh look at me i am so nerdy and unique playin video games in my comic book underwear

>> No.5128889
File: 393 KB, 1200x900, WgUmY4X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I loveee nerdy boys :D :D haha im such a nerd myself

>> No.5128897


pls respond its research

>> No.5128903

why would anyone drug the least attractive girl?
I bet her friends did it to make her feel better

>> No.5128912

latch-key thread. sage

>> No.5128917

⇒consider yourself to be the most intelligent person in your social circle?

Nope. Working on my PhD at an international top tier university I am surrounded by the smartest people in the world. I personally know 4 people who are smarter than me.

>> No.5128918

I don't know if I am currently, but most of my friends say I am. This has been true in the different social circles I've run with. Currently I'd say there is one guy who might have me beat. The guy is a fucking genius.

>> No.5128922

yes, most of my social circle accepts this and doesn't really care though.

>> No.5128923

phd in what?

>> No.5128926

It's amazing how much being in the bubble of top tier academia can change your perception of your intelligence. I felt very average at my old school, but once I got out I realized how much smarter I was compared to most people.

>> No.5128929

Some highly specialized interdisciplinary STEM stuff. If I told you details, you could easily dox me.

>> No.5128936

ok, I'm just interested that's all.

>> No.5128941

Molly as in, MDMA? That's fucking bullshit.
>tfw bitches get free MDMA every time they go out
>you will never be a woman
life is suffering

>> No.5128942

I don't have a social circle :(

>> No.5128944

One of my friends is really scientific and stuff but I would still say I'm smarter than him, maybe it's just my ego tho

>> No.5128957

You could go gay if that's what you want

>> No.5128963

My social circle is /lit/ and I have to admit Feminister is more intellectually intelligent than myself.

>> No.5128972


>> No.5128978

>4 people
How did you calculate that?

>> No.5128982

How come people typically rate their physical attractiveness below what it actually is but rate their intelligence higher than it really is?

>> No.5128987

>forced latchkey-kid meme
OK rainman

>> No.5128993

I used a very advanced mathematical technique known as "counting". You probably never heard of it.

>> No.5128998


>this is what canadian women look like

haha fuck I'm glad I'm american. Though it's surprising that they are from toronto yet none of them are sand niggers, niggers, or rice niggers

>> No.5129006

How do you determine if someone is smarter than you?

>> No.5129009

Battle Chess

>> No.5129019

No. But I also don't think anyone on this planet is more intelligent than me

>> No.5129020

After talking to a person for a while, you just know. If they get more references than you, make more clever jokes and find more subtle connections, they are smarter than you. If you can't do that you might have autism.

>> No.5129027

That sounds like the person is more cultured than you, not smarter.

>> No.5129031

They want other people to call them attractive and think they are smart.

I am not even close. Student at a top-tier university, I know my friends are more intelligent than me. It's awesome, especially coming from a pretty intellectually backwards highschool and family.

>> No.5129032


Careful there, you shouldn't use smart for knowlegdeable

>> No.5129033

All of my good friends are smart in their own ways.

>> No.5129034

By direct comparison. I'm talking about real supergeniuses here. People who published research and did their PhD thesis at the age of 15. People who read a whole textbook on a topic unrelated to their research overnight and then literally know it by heart.

>> No.5129041

Care to name names?

>> No.5129044


>> No.5129045

I guess I know one or two guys who would score higher in an IQ test than me. However, these are not the people I would consider intelligent in my usage of the word, everything they are saying is shallow and predictable. I know some guys who can actually surprise me from time to time with interesting commets, but they would not be much above the average IQ score.

>> No.5129048

Even if you don't know them personally, I'd love a list of people who fit these criteria.

>> No.5129050

I thin this is the honest answer from virtually everyone ITT except arrowfag

>> No.5129055
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>implying I have a social circle

>> No.5129064

Those two correlate highly.

If you find yourself thinking "I wouldn't have thought of that" often when talking to a person, that person is likely more intelligent than you.

>> No.5129065

> PhD thesis at the age of 15


>> No.5129066


>> No.5129067

What if the reason I wouldn't have thought of it is because I haven't been exposed to whatever they're referencing?

>> No.5129075

I don't. I'm a lot smarter than all of my friends in some areas / things I spend time thinking about or learning - but overall I have a few friends who I think are smarter than me.

>> No.5129083

then ur a fegit

>> No.5129084


>> No.5129089

Once again, /lit/ shows its maturity. I'm out of here. Peace.

>> No.5129102

Please don't ever come back :^)

>> No.5129110

ur so mean anon XD

>> No.5129114


>> No.5129117

I may not be the most intelligent, but I'm pretty sure I'm the most cultured person.

>> No.5129120

When I was in high school, a few teachers told my parents that I was one of the smartest kids they've ever met, but I'm extremely lazy.

>> No.5129121

Enough social interaction for you today. Shut down the computer and cry yourself to sleep.

>> No.5129123

No, for the same reasons as >>5128917.

Not that any of them are really in what I think of as a social circle, since I talk to them maybe once a month.

Good universities are filled with intelligent people at the higher levels. You won't be the most well-read, you won't have the most knowledge.

>> No.5129125

>Projects this hard

>> No.5129131

>How do you determine that a drooling moron is smarter than a Nobel laureate? I mean, intelligence is just a bourgeois patriarchal social construct anyway, we are all the same inside!

>> No.5129132

I went to a law school in a shit eastern european country, and dropped out 1st year. Still I was likely 2nd best read person there and I'm not even well read by lit standards.

Must be nice to be able to say something like that, sucks I don't live in the west.

>> No.5129137
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Why did I read this thread? I knew exactly what it would be.

>> No.5129141

My "social circle" consists of myself

>> No.5129143

Because you didn't read the thread and most people are being rather honest

>> No.5129144

Second best out of the entire school? How did you come to that conclusion?

>> No.5129155
File: 151 KB, 640x425, 6105306471_e56635863f_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we have so much leeway in how we define concepts like intelligence I don't know why anyone would define it as something they don't have an aptitude for unless they had shitty low self esteem or something.
I think Intelligence is like a muscle if you exercise doing any intellectual ability you get better at it. So anyone should be able to develop their ability or intelligence in anyway they want. That philosophy doesn't go down well with the "I need to make everyone think I'm the best" people.
But yeah my friends are like pretty gay.

>> No.5129157

Intelligence is a difficult thing to rank. I know I'm the most well read and the best with computers. I certainly have one or two friends who are better at math than me, have better artistic skills, have a better knowledge of history, etc.
TL;DR We're all intelligent in our own way.

>> No.5129160

Few people told me I was the most knowledgeable person in our class (not entire school), but I knew that wasn't true.

Keep in mind maybe 3-5% of the whole class actually read, so I'm not bragging, just wanted to illustrate how university environment isn't always as intellectually ripe as others described it.

>> No.5129170

Okay but when you're done being a poetic faggot and come back to the real world you will understand some people are innately much, much smarter than you will ever be and there is nothing your candyass can or will ever do about it.

>> No.5129185


This is incredible. Thanks anon.

>> No.5129188

I would "fuck" him

>> No.5129189


>poetic faggot
>come back to the real world
>poetry is not real
>poetry is not a valid way of looking at the world


Or, you know, just send him back to >>>/sci/

>> No.5129198

>I skipped leg day again

>> No.5129201


The only reason I consider myself to be the most intelligent person in my social circle(s) is because those that are smarter than me aren't in any of my social circles (ancillary friends) and because I go to a second tier US university that isn't necessarily known for its academic prestige. Also, my friends frequently mention my intellectual superiority (which makes me uncomfortable and also wanting of more equable companions), meaning that it isn't only a perception unique to me but many. Ironically enough though, I think I'm pretty fucking stupid.

>> No.5129216
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>social circle

>> No.5129217

I'm more knowledgeable than most people I know but I tend to lack common sense. I also get frustrated when someone that I considered intellectually inferior knows something that I don't. I'm a fucking egomaniac.

>> No.5129221

At least you're aware of it and admit it, unlike most people.

>> No.5129228

I don't do circles, I like my social life fragmented as hell.

>> No.5129240


So you have nine circles?

>> No.5129243

No, I have lines.

>> No.5129245

Not even that guy, but you failed to get the reference.

>> No.5129250

i think you mean
>I "would fuck" him

>> No.5129251

are you me?

>> No.5129259
File: 949 KB, 250x189, disappointed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a pretty straightforward reference dude

>> No.5129261

I used to do useless things like memorizing licence plates or creating complicated mazes. My parents thought I was smart, as I did, and they send me to a top-level school where I was surrounded by geniuses. My best friend there is still the most intelligent person I've never met.

>> No.5129264

did you just realize that you're not the most specialest person in the whole wide world

>> No.5129267
File: 16 KB, 577x328, 307833_10150309317836471_2103197837_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone on lit goes to a top school

>> No.5129269

Maybe. I mostly hang out with pretty skiddish people so it wouldn't be a hard feat. I'm the only one who reads, so there's that, but I only have that time because I'm unemployed which none of my friends are. I dunno.

Has anyone here tried mushrooms? Will it fuck my head up?

>> No.5129270

>I used to do useless things like memorizing licence plates or creating complicated mazes.
you just wanna brag about that again, admit it

>> No.5129271

>implying I'm not the chosen one

>> No.5129277


No they don't.

>> No.5129279



>> No.5129282


Why would you spike a drink with a stimulant?

>> No.5129284


You need common sense to be "the chosen one." But of course, if you had common sense, then you would've known that. But here's the kicker: we're all chosen. Take that as you will.

>> No.5129288

>All these people not realizing the magazine edit is an edit

Holy shit you retards read the second comment from the other girl again and then drown yourselves

>> No.5129289

Yeah I agree with you there are people who have innate abilities that others could not attain through any amount of practice. I think this kind of discussion of intelligence isn't about the prodigy type of intelligence, but more about a non quantifiable concept that people have about them selves that has come more out of egotistical necessity than any logic. To what extent you can grow your ability from your natural aptitude I'm sure vary from person to person and activity to activity. But practice and focus obviously make a huge difference and to me make more sense to focus on than intelligence.
also like I get bitches all the time AND I have Escalade with 26s Gold rims

>> No.5129291 [DELETED] 

What's the reference?

>> No.5129294

>Has anyone here tried mushrooms? Will it fuck my head up?
yes, once, and first of all i don't know anyone that has done mushrooms and feels irreversibly different as a result of the experience, so there's that. also, during my experience, i was insanely wary of the possibility of a terrible existential episode initially, but over the course of the trip my mind was as quiet as it has ever been. i had an incredibly serene experience with one emotional detour. if done in a comfortable, friendly environment and using 'safe' drugs, it's basically impossible to have a shitty experience.

>> No.5129296


Dante's Inferno y'dunce.

>> No.5129297

Absolutely not! It was useless and pretty dumb. I don't take any pride in it. As it convinced my parents I was way smarter than I actually is, I should have drawn stick-like comics and built hut in the woods with shit and trash like any other faggot.

>> No.5129305


Yes, they made me a better thinker.


>> No.5129310

i'm high as fuck right now and i just posted something then i went to read it over except i read this and felt super freaked out because i didn't recall saying any of this. the ending was particularly shocking, i had a brief paranoid panic. just fyi

>> No.5129313



>> No.5129428

I what that's like bro
>blazin it at Mc Donalds with Marcus
>cant remember clearing history on mom's computer
>If mom sees my websites she'll install net nanny again.
>"Yo Marcus I think I forgot to lock the door dog I gotta go back"
>put key in ignition, It wont turn.
>call triple A

>> No.5129431
File: 449 KB, 393x456, buda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychedelics are for dumb people who need more mental activity then they normally possess. Smart people tend to abuse alcohol and opiates because they need to get off the wild ride.

Dumb, insensitive people are also the ones who desire to travel and have adventures. Smart, sensitive people tend to hide out.

This goes for anything really. Dull folks: Careerism. Sharp folks: NEETdom. Idiots are social butterflies, intelligent people are hermits.

If you have great antennas you always seek less of life. If you have shitty stubs you seek out the noise.

>> No.5129456
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>Smart people tend to abuse alcohol...they tend to hide out..are hermits

Smart people don't use intoxicants or touch alcohol at all. I know this from personal experience.

>> No.5129468

That's a valid option as well as a way to avoid excessive stimuli. My point was more that that if smart people use substances, they're often of the dulling kind.

>> No.5129473

>How many of you consider yourself to be the most intelligent person in your social circle?

I do... fuck that's terrible. Not that it would be something impressive, for a. I don't have that many friends and b. they are all pretty vapid. I can engage in meaningful conversations here on /lit/ with other anons, so I think it's not my ego what makes me think that.

Am not, I know plenty of people more mature, smarter and more cultured than me. tfw

>> No.5129487

Shut up.

>> No.5129488

Psychedelics are for people interested in psychedelics.
If you think you're all zen then you should try mushrooms and you will understand what it is really like to not have attachments to your personality.
Generalizing people is dumb

>> No.5129494

>How many of you consider yourself to be the most intelligent person in your social circle?

I don't think that erudition in sub-disciplines can be commensurated. Its one of the reasons why we have h-indexes and publication counts.

>> No.5129509

This post is very stupid on many levels.

>> No.5129511


>Dumb, insensitive people are also the ones who desire to travel and have adventures. Smart, sensitive people tend to hide out.
>This goes for anything really. Dull folks: Careerism. Sharp folks: NEETdom. Idiots are social butterflies, intelligent people are hermits.

This reads like you desperately trying to convince yourself of all this.

Personally I'm not that outgoing, but to say that "Smart, sensitive people" are never outgoing is a joke. Why do you feel the need to desperately convince yourself of this?

Stop trying to consign the state of things to your own biased misgivings. There are brilliant and outgoing people in every arena all over the world.

Stop lying to yourself. Stop using some "No True Scotsman" bullshit to somehow convince yourself that you are naturally better than these people. It reads like a cry for help.

>> No.5129525

To be interested in psychedelics at least means to be interested in some sort of intense experience, which suggests that ordinary day to day life isn't experienced with an already crippling intensity.

Don't get your backpacks in a bunch.

>> No.5129533

To smart, sensitive people an excess of stimuli is unpleasant and easily experienced. Therefore they are per definition not outgoing.

>> No.5129534

Oh god, if that made you angry then never read the NEET help threads on /adv/.

>the world is an evil place and it's not going to change, we the superior gentlemen at least get to see how inferior everyone else is

>> No.5129540

>paraphrasing all the great sages at once

pretty good.

>> No.5129541


You really need to understand how naive this confirmation bias makes you.

>> No.5129554

It's pretty straight forward. If you have sensitive eyes you prefer the shade. if you have a sensitive nose you avoid strong smells. If you have a sensitive mind you avoid strong mental stimuli.

>> No.5129558

Now shut up.

>> No.5129573

>dullard rhetoric

>> No.5129579

you sure you're just not afraid for whatever reason?

>> No.5129584

Contrary to popular belief, the most intelligent people tend to fair well while in public/in groups.

>> No.5129595


Fine. Speak as though you can define the measures of resonance of others.

It's too draining to try and reason with children.

>> No.5129599

My friends consider me smart and well-read even though I consider myself to be an idiot who barely reads, does that count?

>> No.5129601

>what if your blue is my red though
>can't know le nothing


>> No.5129614
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Medical, physics, etc?
You can at least be vague about it.
>you will never be a qt smart STEM gril

>> No.5129619
File: 12 KB, 249x300, fadfjaaec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By that sentece, I could say creatures of the dark have best sight, bears and dogs couldn't dig trash and smart people just don't drink coffee.

pic unrelated

>> No.5129620

>le strawman


>> No.5129621

Exposing yourself makes you smarter.

>> No.5129637


>another ham-fisted analogy

No, go back to the "strong smells" one.

That one was far more brilliant. For real.

It's shocking how "sensitive" you remain while judging all these people. One would typically think that a basic form of hypocrisy, but I'm sure you've transcended all "logic" nastiness.

>> No.5129641

If you think you're smart, you're dumb.

>> No.5129643

That's because of slavland.

>> No.5129644
File: 71 KB, 445x559, Beavis-and-Butthead-image-beavis-and-butthead-36293244-445-559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was enjoying this thread but now it sucks

>> No.5129647

I always try to make friends with people above my level of intelligence/skill.
An example of skill would be a better musician than me.

>> No.5129649
File: 10 KB, 211x239, AHEAHAEHEAU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell.

>> No.5129652

One of my friends is like that, he failed one semester of Pre-Cal and his physics final because he was too lazy but got a perfect score on his SAT.

>> No.5129653

>drink spiked with molly
>just stumbled home and passed out
u wot m8?

>> No.5129655

>I think Intelligence is like a muscle if you exercise doing any intellectual ability you get better at it
Everyone knows this and it's been proven tons of times, the brain literally grows when you learn.

>> No.5129660

But he's right on poetry not being real, it's an art, and art is meant as a why to escape and cheat life.

>> No.5129661

I'm the most intelligent, funny and sexy guy in my social circle; mostly because my social circle is a dot.

>> No.5129662

Why would sensitivity and judgement be mutually exclusive? Sensitive people often excel at judgement.

>> No.5129664


>> No.5129666

SATs are pleb tier intellectual work though. maybe he failed Pre-Cal and Physics final because he's stupid or because putting in the work and not performing well or failing would shatter the image that idiots who think a 'perfect' SAT score is in any way indicative of true intellectual capabilities built for him..

>> No.5129669 [DELETED] 

can I see her her Virgina?

>> No.5129673

I think I'm smart and funny. I always meet people who surprise me in how smart and funny they are. I wish I could be friends with those people so I could be around them more often. Maybe they would make me better through osmosis or maybe I could simply enjoy their company. I don't know how to make friends.

>> No.5129678

I have no friends because I was the smartest

>> No.5129679


Intelligence is socially constructed. Rejecting the bourgeois concept of intelligence is one of the steps necessary to rejecting kapitali$m. I reject intelligence.

>> No.5129682

Blame the hermit trying to say that his lifestyle is objectively superior.
A standardized test isn't the best measure but he's really fucking smart and he failed his final because over half of your grade for it was based on some worksheets you had to turn in before you took the test which he never did.
You can bring up any subject and he'll at least have some knowledge of it.

>> No.5129684
File: 43 KB, 419x329, virginia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5129685

>rejecting capitalism (that's how it's properly spelled)

>> No.5129689

My social circle is me and my four friends, I would say I'm the second most intelligent

>> No.5129691

The two in the middle are qts, the other two are ugly.


I'm beginning to think I might be the most well-rounded in my circle of friends.

>> No.5129692

top lol

>> No.5129701


The bourgeois running dogs of kapitali$m oppress billions and deny them access to basic amenities and rights. This is the greatest crime of our times, and one auspice beneath which the religion of kapital is venerated is so-called intelligence.

>> No.5129707

It's spelled "capitalism" and "capital". With a c.
You sound pretty dumb, I bet you are poor, too.

>> No.5129712

nig, he a troll. a lousy one at that.

>> No.5129718

That's how I see it as well. Academically I'm the most accomplished, but one close friend is incredibly "people" smart, another very creative and artistic, etc. I think most social circles are this way.

>> No.5129728


Maybe I am dumb. That means nothing, though. Maybe I'm poor. Or perhaps I'm writing this from my multi-million dollar lake house. You aren't even playing by your own rules of intelligence, targeting me with insults.

I spell kapital and kapitali$m with a k because the hard-c sound is absent in the languages of the oppressed people of the earth, and the letter k better reflects the beauty of the languages of Native Afrikans, Xican@s, and Asians.

>> No.5129732

I'm fairly dumb, truth be told, but I think I still have the most interests and curiosity of my social circle, almost everyone doesn't read, only listens to hip-hop/pop, the furthest they've delved into serious cinema is The Godfather, etc,

>> No.5129737

I'm the most book smart but I'm woefully inept in just about every other sphere of intelligence.

>> No.5129743

The point isn't that you've been exposed to that same reference necessarily, the point is they made a connection to another idea based on an abstract idea they related the two concepts with. They made that connection, where as you didn't. It doesn't specifically have to be what they said, only that their/your mind can make abstract links. There's always some connection that can be made, you just have to be aware enough to make it.

>> No.5129759

i've got 6 friends.
- 2 are marxist feminists (your standard girls under 25)
- 1 works in a ford factory. lives with grandparents. is an alcoholic gamer.
- 1 is an IT guy for a bank. lives with parents. also alcoholic gamer.
- 1 does coke and goes to CC for film.
- 1 got addicted to pot and lost his job and had to move back in with his parents.

this is after the six of us left behind a much larger group after they all became potheads during college.

i'd say i'm the smartest of our group but i don't impress myself.