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5123310 No.5123310 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any writer beyond shakespeare who change his writing style according to the character personality/socioeconomical background/education?

Also, how can I write more realistic females characters?

I see many females characters from male's writers as simply males with tits and vagina.

I think females characters should be more interested into emotions and relating using empathy, and interested in females activities (gossip, fake praise, cooking, lusting about hot males, jealousy from other females) and generally avoiding physical conflict, and their dialogs are generally more developed than males, always talking about a past story (gossip) of their partners or family.
Also hypocressy and fake praise.

>> No.5123337

Oh, I forget entitlement.

>> No.5123430

Yeah, if you like writing vapid cunts.

>> No.5123443

Have you ever met a woman? It sounds like your only experience is with those portrayed on television.

>> No.5123445


>Is there any writer beyond shakespeare who change his writing style according to the character personality/socioeconomical background/education?

anyone this ignorant is not worth a response on /lit/ (or is a sad troll)

also, OP, posting anime characters is banned on /lit/

>> No.5123448

Is not from TV.
is from watching my aunts talking with their neightbor/friends, and watching girls talk on facebook.

>> No.5123451
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>He said, posting on a Japanese image board

>> No.5123452

Sorry, I haven't read too many book.
I'm just starting to read literature.
I'm just curious.

>> No.5123459

So...I'll take that as a no.

>> No.5123471 [DELETED] 

weeaboo faggot

>> No.5123472

sorry, I didn't imply such activities are bad.
I wasn't mean to be derogative or mysoginist.
It would be like saying that males only care about toys and expensive toys, only think in terms of logic and don't like/dismiss emotions, are competitive, like direct confrontation.

Those things are not bad, females are just diferent, more social animals.
There's a reason why they enjoy nursery, education, psychology, healthcare while males goes to engineering.

Also, their emotional lives are much more complex than males and they try to solve their friends problems by empathy.

I can keep going on.

>> No.5123481 [DELETED] 

sorry to hear you're afraid to enjoy childish stuff.
maybe when you grown up you will enjoy childish stuff again without feeling shame.

>> No.5123493

BTW you can fucking deny women use fake praise.
I have had many direct first hand they use fake praise as simple conversational tool.
also they're afraid to be confrontational (at least some of them) and like to be indirect and give confusing double meaning signals.

That's why males seem to not understand them.

>> No.5123502


>> No.5123520

No, I didn't mean cunts.
females are emotional, and feel jealousy.
they just hide all that shit.
is very easy to see that if you have females friends on facebook.

Also, their brains are wired diferent than males.
For you it may seem bad, but would like telling you that facts and logic are bad.

there's a reason why there's this meme of feminist hate facts and logic.

>> No.5123576

just remember you are creating a "person" not a generalization

>> No.5123589

>Japanese image board

slow down there genius you are going too fast

>> No.5123609

I'm aware.
females are just way more complex than males.
males are just braindead easy to write.
that's why I would love to learn to write realistic females.

you need to be aware such generalizations have some truth, like little girls wish to be princess (empowerment, social status, histrionic desires) a doctor (nurturing, mother desires), teacher (nurturing, social status, motherly desires, childcare) a wife (desire to be protected by an alpha male), playing to drink tea (social status, gossip).

I don't see girls playing other games.

BTW motherhood is huge in females, they can deny it, but motherhood is like losing your virginity to males.

Is so strong mother instict in females they can't understand/comprehend why a female will leave his newborn baby in some trash bin.

>> No.5123622 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 500x335, b770fb671439e4c04593aff592d9838e70fdd959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh pure seekrit klub

>> No.5123633


probleme? I love how easy it is to get people on here butthurt about their precious weeaboo

>> No.5123638
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Not him but he's not the autistic retard that thinks the term "weeaboo" means anything anymore.

>> No.5123702

don't read psychology. read writers. also, stop reading writers who would write about 'lusting about hot males'. what's your story about?

>> No.5123703

The fact that one dude replied to you with ten words or less both times and you're defending yourself with so many more says a lot about your opinion.

>> No.5123715

I don't want to write now.
I want to start to read lots of literature.
I just got my tablet.

sorry m8.
I love to write long post.

>> No.5123727

Why are you writing braindead easy males? Why aren't you writing actual characters?

>> No.5123733

I didn't imply that.
but writing good females are just more dificult and complex than writing males.

>> No.5123738


CIS scum pls

>> No.5123739

>I think females characters should be more interested into emotions and relating using empathy, and interested in females activities (gossip, fake praise, cooking, lusting about hot males, jealousy from other females) and generally avoiding physical conflict, and their dialogs are generally more developed than males, always talking about a past story (gossip) of their partners or family.

Sorry, but is this what you "think females characters should be", or was it meant as a criticism of male writers creating god-awful stereotypes?

>> No.5123746

I hate to admit it, but I came from videogames and anime to lately start reading literature.
In anime and games I never found on example of realistic females, outside manga written by females (clamp, sailor moon).