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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 35 KB, 450x350, solanas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5120894 No.5120894[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>The male's inability to relate to anybody or anything makes his life pointless and meaningless (the ultimate male insight is that life is absurd), so he invented philosophy and religion.

>Most men men, utterly cowardly, project their inherent weaknesses onto women, label them female weaknesses and believe themselves to have female strengths; most philosophers, not quite so cowardly, face the fact that make lacks exist in men, but still can't face the fact that they exist in men only. So they label the male condition the Human Condition, post their nothingness problem, which horrifies them, as a philosophical dilemma, thereby giving stature to their animalism, grandiloquently label their nothingness their `Identity Problem', and proceed to prattle on pompously about the `Crisis of the Individual', the `Essence of Being', `Existence preceding Essence', `Existential Modes of Being', etc. etc.

>Daddy's Girl, passive, adaptable, respectful of and in awe of the male, allows him to impose his hideously dull chatter on her. This is not too difficult for her, as the tension and anxiety, the lack of cool, the insecurity and self-doubt, the unsureness of her own feelings and sensations that Daddy instilled in her make her perceptions superficial and render her unable to see that the male's babble is babble; like the aesthete `appreciating' the blob that's labeled `Great Art', she believes she's grooving on what bores the shit out of her. Not only does she permit his babble to dominate, she adapts her own `conversation' accordingly.

>Trained from an early childhood in niceness, politeness and `dignity', in pandering to the male need to disguise his animalism, she obligingly reduces her own `conversation' to small talk, a bland, insipid avoidance of any topic beyond the utterly trivial -- or is `educated', to `intellectual' discussion, that is, impersonal discoursing on irrelevant distractions -- the Gross National Product, the Common Market, the influence of Rimbaud on symbolist painting. So adept is she at pandering that it eventually becomes second nature and she continues to pander to men even when in the company of other females only.

>The male `artist' attempts to solve his dilemma of not being able to live, of not being female, by constructing a highly artificial world in which the male is heroized, that is, displays female traits, and the female is reduced to highly limited, insipid subordinate roles, that is, to being male.

>The male `artistic' aim being, not to communicate (having nothing inside him he has nothing to say), but to disguise his animalism, he resorts to symbolism and obscurity (`deep' stuff). The vast majority of people, particularly the `educated' ones, lacking faith in their own judgment, humble, respectful of authority (`Daddy knows best'), are easily conned into believing that obscurity, evasiveness, incomprehensibility, indirectness, ambiguity and boredom are marks of depth and brilliance.

Well, /lit/?

>> No.5120911

>The male `artist' attempts to solve his dilemma of not being able to live, of not being female, by constructing a highly artificial world in which the male is heroized, that is, displays female traits, and the female is reduced to highly limited, insipid subordinate roles, that is, to being male.

Funny thing to say since she's the one who asked Andy Warhol to hire her.

>> No.5120913
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"I would have pulled the switch on her myself"

- Lou Reed from "I Believe"

>> No.5120929

You should've grown out of this when middle school ended.

>> No.5120936

omg those last two points hahahaha

>> No.5120939


She's like an ugly version Sasha Grey.

>> No.5120955

>So they label the male condition the Human Condition
Which was written by Arendt

>> No.5120969

I did. But sexist thinkers are sometimes quoted here (I mean that their sexist sometimes) so I thought it might be interesting to have pretty much the only well known example of sexist writing from the other direction.

>> No.5120974

I can't relate to anybody

My life is pretty pointless

She's spot on so far

>> No.5120976

Feminism is a religion and patriarchy is her god. By assigning everything that was, is, and ever will be to an infallible yet also malevolent phallo-deity, they free themselves of the intellectual burden that would be intelligence. Following the women's suffrage movement women were faced with the terrifying existential dread of freedom, a dread which was most easily pacified by taking all those questions and answering them with the Satan-figure that was The Male.

It is in the interests of feminists, not men, that the male is seen as flawless and idealized. If feminists were to admit that men were capable of ignorance or mistakes, it would mean that they were not capable of systematically conspiring to oppress women. By agreeing amongst themselves that the maleness is synonymous with intelligence and strength, they kill two birds with one stone: they have built up an enemy deliberatley designed to be invincible, and have fabricated by themselves gendered propaganda that they can proceed to rebel against.

Through this closed system feminists create an environment where they will not only always feel vindicated in their hatred for men, but also never have to suffer the burden of deciding what they will have to do once the patriarchy has been smashed. Since the patriarchy cannot be defeated, their feelings of insecurity will always be justified, and since smashing the patriarchy will always be a noble goal they will never have any reason to question their own beliefs, which they can continue to act on, indefinitely, like robots.

Feminism is a systematic lobotomization of the female mind far more deliberate and effective than any concocted patriarchy could ever accomplish.

>> No.5120979

Pretty sure she didn't coin.

I mean, you could also point out that serious feminist theory started with Beauvoir's existentialist work, and her critique of gender is very much based on "existence precedes essence".

>> No.5120980

this kind of pathetic attention grab is only making my balls swell all the more, honey

>> No.5120984

Upload that vocaroo of you saying my name lasciviously, you dirty slut.

>> No.5120985

Feminister what do you have to say about the indoctrination of boys into a male patriarchy.
Is no one born a man, but instead molded and shaped into the image of what is it to be a man (or what it is to be a failure of a man) by animalistic banal men?
Basically what I'm asking; is manhood just a demarcation that separates man from non-man, and so in that regard for a woman (in some cases) to be more of a man than non-man?

>> No.5120988

The country, or my country anyway, is mostly run by men, both economically and politically. Patriarchy proper, where men have absolute legal right as head of the family, doesn't exist anymore; patriarchy as an idea applied in social theory is somewhat broader.

>> No.5120990

fuck you for humoring her like this.

the longer she gets to play at being smart the longer I'm going to have to wait for fresh nudes

>> No.5120993

So for men he world is absurd, but for women it isn't?


>> No.5120996

In Solanas' pov, yeah. If you define manhood as action, then yeah (a soldier, for instance, is defined by a clear role, regardless of identity). But if you define manhood strictly as identity, then no.

>> No.5121001

Upload nudes, you landwhale.

>> No.5121007

Why don't you go find some woman who actually reciprocates your lust?

>> No.5121012


Let the girl tell her stories, man.

>> No.5121015

because why feign interest in them when I can just leave you money on the dresser?

>> No.5121018

>The ultimate male insight is that life is absurd
>The ultimate female insight is that _________________

>> No.5121020

>metrosexual tripfag passively defends a common whore

>> No.5121023

This is satire, right?

>> No.5121024

She also said this

>Looking inside yourself for salvation, contemplating your navel, is not, as the Drop Out people would have you believe, the answer. Happiness likes outside yourself, is achieved through interacting with others. Self-forgetfulness should be one's goal, not self-absorption. The male, capable of only the latter, makes a virtue of irremediable fault and sets up self-absorption, not only as a good but as a Philosophical Good, and thus gets credit for being deep.

>> No.5121031

Was the Buddha not a male?

>> No.5121033

What is there to be made out of this extract? The writer claims men cannot meaningfully express themselves, or something, because they are not females, yet the majority of what is written here has to do with simple observations of female behavior. If you want to post something anyone will have any kind of response to, how about the explanation of why men have nothing or say or wish they were women.

>> No.5121039

so like all women she's self-contradicting

eg Feminster who will spread her cunt for any old /pol/ack, but turns up her nose at /lit/

>> No.5121043

It's literally a showman's wave at a vaguely defined invisible spook.

>Here's a misreading of absurdism
>Here's a misunderstanding of philosophy
>Here's me thinking that belief systems created by women are any different than those created by men

>> No.5121045

Have you read Siddhartha?

>> No.5121046

all historical figures of any significance have been male

>> No.5121047


Congratulations on a job well done, OP.

>> No.5121049

If that's satire, what was trying to kill Andy Warhol?

>> No.5121053
File: 51 KB, 346x433, kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certainly, but I don't think he mean self forgetfulness in the sense of absorbing in your surroundings.

I didn't have a bf at the time.

>> No.5121056

That's absurd, especially when one considers cases like Nabokov (who was in the sort of marriage, the good kind, where two people function as one).

Supporting roles are not lesser.

>> No.5121062

Does evil exist? If evil is subjective, that means that no one agrees on the definition, so "evil" can mean anything.

So evil doesn't exist.

>> No.5121064

She did that for publicity.

>> No.5121065

I think that whoever you're quoting is misreading Absurdism, especially considering how closely it resembles Buddhism.

How could an Absurdist believe in a "self"?

>> No.5121066


Post/link what you've got

>> No.5121071

She staged a public attack with the intent of drawing attention and spreading fear? I think there's a word for that.

>> No.5121077

>implying subjective objective dichotomy is not a false dichotomy

>> No.5121080

Absurdism doesn't strive for self-forgetfulness, I don't think, regardless of the belief in self.

the /pol/ archive started deleted pics over a certain date a while ago :)

>> No.5121082

"Shock and awe" is three words.

>> No.5121085

No, she staged a public attack because she wanted a play published and the guy wouldn't publish it so she said I'll get publicity and then you will

>> No.5121090

So other than writing dribble she was also batshit insane.

>> No.5121092

How do you justify the first point?

>> No.5121093
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without you she's nothing

>> No.5121098

She was given very little time due to being ruled as insane, but that probably had more to do with her being a woman than anything. To illustrate how different things were back then, the publisher called the cops when she said she was going to do it, and the cops laughed because she was a woman and didn't take the idea seriously.

>> No.5121099

I really don't understand what you are trying to do here. You've grown to resent us and shitpost because they reject your identity (female and otherwise). Yet you still cling to your identity and direct your anger at this community, though you know the consequences are inevitable as long as you cling to your identity. It's like this on every board.

>> No.5121104
File: 113 KB, 570x480, unga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Valerie Solanas walks up to rookie traffic cop, William Shemalix and says “The police are looking for me and want me.” She hands the guns over to the cop saying that she had shot Andy Warhol “because he had too much control of my life”. (L&D296/03) She is arrested and sent to Bellevue Hospital for psychiatric examination, then to Elmhurst General in Queens. She is initially held without bail but eventually her bail is set at $10,000. (UV186)
>Valerie Solanas: "I just wanted him to pay attention to me."

>> No.5121105

This thread has nothing to do with being angry at /lit/, anon. And only a few posters here rustle my jimmies, not the whole board.

>> No.5121106

she's not stable and we should pity her

>> No.5121110


Nevermind. Pls don't post anymore of her.

>> No.5121111

What's her problem?

>> No.5121116

She was sexually abused as a child and apparently treated like shit for a lot of her life.

>> No.5121119
File: 127 KB, 1151x718, fire and forget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5121124

>She was sexually abused as a child
Just like you? is that why you are an apologetic cunt?

>> No.5121127

Don't listen to this guy. Keep going.

>> No.5121129

Well hoa there little missy you don't wanna be doing that. Think bout all the little boy_kids reading this, you might make them sex-obsessed. Sorry, sorry force of mule-habit. Is 'men men'... What is that? Like 'masterblaster'? or like burt reynolds in 'smokey'? Hey i agree with alot of what you say but victim & oppressor morality ain't going to solve shit. Never mind me you know. I'm just a cunt making goofball statements. You yourself, and this is just a moron speaking, seem to imply women are naturally subordinate. You just end up at 'what is instinct'. Man, if anyone cd answer that we'd be god himself. Halfway thru u go all uberwoman & stuff asif one sex is superior. @ dat point it just turns into a vaudeville-show imo. Your mistake is to put the animal on the pedestal above all, again, as 'god', just meiner ochpinchion. Thus you merely replace self as human with self as animal, a temporary notion of victory over self that sucks you right back down, pardon the metaphysical metaphor nonsense, but you get what i'm saying. Well, ok , you'll probably dismiss it. Well, uno, i'm a pantheist so i don't believe self any which way. Tudeloo.

>> No.5121130

and so we should be subject to your shitposts decades later?

>> No.5121132
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In Sweden, they worship her as a god. Legends say that if they sacrifice a virgin male to her under a blood moon, she will descend and bless one of them with eternal life.

>> No.5121144


when a solipsist criticises the other, they are telling you the most about themselves.


>> No.5121151


And she proceeds from that to wanting to destroy not only men, but the idea of man?

Seems like she's fixating on something. Almost as though maleness is that which she defines herself or at least her conception of herself against. A personal Jew. That's pretty cool, I ought to get one myself.

Any gingers willing to bugger me and then kick fuck out of me for days so that I can construct a motivating, empowering hatred for you?

>> No.5121155

What are the best arguments against her views?

>> No.5121158

Do you really want to know?


>> No.5121159

Life is absurd just a little more. Sorry sorry i'll stop talking

>> No.5121168

I miss deep&edgy

>> No.5121172

I miss Quentin.

>> No.5121177


>> No.5121178

>The male's inability to relate to anybody or anything

Then how did sadfrogs and feels take off so gloriously?

>> No.5121181


>Any gingers willing to bugger me and then kick fuck out of me for days so that I can construct a motivating, empowering hatred for you?

gay for pay only. pony up or no deal, mudhead

>> No.5121184

/v/ dox'd him, got him suspended from school by sending an email saying he was going to shoot up the place.

I miss him too. He liked powerade.

>> No.5121187

I miss E.T.'s homofohne

>> No.5121191


Did you get banned for making that stupid school thread like a week ago?

>> No.5121192


I miss stan.

>> No.5121198
File: 7 KB, 251x168, 1298927318609s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the glory days

RIP brownbear

>> No.5121199

I miss Isabelle Huppert.

>> No.5121207

"Remember, you guys. Missing is a sign that you care about holding stuff. You're gonna have a bad time, mmkay".

>> No.5121211


This entire fucking post consists of making wild speculations and then asserting that they're true without any rationale behind it. Typical of Feminister. I hope you keep getting banned for starting these shit threads that have nothing to do with literature.

>> No.5121212


I miss Virginia W00f and Fabulous.

Fuck Tybrax though, guy was a tease.

>> No.5121215

>Happiness likes outside yourself, is achieved through interacting with others
I believe this might be true for women. They live for the gossip and the grooming circle.

It's also why you will almost never find two women discussing abstractions. They're always talking about people and place and relationships.

>> No.5121218


Aside from the ones that are truly being ironic, all of you are pathetic.


>> No.5121220
File: 49 KB, 1024x576, Raccoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to sage, report and filter

>> No.5121224

See guys? /pol/ was not bad at all.

From Nazism admiration threads to Ethnicity knowledge.
From 9/11 threads to Zionism knowledge.
From Ron Paul to Putin speeches.

Now with all the that background we discuss about today's Geopolitics, Federal Reserve, Petrodollar, Al'Qaeda, Nato, Eurasian economics.. etc

>Feminism, Race-mixing, Degeneracy are an active goal on Hollywood and Western media propaganda.

Check mate, liberal art bros.

>> No.5121229
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>> No.5121230

Sounds like you got some wild butthurt yourself. What's wrong with you, shitlord? Do you hate women?

>> No.5121238

The fact you probably made that and included yourself is even more pathetic.

>> No.5121242

>why the boys are stupid for not liking me by some jeremy clarkson looking bitch

nothing to see here

>> No.5121244


lol you blocked the humiliate me taking orders guy

>> No.5121247


Pretty sure stag made it. He made a lot of these things.

>> No.5121248

It's an excerpt from a manifesto. Manifestos don't make rational arguments, nobody reads stuff like Industrial Society and It's Future for logic.

>> No.5121249


>that time of the month

>> No.5121255


Actually manifestos are made exactly to pretend ideas are rational

>> No.5121257


'rationality' is a meaningless, sexed concept anyway.

>> No.5121260

Do you actually get butthurt over this? Youd be pretty cool if you could come up with at least something witty.
God i hate tripfags. Youre supposed to be likeable you autists.

>> No.5121261


Why do you constantly make shit threads? Also, did you get banned for that shitty school thread you made?

>> No.5121266

They might say ideas are rational, but manifestos do not make use of significant logic of themselves. The Communist Manifesto, for instance, might have been preceded by extensive rational arguments on the part of Marx, but if you took The Communist Manifesto as a "serious" argument of itself, one to be held under academic tier scrutiny, it would be laughable, because it takes a ton of stuff for granted. Just like Industrial Society and Its Future has a ton of postulates which don't have significant empirical or rational arguments to substantiate them.

>> No.5121268

sorry :(

>> No.5121279

Why do you constantly make shit threads? Also, did you get banned for that shitty school thread you made?

>> No.5121280

Is the SCUM Manifesto a parody of Freud? Would be good if true.

>> No.5121286


But Marx had plenty of arguments, even if he doesn't list them at all in one of his works, and Kaczgksdugybkski was largely based on Ellul and others who also made plenty of arguments. Both of them also say things about what ought to be done. The author you quoted just makes demonstrably false claims. I'm also skeptical of your ability to tell whether or not something is an argument based on things you've said in the past about Nietzsche.

>> No.5121292

I like video games

>> No.5121326

If you believe in the death of the author (which has been a popular idea since Plato: through Socrates he says that he finds poets to be the worst interpreters of their own poems), then its intention doesn't matter much. It's funny as shit either way, and certainly the whole "men are incomplete women" is an allusions to Aristotle.

Yes, exactly. He doesn't list them in his manifesto. A manifest is nothing more than statement of a movement's beliefs and goals.

Industrial Society and Its Future references works and makes some examples, but a lot of it is totally unsubstantiated and the writer himself admits his uncertainty in regard to components of his theory (although he says that's not important).

I would not read either him or Solanas because I expected to find a convincing argument, but rather for portions of interesting observations and the pure value of oddity. Both committed acts of violence for publicity, and both take personal experience and observation as carrying a lot more weight than it does in their contexts.

>> No.5121336

>But Marx had plenty of arguments

Maybe from a social standpoint but not from an economic one. For your economic theory to make sense you need rigorous mathematical/statistical wor to back it up as math is the purest form of logic. Marx doesn't show his numbers and thus is rarely taken seriously in economic circles. Same with the Austrian school.

Almost all the Economists who won nobel prizes have advanced math degrees.

>> No.5121338

Nah im serious trips need to lighten up, man. Seems like so many are just plain autists that nobody likes. If you put a name on yourself let it be so that people will recognize you and be like "ahh that nigga". Know what im sayin?

>> No.5121342

Why do you constantly make shit threads? Also, did you get banned for that shitty school thread you made?

>> No.5121345

This is great. Thanks!

>> No.5121346

Feminister I just fucking farted
What's your feminist theory gonna do about it?

>> No.5121347

Yeah, I see where you're coming from. The guy in question has just bugged me a lot and I guess he got under my skin.

>> No.5121366


>Yes, exactly. He doesn't list them in his manifesto. A manifest is nothing more than statement of a movement's beliefs and goals.

Whether you're right or wrong about this isn't something I addressed or care about. Whether or not kaclfkgbsldhbgski also said demonstrably false things is also something I didn't address or care about.

My point, again, is that the entirety of what you quoted is filled with demonstrably false statements. There's no possible way the post could be taken as anything but bait and, surprise, the thread is basically a troll thread. You have a gift for starting shit threads and shit discussion on /lit/. Also, why won't you tell us whether or not you got banned for that shitty school thread you made and why you feel the need to constantly shitpost?


Don't care about economics, my point was about whether or not he makes arguments, which he does.

>> No.5121384

Anon shitposters target us all, those who want to stand out and fellow anons. There's nothing austist about snapping back every now and then. They're relentless and don't care how stoney faced you can be.

>> No.5121385

Glad you could understand. I honestly like your content, being the edgy-undereducated marxist which i am.

>> No.5121393

At least you posted something interesting halfway interesting this time, fmnstr.

The whole piece sounds very bitter and blame-shifty. It reads like a slightly less extreme Elliot Rodger manifesto. I'd rather spend time reading Beauvoir or even Judith Butler, and I really don't like Judith Butler at all.

>> No.5121396

Were you gone on a ban?


>> No.5121405

>The whole piece sounds very bitter and blame-shifty
Which seems to have piqued your interest enough to post. More than "halfway interesting" it appears.

>> No.5121407


Refusing to answer.

>> No.5121408

Oh great, and it's white knight butterfly.
Halfway interesting is better than /lit/ 95% of the time.

>> No.5121410

spread open buttcheeks or gtfo

>> No.5121411

Butterfly's a grill

>> No.5121412

Man i dont know maybe you guys just need some character is all im saying.
None of you guys are funny maybe i just want a funny/ebtertaining /lit/ tripfag.

>> No.5121413

come on bby show us ur ass

>> No.5121414

So? I already knew that, and it does nothing to detract from what I said.

>> No.5121418

ty <3

Ah, but isn't Marxism the opposite of edgy, when you think about it? Morality derived from Marxism is probably the most sophisticated there is.

Well Solanas isn't a theorist, she can't really be compared with them. She's either a satirist or batshit insane polemicist, but she's interesting either way.

>> No.5121419


>The whole piece sounds very bitter and blame-shifty. It reads like a slightly less extreme Elliot Rodger manifesto.

No shit. Solanas was a laughable fuckup and loser, lmao @ anyone who takes her seriously.

>> No.5121424

>Butterfly's a grill
castrated man on estrogen =/= grill

>> No.5121425

No. I was banned a while back, but that was only for a day.

>> No.5121444

Nah im sincerely a marxist and i dont think its edgy i was just trying to detract from the seriousness of the post. But i am serious about being under educated

>> No.5121445


In what way(s) is Marxist morality the most sophisticated? Also why won't you respond to >>5121366 and was your ban for irrelevant shitposting like we all suspect?

>> No.5121447
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She's just bitter because she's ugly, and that makes her crazy.

>> No.5121449
File: 55 KB, 800x525, Lili Taylor as Solanas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a performer. That would be your typical "tripfag". Evola or Fabulous do an act.

Can we filter you?

Oh, that's a first. I'm a castrated man now.

What was the reason given? Off topic?

>> No.5121457


>What was the reason given? Off topic?

hmmmm I wonder

>> No.5121459


>> No.5121463

I posted a philosophy thread and got a ban. Hmmmmmm

>> No.5121465

I bet the ban was for posting shis.

>> No.5121469

Yeah im not saying for you to be funny im just saying i would like for there to be a performer on this board. Sorry i was unclear about that

>> No.5121472

Taiga has been around pretty much forever.

>> No.5121475
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Shouldn't you be jonsing for a fix?

>> No.5121476

TL;DR, boring gender crap. Only women obsess about this stuff so much

>> No.5121482


If it wasn't related to literature then I'm glad you got banned. My guess is that it was one the retard-tier "why something rather than nothing" threads.

>> No.5121488

Oh, look! Speculation without evidence. There's more, speculation that is a product of a specific worldview is being universally applied!

No, I don't want any of what she's serving.

>> No.5121491

go to some girly forum to talk about your favorite tampon brand this board is for FREE ADULT MALES

>> No.5121506

maybe this tripfag should learn the difference between 'their' and 'they're' before embracing its own opinion to the point of labeling itself on a literature forum.

>> No.5121517

Why does every thinker feel the need to publish they're shitty pet theory about other people's motivations when they are restricted by their own incredibly narrow point of view?

>> No.5121521
File: 107 KB, 1024x768, Natalia-Tena with some Tena diapers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet many of you talk about your favourite shackles...

>> No.5121522
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>i was raped by my dad
>all men are shit & evil

ok m8

>> No.5121524

Whababababa habuh buhhbubu hauhhauh wahh?!

>> No.5121527

honestly, this is a pretty point of view, even if she doesn't provide an explanation and likely doesn't have one

>> No.5121530


ur point of view so pretty

>> No.5121534
File: 85 KB, 640x856, 640px-Aristotle_Altemps_Inv8575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. What's going on in dis thread?

>> No.5121536


>incapable of discerning troll posts from non-troll posts

>> No.5121538

>My guess is
Wrong. And there have been philosophy threads since forever, and you fucking know it.

She types fast and leaves up typos. Deal.

>> No.5121540

No, because I posted a thread about how /lit/ would run a private school.

Be "sophisticated" I don't mean "good" necessarily. I mean hyper-aware and factoring complex social theory into every day behavior.

Experience is the best education. After that, reading on things which concern everyday behavior, or perceptions which can significantly affect everyday behavior.

>> No.5121541

do you actually believe this OP?
I feel that some of it is true, but I believe everyone has their own insecurities and inadequacies. We project our own shortcomings onto other people, I myself even fall into such a trap I must admit. We must try our best to accept responsibility for our own imperfections.

>> No.5121545

>The second part of your post

You have officially dropped below "sniveling" on the pathetic retard meter.

>> No.5121546

considering that the only way this quote got any exposure at all was through feminister on a chinese cartoon image board, it's safe to say that whoever she is and whatever she has to say is irrelevant and inconsequential. sort of like feminister

>> No.5121549

So we should report all "What college you going to anon?" threads?
You just know someone's reported this thread

>> No.5121551

setting, top right

filters and post hiding

filter and highlight specific threads/posts

add « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » , switch type to "name"

never read a post like this ever again

>> No.5121555
File: 88 KB, 562x848, LudwigvanBeethoven1818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great men are literally the only thing that give humanity the right to exist.

>> No.5121556

I doubt anything on 4chan is relevant or consequential on a large scale. It's all just shooting the shit, even if some stuff is more complex than other stuff.

>> No.5121557


women are soil men are seeds

lets do some ploughin' amirite?

>> No.5121559

Guessing by "right" you're being poetic.

>> No.5121564


>right to exist

>"great men" not merely expressing the species being/absolute spirit regardless of their intent, like cogs in a wheel

>> No.5121570
File: 85 KB, 640x480, 1209805382793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slams filter shut

>> No.5121571



I doubt it.

>And there have been philosophy threads since forever, and you fucking know it.

Yeah, and some of them even follow the rules by being /lit/ relevant. You should try doing the same.

>No, because I posted a thread about how /lit/ would run a private school.

lolololol I'm so glad you got banned for shitposting. You apparently haven't learned your lesson though.

>Be "sophisticated" I don't mean "good" necessarily. I mean hyper-aware and factoring complex social theory into every day behavior.

What's the difference between being aware and being hyper-aware? Also, remembering that the relevant point was whether or not Marxism is edgy, what does being complex have to do with not being edgy? I could have a couple hyper-edgy axioms from which I create an even more complicated social theory which I apply to everyday behavior. In doing so, it wouldn't negate the edginess. I fail to see how "sophistication" makes something non-edgy.

>So we should report all "What college you going to anon?" threads?

Absolutely, yes.


So the first time someone mentioned Obama on 4chan, he became irrelevant? Think before you post.

>> No.5121573

sure, but at least post something with a somewhat strong argument. solanas(?) argument rests solely on penis envy and resentment

>> No.5121578

faggot if you aren't filtering you're part of the problem

>> No.5121579
File: 1.95 MB, 320x240, 1403835832490.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>posts walls of text
>wants to police the board

Does it just suck being you?

>> No.5121583


Don't care, I'm bored.


Forgot your tripcode

>> No.5121586
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>> No.5121587

Jokes on you. I filtered "Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ"

>> No.5121590

>What's the difference between being aware and being hyper-aware?
Engels refrained from marriage because his study of anthropology convinced him it was inextricably linked with patriarchy. That's not necessarily "advanced", but it is sophisticated because it's basing personal values and concerns off of academic studies.

>So the first time someone mentioned Obama on 4chan, he became irrelevant?
A post about Obama on 4chan is irrelevant, broadly speaking. A post about Obama is not Obama.

>> No.5121591

>makes poopies in the toiletbowl
>is a gay
that's you lol lmao

>> No.5121594

maybe jerk off or READ or something if you're bored instead of making this board a little bit shittier

>> No.5121595

Filtering is almost as gay as posting anime

>> No.5121596
File: 172 KB, 1280x960, yourlifewhen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5121606

Penis envy isn't really substantiated. Solanas posits "pussy envy" as the source of war and male frustration. Both are ridiculous, but the latter is funny because it's a ridiculous caricature of ridiculousness.

>> No.5121607


>> No.5121608

Said the tripfag after she dropped her trip.

>> No.5121615


The first half of your response is interesting but completely irrelevant to the portion of my post you greentexted. I hope I don't need to explain why.

>A post about Obama on 4chan is irrelevant, broadly speaking. A post about Obama is not Obama.

Dumb ass. The other anon was saying that Solanis is irrelevant when she's only getting attention by being on 4chan. You said that anything on 4chan is irrelevant. If you mean that anything within the realm of 4chan tends to be irrelevant in a wider context, then yes, that's pretty uncontroversial, but that wasn't the anon's point was it?


Have already jerked off and no longer horny. Also, notice how you're now doing what you're criticizing me for doing?

>> No.5121617

Freud is a greater authority on the workings of the mind than some crazy psycho bitch.

Check and mate.

>> No.5121622


You also failed to address what was at issue in our discussion. That being whether or not a moral theory can be edgy while being sophisticated. You implied that it can't be edgy since it's sophisticated, which is retarded.

>> No.5121626

I really love the more bizarre of Freudian concepts (especially his childhood development stuff) because, following the logic of some of his more correct views (all the defense mechanisms), a lot can be told about Freud's psyche

>> No.5121627
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>> No.5121628

Freud was an authority on the mind like Plato was an authority on life after death.

>> No.5121629


samefag and forgot your tripcode

>> No.5121634

dude you are every bit as cancerous as trips when you engage them like this

at least sage for fuck's sake

>> No.5121635
File: 13 KB, 222x216, 1403844803744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was some study about how the majority of feminists were very much into maledom bdsm. People generally like to write about things that interest them. I suppose it comes from growing up with super macho fathers who turn them into slave/masochists but then they realize it isnt right for women to be dominated like that and they take have to put up with it anymore. I suppose it goes respectively for misogynists too.

Thats why I love reading things like this. Thanks

>> No.5121639
File: 183 KB, 675x914, the THINker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So he's right about what happens if you believe deep down in your heart?

>> No.5121640


Been forgetting to sage and I humbly apologize for that. I disagree otherwise though since this is one thread which can easily be hidden.

>> No.5121641

Ah, yes.

Allow me to rephrases: it's sophisticated but also restrictive in many senses if utterly followed. It is relatively easy to "sin" in Marxist derived morality.

I do find him interesting.

>> No.5121642


It's true, the more radical the feminist the louder the beg to be beaten during sex.

At least in my experience.

>> No.5121645

Freud actually studied the mind. What kind of analogy is that? You seem to be acting a little hysterical.

>> No.5121651


Are you really this dense? I don't care about whether or not Marxism is sophisticated. Let's agree that it is. The point is that being sophisticated doesn't mean that something can't be edgy. You implied here: >>5121418
that being sophisticated makes it the opposite of edgy. Why is it so hard for you to retain relevant information over the span of a few minutes?

>> No.5121655

so the op is an explanation of pussy envy?

even if its a caricature i have to disagree. i enjoy having an active prefrontal cortex and a penis, and solanas seems to resent that she has neither. are you telling me that you seriously wouldn't want to have a dick

>> No.5121656


>the majority of feminists were very much into maledom bdsm.

not that unrealistic. it's a transgression of public persona. too hot for people to deny themselves.

the public would probably be surprised by the actual number of guys who were secretly into pegging/cuckold/some emasculating type kinks if there were ever a way of knowing.

>> No.5121660


If you're a gay dude and ever troll straights for nudes, you'd know that what you're saying is true.

>> No.5121665

I think it's the opposite, I think it's that no man can hold them down and beat them quite like their dad could when they were little girls and this makes them unsatisfied with men when they grow older, as women prefer to be dominated by men.
I think any dominatrix, if she meets a sufficiently manly man, will bend over and enjoy the wienering she'd get

>> No.5121670

I typo, you typo. We all typo.

>> No.5121675

No, the OP is just some stuff from it. "Pussy envy" (a term she actually uses) is a result of men being incomplete females (she says a Y s an incomplete X).

>are you telling me that you seriously wouldn't want to have a dick
No really. I mean, there's a male "g-spot", but the female one is incredible.

>> No.5121686

true, masochism seems to be the staple kink.
There is a line of thinking among modern psychologists that both sadism and masochism are the y same thing

>> No.5121689


Not that I disagree, but Solanas was hard gay

>> No.5121697

it is enough to see her writting style. it suffers from a common problem of manifests: full of opinions and devoid of [not anecdotal] evidence. if you're reading some fellow's delirium at least read breton's manifests, his crap is funnier

>> No.5121699

G-Spot is pseudoscience.
Women do not find pleasure in the act of sex.

>> No.5121700
File: 18 KB, 465x351, This fucking thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5121708

Oh great here comes fucking Butterfly with her ignorant solipsist view of the world, as if the absurd idiocy of these two great dykes doesn't warrant the vitriol they encounter. God I hate you two so very fucking much, you even more you stupid, lesbionic cunt.

Just start emailing each other and scissor somewhere else and leave /lit/ in peace, ffs. Goddamnit man these two jokers...

This thread is absolute trash, by the way , and for a self-professed Egoist to believe in grand spooks such as feminism or patriarchy is beyond me. Are all women fucking idiots?

>> No.5121709

If women are so great, why do they spend all their time talking about men?

>> No.5121717


If women are so great, why don't they rule the world to begin with?

>> No.5121720

>Are all women fucking idiots?

Yes. Find one with higher testosterone who is aware of this fact, or stay alone forever.

>> No.5121723

Feminister's not a dyke

>> No.5121732

It's just what feminister does. She only argues with what you last posted because she hasn't the cognitive ability to retain the thread of an argument. In truth I don't think she even listens or cares. She treats every reply as a platform to smugly expound her ignorant views on things and sometimes try to get attention for being a grill. She's a fucking joke.

>> No.5121733


G-spot is nothing but a couple women with overactive/outsize clitorides making all the rest feel like they're inferior for it, thus inducing them to fake it. Just like with basically everything else about women.

>> No.5121738
File: 603 KB, 142x166, Wait a minute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hasn't filtered
You're obsessed.
Maybe you need a cold shower.

And I'm not a solipsist!

>> No.5121739

ur mean

>> No.5121746
File: 102 KB, 680x966, 1404902715961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>Hasn't filtered
>You're obsessed.

fukken rekt m8 lol

>> No.5121769


Butterfly stop dropping your trip and posting your daffy pictures, you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.5121778

>le intelligent, mysterious narrowed eyes

>> No.5121779

>she continues to pander to men even when in the company of other females only.

And, off the rails it goes.

>> No.5121784

Ha, no.

>> No.5121786

A priori knowledge would say you could write about male inferiority in any number of ways, that doesn't mean the idea is plausible

>> No.5121792


>> No.5121795

The broader a concept becomes, the more meaningless it becomes as a "social ill", or as something that can be fixed. If everyone has it, no one has it.

>> No.5121799

too long didn't read

no one cares go down to pol I am sure they will care enough to push your shit in over there

>> No.5121799,1 [INTERNAL] 

I NEVER do that.

Why haven't you closed the thread. Fucking asshat.

Not /pol/ related.

They ban you again for this?