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5118319 No.5118319[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When will BNW happen? I'm getting impatient.

>> No.5118333

>globalist liberal democracy
>erryone smokes weed

You're in it.

>> No.5118379


We're definitely getting there. Certain subcultures more or less embody the kind of structured Hedonism portrayed in the book.

Go become one of those festival wookies. Just shower once in a while for God's sake.

>> No.5118384

Brave New World will only happen for a small percentage of the world's population.

>> No.5118391

Fluffhead was a man
With a horrible disease

>> No.5118401

Did you even read the novel?

>> No.5118406

>implying capitalist development would lead to this when Orwell's vision is much easier to implement

We're in for 1984, anon, sorry to break it to you.

>> No.5118451

I don't think that 1984's society would be much easier to put in place.
I get the feeling that in BNW people take drugs willingly, for their effects. Whereas in 1984 people just take their pills because they are pretty much told to do so. iBut t's been a while since I've read both books, so I could mix them together.
Personnaly I would think the future would be a mix between BNW and Farenheit 451.

>> No.5118472

1984's system is based upon a miserly elite keeping all of the world's dwindling resources to themselves, leaving the bulk of the population to wallow in empty pornographic pop culture and motivating them with nationalist nonsense when necessary. It's a system that's no good for anyone but that won't be given up by the elite just because it gives them a higher position even as it gets worse and worse.

There's more parallels between 1984 and modern capitalism than most people would admit, even if other dystopian works like BNW and F451 can't be discounted entirely.

>> No.5118477

Maybe not exactly how Huxley envisioned it, but we are definitely getting to a point to where we're killing ourselves with pleasure.
And I couldn't be happier that I'll be dead before it full unfolds. You faggots and your children can deal with it, I'll be busy rotting in the ground with a big dumb grin on my face.

>> No.5118487

This. People disregard it because most aren't being jack-booted and brainwashed. What they don't realize is that in the book this practice is marginal and limited to the upper levels of society.

There was a guy put into a mental institution for rightly accusing several banks, or what was it, of some kind of criminal fraud. There's also a lot of very weird stuff going on with the NSA that could be the source of a lot of higher-level coercion.

>> No.5118492

was a reply to

>> No.5118496

>tfw no one realizes we live in a world that is more like PKD's Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said.
We just don't all fly helicopters.

>> No.5118531

Which subcultures?

>> No.5118538

What's wrong with pleasure?

>> No.5118540

Not that guy, but why should BNW happen exactly as stated in the novel? You really think we'll have an enormous World State, with only a few islands and reservations left alone? More likely, it will be the other way around.

The world will be a desolate hellhole. Those few countries that can afford to run shit with robots will wall themselves in before getting fucked up on happy pills. Nobody ever goes to space, except for robots that go asteroid mining. The end.

>> No.5118555

What is The Penultimate Truth?

>> No.5118559

Go see Phish and hang out in the parking lot before they perform.

>> No.5118575

Can't wait to take drugs and fuck Lenina all the time.

>> No.5118587

You don't even need to go to a Phish concert. The focus of college seems to be pretty social now. Parties parties parties. There are also lots of people genuinely stoned on pot for 8 - 12 hours of their waking life where I live, LA.

>> No.5118615

Guy you replied to.
Yeah actually you are right. What is so fascinating about that book is that most people think its criticizing USSR and fascist states, when in fact the road to 1984 is paved by the liberal ideology that our civilisation embraces.

>> No.5118639

>You don't even have to go to a Phish show
Well yeah but when something like 46 Days or Ghost starts playing and you're rolling deep and the cute girl next to you asks if you have a pipe all will be right with the world.

>> No.5118674

Yeah. 1984 isn't a criticism of "capitalism and socialism at once", as some people claim - it's solely a criticism of capitalism. Orwell, as a anti-Soviet socialist, saw the USSR as state capitalism rather than socialism. So really everything about 1984 is dedicated to being a scathing criticism of capitalism in all its forms.

>> No.5118839

>dick novel
Eh. Doesn't really sound like my post.

I'll admit my ideas are pretty wacky though!

>Western world walling itself in, obsessed with securing its borders
>Wants to create a panopticon society where the government can spy on everyone and everything forever and ever
>Wants to go strip mining asteroids for rare metals so we don't have to get them from China
>Its populations get addicted to high tech entertainment and don't give a shit about anything anymore
>Because the third world is so icky with all of its extremism and ebola we'll just increase the strength of our walls and upgrade our drones to ventilate terrorists more efficiently

I'm thinking about taking these ideas and turning them into a sci-fi novel. The title would be something like "2014: Right Fucking Now." Has a nice ring to it. I'm not sure it'll get published though, what with it being speculative fiction and all.

>> No.5118936
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>implying it isn't happening and you're not an omega neet being culled out of the pool

>> No.5118938

I thought 1984 was about collectivism at its worst, and wearing labels like capitalism and socialism are like deciding what clothes for a ugly person. He will still look ugly no matter what

>> No.5118944


>> No.5118949

>everyone smokes weed
I don't. I guess thats what separates true patricians from human cattle.

>> No.5118954

*tips shitpost*

>> No.5118959

It's not collectivism specifically. To Orwell the USSR was about as 'socialist' as Nazi Germany. His condemnation is, as a socialist himself, rooted in the dehumanizing effects of capitalism of all stripes, from liberal democratic capitalism to Soviet state capitalism.

>> No.5118962
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>unironically saying "human cattle"

>> No.5118981

Nothing is "wrong" with pleasure. It simply doesn't work long-term. You're just young so you don't feel it yet. As someone who is still capable of feeling copious amounts of immediate pleasure, you can't how you yourself could ever find yourself experiencing such a state. The problem is, we all imagine we will feel things the exact same way we experience them now throughout our lives. This is never the case.

>> No.5118994

I love saying human cattle. I say it as often as I can with the intent of making everyone around me sick of me saying human cattle.

>> No.5119008

Tbh i thought all forms of extreme collectivism, capitalist or socialist, would do what Orwell(and by extension Huxley) envision. Huge emphasis of group over individual. Dictating how an individual should carry out their lives, enforce a strict hireachy etc etc

>> No.5119116

>People who have everything they could ever want are ruined

Do people actually believe this?

>> No.5119139

Makes you wonder what Orwell would've made over less capitalist forms of socialist collectivism, such as Maoist China or Democratic Kampuchea.

>> No.5119186

>tfw you smoke weed most days and have for 2 years
kill me

>> No.5119198

Being a 'pothead' is actually a surprisingly satisfying lifestyle.

>> No.5119200


kill yourself

>> No.5119220

probably the same disgust with Stalin Russia?

>> No.5119275

What's wrong with smoking weed? I am more intelligent than you and I smoke weed.

>> No.5119285

Yeah, but his idea was that the Soviet Union was so bad because it was state-capitalist. The early PRC and Kampuchea were both agricultural societies.

>> No.5119295

4chan is full of fat ugly bitter nerds with no friends who hate fun. they will never experience the best part of existing (drugs) and as such they deserve both our pity and contempt

>> No.5119448

its not as enjoyable down the line
how old are you

>> No.5119484

Only if you're doing the wrong drugs or are unintelligent. I actually see this all the time. All my loser friends blame smoking weed for their failure, and yet my successful friends smoke too and are off at prestigious universities or conducting important research. What I am saying is, if you're a loser sober you will be a loser high, if you're a winner sober you'll be a winner high. People adore blaming their shortcomings on external factors.

I am 24.

>> No.5119508
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>He cares about personal achievement and societal status

>> No.5119518

>being a loser

>> No.5119523

In the paraphrased words of Huxley:

>We are in a dangerous position where we are beginning to like a way of being and living that by any standard of morals, ethics, or practicality we ought not to like. We should forever be collectively vigilant that our society does not experience a great degeneration of tried and tested values

Huxley is a fascinating oracle, and like an oracle, nobody actually cares to understand exactly what he means and act accordingly.

>> No.5119529

You only 'don't care' because you're a fucking disgusting failure. If you were intelligent and attractive you'd be all about society. That goes for most of the NEETS here too. You weren't anti-society and then became NEET, you were a fucking worthless loser NEET and society rejecting you has made you extremely bitter.

>> No.5119541

>If you were intelligent and attractive

But I am.

>> No.5119549

haha, keep telling yourself that

>> No.5119577

There are many different types of people that go on this website, there is no need to project. But I'll leave it at that.

>> No.5119591

Is there anyone ITT that hasn't tried acid before? If yes, why not? Please do so immediately.

>> No.5119602

you're a fucking ugly loser just accept it

>> No.5119606

why would you want to be dead in life?

>> No.5119612

Do you have some sort of source and context for that paraphrased quote? Because googling it comes up with nothing and even if he did say it, it could have easily been said about something completely different than the matter at hand.

>> No.5119621
File: 27 KB, 434x289, its-not-your-fault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope you feel better someday soon, anon.

>> No.5119647

epic denial /b/ro

>> No.5119652

>not partaking in superior MDMA social experience and bliss

>> No.5119654

why wouldn't you

>> No.5119659

happiness is overrated

>> No.5119662

LSD and MD are the two best drugs.

>> No.5119663

>not doing both and acid and shrooms as often as possible

fucking pleb

>> No.5119666

It already happened.

>> No.5119671


>> No.5119674

You should wait at least one or two weeks between every intake of MDMA. Serotonin depletion and all.

>> No.5119677

>hasn't done mescaline or DMT yet

>> No.5119689

Both of those are better than acid, in different ways.

>> No.5119694



IYou're welcome.

>> No.5119711

what do you want me to say?

I want life, with the good and the bad things it has. Pure happiness without struggle is death.

>> No.5119734

fuck serotonin

>> No.5119753

You haven't seen how bad things can get yet.

>> No.5119803

A surprisingly badass sentiment

>> No.5119851

>It simply doesn't work long-term
Nothing works long-term, which is good thing since eternal existence would be hell. Pleasure is simply the best thing available.

>> No.5119860

Im afraid you are right.

Still i dont want a paradise.

>> No.5119880

I'd be content with not having to mustre extraordinary willpower to keep living.

>> No.5119902

either it kills you or makes you stringer.

>> No.5119911


As someone with chronic cystic fibrosis, I would give anything for a life without turmoil. "No peaks without troughs" is just something to give meaning to shit things happening to you.

>> No.5119941

One of the least truth-apt aphorisms

>> No.5120161

Why needs morals when you're happy?


>> No.5120176
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>> No.5120194

thats just not how the brain works bro but ok

>> No.5120468

>you will never play escalator squash or reimann-surface tennis