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/lit/ - Literature

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5115937 No.5115937 [Reply] [Original]

Are we smarter than /sci/?

>> No.5115939

We are when it comes to literature.

>> No.5115941

smarter in the conventional, computational sense (quick, brilliant at pattern recognition, endurance for intense analytical thinking and problem solving)? No, probably not. But we've got other things going for ourselves.

>> No.5115944

In general? Probably not. When is comes to asinine philosophy? Definitely.

>> No.5115946

lol no

There might be a couple people here smarter than the people on /sci/ but on average /sci/ is much more intelligent.

>> No.5115951

We're both just as stupid collectively. We might have a slighty higher proportions of based anons, but those are a small minority in any case.

>> No.5115954

No, we're not
It takes a few weeks to understand all the literary jargon that gets thrown around here, over on /sci/ it might takes years to understand what they're talking about sometimes

>> No.5115958

>Are we smarter than /sci/?
Neither /lit/ nor /sci/ has overthrown capitalism and caused the real history of man to commence, so currently we're equally fucking stupid.

>> No.5115959

You guys are all a very modest bunch. Significantly better than just about every other blue board.

>> No.5115961

lit is a bunch of dumbasses

>> No.5115972

who snuggled his blueberries?

>> No.5115982


Depends how you define intelligence. If keeping an open-mind means you're smart, then /sci/ most definitely is not. That isn't to say though that they are all mules. I've encountered some incredibly reasonable folk there, and here, but generally /lit/ is more keen on entertaining ideas that might not be completely, well, accurate. /sci/ is vehemently hell-bent on sticking to that which is testable and provable, meaning they would assuredly write off the majority of the pontification that goes on here (despite the fact that some /lit/erary opinions arguably undermine /sci/'s entire dogma).

>> No.5115985

Canker sores or mouth ulcers are normally small lesions that develop in your mouth or at the base of your gums. They are annoying and can make eating, drinking, and talking uncomfortable. Factors that can put you at risk for developing mouth ulcers are being a woman or having a family history of mouth ulcers.

Mouth ulcers are not contagious and usually go away within a week. However, if you get a canker sore that is large or extremely painful or if it lasts for a long time without healing, you should seek the care of a physician.

>> No.5115993

Hard to say. Probably not, but we're also probably less autistic.

>> No.5115996

> undermining the scientific method
Inherently impossible.

>> No.5116001

Who fucking gives a shit.

>> No.5116011


this desire to be a part of something and be seen as intelligent makes my want to vomit

>> No.5116015


>> No.5116039

And? He was wrong.

>> No.5116041

So scientific. Lakatos on incommensurability

>> No.5116042


le litizen patrician master race xd

>> No.5116044

What the fuck does smart even mean? There are so many fucking facets to the word that using it in such a broad fucking way renders it essentially meaningless. Are you referring to education? To innate ability? To memory? To a persons ability to express themselves? To general knowledge? I'm going to assume you're either a referring to a combination of all these things and more, in which case how do you fucking quantify something comprised of so many unquantifiable factors, or that you have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about and are just mindlessly recycling stupid shit you've heard another gibbering morons say in a vague, semi-conscious attempt to illicit responses from other idiots on the internet, in which case congratulations.

>> No.5116047


You're assuming that all that is is testable. It isn't.

>> No.5116050

Neutropenia is an abnormally low count of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell that helps fight off infections, particularly those caused by bacteria and fungi. The threshold for defining neutropenia varies slightly from one medical practice to another. Neutropenia in adults is generally defined as a count of 1,700 or fewer neutrophils per microliter of blood. The cell count indicating neutropenia in children varies with age. The lower your neutrophil count, the more vulnerable you are to infectious diseases. If you have severe neutropenia — fewer than about 500 cells per microliter of blood — bacteria normally present in your mouth and digestive tract can cause infections.

>> No.5116055


>illicit responses from other idiots on the internet

>> No.5116058

Why do you assume it isn't?

>> No.5116059

There are so many trolls (and a few actual retards) on both boards that it's hard to say.
We should be sister boards.


>> No.5116060

I hate 90% of the people who post here, that's precisely why I'm here. Keeping company that is not your own is the real way to become intelligent.

>> No.5116062


Keep it up, Dave.

>> No.5116065
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Please. There is quantummechanics-tier literature that is ignored whenever it's brought up

>> No.5116097


Because our current tools of observing things in a scientific setting still can't manage to observe things at Planck lengths, let alone quantum. Sure we can theorize the existence of things like neutrinos and bosons using maths and various logical analyses, and even prove their existence with LHC in Geneva, but we can't yet do things like say, "okay, I have a hypothesis that we exist in one of infinite universe, let's test it!" I completely hope that I'm proven wrong because if science could go on to prove quantum theory in its entirety, solve the hard problem of consciousness, refute or validate what religions and/or spirituality have taught for centuries, verify the size of our universe, or even describe what exactly goes on in black holes, then I would be ecstatic. But until then, or even until we even understand what life is at a fundamental level, beyond chemical, biological, then I have to contend that the scientific method is not a perfect approach to understanding the raw nature of reality via empirical testing. Too much is transitory and subjective.

>> No.5116098

/sci/ is filled underaged b& asking anon to finish their homework, posting their new 'theory' inspired by YouTube popsci a la Neil Degrasse Tyson, or otherwise misinterpreting some basic scientific theory. The rest is undergrads who think they are the next Einstein because they passed a semester of math and scored triple didgits in an internet IQ test. By and large /sci/ is retarded, but so is /lit/ lel.

>> No.5116105

Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes (meninges) surrounding your brain and spinal cord. The swelling associated with meningitis often triggers the "hallmark" signs and symptoms of this condition, including headache, fever and a stiff neck. Most cases of meningitis in the U.S. are caused by a viral infection, but bacterial and fungal infections also can lead to meningitis. Depending on the cause of the infection, meningitis can get better on its own in a couple of weeks — or it can be a life-threatening emergency requiring urgent antibiotic treatment. If you suspect that you or someone in your family has meningitis, seek medical care right away. Early treatment of bacterial meningitis can prevent serious complications.

>> No.5116112

Yes. Science and math are about memory. Just about anyone with the luxury of time could master it. Hence why there quite a few science and math child prodigies, yet one barely ever hears of a literature or philosophy child prodigy. Accepting axioms and data without doubt is so easy even a child can do it. Even the most sophist philosopher exudes greater intelligence than the best of modern day scientist, that is of course if you value cunning over data when it comes to defining intelligence. Yet you, OP, have not defined your conceit of intelligence, so I'll go on with my own.

>> No.5116117

The scientific methods has absolutely nothing to do with *what* can be tested, only with the method by which it is tested, the process of testing something.

The philosophical process is sound in itself, whether or not humanity currently has the physical tools to do it is irrelevant.

>> No.5116118


"[L]iving constantly in the atmosphere of slaves, he [the roman citizen] became infected through the unconscious with their psychology. No one can shield himself from such an influence." (Contributions to Analytical Psychology, Jung)

>> No.5116120

Viral meningitis *may* improve without treatment, but bacterial meningitis is serious, can come on very quickly and requires prompt antibiotic treatment to improve the chances of a recovery. Delaying treatment for bacterial meningitis increases the risk of permanent brain damage or death. In addition, bacterial meningitis can prove fatal in a matter of days.

There's no way to know what kind of meningitis you or your child has without seeing your doctor and undergoing spinal fluid testing.

>> No.5116124

Muh nigga

The history of all mankind hitherto is the history of class warfare

>> No.5116128

*The history of all mankind hitherto is the history of warfare

Fixed that for you. Perhaps mankind is a creature that must fight until the last one is dead.

>> No.5116133


So, how did you guess posting this would enhance my hypochondria?

>> No.5116134


Then we're good in that we're not good.

>> No.5116136


Transcendental reason hath spake. Hope doth exist.

>> No.5116138

It was a paraphrased Marx quote

>> No.5116140

People with hypochondria are overly focused on their physical health. They have an unrealistic fear of having a serious disease. This disorder occurs equally in men and women. The way people with hypochondria think about their physical symptoms can make them more likely to have this condition. As they focus on and worry about physical sensations, a cycle of symptoms and worry begins, which can be difficult to stop. It is important to realize that people with hypochondria do not purposely create these symptoms (malingering). They are unable to control the symptoms. People who have a history of physical or sexual abuse are more likely to have this disorder. However, this does not mean that every person with a hypochondria disorder has a history of abuse.

>> No.5116148

Smarter how? Im pretty sure when it comes to philosophy, art, sports, fitness, history and language I can outsmart the average /sci/fag, but surely not in math, computers and science (but, of course, thats the only thing that they consider relevant- those case-hardened arrogant pricks).

>> No.5116150

Of course it has something to do with what can be tested. You need to look at what is being asked and what is talked about before just jumping to such a conclusion. It's not like the anon you are referring to made some categorical error between the how and the what. That is where your response would make sense, but not here.

Y'all need to specify what y'all are talking about.

>> No.5116159


Oh I get it, so medicine is akin to fortune-telling? With self-fulfilling prophecies and all?

>> No.5116161

Giardia infection (giardiasis) is an intestinal infection caused by a microscopic parasite that's found worldwide, especially in areas with poor sanitation and unsafe water. Giardia infection is marked by abdominal cramps, bloating, nausea and bouts of watery diarrhea. Giardia infection is a waterborne infection and can be caused by parasites found in backcountry streams and lakes, as well as in municipal water supplies, swimming pools, whirlpool spas and wells. Giardia infection can also be transmitted through food and person-to-person contact.

Giardia infections usually clear up within a few weeks. But you may have intestinal problems long after the parasites are gone. Several drugs are generally effective against giardia parasites, but not everyone responds to them. Prevention is your best defense.

>> No.5116171

Well, since this thread has been here for over an hour and has almost 50 replies, it's very possible they are.

>> No.5116174

What kinds of art?

>> No.5116207


Question: Are you from Texas?
Hypothesis: You're from Texas.
Experimental Test: Are you from Texas?
Analysis: Awaiting Data.
Conclusion: The medium through which the resulting data is extracted is inherently prone to error, therefore all data, existent or not, is null. Such is all data.
Results: I still think you're from Texas.

>> No.5116218


They're smarter than us in the same way that Dogs are smarter than Wolves.

>> No.5116275



>> No.5116298

I'd make love to you.

>> No.5116322

Any man who visits /lit/ and not /sci/ is unbalanced. The same goes for people who are /sci/ and not /lit/. Technically you should also be /fit/.

A man cannot truly be happy if he isn't utilizing all of his skills and abilities. If you love reading, try reading a book on biology, chemistry, physics, or math. If you like the sciences, try reading some entry level literature.

What's cool is that when /lit/ reads a /sci/ book, you can apply it back to /lit/. How would this science translate into a story? Could I write about a cell that is stuck in an existensial crisis until he learns that he, a white blood cell, is one of the reasons his universe is even alive for him to exist in it?

The same thing with /sci/ when reading /lit/. What if a universe existed that didn't follow any of the rules that ours does? Then you could follow the logical conclusion of that universe and make a story of it!

At the same time, one should not neglect the body. In order for the mind to be happy, your body needs to be healthy. Cardio, weights, and good eating will not only help you live better, but could also provide inspiration for a new story or research in the effects of different chemicals in relation to the amount you can curl.

Who cares who is "smarter" if you're both just specialized insects and not human beings.

>> No.5116335

>A man cannot truly be happy if he isn't utilizing all of his skills and abilities

he probably can

>> No.5116350

I think "engage in" is a better way of putting it. If you're an engineer by trade and a great artist in high school you would probably feel a lot more fulfilled if you continued to paint in the time that you're not working.

I think it comes down, mainly, to the distinction between consuming and creating. Listening to a great song is like pleasure, but writing a song with your friends and playing it together is like happiness.

So maybe not all of your skills and abilities need to be utilized, but perhaps you should try out as many skills and abilities as you can regardless of whether or not you are good at them for the sole purpose of doing them.

And maybe I'm just projecting my own personal opinion that's been formulated through my specific set of past experiences and my idea of happiness is different from yours.

>> No.5116353


Actually my dream is to be a specialist in my field

But your deluded way of thinking distracts me often

>> No.5116366

Realistically, you can't be mastering your field 24/7, so the two ways of thinking aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. You're on 4chan right now, for example.

>> No.5116372

Can we at least say we're both smarter than /g/?

>> No.5116386
File: 236 KB, 714x402, 1401097262088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. People who actually are proficient in math and science don't go to /sci/.

People who are generally intelligent will not only be good at math and science, they'll also be capable of appreciating literature and of writing at a higher level of sophistication. Part of why I appreciate /lit/ is because the standard of discourse here is simply higher than on any other board--and I say this as someone who majored in a physical science.

That said, /lit/ can be pretty retarded sometimes too.

/sci/ is utter dogshit and visiting it has practically no relation to your understanding of science.

Sometimes I'll read a post on /lit/ and think to myself, "wow, that was really quite insightful--I wish I was clever enough to have come up with something like that, although now that I've read it, it seems almost obvious in retrospect". But I suspect that would almost never be the case on /sci/, because unless you are literally a researcher talking about your original research you're probably just regurgitating the ideas of other mathematicians and scientists that came before you. Someone may have learned and understood them very well, but it's ultimately an endeavor that requires perseverance and dedication and investment of time, not so much one that requires quick thinking and creativity. Again, I say this as someone who studied a physical science in college.

>> No.5116451

Like you want me to.

>> No.5116475

And i'll hold you tight.

>> No.5116485

never say goodnight.

>> No.5116489

Is this 4th grade? We have two "smart"ness threads up. It feels like I'm back to comparing test grades again.

>> No.5116509
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>> No.5116583

1. /sci/
2. /g/
3. /lit/

>> No.5116587

the basedmod that 404'd his shitthread

>> No.5117260
File: 14 KB, 250x270, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liberal Arts Student

>> No.5117556

We have better trips

>> No.5117563

Who cares? Everyone knows that the smartest boards are /diy/, /ck/, /trv/ and other niche boards.

>> No.5117579

⇒Are we smarter than /sci/?

Yep, but only as long as I'm here. I'm the smartest poster on /sci/ and on /lit/.

>> No.5117586

What is justice?

>> No.5117591

Justice is the system of practices and institutions of governments directed at upholding social control, deterring and mitigating crime, or sanctioning those who violate laws with criminal penalties and rehabilitation efforts.

>> No.5117593

So there is no justice outside of the state?

>> No.5117602

Are you talking about vigilante justice?

>> No.5117617

No, I'm so dumb that I bring the level down despite the presence of >>5117579

>> No.5117620

I'm asking about justice broadly, but it's interesting that you would bring that up. Do you think vigilante justice is justice? What about poetic justice?

>> No.5117625

"Justice" in the philosophical sense is just irrelevant "muh feelings" garbage without objective basis. Nothing of value and not worth talking about.

>> No.5117628

pfft what a copout

>> No.5117630
File: 59 KB, 400x624, The_Fox_and_the_Grapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So instead of answering, you would rather avoid the question? Is that really what an intelligent person would do? I surely thought you would hold some great answer within your head, being the queen of /lit/ and /sci/.

>> No.5117633

⇒hurr durr when it satisfies me, then it's justice
⇒durr hurr when it hurts muh feelings, then it's injustice

Wow, such philosophical depth.

>> No.5117638

An intelligent person like myself doesn't engage in pointless pseudo-intellectualism. The question itself was nonsensical, since it doesn't allow for objective answers and only asks for inane subjective expressions of "muh feelings". Guess what, I don't give a shit about your feelings. I don't give a shti about philosophical justice. I'm a sociopath. I use, abuse and manipulate others whenever I feel like it, and if they consider it "injustice", then that's their own problem and not mine. They should go into psychotherapy if they can't emotionally handle interaction with me.

>> No.5117644

god that is so hot.

are you into domination?

>> No.5117646

That's strange, I never made any claims about my feelings. I don't think I exhibited any toward you either. If I did, you must forgive me. I'm told I wear my heart on my sleeve, and it can be a terrible weakness, like you say. Please be more patient. I'm not saying anything about philosophy. I'm just asking you what you think justice is. Are you saying you think that whatever you feel positive toward is just, and whatever you feel negative toward is unjust?

>> No.5117671

You should of learned the meaning of that word during your childhood. If you haven't, then look it up in a dictionary or something.

⇒Are you saying you think that whatever you feel positive toward is just, and whatever you feel negative toward is unjust?
This is the very essence of philosophical justice. I dare you to find one example of a philosopher whose conception of justice isn't implicitly motivated by this "muh feelings" bullshittery.

Yes, very much. But right now I'm not considering new victims. Bugger off, loser.

>> No.5117681

Please get a trip so I can filter you

>> No.5117683

I'm a Maths Undergrad and I've stopped going to /sci/ and have started browsing /lit/ instead. I feel as though /sci/ is mostly populated by people who are interested in popsci / trolls (it's pretty bad at certain times of the day) rather than people who are there to have scientific discussions / spreading ideas.

I feel as though /lit/ has better discussions but that could be because of the nature of things being discussed.

>> No.5117692

I see you must consider me unworthy of your time. Why else would you insist on talking about philosophy, a pursuit that you consider a wasted effort? While I indeed might be interested in what the dictionary or other people have written about justice, that is entirely outside of what I am asking right now. I'm asking for the thoughts of the wisest person on /lit/ and /sci/ on justice. What do you think it is? Surely you don't intend to deprive us all of your wisdom on the matter?

>> No.5117694
File: 33 KB, 358x361, laughinggirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when did all these deviant art-/gaia-tier faggots seep into this site

>> No.5117698

⇒I dare you to find one example of a philosopher whose conception of justice isn't implicitly motivated by this "muh feelings" bullshittery.

What about Kant's categorical imperative?

>> No.5117703

Why are you replying to your own strawman?
The arrows really give it away.

>> No.5117729

⇒Kant's categorial imperative

Top lel. The categorical imperative is the epitome of "muh feelings" bullshittery. "I don't want muh feelings hurt and since I'm too inept at basic mentalization, I assume everyone else has the same feelings like myself and therefore we should all act the same to never hurt anyone's feelings." This psychological deficiency of Kant was certainly among the reasons he never got laid.

>> No.5117738

I guess you've taken to talking to yourself now. That's a shame. I really thought you would have something interesting to say.

>> No.5117743


To make it short OP here on 4CHAN nobody is smarter than any one else; this is a cesspit better believe it.

>> No.5117744

Are you fucking joking?

>> No.5117752

That's not Kant's categorical imperative at all. Kant's CI is essentially a proof by contradiction. To show that an action is moral, assume the inverse of an action is a moral law so that each person must perform the inverse of the action as if bound by natural law. If the inverse of the action loses its utility or becomes impossible to perform, then it must be the case that it cannot be universal law, hence the inverse of the action is immoral, meaning the action is moral. It has nothing to do with feelings; Kant's argument is that an action qua action is either inherently moral or immoral, regardless of how it makes people feel.

>> No.5117753


You should have noticed it when they started taking philosophy seriously.

>> No.5117760

I'm pretty sure they were talking about you, arrows.

>> No.5117768


Son you are on an imageboard created for anime,manga and videogames.
Almost every banner has an anime character in it and most people on this shit infested board visit /a/ /v/ etc.

Open your eyes child this has been a cesspit since the beginning.

>> No.5117774

You can be miserable by yourself. Keep your silly eye-openers and insular content con(troll)ing behaviors. I can spend my Summer however I want.

>> No.5117777
File: 197 KB, 1366x768, majorsIQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the actual (mostly analytical) philosophers of /lit/ are even comparable. Everybody else. Yes, yes they are retarded.

>> No.5117782


Who said that i'm miserable ?
I'm explaining to kids here in /lit/ that the pretentious attitude should be kept at bay.

The most miserable human beings you can hope to find here on /lit/ are those newfags spouting philosophical bullshit and then lamenting their alcoholism and depression problems.

>> No.5117788
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>philosophers of /lit/

Well i think nobody can save /lit/ after this comment.

>> No.5117791

>I can spend my Summer

And then they say the are no underages here in /lit/

>> No.5117792


>> No.5117796
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Yeah never mind, if you're going to graduate school in philosophy you're not a philosopher. Fuck logic.

>> No.5117800


I think it has been proved for decades that graduates from philosophy are unemployed.

>> No.5117801

/lit/ is smart. /sci/ is skilled

>> No.5117807
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That has everything to do what this post was about >>5117777
And even then, a student who goes to graduate school for math is still a mathematician even if he doesn't graduate, but this is totally beside the point. You're either retarded or trolling. Most likely the former.

>> No.5117811
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*even if he doesn't find a job

>> No.5117812


I can smell the burning dear burger flipper with a degree in philosophy.

just because you ended to be useless just like every form of philosophy you don't need to shovel all your repressed rage on me.

>> No.5117815
File: 6 KB, 120x168, mary-james.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 19, I haven't even gone to college yet. Stop projecting.

>> No.5117816

Law is an extremely lucrative and useful profession.

>> No.5117817

why did this not get the /thread it deserved

>> No.5117818

yes because we all know that every smart person ever got a super well-paying job and spent all their time earning money and being a faggot toward everyone else

all of them

>> No.5117821


You know how many people graduate in philosophy every year and don't to shit for all their lives ?

I don't know if the strange aura of respect towards philosophy is an american thing, but in italy not even literates can't take seriously philosophy or philosophy graduates (personal experience)

>> No.5117823


You are one random anon in /lit/, for all i know you can be a 13 years old midget trying to sound intelligent.

>> No.5117825

I've never visited /sci/ but I doubt it. /lit/ as a whole doesn't even know shit about literature, let alone anything else.

>> No.5117828

Well good thing you're here to know for us

>> No.5117837

>le trole faec ಠ_ಠ

Really ? a tripfag with a name that sounds perfectly in tone with /v/, it's trying to defend this shit infested board ?

>> No.5117839

this >>5115941
also, the fact that it's ''in'' within the /sci/ community to discard and bash any tangential thoughts on science that step outside thinking of it as a craft, makes /sci/ someone who I'd rather not have a beer with.

>> No.5117842

lol go back to omegle nurd

>> No.5117843
File: 44 KB, 400x400, 1392008440250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Fortiori. Yeah and I wouldn't be flipping burgers if I was. Just shut up. You sound like an idiot.

>> No.5117845

I'm not defending the board; I'm calling you a conceited faggot.

>> No.5117846


>> No.5117851

>overthrow capitalism.
people have overthrew capitalism in the past in several countries. have you learned nothing from them?

>> No.5117862

>have you learned nothing from them?

not to "overthrow capitalism" in the way that they have.

>> No.5117868

Depends on how you define "smarter".

But Im sure /lit is more happy, or at least more in touch with their emotions.

>> No.5117870


Really a conceited faggot and an idiot ?

From 2005 to 2014 i've seen many threads about anons flipping burger in almost every board, so don't sound surprised if someone that describe himself as Humean does it.

>> No.5117871

you have very irregular posting hours. You're not on a consistent sleep schedule, are you?

>> No.5117874

Thrasymachus, when he had thus spoken, having, like a bath-man, deluged our
ears with his words, had a mind to go away. But the company would not let
him; they insisted that he should remain and defend his position; and I myself
added my own humble request that he would not leave us.

>> No.5117879
File: 60 KB, 635x472, L-Lawliet-l-17086584-635-472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a special kind of retard aren't you?

>> No.5117883


I’m pretty sure there are several stupid people there as much as in here, as well as some brilliant people there and also here. But overall people who work with science are far more intelligent than people who work with the arts and the humanities: there is no place in science for charlatans and nonsense – you will soon be unmasked.

Also: many scientists are also well read and well versed in the arts. But artists hardly follow the news in the scientific world.

>> No.5117885

No, I'm not

>> No.5117889


Oh dear he started with the insult.

>> No.5117890

I despise the kind of hardcore empiricists that rejects any notion of truth not based in sense experience, and /sci/ seems like it's full of those
I find the company much better here

>> No.5117893


Oh dear he started with the insults.

>> No.5117898

> forms an opinion based on evidence

> 'despises' empiricists

>> No.5117899

/lit/ has more sex than /sci/

>> No.5117906


This is 4chan OP should we really care ?

>> No.5117907

How do you become more intelligent by pursuing this, rather than whatever that other thing is? Is there some sort of objective truth by which we can discern the amount of intellect?

>> No.5117910


People here blindly believe in QI, what do you expect ?

>> No.5117940


>> No.5118683

Only because Feminister is a slut.

>> No.5118725


Actually that perfectly describes justice, it's simple, to the point and quite accurate in term of how people process it. Now the philosopher's job is to study the implications of that.

>> No.5119316

there is no we

>> No.5119732

Someone post this infographic comparing the average IQ of STEM vs liberal arts.

>> No.5120070

>it'll work this time guys, I swear

>> No.5120211


Nothing will ever change with that attitude.

>> No.5122247


>> No.5122451 [DELETED] 
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The consensus on how intelligence is defined: 'The ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience.'

>math is about memory
No. Success in science and mathematics is determined by your ability to think abstractly (especially important in math), ability to reason, problem solve, learn from experience, comprehend complex ideas, and reason.'

>Accepting axioms and data without doubt
Doubt and uncertainty are science's domain. 'Question everything' is a scientific tenet.

>...Accepting axioms and data without doubt is so easy even a child can do it. Even the most sophist philosopher exudes greater intelligence than the best of modern day scientist, that is of course if you value cunning over data when it comes to defining intelligence...

>> No.5122463
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>math is about memory
No. Success in science and mathematics is determined by your ability to think abstractly (especially important in math), ability to reason, problem solve, learn from experience, comprehend complex ideas, and reason.'

>Accepting axioms and data without doubt
Doubt and uncertainty are science's domain. 'Question everything' is a scientific tenet.

>...Accepting axioms and data without doubt is so easy even a child can do it. Even the most sophist philosopher exudes greater intelligence than the best of modern day scientist, that is of course if you value cunning over data when it comes to defining intelligence...

>> No.5122466
File: 218 KB, 800x848, woop woop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like it in this cave it's damp and smelly
>but this cave really does suck
>seriously it stinks and we're running out of food
>I don't think the existence of cold outside the cave as well as inside validates staying in the cave.

>> No.5122490

We certainly know less about science!
/sci/ and /lit/ personified are just two nerds who took different paths in their lives.

Many don't even want to. I only consider myself of average intelligence but I can't see the point in slaving my life away, doing things I hate to make money for things I don't want. I'm happy how I am, content at least. Why would I want more if I get less time to enjoy it?

You're not a communist are you? That stuff is about as easy to believe as magic.

>> No.5122494
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/sci/ is the left hemisphere, /lit/ is the right one.

Both are essential.

>> No.5122503

>all this fallacy

People left the cave because it was successful. People "overthrow capitalism" because a 19th century NEET said it would be a great idea and has a cult following. Maybe if cavemen all put on red shirts and started chanting "the cave is merely an illusion! This structure is topographic warfare! Onward to the outside comrades!" it might be comparable.

>> No.5122506
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And I'm sure you've read every bit of Communist literature and with in-depth analysis proven Marx wrong in every possible sphere, haven't you? Inb4 "but history already did that!".

>> No.5122512

>Also: many scientists are also well read and well versed in the arts. But artists hardly follow the news in the scientific world.

This. I know /lit/ likes to pretend scientists and engineers are all those idiots that transferred into their English classes after the first year knocked them out of their STEM Major, but a great number of STEM people are well read. Literature isn't exactly something that requires years of training and knowledge to enjoy, which I think is kind of its point.

>> No.5122514

Communism is inherently a threat to my lifestyle.

>> No.5122519
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>mfw they think intelligence is a prerequisite for /lit/

>> No.5122522
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In what sense? Are you a bank manager?

>> No.5122525

Possibly. Why do you hate bank managers?

>> No.5122526


>> No.5122527

Did he forget a silent E?

>> No.5122532
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I don't hold any personal resentment towards bank managers. A communist whose motivation was hatred wouldn't be a very well-read one.

>> No.5122539

Well I may or may not be a bank manager and I think you're a big bully and also a jerk and also nyeghhhhhhh.

>> No.5122542
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>anti-communism in a nutshell

>> No.5122547

I didn't come here to argue ideology. This isn't /pol/.
I thought it was obvious. I'm sry ms qt anime girl.

>> No.5122551
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>this isn't /pol/
We're all /pol/ now, anon. Why fight it?

>> No.5122553

Time to go fap to that Midna game.

>> No.5122557
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Ideally this is how all 4chan political conversations would end.

>> No.5122563

Tons of philosophy goes over on the left too. So /lit/ is just better.

>> No.5122567

I'm [transcending rationality] as we speak.

>> No.5122576

This post has not been acknowledged enough.

>> No.5122592

that's because in italy all retards graduate in philosophy, since it's free&easy

>> No.5122597

>Could I write about a cell that is stuck in an existensial crisis until he learns that he, a white blood cell, is one of the reasons his universe is even alive for him to exist in it?
That sounds like a really shitty story

>> No.5122603


>> No.5122616


>> No.5122625

Most people on /sci/ are teenagers, so sure. I doubt the average person on /lit/ is smart either, but can't be dumber than /sci/.

>> No.5122642


>> No.5122658

fuck yo lifestyle nigguh.

>> No.5122660

>he believes in left/right-brain thinking

>> No.5122668


the issue with communism and socialism is that it gets a bad rep.

the cold war made it advantageous for Muhrika and the West to label the Soviet Union as Socialist because they wanted to undermine real socialist idologies and critique; the Soviet Union forcefully identified themselves as socialists/communists because hey, it's way better to hijack some books and use them to put a veil over a totalitarian regime based on power relations and say they're the exact opposite of that.

some people still equate socialism with stalinism. especially in eastern europe.
you've also got young'uns who have a de facto rejection of anything capitalist, because they're into fashion statements, not actual thinking about socio-political systems...

so yeah, socialism doesn't mean anything anymore.

>> No.5122685

Protip smartguy, never use "objective" on /lit/, just use "after critical evaluation", if you use the word "objective" you start treading on a very slippery slope.
I don't mean to say "everything is subjective", I'm just saying you should choose your words wisely otherwise you'll get fucked.

>> No.5122696

you dat wannabe sociopath nigguh. when will you learn?

>> No.5122714

Said no one ever over the past decade.

>> No.5122752

It's good that I see so many modest people saying /sci/ are smarter, but I spend more time on /sci/ than I do on /lit/, and most of the threads over there are about IQ and "evolution vs creationism".

>> No.5122756

I found some to be quite specialized. sure, when they get to talk philosophy and politics it all goes to shit. still, I think they're smarter in the conventional, computational sense.

>> No.5122765

Sure, /lit/ does lack some logick, I mean, most people here think capitalism is evil lol. But I find deeper intellectual discussions on lit, than on /sci/.

>> No.5122769

logic* lol.
also, /lit/'s sense of humor is much better.

>> No.5122777

haha. I like how a display of lack of logic is people thinking capitalism is evil. pshh, anyway I meant smarter in the conventional sense in that they're quicker, better at pattern recognition, maybe problem solving and they definitely have more endurance when they engage in all these cognitive activities.

>> No.5122862

Well haven't see any Bale quads meme, I guess /lit/'s quite intelligent

>> No.5123004

Or they could just beat you up.