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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 269 KB, 1414x1414, Brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5115803 No.5115803 [Reply] [Original]

Aside from reading, how do you intellectually stimulate the brain?

>> No.5115811

Argue over semantics for hours on end on a imageboard.

>> No.5115817

I imagine you do long mathematical equations, work on memorising large tracts of poetry, do crosswords, write essays, and debate.

Though actually I have no real idea.

Some people might tell you to play those brain games that cost money.

>> No.5115819


>> No.5115823

Maths, writing, playing music...

>> No.5115830

usually I tend to play bioshock

>> No.5115831

I frequently discuss philosophy because I enjoy being mentally challenged.

>> No.5115857
File: 91 KB, 500x375, hee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5115872

Create art
music - both play/listening

>> No.5115910

What drugs?

>> No.5115932

Psychotropics, anything that dons't involve inhibitory neurotransmitters like GABBA or NMDA antagonists. Alcohol, Benzodiazapines and DXM are out of the question.
>Some argue they write better on alcohol.
Depends on dosage.
All depends on individual brain chemistry, prior drug exposure etc.
Weed reputedly helps creativity, I paint and draw nearly everyday and am a /ic/ regular, but weed strangely does not help my creativity at all.

Apologies if this slowly degrades into a drug thread.


>> No.5115942

Playing chess
Learning(not just playing) an instrument
Running(this gets me out of my fog in the morning)
Learning math
Doing things with my non-dominant hand

The key is to keep learning, to keep your mind open

>> No.5115945

*Be careful with las drogas though as some drugs such as amphetamine[and derivatives] can be exiotoxic and lead to psychosis.
Opiates are notoriously addictive but are best suited to me for reasons myriad.
Psilocybin Mushrooms can induce a dream state which 'broadens the mind' so to speak

Watching lectures as well on topics like Science are good for stimulation.

>> No.5115948

>The key is to keep learning, to keep your mind open
This, stagnation is probably THE worst thing, dont be idle.

>> No.5115949

Writing (journal, poetry, short stories, jokes, raps, 4chan)
Art (drawing, painting, photography)
Music (listening; trying to learn guitar but little time)
And I also have the involuntary habit of fiddling with words, sentences, and numbers that I see throughout the day, which often results in some odd connection to something I've previously noticed or a pun. It's a blessing and a curse, because it keeps me entertained but also makes people either think I'm very strange or really enjoy my presence.

Oh, and masturbation, I don't use porn, just my imagination

>> No.5115952


And I ironically forgot to mention drugs, which generally go hand and hand with socializing. Pot, LSD, mushrooms, cocaine, and alcohol have all been very good to me.

>> No.5115960


>doing things with non-dominant hand

These. I think I'm going to play a chess game with my left hand tonight.

>> No.5115977

There are steps you can take to reduce the occurrence of mouth ulcers. Avoiding foods that irritate your mouth can be helpful. That includes acidic fruits like pineapple, grapefruit, oranges, or lemon, as well as nuts, chips, or anything spicy. Instead, choose whole grains and alkaline (nonacidic) fruits and vegetables.

Try to avoid talking while you are chewing your food. Reducing stress and maintaining good oral hygiene by using dental floss daily and brushing after meals may also help.

Some people find avoiding soft bristle toothbrushes and mouthwashes that contain sodium lauryl sulfate also helps. If you have dental or orthodontic mouth devices with sharp edges, you should cover those edges with wax your dentist can give you.

>> No.5115987


>intellectually stimulate


>> No.5116020

Listening to jazz is the only other art form that can challenge your mind in the way great literature can. Once you get into it, jazz is incredibly complex and actually consists of a type of instrumental dialogue between the musicians that you get to unravel mentally and explore.

>> No.5116024

continual novelty

>> No.5116029

top lul m8 underrated post

>> No.5116056

I exercise, write, and art. I really enjoy going to the library and going through reference books on photographers (aspiring photo fag) then research them further individually. I like this as a way too work out my aesthetic comprehension, but even more for the process. it feels more rewarding to physically research stuff than trying to sit half naked at my laptop touching my cob.

>> No.5116075

Would you mind recommending me some good artists? I listen to Nujabes, Fat Jon, and other similar artists. I'd really like to get into other similar stuff.

>> No.5116083


oh wow

>> No.5116085


It's good that you like jazz, but

>Listening to jazz is the only other art form that can challenge your mind in the way great literature can.

Don't be silly now

>> No.5116086

I don't get it.

>> No.5116087

I'm not familiar with them, but the big ones to check out are Miles Davis, Duke Ellington, John Coltrane, and Thelonious Monk.

Here's one of my favorites though (alot of classic jazz albums can be listened to in full on youtube, and you most definitely do want to listen to them in full).

>inb4 douchy white guy/Frasier Crane listens to jazz

>> No.5116094


>tfw I was gonna post this but actually didn't to see if someone else would

>> No.5116095

I meant to add thats just my opinion. I love rock and other kinds of music but they don't challenge me like jazz does. I don't find fine art as involving as a book, movie or music. Some art films and mainstream I think qualify as really challenging but they are few and far between, plus they're often not very fun.

>> No.5116104
File: 39 KB, 495x593, david_-_the_death_of_socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Talk to people about philosophy you dumb nigger.

>> No.5116107

I'll bet that's not the only thing you're doing with your left hand tonight ;)


>> No.5116108

besides reading i listen to music and watch films, the plan is to be fully versed in all areas by the time i hit my 30s
i don't do it for intellectual status but rather the enjoyment i get from the act of consuming much more than the quality of the product itself

>> No.5116109

lol this video is amazing

>> No.5116137


Don't wink at me, please. It makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.5116142

i'm not sure, but writing works wonders for me

after being alone for so long, in my head, my thoughts and dreams become aural narratives and translate events automatically into prose, words and short sentences prime themselves ahead of my thinking and writing. it feels great to regularly wake from these kinds of dreams, there is no transition into writing as the day progresses, it stays constant. before delving into literature, i had trouble concentrating, but now i am always focused. i cobsider writing a very worthwhile and stimulating activity, it was like adopting a new way of thinking.

i try to avoid hearing or seeing advertisements, commercials, television, radio, socializing... listening to someone speak is distracting, their words echo in my head, drowning my own thoughts, often from being unable to occupy themselves any other way than mindless chitchat. i think staying averse to modern society would benefit your creativity and intelligence.

>> No.5116152

Ornette Coleman

Sun Ra

>> No.5116163

By not being on 4chan.

This place and the rest of the internet has destroyed my attention span

>> No.5116212

going for walks works pretty well for me. without anything other than going from point a to point b to occupy my thoughts, my mind is free to think about any number of subjects. it's like a form of meditation.

>> No.5116223

>has destroyed my attention span

Be creative enough and you can use that to your advantage said and did every genius everywhere

>> No.5116235

DFW is that you

>> No.5116243

Thanks for the reminder.

>> No.5116264

Dave Brubeck - take 5
Brian Bromberg - wood
Sun ra
Ahmad Jamal
Art Blakey and jazz messengers

>> No.5116291

i second this learned motion. drugs are designed to alter normal brain function, therefore, consciousness. so yeah, i do drugs.