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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 570 KB, 640x960, 3028428-inline-i-1-creative-routines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5111266 No.5111266[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is your daily routine, /lit/?

>> No.5111271

>wake up in the afternoon
>crack open my first beer
>browse the internet and get slowly drunk for the rest of the day
>pass out

>> No.5111279

>Wake up in the morning feeling like p diddy
>Put on my glasses
>I'm out the door, about to hit the city
Oh, and before I leave I brush my teeth with a bottle of jack because when I head out for the night I'm not coming back.

>> No.5111295

why is this picture so small?

>> No.5111300

>wake up 6 p.m., hidden under a mound of beer cans
>hit up micky D's
>Browse internet for 5+ hours
>Play vidya 3+ hours
>collect welfare check in the mail
>take 30+ minute shit
>fap for 30 minutes
>too tired to read, go to sleep at 8 a.m.

>> No.5111304

http://startupibrasil.cloudapp.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/creative-routines.jpg link to better resolution.
>inb4 imageboard

>> No.5111312

Literally delete that picture from your computer. There's no point to having it.

>> No.5111324

>wake up whenever
>drink coffee
>go for a run or garden
>more coffee
neet life is great

>> No.5111327

yeah, there was another equally pointless yet visually appealing one about sleep habits. the guy who makes these is sort of an idiot.

>> No.5111350

>wake up
>exercise a bit
>go library
>read 2-3 hours
>rest, eat fruit
>read another hour, maybe two
>walk back home
>rest, watch some videos, related to current reading if possible

it is theoretical, will start it next week when i move.

>> No.5111351

Personally, I've found that without abstaining from the internet, any sort of creative routine is impossible.

Today I've just been scolling through /lit/ and /tv/ for hours.

>> No.5111354
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Here's higher quality of OP's pic

>> No.5111373


Because of the internet I can't even get through most of the vidya, books, and films I collect. 4chan is ruining my NEETdom.

>> No.5111399


I'll get rid of this shit next week and focus on my reading. Ive tried it before and fuck, the difference is like driving a car with and without the emergency brake.

>> No.5111428

would browsing /lit/ be considered reading or social?

>> No.5111452

>making ends meet

disgusting stain on a routine

>> No.5111496

Bless you anon.

>> No.5112084
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Do you guys have friends?

I have been living at home, not working, for about a month now and the loneliness is killing me. I go to stores just to briefly have a word with people. I look at the homes of my neighbors at night, and see the lights on, and want to go hang with them, but I know that's weird. Maybe it's because I don't play multiplayer video games.

>> No.5112109

I do, but they live over 800 miles away. It's been 9 months since I've moved to where I'm at now, and the loneliness is numbing at this point. The only reprieve I've found is from the two times I've gone to visit my friends.

>> No.5112122

youre supposed to work towards non attachment remember says it somewhere in the commandments of NEETdom

>> No.5112139

well would you take a look at that?
3/16 were not NEETs

>> No.5112152

>tfw realize we are the e/lit/e.

society is in our hands people, wjhat are we gonna make of it?

>> No.5112165


you want to add me on skype m8?

>> No.5112170 [DELETED] 
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>The only reprieve I've found is from the two times I've gone to visit my friends.

yeah this but part of me doesn't even want to see my friends when i decide to go out.

something is just lacking in me. the care isn't there that should be there. i'm just not present.

>> No.5112179

I don't have skype

>> No.5112197


It takes two seconds to set up. Up to you man.

>> No.5112222

I really do appreciate your kindness, but no thank you.

>> No.5112232

You should think about connecting with this fellow lonely soul, anon. The worst case scenario is that you find one another mutually abrasive and subsequently cut off communication.
Best case is that you make one another patrician geniuses.
Do it, you fucking faggot.

>> No.5112264

>complains about having no friends
>rejects kind anon's offer of friendship

You sound nice. His loss, man

>> No.5112291
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>wake up
>want to write
>get caught up in tiny details and get bogged down
>post something on /lit/
>someone tells me its shit
>don't want to write anymore

>wake up
>watch a video of someone playing piano
>want to play piano/compose
>sit at the piano tapping out pointless drivel on one finger
>realize i'm absolute shit at hand separation and will never be able to play anything
>realize i'm shit at composing
>get sad
>watch videos of child prodigies
>read about the youngest man to perform at the proms, youngest chess grandmaster
>even sadder
>realize I will never be like them, never be famous, and never accomplish anything worthwhile to be remembered for

>> No.5112296

That's why you stay away from YouTube. Want to know how I got good at guitar? I kept playing until I didn't suck anymore. I did that by sitting down and playing with no expectations, other than personal enjoyment.
You sound like you need to disconnect.

>> No.5112306

>realize I'm shit
you're not going to get better at life by dwelling on how much you suck at it. Just try to fucking enjoy writing and piano. If the only thing you care about is how good you are, you're never going to get anywhere anyway

>> No.5112315


I got good at guitar by being stoned all the time. Shit sounds so good.

>> No.5112322

I love Ben Frank's schedule, since reading his biography a while back. He was a great guy.

>> No.5112323

I can't enjoy it if I can't do anything on it in the first place.

>> No.5112331

I mean I'll get stoned and jam with other people, but generally I've always practiced sober. Unless, I come home drunk and want to wank around for a bit.

>> No.5112332


said Buzz Aldrin, like, never!

>> No.5112344


okay best thing to get gurd at guitar.

1) Learn ya fuckin scales! Scales and keys, bitch! Otherwise you're musically retarded.

2) Rinse and repeat step 1.

3) be a crazy gone motherfucker

4) 420 blaze it, 4 hours before you write your own.

>> No.5112350

>implying I haven't done those steps
More or less. Ever find you write better songs with a full band as opposed to being alone?

>> No.5112360

>complaining about not being a genius
>elsewhere people dying of aids from being pack raped by nigerians
Summer pls go and take your whining to tumblr

>> No.5112364

It's only that I just confessed those things, and I'm embarrassed by them. I'm sure that anon is very nice and accepting, but I wouldn't feel right being a sort of victim in a talk. Once again, I appreciate your offer anon, it was kind

>> No.5112365

At least I'm not like you.

>> No.5112367


dunno, what angle are you coming from? That a full band is required to contribute the the subsistence of a song or that one requires the pressure of a 4 piece band looking upon them to come up with anything listenable?


fuckin lol

>> No.5112378

That a full band is require to contribute to the subsistence of a song.
I actually like quite a few artists who do two-part arrangements, but when I'm composing I like to have three or more people playing at the same time. However, I'll still compose alone whenever I have some free time.
Playing with others also helps me develop ideas, because they can keep playing while I work something out and vice versa.

>> No.5112395


I get you man. We all care about our own shit 10X more than anybody else does, ad infinitum.

>> No.5112397
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>> No.5112462


>8:00 Wake up, rest, eat, watch TV in any combination
>10:00 Reading
>12:00 Lunch
> 1:00 Family, friends, writing: music or lit, in any combination
> 4:00 Reading, television, or internet
> 6:30 Dinner, news
> 7:30 Go out or stay in and relax

The ultimate flux schedule. Good for /lit/, /tv/, /mu/ crossboarders like myself.

>> No.5112659

Damn, all these productive people sleeping 7-8 hours a night. I better learn to cut down to 8 hours.

>> No.5112679
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>Implying there's any way to justify being a leech

>> No.5112682


>fag and tea
>shitpost on /lit for the rest of the morning
>at four I have afternoon tea
>watch the local news


>> No.5112714

>mfw my day is dark green since 7 AM to 1 AM
>you will never live the Victor Hugo life just fucking around all day long

just kill me already

>> No.5112726

>the difference is like driving a car with and without the emergency brake.
I usually deride metaphors on /lit/ but this one was absolutely spot on.

>> No.5112755

You people make me so fucking mad

>> No.5112782


>can't handle the undergroundmen

>> No.5112790

The reason they sleep so little is not because they force themselves to, wishing they could sleep more. They wake up because they are so passionate and excited about their lives and work that they don't want to sleep. Go read Robert Greene's Mastery to get more info about the master's habits and lifestyles.

>> No.5112842

Man, that book was so inspiring. I need to read it again.

>> No.5112863

>wake up around 10 am
>eat oatmeal or eggs for breakfast
>take vitamins and supplements
>shitpost on 4chan
>watch a few episodes of a tv show or a film
>eat lunch
>continue reading whatever book i am reading
>do whatever stuff needs to be done around the house
>shitpost on 4chan some more
>watch highlight videos of soccer players and pretend i am the one scoring all the goals
>masturbate in the dark
>wash hands, brush teeth

>> No.5112866


that's a pretty good one really.

>> No.5112870

>tfw you have a medical condition and will therefore always value your 9-10 hours of sleep more than any passion in your life

Fuck you for making me disabled, god.

>> No.5112874

I have no daily routine. Routines suck.

>> No.5112888


what are you an idiot savant or something?

>> No.5112905

I wish. I just have a fucked up autonomic nervous system so my heart rate and blood pressure and circulatory system and digestive system and sleep patterns aren't regulated correctly.

>> No.5112910

I love having some sort of routine where I need to get up at a reasonable time. When I have nothing to do, I sleep later and later, until I approach 12 hours of sleep each night. Then, I get progressively more lethargic, depressed, and unproductive. Having something that you want to wake up for is one of the most valuable things in life.

>> No.5112911

this is a rad day

>> No.5112913

do drugs

>> No.5112914


Terribly sorry to hear, no hormonal therapy or anything that could help?

>> No.5112934

During Summer:

>Wake at 730 or 8, brush my teeth, drink coffee, chat with my mom
>Get to work at 9
>Work until 3 or 4
>Shower, clean up until 530
>Eat Dinner
>Watch TV with parents or go hang out with friends
>Parents go to bed
>Shitpost and argue economics with people on 4chan
>Fall asleep vaping

During Semester
>Wake up
>Go to classes
>4chan for a few hours
>Hang with friends
>Get drunk on weekends

I enjoy college life much more than working life though. I love what I study, and I love hanging out with people who have similar goals. I work at a fast food restaurant over the summer, with people who's desire in life is to make minimum wage and spend it on shitty apartments, subwoofers, and every COD game that comes out.

>> No.5112942

eh, they say it should get better with time and so far it has improved a lot since the onset several years ago so things are looking up every day. now I just have to focus on eating right (also lots of salt and water) and exercising and taking the couple of meds that I found don't give me side effects. And I should continue to get better.

I went the active treatment/therapy route a few years back and the procedure was totally botched twice so it really wasn't worth the small and temporary relief it gave me.

And yeah, since then the symptoms have gotten better and things continue to improve, but I still need about 10 hours of sleep per night to feel not-so-shitty.

>> No.5112944

>implying routines are intentional

>> No.5112951


Well that's an absolute pain in the arse you've got there. Hopefully it doesn't interfere too greatly with social life and or hobbies. Mind you there are people on here who oversleep simply because they're so unfit through apathy. Hoping things keep getting better mate.

>> No.5112960

Their loss brah.

>> No.5112962
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in the summer
>wake at 10
>vidya texting friends till 12
>vidya listening to lectures till 2
>read till 4
>sleep to 5
>have tea and make three meals for work until 5:30
>eat one of the meals and have a coffee
>go to work at 6
>return at 12
>vidya and friends till 1-2

>> No.5112983

I've actually adjusted to most of it, it's amazing what people can get used to. And thanks for the sympathy, anon.

>> No.5112984

I worked fast food part time through college. It was so confusing. Only a few of the people that worked there were my age, and they were like you described. I felt bad because I wanted to be friendly and hang out with them, but then I realized I had nothing in common. They all just smoked weed in their mom's basement all day, where all their friends also lived. It was cool, but I really don't like smoking much anymore, and they seemed like the really boring kind of people to smoke with, that just sit their and listen to the White Album or Sublime. Probably Sublime.

>> No.5113016


get in with them and churn up the secrets of the underclass

>> No.5113048
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I'm getting closer.

>> No.5113091

>I had nothing in common

This is exactly how I feel. I really have no desire to gossip about who is angling for management, or talk about the rounds of COD they played last night.

I hate to sound like a fedora though. I don't consider myself superior, but I do have different ambitions than alot of them.

One time I asked if there was any actual purpose to life (going through a teenage existential crisis) and nobody seemed to realize it wasn't a joke.


>> No.5113138

How do you NEET's support yourselves financially?

>> No.5113142


This. In the past 14 years of working my daily schedule has only deviated when I visited Thailand or when my mom accidentally brings my tray of breakfast up to my room too early. You guys just have to be persistent and you'll produce good work.

>> No.5113147

leeching off parents

>> No.5113247
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>wake up at noon/one
>get up, blown my allergy ridden nose
>read, listen to music browse internet until hungry
>go to work at 3pm or 5 depending
>get home at 11
>internet for 3-4 hours maybe read if not tired

>wake at noon/one
>get up and blow nose
>listen to music, read, browse the web
>eat several times when hungry
>go for a walk/run around the 'hood
>sit outside, if weather permits, and read or write
>at dusk go inside and internet until 3/4 am when i sleep

>> No.5113260
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retail seems to have less idiots, the place i work has a pharmacy which usually has a higher requirement of intelligence, or I may have gotten lucky as my coworkers, the young ones, are smart but not too ambitious, although they are not very knowledgeable.

They think Paul Thomas Anderson is obscure, Jeff Buckley, and they read one book a year

I do get to have deep discussions with them though and i can tell for them it is unusual

>> No.5113310

Even if your art is shit, you have to keep making it. If you keep stopping and then coming back later you'll just keep being shit, you won't improve. You just need to keep trying to improve your art. The fact is that there will always be people who are better at whatever it is you do, but you just have to do it because you love it, not because you think it'll make you famous or attractive or whatever. If you want an audience, make art that reflects your inner self and don't let yourself become a carbon copy of what you think people want to read or hear. There will be people who can connect with it. You're not as alone as you think you are.

Keep your head up and keep making art, friend

>> No.5113332

Average Day

>wake up
>write in dream journal if I remember anything
>shower, morning routine bullshit
>walk the dog while listening to music
>come home and fuck around on my guitar for a bit
>if I feel any inspiration I might write something or record some off-the-cuff piece
>indecisively stare at the enormous stack of books I have to read
>tell myself I'm going to practice piano
>listen to records
>chastise myself for my antisocial behavior
>attempt to contact a friend
>do a little writing
>maybe draw
>spend too much time on the internet

>> No.5113336

>wake up at around 11 or 12
>make breakfast
>watch tv, play video games, browse this shit hole, meet my friends if their up for something
>go to the gym at 10, get back at around midnight
>repeat step 4 until bed at 5 or 6
>read until I fall asleep

>> No.5113341

Depends what day but usually it's wake up -> spend 8 miserable hours at work -> read and write a little -> speak to my friends to alleviate loneliness -> text sexual partners to see who's available -> play video games -> go on five to ten mile hike in the hills -> sleep

Or some variation therein

>> No.5113371


>> No.5113373

and it should be repeat step 3, not 4
maybe I should turn in early tonight

>> No.5113378 [DELETED] 


stay at home sons

>> No.5113380
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>dat almost cero social life of Honoré de Balzac

>> No.5113382 [DELETED] 

>people believe these routines

>> No.5113384


I have no routine. However, everyday, I set some goals. Basically, they are quite akin one another, but are rarely done in the same order.

Sleep: 6-8 hours. Sometimes a nap.
Olympic weightlifting.
Learning, studying, memorizing.
Social stuff fills the rest.

Nota: (4Chan's is in the "reading" section.)

>> No.5113411

This is mine too

>> No.5113420

Hey, I have a job, man. It's a shitty job, but I job nonetheless

>> No.5114261

so true

>> No.5114301

>wake at 8
>shower, breakfast, etc
>read until work
>work 11-7
>write/hang with friends
>sleep at midnight

I'm happy

>> No.5114366

Actually I live alone and survive off inheritance. I have wasted most of it by now though so I'll have to kill myself soon.

>> No.5114386

wtf how do you sleep longer? even if i go to bed at 5 am i'm still up by midday at the latest

>> No.5114395

>wake up at 5 am
>run for 10km
>shower, out by 6am
>bowl of porridge and/or granola
>read from 6:15 until 8:30
>go to work
>home at 5
>play piano from 5-7
>go out with friends from 7-10, or play video games, or go on internet
>read from 10-12

>> No.5114435

>wake up at five in the morning
>cook breakfast and make coffee (2 cups), eat in the garden while reading or reviewing my writing and listening to music
>spend the next two hours doing chores, writing, exercising
>take a bath and take a nap at 10am (I never sleep more than four or five hours at a time so I get sleepy)
>wake up some time before noon
>drink more coffee
>run errands, possibly see my girlfriend and have lunch
>read, relax at home
>work from 5pm to 10pm
>take a bath, eat dinner
>drink wine, read, write
>asleep by midnight

>> No.5114448

Get off the internet. Make art because you love it, not to prove your worth to others. You know what you want, and you can make it happen.

Also, don't listen to faggots on the internet. Including me.

>> No.5114501

>wake at 09:00
>coffee, multivitamin, cereal, meds
>4chan until 10:00
>reading 10:00-12:00
>sleep 12:15-14:00
>lunch at 14:15
>read until 16:00
>osu! from 16:15-16:45
>piano 16:45-19:00
>programming 19:15-(21:00-22:00)
>read after programming until 00:00
>bed/internet until tired

I don't lead a very exciting nor social life.

>> No.5114504

Get a fucking job.

>> No.5114509


I work from home, faggot.

>> No.5114517

Fuck yourself.

>> No.5114528

>roll out of bed at 745am
>get ready for work at 830; go; get home at 445
>15 minutes heavy bag at 5
>guitar from 515-7 until gym; on off days, guitar until gf wants to do something
>8-930 at gym or idly browsing internet
>i eat sporadically
>930-1130 guitar and reading
>fall asleep by 12

summer, full time job, looking forward to 24 hour weeks in conjunction with classes.

>> No.5114536

>maya angelou
oh /lit/

>> No.5114542

i've read her complete works (in poetry, not her autobiographies)
utter shite

>> No.5114555
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Depression mostly. And sleeping longer leads to more depression. It's a vicious cycle.

>> No.5114583
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>wake up
>be based
>go to sleep when energy all spent on being based
>repeat until death

>> No.5114625



I think I made the first of these routine threads, back in May of 2013. I was thinking about routines, and how to better your own productivity in that time, and I remember that I was reading this book that is the source of the OP’s pic. The old thread is this one:


My routine has hardly changed from that time since, except that now I have a girlfriend. This is my routine:

>I wake up at 08:00 am, take a shower, get dressed and go to the office. I arrive at work at 8:40 (I work as a lawyer). Work until 11:30.
>From 11:40 to 12:30 I go to the gym to lift weights (I don’t like this very much, but is important to stay in shape and maintain good health). After the gym I go home for lunch, and go back to work at 01:30 pm.
>I work until 06:00 pm, when I finally end my shift and go home.
>I sit down to write at 06:20 pm, and I try to keep writing until 09:00 pm (sometimes I write till 10:00 or 11:00 pm).
>After writing I watch some TV, eat dinner (usually coffee, bread, fruits and light things like that), and around 10:30 pm go to my room.
>Around 11:00 pm go to bed (after brush my teeth and shave). I read for approximately one hour, and then try to sleep. Next day it’s the same thing all over again.
>On weekends I avoid writing: I use them to go out, chat, camp, drink, go to the movies, go to parties and other social events.

But I remember one post in that thread that was one of the funniest things I ever read. This is the post. I can only say to the original Anon: congratulations. It was a grat work of dark comedy. Here it is:

>> No.5114631



"I arise at the ungodly hour of 5:30am. From here I peel myself away from the comforting embrace of sleep and into the harsh world of reality.

I stumble to the shower and cleanse my body of all positive energies. I then rid my face of excess hair and begin to curse the morning sun. Loudly, and with much gusto.

This is followed by a quick breakfast of triple shot espresso and cigarettes, occasionally bookended with plain toast. 6:30 rolls around and I am trapped within the confines of my metallic coffin, chugging away toward my employment destination.

Depending on traffic I arrive at 7:30. I work at a primary school so children are already congregating outside like vultures. I ignore the little shits until humanely possible and settle behind my desk, preparing for the mental anguish that is teaching simple minded infants how to grip a pencil and not damage the desk with their illegible scribblings.

From 9:00 until 11:00 it is two solid hours of pain before a caffeine break and solitary weep in the toilets that are broken but not actually broken just not used by staff because a dead rat was seen in it once and has been "quarantined" until further notice. This is followed by another hour and a half of pain before the solitary joy of lunch.

It is over too quickly however. Back to the grind. Babysitting someones illiterate and foul mouthed progeny until they can be bothered to get off their arse and collect them.

From 16:00 until 19:00 it is the usual routine of marking and assessment. Dante had an easier time. Pure torture.

From 20:30 and my return home it is a quick check of the news and bank details before retiring to bed. An escape into beauty.

On weekends I drink. And plan."

>> No.5114638

>I think I made the first of these routine threads, back in May of 2013. I was thinking about routines, and how to better your own productivity in that time, and I remember that I was reading this book that is the source of the OP’s pic. The old thread is this one:

Here is a better link to that thread:


>> No.5114683

wake up about noon

do nothing

drink until I pass out


>> No.5114732


>wake up at 11
>get up
>being fapping
>blow my load at 4 o'clock
>watch two movies
>go to sleep

c'est la vie

>> No.5115283

>wake up
>put in dip and take shower
>leave for work


>put in dip and drive home
>listen to music for 2 hours while browsing /mu/ and /lit/
>watch tv for an hour
>read for an hour
>smoke weed

>> No.5115574

>wake up
>browse web
>hygiene stuff
>browse web
>browse web
>browse web
>browse web
>browse web

>> No.5115580

same here, except for me it's shlicking instead of fapping

>> No.5115630

>wake up
>go back to bed
>wake up again
>works on commissions and watches anime
>read, fuck around on 4chan
>get dressed and eat
>night school

>> No.5115735

>Woke up quick at about noon
>Just thought that I had to be in Compton soon
>I gotta get drunk before the day begins
>Before my mother starts bitchin' about my friends

>About to go and damn near went blind
>Young niggaz on the pad throwin' up gang signs
>I went in the house to get the clip
>With my Mac10 on the side of my hip

>I bailed outside and I pointed my weapon
>Just as I thought, the fools kept steppin'
>I jumped in the fo', hit the juice on my ride
>I got front and back, and side to side

>Then I let the alpine play
>I was pumpin' new shit by NWA
>It was "Gangster Gangster" at the top of the list
>Then I played my own shit it went somethin' like this

>Cruisin' down the street in my 6-fo'
>Jockin' the bitches, slappin' the hoe's
>I went to the park to get the scoop
>Knuckle-heads out there cold shootin' some hoop

>A car pulls up, who can it be?
>It's the fresh El Camino rollin' Kilo G
>He rolls down the window and he starts to say
>It's all about makin' that G.T.A.

>> No.5115753


>>put in dip

Foreignfag here. The fuck is "dip"?

>> No.5115780

>he doesnt start his day with a plug of Copenhagen

>> No.5115812

>Wake up at 6:00
>Run then calisthenics until 7:30
>Shower, get dressed and go to work
>Get home at 5:00
>Read and write until I fall asleep, browse 4chan when too exhausted from work.

>> No.5115821

Dip is a form of tobacco that you stick in your mouth to cut holes in your lips. It's a redneck thing

>> No.5115866

>wake up
>maybe watch tv
>maybe listen to music
>maybe play games
>maybe eat
>maybe exercise
>definitely browse 4chan

>> No.5116002
File: 29 KB, 330x357, feelsgoodman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw someone's reposting my thread i made 6 months ago

>> No.5116559
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>wake up, lounge in bed for a few hours
>get up
>eat Reese's Puffs or something
>watch TV
>play vidya (Always GTA: SA, but never making any progress, just shooting a bunch of cops, dying, and loading my old save)
>browse /lit/
>eat dinner
>eat a bunch of Twizzlers, or something else unhealthy and not particularly satisfying
>discuss things with people
>watch Friends until 2 am, loudly swearing at Ross

I feel like I have absolutely no control over my life. I can find no reason to force myself out of this bland hedonism, for I would still be surrounded by useless "pleasures". I still live with my parents.
>that feel

>> No.5116590

I remember that thread...

>> No.5116725

Best post in this thread.

>> No.5116755

> bland hedonism

Boy do I know that feel. I'm so deep in it that some people close to me are practically insisting I get mental health help. Sometimes I get active and feel good, but shit, when you don't depend on yourself for survival, it's damn easy to not try.

>> No.5116764

What do you do, eat Pop-Tarts and masturbate for hours on end?

>> No.5116791

> bland hedonism

Boy do I know that feel. I'm so deep in it that some people close to me are practically insisting I get mental health help. Sometimes I get active and feel good, but shit, when you don't depend on yourself for survival, it's damn easy to not try.

>> No.5116820

full plebian
just look how much time goes in vain
>8:00 Wake up, rest, eat, watch TV in any combination
>2 hours into the trash
who the fuck needs to rest after sleep?
>12:00 Lunch
do you need a fucking hour to eat?
>watching tv

>> No.5116846

there is no order to my life.. at least there wasnt

currently it is
>day off
>all day sleeping

humans werent meant to live like this.

i want to go back to the way it was

>wake up
>amazing fully loaded breakfast
>browse internet for a half hour
>bicycle ride intense
>get home and rest with ice and more food
>go for a walk
>talk to strangers
>write in my notebook
>enjoy being outside
>buy a gourmet milkshake
>play some video games for a few hours
>browse internet while eating dinner
>have a stiff drink
>go to sleep while watching a movie
>wake up
>do something similar but slightly different

woe is me

>> No.5116847

>wake up at 1100
>breakfast, listen to music, shitpost 4chan till 1200
>read till 1330
>self-education till 1600
>read till 1800
>hang out till 2100
>eat, listen to music, shitpost 4chan till 0000
>watch anime/movie till 0300

>> No.5116891
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>Wake up around 8
>Coffee, bowl of cereal, fruit
>Summer classes for 2 hours
>Go to the gym
>Come home, make lunch, watch footy
>Go to work around 4 or 5
>Home again, late dinner
>Homework, read, vidya, whatever fills in the gap
>In bed around 1

It'll change up when I'm done with summer sessions

>> No.5116909

>wake up
>go to work
>come back
>browse 4chan

>> No.5116913

same here. It makes me braindead. Where do you work?

>> No.5116929

Average day:

>> No.5116937

So you've been stuck in January 20th, 1992, for all eternity?

>> No.5116957

retail.. fucking retail. I also work at a pizza shop. making and delivering pizzas. i do my best to make the retail job fun, but its nearly impossible. I do enjoy talking to strangers, like i said; that is literally the only upside.

and delivering is also kinda fun too. i always try to make the best out of things, regardless of how sucky they seem. its the only way i can be if i dont want to kill myself or anyone else ;_; .. i dont want to live like this. humans werent meant to.


>> No.5116968

get rid of your old identity and become a romantic hobo
steal shit, travel freight trains, buy a sleeping bag
then write a novel about your travels

>> No.5116974

do this
Pull a Jack Kerouac. I'll buy your book

>> No.5116989

I've always wanted to do the vagabond thing, especially after browsing /trv/, but as a female I figured the risk of rape and/or murder would be too high to risk it.

>> No.5116991

id rather just sit and wallow in monotony, as i continue to write about a better way for humans to live their lives.

>> No.5117000

But how would you be able to write about a better way if you've never experienced one? Or what if you're writing about the wrong way but you wouldn't know because you've never tried it?

>> No.5117002

>to write about a better way for humans to live their lives
believe me, dem blockheads are ineducable

>> No.5117007

I know it fucking sucks. The only way would be to team up with a dude and that would defeat the whole point

>> No.5117025

Maybe I can do it when I'm old and ugly, because as far as I know there are less people who are into the rape and/or murder of old ladies.

Or maybe I could travel with another chick, so we could have each other's backs?

>> No.5117054

i know.. i know ...

its a general way of perceiving, rather than a method of acting that makes a life "better", they go hand in hand, and one can not exist without the other.

thoughts will perpetuate actions. Change the thoughts, change the acts. ..still though >>5117002 its too true, and i know it. maybe not all of them, but at least one of them. and one is all you need.

>> No.5117060

old ladies are an easier target for robberies though. I reckon the way to go is to learn some sweet self deffence skills

>> No.5117068

but if I look like a poor homeless old crazy lady with nothing then why would they rob me? But I think learning self defence and getting in shape in general would be a good idea. Maybe I could just buy an easily concealed gun and learn how to shoot?

>> No.5117178

guns will land you in jail. invest in some pepper spray

>> No.5117223

It was not six months ago.

It can't have been....

>> No.5117238

>wake up
>eat breakfast
>go to work
>come home
>eat dinner
>read/ play video games/ watch TV/ post on 4chan
>make lunch for tomorrow
>go to bed
Only marginally better than being NEET tbh. At least work keeps me too occupied to get depressed about my non-existent social life.

>> No.5117248

>i do my best to make the retail job fun
>i always try to make the best out of things, regardless of how sucky they seem

you are the cancer of our world. you are those people who try to humanize the inhumane lives we are offered, thus making them acceptable under a "fun" disguise. you are rotting yourself inside anyway, cause you know how shit sucks but you put all your vital energy into thinking and pretending they dont.

BRING DOWN THE MASK! face and accept things for what they are. only then will we stop bearing them and will look for a real human life

>> No.5117290

That's not far off. Basically, I'm living the 4chan lifestyle: go to bed in the am, get up in the pm, spend lots of time on the Internet or in my steam library. I just graduated college and turned down a job offer. I have only 2 or 3 friends and lack actionable life goals. I'm probably going to end up living with my parents for the time being. I have lots of vague, unrealistic goals that couple my lethargy with anxiety.

I don't think that those characteristics mean that I'm mentally ill, but some close friends think that they're strong indicators.

>> No.5117310

That's one of the most autistic things I have ever seen in my life. Who the fuck makes these things

>> No.5117315

I don't have one, but I'm expecting to die homeless and already consider myself a failure, so it's all good.

>> No.5117319

The first time I saw this image, it was in an article of the Huffington Post

>> No.5117325

>wake up at 2:30 PM
>lay in bed for half an hour
>get up
>walk downstairs with no pants on and look through whole kitchen
>not hungry
>go to bathroom
>look in mirror and commence narcissism
>go back to bedroom
>turn computer on
>check facebook and gmail
>video games
>listen to music and play solitaire
>question reality
>it's 7 in the morning I'm going to bed

>> No.5117835
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>commence narcissism

>> No.5117857

>boring hours in a day of fun things

oh no how terrible. you can work and still enjoy things in life dude. dont excuse yourself from having a job. humans have been working, doing shittons of harder things to live for a LIVING since the dawn of time.

only now we're slave to corporations and rely on them to live, so essentially its the same thing.

do you think that all 800 years agi ALL people had farms and worked them? no. some people were tailors, and carpenters, and used the money they EARNED from working to buy food from the farmers. its just life man, dont be a lazy nigger.

>> No.5117951

* Wake 7am tue/fri. 8.30am mon/thurs/wed, & ad lib sat/sun. Make bed upon wake and clean room.
* Shower, brush teeth, and scrape tongue.
* Cleanse face in shower and exfoliate tuesday & thursda, then shave.
* Apply antiperspirant and cologne.
* Eat breakfast, drink coffee, take vitamin d supp and nootropic stack.
* Watch motivation video playlist while eating breakfast, then write daily checklist for achieving monthly goals and execute in breaks.
* Do cardio monday, wednesday and friday after work

* Socialise 1 hour per day while eating dinner.
* Write/vlog 10 minutes per day.
* Brush teeth, cleanse face, floss teeth, and apply glycolic.
* Take melotonin at 10.30. Go to sleep at 9.45pm mon/tue/thur, 11.15pm sun/wed & ad lib fri/sat.

* Practice 1h of instrument per week, today mid day.
* Practice 1h of drawing per week, tonight.

* Backup computer files onto external harddrive
* Watch 1 movie per week, tonight preferably.
* Cut nails

- Listen to 3 albums per day: while preparing in morning, during breaks, on public transport, at night and on weekends.
- Read 1 book per week: during breaks, at night, on public transport, and on weekends.
- Drink 6 bottles/water day.

>> No.5118168

Monday: Wake up 8am, go to uni, finish @ 4pm, start work @ 5pm, finish @ 10:30pm
Tuesday: Wake up 11am, go to uni, finish @ 8pm
Wednesday: Day off
Thursday: Day off
Friday: Wake up 10am, go to uni, finish @ 4pm, start work @ 5pm, finish @ 1am
Saturday: Wake up 1pm, start work @ 5pm, finish @ 12am
Sunday: Wake up 1pm, start work @ 5pm, finish @ 10:30pm

Study 1 hour Mon - Thurs
30 minute jogs + other exercises on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, sometimes Thursday
Only masturbate once a week
Read 1 book per week
Watch a film every night
Listen to a new album everyday
Study Spanish + German Mon - Thurs
Write poetry or something creative Mon - Thurs

>> No.5119417

oh man, you are so broken

>> No.5119434

I was NEET for years, got a full time job a few months ago but quit last week because being gone 50 hours a week working some shitty job I hated made me want to die more than I already do.

So now I'm back to just doing nothing all day. I wake up whenever and sleep whenever. I sit on the internet all day doing nothing. I don't really play video games anymore. I rarely watch anime or read books. I want to practice my art, but I have this terrible mental block about the whole thing and even though I've tried dozens and dozens of times to get back into it, it always just puts me in a terrible mood and I end up drinking myself stupid so I don't shoot myself.

Constantly flip flop around, have no passions or hobbies, can't find anything I actually care about outside of drawing. Spent a bunch of money on a piano/keyboard, but I don't even do anything with it since I have no motivation. Think about trying to get into writing, but it feels kinda stupid since I can barely even make myself read.

I stopped lifting weights and working out in general late last year. I would really love to start again, but I no longer have any space for my weights and shit and the only gym near here is terrible and I cancelled my membership after trying to use it a few times.

So I spend all my time refreshing pages on 4chan, from morning until night. I kinda want to die.

>> No.5119438

I have no routine.

>> No.5119443

wake up at like 2-3pm
coffee, read, cigarette
go for run
read/write a bit
cook dinner
get drunk/read/go out with friends and get drunk/fuck around on internet/write
lie in bed for hours doing nothing, finally fall asleep around dawn

>> No.5119452

eat computer work eat work computer eat sleep

>> No.5119522

Work day, completely random working week
>wake up and immediately go to work, no breakfast, wash or anything- barely have time to make a sammich
>commence work and finish in late afternoon
>get home & shower
>4chan until 9:30pm
>decide whether I'm going to play vidja, draw or do writing
>go to bed at around midnight

Day Off
>wake up usually around 11am
>decide whether to write or play vidja
>if im not playing vidja then all communication software & my mobile is turned off
>the rest of the day is a blur of writing, massive amounts of procrastination on 4chan, and hot drinks
>go to bed at 2am

On my days off I write anywhere between 500-2000 words, and do proofreading & additions of everything I wrote the last session.

Productivity is fucking slow since I only really get a lot of work done on days off, but stuff still gets done.

>> No.5119555


>> No.5119604

My routine varies, but the coffee and cigarettes are a constant. Some days I wake up feeling like shit, other days I wake up feeling like a god. Some days I read and write a ton, meet friends, lovingly torment family, go places, see things, other days I'm massively melancholic, drunk, and nostalgic. I've spent most of my adult life gainfully employed, but I'm not at the moment, though that doesn't really weigh into things too much what with how I'm rather financially secure. The one thing I really have, though, and besides family and friends and all that, is that I'm not stagnant.

>> No.5119680
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>wake up in the early afternoon
>have a nice healthy breakfast and some coffee
>have a shower or bath
>spend my afternoon fucking around online, running an errand or two, going for a walk, reading et cetera
>cook myself a nice dinner
>drink coffee
>spend evening reading, browsing the web, watching shows and films, socialising, listening to music, having a few beers, smoking some weed maybe
>read some epicurus before bed, reflect on my day, evaluate mode of living
>go to sleep between four and six in the morning

>> No.5119724

I used smoke a lot of weed and do generally scummy things, but now I don't. I also used to drink a whole lot, but now I don't. I also used be really big into cars, but now I'm not. I also used to play a lot of poker, but now I don't. I really fucking hit rehab hard, to be quite honest. Pretty much just blew my brain up.

>> No.5119782

It's the worst of both faux-intellectual and emo. Do people think they are being clever writing like this?

>> No.5119832

You have completely unmade yourself, anon.

Now you're reflecting on that.

>> No.5120153

Lewbowski achiever/10

>> No.5120492

i know.

>> No.5120593
File: 53 KB, 500x283, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wake up 4:30 AM
>Make fewd and pack a lunch
>Bike to work by 5:30
>Work innagym so swipe cards
>Lotsa free time for READING BITCHESSS
>Get off at 10am
>Either work arms or legs for an hour
>Go get some middle eastern food
>Take a nap onnagrass (in front of Uni buildings)
>Read and drink coffee at cafe
>Swim an hour before going back to >work at 4
>Work till 8
>Bike home
>Rub one out to Dirty Girl Rand
>Bed by 11:00

>> No.5120709

>wake up, dreading job
>go to job because afraid of debt collectors
>come home, get drunk, eat bad food
>sleep/pass out

Fuck, I wish I was NEET

>> No.5120914

>no real free time at all


>> No.5123141

>all these workfags confirming I made the right choice by staying NEET

Thanks bros.

>> No.5123410

>wake up
>clean up, water plants while listening to audiobooks
>make ham and eggs and protein shakes
>go to gym
>go home, drink shake
>buy more eggs, bread and milk if needed
>watch a movie
>sleep 10 hours which is a lot but I feel numb and stupid all day otherwise

No internet, only when I go to my parents place once a week, like now. I just moved out, will move guitars and amps now to my place and start boxing next week. My goal for this summer is to get in shape, catch up on science (biology/chemistry/physics/math), read good books and watch good movies, practice guitar and try multiple psychedelic drugs. Currently am at home because am at the process of acquiring them.

>> No.5124038

Please love yourself

>> No.5124049

>Thinks people bitching about their jobs means that being a worthless NEET faggot is "worth it"

Enjoy missing everything cool ever and realizing you're in for decades of crippling depression after you hit 30 and are literally unable to improve anything around you ever again.

>> No.5124165

you don't like your job very much do you?

>> No.5124173

I don't actually mind it very much and your smarmy bravado won't prevent everything I said from coming true in your pathetic future.

>> No.5124187

>Wake Up at three pm
>Fall off my bed
>Cry for one whole hour
>Don't need to take a shower now
>Put on cum stained pajamas
>Heat up Mcdonalds
>Eat it
>Go back to bed

>> No.5124206

Whatever you do, don't do a research chemical, it's so bound to be a research chem. I used to live like you, but after doing three tabs of 25i-NbOME I'm literally retarded. I am so scatterbrained and I can barely hold a pencil

>> No.5124264
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>Watch motivation video playlist while eating breakfast

>> No.5124740
File: 167 KB, 600x590, SadFrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up at midday
>read job offers/breakfast
>1:30pm lunch
>8:00pm gym
>10:00pm dinner
>read or internet
>chinese cartoons until 2 am


>> No.5124787

On days where I have to work:

>Wake up
>Make coffee
>Shower if I'm feeling particularly motivated
>Go to work
>Slog home
>Drink and smoke myself into a stupor deep enough to allow sleep without dreams

Days when I don't work:

>Wake up
>Watch the clock until noon, at which point I can start drinking without worrying about cultural influence on the morality of drinking
>Browse the Internet for 8 unbroken hours
>Smoke a lot
>Eventually pass out at about 2am in front of a screen of moving yet meaningless images

I yearn for death to break me of this cycle

>> No.5124989

Can you imagine how much masturbating Roald Dahl did in his garden shed ?

>> No.5125248


Quit your job or find a better one then.

>> No.5125863

No, I'll try to evade all that shit
I only get stuff from reputable vendors and will spit if bitter, may also get a test kit
Was it bitter or anything? Or did you do it on purpose? I'm not interested in "getting fucked up", I just want to experience them and use them for introspection and maybe bonding with m8s.

>> No.5126251

did you try going outside?

>> No.5126261
File: 24 KB, 545x594, frabz-what-the-fuck-12f2ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5126270


All you need is pure imagination.

>> No.5126292

Which cool things am I missing out on?

>> No.5126467

>wake up
>take shower
>go to school
>go to work
>read at any breaks or go out for lunch with acquaintances or coworkers
>browse /fit/ and /lit/
>take nap
>run and calisthenics
>get home and have supper
>read and browse /fit/ or /lit/ and masturbate to /s/

>> No.5126484

>Wake whenever
>Eat when I get hungry
>Smoke when I get bored
>Clean up stuff when it's practically overflowing
>Write shit on the back of old pizza boxes because I've run out of paper and am too lazy to go outside and buy new notebooks
>Only change clothes if I'm going outside
>Read articles on the internet
>Browse 4chan
>Go out and drink if it's the weekend
>Stay up for significantly longer than 24 hours
>Sleep for like 19 hours
>Don't have a stable sleep schedule

>> No.5126888
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This thread has made me even more confident in my life choices. Thanks bros :3

>> No.5127101


>> No.5127106


>yfw no Kant walking down the street to set my watch to

>> No.5127128

>wake up
>go to work
>go to gym
>spend rest of day trying to find a way of either getting a better job or going back to being NEET

>> No.5127167

working hard at your job?

>> No.5127180

>Work 2 fulltime jobs for an entire year
>Bust my ass off everyday
>Never social because always working
>Make a ton of money
>Realize once I've gotten a decent apartment and car I have nothing at all to spend it on
>Feel like Scrooge McDuck sitting alone in my apartment with a fat bank account and no friends

>> No.5127194


>taking a glib Oscar Wilde quote seriously

>> No.5127230
File: 139 KB, 992x1592, wage slave logic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people in this thread don't live the literary lifestyle

>they honestly think the genre fiction they scribble in an hour after work can compete with the literature of someone who spends 10+ hours a day writing and editing their books to perfection

you poor, deluded souls.

>> No.5127265

I love how /lit manages to make everything into an argument about Jews. Perhaps the statement that all Western philosophy is a argument over what you should think of the Jews is true after all.

>> No.5127274



>> No.5127292

Just replace "Jew" with "the man" if you are too sensitive for 4chan cancer, the argument still stands.

>> No.5127297

>Just replace "Jew" with "the man" if you are
a feminist

>> No.5127316

The bourgeoisie will also work if you're class conscious.

>> No.5127318

>Austerity measures? How dare they!

>> No.5127337

>doesn't know stoner jargon

>> No.5127571


>he thinks austerity applies to everyone!

>> No.5127620

e Man" is a slang phrase that may refer to the government or to some other authority in a position of power. In addition to this derogatory connotation, it may also serve as a term of respect and praise.
The phrase "the Man is keeping me down" is commonly used to describe oppression. The phrase "stick it to the Man" encourages resistance to authority, and essentially means "fight back" or "resist", either passively, openly or via sabotage.[1]

>> No.5127782

carpe diem

>> No.5128802

osu name?

>> No.5130034


I wasn't really being serious. I just thought it was the most apt quote at the time.


Working hard to get a job

>> No.5130068

You're entering a world of pain.

>> No.5130531
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I find it funny that none of these people have a backwards schedule of going to bed at 5-6 in the morning.

>> No.5130567

>Walk around Vienna's Ringstrasse at <b>terrific speed</b>
What does that mean? Why is it in bold? Just how fast did he walk?

>> No.5130842

Balzac has.

>> No.5130874

yeah, why wouldn't milton or darwin just use electric energy to work at 4am right

>> No.5130882

What are candles?

>> No.5130917

Expensive inefficient messy hazardous unhealthy

>> No.5130945

>wake up at 7
>lay in bed until about 7:30, then get up, get dressed, have breakfast, etc.
>leave home at 8AM, read for 1 hour on the train to work
>get to work at 9, work until 12:30, have 10 minute lunch, continue working until 5:30-6PM
>catch the train home, read for another hour, get home at around 7PM
>have dinner at 7:30 or 8PM
>read, go on 4chan, listen to music, occasionally play a video game, etc.
>bed at 12AM

Pretty shit.

>> No.5130964

>wake up
>shitpost on /lit/
>go to bed

>> No.5131068


>> No.5131247

I go to bed in the morning. When I'm cut off from the internet I go to bed at midnight.

>> No.5131283


>> No.5131392

>tfw no autist philosopher to set up all kind of pranks for in elaborate ways because his routine is so predictable
>tfw not deliberately creating situations where his categorical imperative is tested

>> No.5132182

I see tripfags like Le troll faec more often than my own family of friends.

>> No.5132219

Wake up at 6:30
Write till 8:30
Read news papers or magazines till 9:30 while having breakfast
Office job from 10:00 to 5:30
Go boxing from 6:30 to 8:00 - three times a week
Watch Tv or play videogames have a drink with a friend from 6:30 to 8:00
Read, study or revise my writing till 11:30