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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 930 KB, 743x487, trial+error is over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5108300 No.5108300[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i'm keepin up the good fight. nothing kills me, man, spider bites, blood poisoning, mrsa, especially not you /lit/, though you can try. bigger men have tried before.

i've been busy (see above) but now it's time to do a poetry reading thing as i promised in my other thread. if you critique my poetry (any) and your poetry is easy to do songs with, i will turn it into a song (you'll be waiting a while so i'll read it too). here's an example of a poem that's not mine that i did song things to:

otherwise, just post your shit and i'll put on my spectacles and spectators sit back, i have some rawness pent up and ready to be sent your way.

>> No.5108369

I think the light loves you
How it kisses your forehead
Like a mother does her baby
And how it cradles your head
Rather than haloing it
But then again
I can never be too sure

Because when you turn your back to the moon
Your silhouette soaks up the dark
Like a desk blotter ingests India ink
And the infinite shades of shadows that grip the landscape
Accept you as their own
And I wonder in that moment
If you were actually born of Nyx
But somehow misplaced in the arms of Hemera
And that you’ve been seeking the root of your life-long confusion
So once able
You fled for the realm of inconsequential humans
I wonder this and many other dreams
When you turn your back to the sun
Occulting the light with your impenetrable umbra
Giving me no choice
But to divert my eyes
From your uncommon beauty

>> No.5108407

wow and people think my mythology jump-ins are a bit much.

here you are. thanks for posting.
i took some xanax so now i'm a bit stumbly sry


>> No.5108416

Hey, gave you a close reading in the other thread, so in all fairness, I'll expose to you a better one of mine, a sonnet, for reading.

The Accountant

I pay attention to the little things.
Returns are poor. The lady bug is not
profounder than the common polka dot
because it crawls hours. The egg crust ringing
the burner brings rage, disgust, unequal
to cleaning’s inconvenience. Yes, it
can attract, illuminate, the detail
of things designed, and of beauties, but
little’s designed, little‘s fine, and I
would rather your patience, your courage,
your honesty, than thoughtlessness, half-lies
first – and you, before your body imperfect.

So much is in my closeness, lost,
losing love, my love, must be my love’s cost.

>> No.5108420
File: 70 KB, 414x700, woof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you're way too catsy for this one

>> No.5108456

i'm sorry i'm sloppy in this. the enjambment is fun when read to oneself but because i don't read the poems before i read them for audio it gets me a bit off.
thanks for sharing.


>> No.5108473

ok i hella enjoyed this and you can tell in my voice.

i should have redone it but i don't read first or edit or redo because it ruins the integrity, but if you turn the sound down a bit it'll be easier to hear properly.


>> No.5108490

A spider bit you? I had that happen to me some years ago.

(I noticed someone had impersonated me in that last thread of yours, fyi)

>> No.5108526

yeah, i know when it's you and when it's not <3

apparently it was a northern black widow which apparently only cause intense pain and staph infections but not death unfortunately.

how are you? any poems you want read/sung?

>> No.5108558


>being murkan

>> No.5108561

sex is often bonding
my wife and I car-camped
in Nashville for five years
in summer kids and
Mexicans roamed at night
earthquakes don't kill people
buildings kill some people
to reduce risk of breast
cancer do not wear bras
to sleep warm during cold
weather gently massage
breasts daily for cancer
tiny sore on the edge
of the web of skin at
the rear of her armpit
stuffing gets compressed and
voids develop the med
mafia and subserve
ient officials serve
political slysense
regarding "organic"
pesticides migrate they
are the plant parts often
eaten raw animals
behaving strangely we
cook mostly with propane
ancestors eating 8
million years ago
several home-made machines
to replace slaves who died
what can you do with a
cruise ship? beg big bully
or shun big bully boy
I eat dandelions

Can't critique your poetry if you don't post it.

>> No.5108564


holy fuck I love this, anon

good job

>> No.5108566

drip drip drip no pills like a
faucet even less the drain
ha ha am I annoying
you the flash of lights on snow
drifting I'll get a chinese
home you'll meet somebody be
happier in photos do
art stuff with art people my
god your projection like flesh
cut to the bone I flirt with
satanism no really
nothing to do with satan
just everything I believe
koi in a pond train horn boy
in your bed, I feel asleep.

>> No.5108581
File: 150 KB, 500x317, fucking tourists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visit old Blencathra, saddle-back, ridden into the dirt.
Visit Coleridge's lakes, diced into bite-sized chunks by a net of b-numbers.
See Wordsworth's daffodils lined up along the M6, artificial colouring.
See the shitty movie about Beatrix Potter
or stand in her living room
rifle through her letters
& leave through the gift shop.
The great English wilderness:
where the trees are in grids
and for 2.1 million you can buy your own mountain.

>> No.5108590

thank you so much! i was worried i'd be all "ehhhh" but i pulled it off okay i guess. i hope you have a great night.

i'll do more of these in moments after my sounds are done plz and thx

>> No.5108600

i'll do yours if you work on mine. it's this one


>> No.5108619


was mainly referring to the piece, but the recording was good too hehe

*note* not the author of the sonnet

>> No.5108623

from fargo and all.

>> No.5108626

>but not death unfortunately.
Oh don't be morbid!

I never knew what bit me. Took a day for the chills and aches to set in. Started to feel better by the time they took me to the doctor the next day.

I'll just listen for now.

>> No.5108633

sorry i am literally so relaxed that i'm imagining all the love is for me. i'm a love hog sorry :(

i want to do more but there's nothing really challenging to do. the i eat dandelions i admit i went through once and decided i needed a breather but aside from that no one appears too interested on a monday night for poetry readings. wackos

>> No.5108638


I'm interested hehe.

Here, would you be so kind as to read one of mine? I want to see if people read it the same way aloud as I do in my head.

Also, critiques are greatly appreciated/welcomed!

Follow me.
Tell me all you wish to see,
and if I can, I swear I'll grant it.
Lay with me.
Rest your brow upon my cheek --
for I wish not to rise tomorrow
should your face not welcome me.
Live with me.
Let us bind our debts and dreams;
let us merge our make believe
into one joint reality.
Let us dabble in the wines of life
and through the night, exceed
all restraints imposed by moral law
and mass and gravity.
Let us live as one, in dark or light
and one another, seize
every smile in every corner;
every stone and all the leaves.

>> No.5108649

dude, butterfly, you like my poetry, right? (i mean it's ok if you don't)

but i'm genuinely confused as to why bad poetry is all "omg so gud" here and genius shit is shut down like a shop with a mouse in it that's not a pet store.

>> No.5108672


also im a love hog as well, so dont sweat it

>> No.5108679

I try to listen/read, to yours and other, I know there's something there, but sometimes it's just too thick.
Though not eyeing most threads on this here, I'm not a bit surprised to hear of these frustrating contradictions.

>> No.5108686

mate your poems are pretty good but it's a bit early to be calling them "genius shit"
what makes you think they're that?

>> No.5108710
File: 98 KB, 200x250, poldy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i should have redone it

Nonsense, made my night:


>> No.5108716

Have you never encountered that particular tripfag before?

>> No.5108728

but baby you're so smart :(

>what makes you think they're that?
some of them are so thick in layers that it makes my saliva flow. not all of it great, most are pretty good fillers.

but i'm a driven and talented writer who wants to improve but i know i can't get better than some things i've already written.

you have to kind of pick over them.

good i'm glad!

>> No.5108731

Not until tonight, I guess because she's American and I'm not usually up on /lit/ this late.

>> No.5108734

My post:

Whichever you prefer of >>5108561
Would be appreciated.

For your own stuff, I'd love to hear more set to music by design; it'll help with the conscious rhythm.

>> No.5108738

am i less annoying when not on amps and on downers instead?? :(

because man i could insufflate some nice dexedream and be flying and you'd be quenched in my bodily fluids of all sorts except i just peed so not that sorry anyone who was interested in that.

>> No.5108788

i'll redo both just because they're kinda tricky and fun. i don't necessarily "like" them, but they are fun. i'll get to that in the next post.

here's some songs i've written i guess. one is a legit song, and while the lyrics are what they are i didn't put much effort in as it was a 15 minute lunch break with no edits.

sorry they're from my tumblr so it's gonna seem a bit blog spammy:




the last is a cover. i don't do too many songs set to music because it's effort.

i have most of my poems read aloud saved somewhere if i can find my eternal hard drive.

>> No.5108799

here's this one. not sure if i like how i did it because it's all "whooooooa"


>> No.5108804

You can't fly to where I'm at. Sorry.

>> No.5108805

where are you at? i can fly most places except the uk because i am banned.

>> No.5108809

I'm on a bed, at a house, in a state down South.

>> No.5108810


Your picture actually made me laugh in a sort of "wait I don't quite get it but I know there's humor here" sort of way.

>> No.5108818 [DELETED] 

will you let me sip ice tea on your wraparound porch like the lady i am?

yeah it's hella funny to me and probably only to me. i mocked it up specifically for this thread and, i think, though nobody has probably looked at it aside from us, it has benefited me quite a bit.

>> No.5108833

will you let me sip ice tea on your wraparound porch like the lady i am?

yeah it's hella funny to me and probably only to me. i mocked it up specifically for this thread and, i think, though nobody has probably looked at it aside from us, it has benefited me quite a bit.

>> No.5108836


I don't get it.

>> No.5108844


post irony meta bullshit that only people of great intelligence can understand. i'm sorry. :(

>> No.5108846

lol why are you banned from the uk?

>> No.5108847

or the person who made it because i'm the only one who finds it hilarious.

>> No.5108853



>> No.5108856
File: 41 KB, 275x370, Cleanth_Brooks_Southern_Review_Spring_1995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I live in LA and you might actually see something titled near this, and I get it.

>> No.5108865

overstayed like a day because i'm an idiot. now i have to go to europe or something in a few months instead so that's a thing. got kinda sick of london to be honest. i want more poems or more naked people or more people asking me about me being naked idk i'm bored and inhibition-less.

>> No.5108878

are you leaving las vegas???

>> No.5108879


try mecca

>> No.5108885

i don't think that counts as a european country.

man i want some things to read give me something fun and sexy and or i'm going to read bukowski and annoy everyone including myself.

>> No.5108901

The Circus Animals' Desertion by W.B Years


I sought a theme and sought for it in vain,
I sought it daily for six weeks or so.
Maybe at last, being but a broken man,
I must be satisfied with my heart, although
Winter and summer till old age began
My circus animals were all on show,
Those stilted boys, that burnished chariot,
Lion and woman and the Lord knows what.


What can I but enumerate old themes,
First that sea-rider Oisin led by the nose
Through three enchanted islands, allegorical dreams,
Vain gaiety, vain battle, vain repose,
Themes of the embittered heart, or so it seems,
That might adorn old songs or courtly shows;
But what cared I that set him on to ride,
I, starved for the bosom of his faery bride.

And then a counter-truth filled out its play,
'The Countess Cathleen' was the name I gave it;
She, pity-crazed, had given her soul away,
But masterful Heaven had intervened to save it.
I thought my dear must her own soul destroy
So did fanaticism and hate enslave it,
And this brought forth a dream and soon enough
This dream itself had all my thought and love.

And when the Fool and Blind Man stole the bread
Cuchulain fought the ungovernable sea;
Heart-mysteries there, and yet when all is said
It was the dream itself enchanted me:
Character isolated by a deed
To engross the present and dominate memory.
Players and painted stage took all my love,
And not those things that they were emblems of.


Those masterful images because complete
Grew in pure mind, but out of what began?
A mound of refuse or the sweepings of a street,
Old kettles, old bottles, and a broken can,
Old iron, old bones, old rags, that raving slut
Who keeps the till. Now that my ladder's gone,
I must lie down where all the ladders start
In the foul rag and bone shop of the heart.

>> No.5108917


>> No.5108922


>read bukowski

e-enjoy that senpai

>> No.5108952
File: 612 KB, 900x629, thealienscame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww *hugs* Compliments are quite pleasing, but the truth is I haven't much of an ear for poetry. Simple stuff grabs me.
Here. Do a Waterson.

A smuggler!? Rêve's a pirate!

>> No.5108959

okay i think i like this but it was a hard one to read all in one go and without fucking up names while all fuzzy. sorry if it's not up to par.
i think your line breaks need work and it'll be easier read both aloud and silently.


>> No.5108987 [DELETED] 

i got a bit excited i'm sorry :(


>> No.5109004 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 316x309, Hobbes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5109005

oops it deleted

i got overexciting and messed up and forgot to edit i love calvin and mr hobbes :(


>> No.5109015
File: 39 KB, 316x309, Hobbes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All is preserved on warosu.org

>> No.5109016

>That moment you can see butterfly's knickers getting wet for another namefag's attention.

It's beautiful in a sort of nature-gone-wrong, misanthropic way.

>> No.5109029

butterfly and i love each other let us love each other in peace.

>> No.5109031
File: 16 KB, 312x293, C&amp;H Fight Club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How has it gone wrong?

>> No.5109246

The songs are all interesting; I like the first in particular. Nothing wrong with being unpolished, better to be genuine with it as an auditory art object than pretend it's a something other than a personal expression.

Thank you.

>> No.5109269

thank you. the ones i put near zero effort into always turn out the best. i'm just getting disillusioned as i feel i've kind of run out of things to say.

>> No.5109340

Happy accidents aren't reserved for unwanted chidren.
You'll always have periods of feeling like that. Just forget about it and don't force, then when you're inevitably itching to do something you can throw yourself back into it and let all the boiled ideas and feelings fly.

>> No.5109487

"Zero effort" work in a writer rarely is. It's the result of intentional testing of techniques, and lines of thought, becoming dissolved into intuition over time as they're mastered, and then regurgitated when they're triggered by something. If you're feeling stagnant, either wait, or start feeding the beast with new writing, new thinking, new style, etc.

>> No.5109555
File: 133 KB, 618x886, Forain_Rimbaud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rest your brow upon my cheek
seems to me that
>rest your forehead on my cheek
is smoother, if you like the words

>all restraints imposed by moral law
I'd take out moral, it adds too many syllables and is not more accurate, to me

captcha was my favorite number :)

>> No.5109566

aw, reve, you're so wonderful! it's nice to see your words and hear your voice here on /lit/ again. i haven't been here in a while either but it seemed like you were gone for a long time... hope all is well in your life, your trials sound intense but i have confidence in your immortality c:

no critiques or contributions on my end, least not right now. i will try to look for this thread tomorrow tho, in the archive if not here. fear not if you don't see me. for i am here. forever and always. after all, i am addicted to your goddess energy :p

(lol, but seriously, or not seriously, i forgot whether i'm being ironic, i hope to read your creation myth, i miss your diamond body and crystalline noses, i should do it now but i gotta go, feel like a time-traveler who arrived too late)

>> No.5110144

awe, it's nice to hear. i'll keep up with this thread but i work all day so i just wanted to reply and bump it for replies for later. <3

>> No.5110393

Post your nudes, you dirty slut.