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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 157 KB, 526x716, litlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
506282 No.506282 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.506291
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>> No.506311
File: 60 KB, 500x261, The_Kings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot to the kings in God Tier!
1: Kafka
3: Lovecraft

>> No.506318

Paradise Lost and The Divine Comedy are shit tier.

>> No.506324
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>No Count of Monte Cristo.

>> No.506325

Yeah, you forgot Kafka in God tier and Poe and Lovecraft in Low tier... oh wait.

This tier garbage is such troll-friendly bullshit.

Even if you don't care for Paradise Lost or Divine Comedy, there's no way you can misconstrue it as anything less than High tier. You can't fully appreciate 18th and 19th century lit without working knowledge of the Bible, Paradise Lost, and Divine Comedy.

>> No.506326

This entire list is FUCKED, Gentlemen.

>> No.506332


Data! I love you!!!111000
I read any book with you in it.

>> No.506335


Needing working knowledge =/= the work in question is good

They're fucking shit and anyone who likes them is shit

>> No.506340

You better not be talking about the holy kings.

>> No.506346


If that's your name for the shit-tier garbage mentioned in the post I'm quoting then yeah, they're good for toilet paper maybe.

>> No.506351

This sums up /lit/'s attitude pretty nicely. The more accessible something is, the worse they'll claim it is. The Divine Comedy is the worst thing I've ever read.

>> No.506355

why is this still trolling people

>> No.506356

No. I am talking about:

>> No.506365


Oh. I approve.

>> No.506377

You just got trolled by a post which openly accepts this shit as being troll material. How does that feel?

>> No.506393
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>> No.506396

Tier lists are by their very definition retarded.

>> No.506399

It's 4chan. I never really take anything seriously here. Just all in my amusement. Hows your day?^_^

>> No.506416

Vonnegut should be higher, Tempest should be lower, needs some urban fantasy outside 'not lit'

>> No.506423

Defensive/dismissive then?

>> No.506429

shit list
missing so much authors and books

>> No.506443

No Goethe!!!!!!!!?????

>> No.506452 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 251x186, 1269266984478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you faggots a week ago when this shit was posted on here as a troll post

>> No.506453

guys, seriously.

a little song for you


>> No.506454

nominating Battle Royale for Mid Tier

>> No.506469

Nearly raged, but some people called it troll so..... yeah. Fuck you, mang. 7/10

>> No.506475

OP's tier list is less a listing of good literature, and more a show of absolute pretentiousness.

While I agree that most of the things he has listed in his high / god tiers are culturally significant, and in fact masterpieces, I must disagree with the whole "it's not a century old and horribly hard to get into, thus it sucks". There are two main purposes books serve, education and entertainment. And I can honestly say that I was more entertained reading Snow Crash, than I was reading Don Quijote.

tl:dr OP is a faggot.

>> No.506481

Fuck Catcher in the Rye

>> No.506500

you were doing so well until you put LOTR in.


>> No.506503

>Great Gatsby classified as "Low Tier"
Dey see me trollin', dey hatin'.

>> No.506507


OP doesn't know how to spell Ulysses. Oh you faggot ass.

>> No.506509
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>> No.506544

op is new to /lit/.

>> No.506559

op's pic is sooo fucking low

>> No.506561

Uncle Vanya is shit. Your list is bullshit.

>> No.506571

hating on The Merchant of Venice, not cool. that's Shakespeare's 2nd funniest play.

The Tempest sucks.

>> No.506586

the tempest is a social satire though - if you know history you will know it is good. in fact the Shakespeare bits are the only things i agree with on that faggot list.

>> No.506591

Your list there is worthless. As far as I'm concerned, if I don't like the book it's shit tier.
I don't really care what other people think when I'm the one reading the book.

>> No.506596
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Except for Henry VIII. Terrible play. Mostly not even by Shakespeare anyway.

>> No.506599

Your list fucking reeks of pretension.

Proust is God tier? Ulysses?

Fuck you.

>> No.506605

I think yer the pretentious one here buddy

>> No.506606

comics are definitely NOT shit tier


>> No.506607
File: 26 KB, 460x276, TerryPratchett2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Terry Pratchett

What? I thought /lit/ was all over Pratchett.

>> No.506612

I'm afraid I don't see how this could possibly enrage someone. Anyone who is enraged by this has a broken brain

>> No.506619

Not mad, but Ulysses and In Search of Lost Time is just too high up. Really.

>> No.506632


>> No.506650

Seeing Turn of the Screw in Low Tier makes me sad. I spent an assload of time with that story my junior year of high school... dictionary was always close.

>> No.506653

Great Expectations should be tear (this book apart) tier. This list just seems like somebody who likes Epic poetry and hates SF and horror with the occasional exception.

>> No.506654
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>No Jules Verne

>> No.506658


>> No.506679
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>putting Macbeth below Hamlet


>Gatsby in low tier


>a bunch of other stuff that doesn't matter because this is a stupid project anyway

Also, animooted.

>> No.506680

Agree in most part OP,
but pride & prejudice is awesome.

>> No.506690

OP can't capitalize consistently to save his life.

>> No.506703

oh, mr bentely make joke

>> No.506719
File: 13 KB, 69x66, dune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God Emperor Tier

>> No.506725



>> No.506734

There's something wrong with this board..

>> No.506736

ITT: Elitism

>> No.506743

OP is a pretentious ass who would rather read something that professors told him was great than have own opinion of books/THREAD

>> No.506747

Or maybe he's just smarter than you.

>> No.506751

your lips move when you read

>> No.506753

"Tier" lists are for fags. Not homosexuals, mind you. Fags.

>> No.506754

you are

don't suck critics' cocks too much

>> No.506756

I am what? God Tier? Why thank you

>> No.506758

El subjetivismo de este thread es abrumador.

>> No.506761

Mine do too..

>> No.506762

I know
I'll ignore all the good books
and look intelligent by recommending books
I have never even read

>> No.506763

You do that, and I'll keep telling people to read Ulysses.

>> No.506770

You sir, are a master troll.

>> No.507810

i disagree with OPs list

>> No.507826

WTF is lord of the rings doing way up there?!?!?!

>> No.507827

Could you give me a description of your criteria for compiling those books in that order?

>> No.507830


>> No.507860

Most assuredly God Tier, at least in my opinion.

>> No.507866
File: 21 KB, 337x276, 1267140435157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gulliver's Travels in High Tier

>> No.507876

Where would you put The Dice Man and The Man in the High Castle?

>> No.507884

The Dice Man is in shit tier, not pictured here.

>> No.507895

What I learned on /lit/ today: Books are only good if they are old.

>> No.508260


you seriously mean to say you didn't realise that until just now?

>> No.508316
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The Spice is not Flowing

>> No.508327
File: 181 KB, 455x638, tier list ultimatum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with the OP's list mostly, but tier lists are still cancer.

>> No.510769


>> No.510770

there aren't even any other tier lists in this thread, and yet this thread is still retardedly long

>> No.510773

I can't believe anyone actually thought this list was serious, especially after it had already been posted as a troll once before.

>> No.510775

Did you forget for a second where you are?

>> No.510783
File: 6 KB, 119x118, yeatssorrowsthumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Henry V in God Tier
>>Not Henry IV

>> No.510785

faggot obviously hasn't read Henry IV

>> No.510789

You mean that hilarious romping comedy, the history turned satire staring one of the most lively characters in the history of the English language, Falstaff?

Yes I've read it. And it's in every way superior to the patriotic tripe that Henry V represents.

>> No.510801

I'm sorry but LOTR was one of the most boring books I have ever read.

>> No.510805

What does Tier mean?

>> No.510809



>> No.510810

it's something you cry

>> No.510814

um i was talking about the OP

>> No.510818

Falstaff had to die. Henry V evolved into the perfect king, shedding the vestiges of lower-class merry England.

The rejection of Falstaff is the saddest scene in literature.

>> No.510819

Why are you so pissed that people can appreciate literary classics?

>> No.510844
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>> No.510846
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lol o u

>> No.510981

HERP DERP 1984 is modern literature so it can't be good!

>> No.510990

No it isn't

>> No.510993
File: 68 KB, 500x500, 1250782630742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no I, Claudius in god tier

>> No.510999

Its amusing to find out that I read everything out of entry level. Guess I am an amateur

>> No.511116


i guess you are...

>> No.511239

You forgot The Tin Drum in God Tier.

>> No.511245

I enjoyed reading Twilight last summer.

>> No.511563

i assume that all the people attacking OP are not very well read. I agree with 75% of that list.

>> No.511569




>> No.511572

Pretty much everything there, except for Not Lit tier, is God Tier literature. Ranking all the classics among each other is fucking stupid.

>> No.511580
File: 735 KB, 1434x3508, 1264560690612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice shitty list bro! The only time literature should be put in tier lists that rank quality is when the list is composed of works by only one author, or one genre.

Start here, newbies.

>> No.511599
File: 24 KB, 400x365, 1249236983344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking ancient tier
>6 books from 1400s or later

>> No.511601

>(james joyce's) Ulysses

OP, you misspelled Edgar Allen Poe

You see, the 'e' in Poe is silent

>> No.511610

Canterbury Tales isn't God Tier? Isn't that basically one of the three greatest works of Literature OF ALL TIME!

>> No.511617

No.. the three are the Complete Works of Shakespeare, The Divine Comedy and Don Quixote. In that order. Chaucer is just a bit behind them next to Milton and The Bible.

>> No.511619


There is no possible way I can agree with that.

>> No.511633

Crap.. forget to mention that it's the King James Bible. Looks like I'm going to H***..

>> No.511655

Don Quixote? God tier?

>> No.511669

Why is Ulysses on there? It is an experimental piece that has no literary value. Only people who are really serious about writing should read it, because they are the only people who will "enjoy" it.

>> No.511676
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>This thread

>> No.511694

Well sorry you can't agree with Objective Fact that has been proven by History and Criticism

>> No.511721


>> No.511737

what about fahrenheit 451?

>> No.514460

terrible troll

>> No.514757

No Faulkner? Fail.

>> No.514770

i want to kill you, op

>> No.514778

<subjective loost is sujectiove

>> No.515001

>two and a half day old troll

>> No.515010


Internet high-five/brofist!