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File: 1003 KB, 1500x1500, haveoneonme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5103514 No.5103514 [Reply] [Original]

Who's your favourite lyricist? Pic very much related

>> No.5103520

She's a shitty Kate Bush rip-off.

>> No.5103527

Cos she's a woman? Some real penetrative analysis right there anon

>> No.5103543


No. Because she lifted Kate Bush's voice and music and made it shitty.


>> No.5103546

fucking love Army Dreamers and everything else from Never For Ever

>> No.5103548

There's no need to link me her music, I'm hugely familiar with both artists' entire discogs, enough to know for instance that kate bush doesn't come near to joanna compositionally

>> No.5103550


>> No.5103553

Yeah I like him, prefer "1990" though

>> No.5103557


>Because she lifted Kate Bush's voice

You've no understanding of basic register just stop posting.

>> No.5103568

Mine's Tom Waits but Joanna's really something

>> No.5103594

Trey Anastasio or Bob Weir

>> No.5103607

John Darnielle,

Love Joanna of course,

Gotta get your Dylan and Cohen in

Tom Waits,

Sufjan Stevens.

Colin Meloy

Van Morrison

>> No.5103614

>Tom Waits

Mark Linkous deserves a mention, too.

>> No.5103620

Kanye West

Tideph Indeed

>> No.5103621

Phil Ochs
Dan Barrett

>> No.5103658

Townes Van Zandt
Leonard Cohen
Nick Cave

>> No.5103660
File: 176 KB, 854x859, 1403476672572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls leave

>> No.5103675

Kanye West is actually incredible and one of the greatest of all currently working artists in popular music, but I wouldn't expect /lit/ to realize that.

>> No.5103682

She only sounds like Kate Bush in her last album. Her first two albums couldn't be further from bush both in terms of vocals and composition.

>> No.5103704

The common argument for Kanye supporters is that he can move fluidly between ironic bravado, real bravado, and humility. I'd agree that this is what he is attempting, and as the one of the first popular rappers to attempt to achieve this liminality, he must be respected. However, his aesthetic can lead to a fog of uncertainty in regards to his ironic, and honest intentions. This is due to his overblown public persona. This leads to many assuming the least of his intentions. To those who are convinced by this persona, he appears to truly believe that he is a god who wants his curly French pastry. These people are wrong. Kanye is simply too good at appearing to be an asshole in reality, to sound humble on tap. Beyond this, his fusion of persona and music (i.e the phrase 'you have to be interested in Kanye to like his music) is an amazing triumph of integrity.

>> No.5103715

that's cool and all but i don't like his music

peace dawg

>> No.5103716

Robert Burns, no question.

>> No.5103719

Perfectly reasonable response.

>> No.5103727

-I like the fog of uncertainty and find his art all the more compelling for it, intentionally or otherwise
-I really, really like his overblown public persona
-I don't mind how he comes across to the general public because it ends up fuelling his best output (though I think a lot of it is fuelled by parroted opinions from the media, which maybe probably most likely stem from racist connotations with popular hip-hop artists)

>> No.5103732

phil elverum
the guy from the national
avey tare

>> No.5103736

Oh, I do too. Which is why I enjoyed Yeezus more after thinking about it.

>> No.5103738


>> No.5103740

Tom Waits
Bob Dylan
Joanna Newsom
Mark E. Smith
Leonard Cohen
Nick Cave
MF Doom
Wu Tang Clan (Especially GZA)

>> No.5103754
File: 233 KB, 500x498, HANL -Deathconsciousness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the Deathconsciousness of /lit/?

>> No.5103759


ur mum

>> No.5103764

Death on The Installment Plan, or Under The Volcano for content– though not depth, both of those novels are superior in that regard.
In terms of viral marketing, that'd be Tao Lin

>> No.5103777


>In terms of viral marketing

do you seriously think that anon is trying to market an album that is years old now?

come on m8

>> No.5103780

No, but both the album, and the books got known on 4chan through their creators posting them here.

>> No.5103794

Nick Cave
Cannibal Ox
The National

>> No.5103799

Why has the national been posted more than once? They're kind of funny but... seriously?

>> No.5103802

Gareth David of Los Campesinos!.

>> No.5103806

>kind of funny
wow /lit/ I thought you were into metamodernism. I thought you were cool.

>> No.5103807

>not one mention of david tibet

niggas all of you

>> No.5103814

not that i care

>> No.5103816


Paul Westerberg
Andy Partridge

>> No.5103826

what elaboration is there to make, really.
metamodernism is about finding the balance between pomo cynicism and modernist naivety right? The National's lyrics quickly flip between surreal and ironic imagery to really open desperation.

for example, within the space of one song there is

>All night I lay on my pillow and pray
>For my boss to stop me in the hallway
>Lay my head on his shoulder and say
>Son, I've been hearing good things

as well as

>I put on an argyle sweater and put on a smile
>I don't know how to do this
>I'm so sorry for everything

and I think by making the cynicism heartfelt, and the emotional lyrics slightly distant and repetitive, they do that.

>> No.5103842


people aren't trying to viral an album 6 years after it's been released you fucking tinfoil hat mong

>> No.5103844

He just explained that he didn't think that though, calm down dude.

>> No.5103849

That doesn't mean the "ironic" lyrics aren't kind of funny though, even if they are functioning as you describe them

>> No.5103858

Didn't say they weren't funny, but that doesn't mean they should be dismissed.

>> No.5103863

Your initial post implied you took issue with the idea of someone finding them "kind of funny".

>> No.5103886

Pete Sinfield because King Crimson.

>> No.5103898

And your initial post implied all the National had going for them was that they were "kind of funny"

anyway. whatever.

>> No.5103899

Which I stand by

>> No.5103905

Do you think he thought about it as much as we did? Does it bother you that there is a high probability that he didn't?

>> No.5103906

Quality lyricism you've got there.

>> No.5103910

I think it's possible.
I don't mind either way, it doesn't affect my respose to it.

>> No.5103920


>> No.5103923

Okay. And yeah, I know it doesn't, but that's what bothers me more. Still not managing to get over myself when making critical judgements about art/let them transpire into value judgements. I guess I'll just have to grow up.

>> No.5103928

It's ok its a hard thing to get past for most people just cause its not an idea you grow up considering

>> No.5103974

Complete pleb. I bet you haven't even had one mental breakdown.

>> No.5103988
File: 51 KB, 500x342, keith buckley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keith Buckley from Every Time I Die, here is a thing he made.


>> No.5103989

Okay, really can't get over myself so I'm afraid I'm gonna have to postulate another hypothetical. What if Yeezus never happens again? Not even in the sense that he doesn't release something 'as good', but releases something that makes it clear that the whole metalanguage we thought Yeezus built had not been anywhere near his intentions... Would it not bother you at all?

It might also be that I've always felt that the aesthetic of Yeezus is very.. permissive, in that it could very well be an accident. If I hadn't felt this, maybe the authorial intentions wouldn't play such a big role for me. So I don't mind it being an accident with positive results, but I mind it being AND looking like an accident with positive results. Does this make sense?

>> No.5104013

John Darnielle

Will Sheff

Moonface kills it on "Julia With Blue Jeans"

>> No.5104016

Well I think he's made it intentionally permissive and ambiguous, he encourages these personalized "accidents" imo, which is totally artistically valid even if you can't get behind the death of the author thing, if he intended people to have these separate interpretations of it. As for your first point.. I don't really see how that could happen, to be honest. I'd probably just pin any likely situations down as him changing as a person, for instance the guy who wrote college dropout couldn't reasonably have done yeezus, or even mbdtf.

>> No.5104024
File: 1.25 MB, 1139x1095, 1399681795358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>posts a monologue from a guy in a metalcore band

I'm glad that you like the link, but you are very obviously too young to be posting here.

>> No.5104029




>> No.5104042


m8 whatever genre you want to regard it as consider it fine by me. It doesn't change the fact that you're still very obviously underage.

>> No.5104044


You do realise that even if I was 5 when ETID debuted I'd be 18 now, right?

>> No.5104050


Because all young people get into bands the year of their conception.

This must be some more of that winning teen logic I hear so much about.

>> No.5104052

Absolutely, totally, 100% Eddie Vedder.
I also like the Operation Ivy dude.

>> No.5104057


You're not a true fan if you haven't been there since the start.

Fuck off, poser.

>> No.5104064


You have the ED of bait games.

You get too excited and fuck up all your subtlety.

Shame, 2/10.

>> No.5104070


Just posting jokes for a joker.

>> No.5104076


sik burn bruv

>> No.5104081


I know, thanks.

>> No.5104089

sure, if intentionally permissive in that sense, then yeah, I'd have no trouble with it. I think it's clear that I don't think it's intentionally permissive in that sense.But I will listen out for it in the future.

Also, as someone who grew up with hip-hop and who's never completely grown out of it, the fact that there's no precedent in hip hop (I know, I know, reducing Yeezus to the context of hip hop is kind of like saying ''b-b-but he's black, so it's hip hop'', but you get what I mean, given his background and everything..) as far as walking the sophisticated walk on a thread above artistic self-consciousness, bravado and irony doesn't really help either. Neither does the concealing veil that the music industry at this level pulls over the production efforts/contributors.

Anyway, thanks for your input. I'll try to listen for the intentional permissiveness. If I still can't find it, I'll either one day accept the death of the author, or wait for Kanye's work to reach its conclusion and draw the line there.

>> No.5104132

Lyrical quality really declined after the first five albums, but Dani Filth's lyrics are untouchable in regards to wit and mastery of the language imo.

Segment from Bathory Aria:

"Exhaling the wail of black widowhood's toll
Waxing eternal night entered Her soul

Now haranguing grey skies
With revenge upon life
Gnathic and Sapphic
Needs begged gendercide

Delusions of Grandier denounced the revolt
Of descrying cursed glass, disenchanted in vaults
Encircled by glyphs midst Her sin-sistered cult

With hangman's abandon She plied spiritworlds
To Archangels in bondage
From light to night hurled
Cast down to the earth where torment would unfurl.......

But soon,
Her tarot proved
Hybrid rumours spread like tumours
Would accrue
And blight Her stars
To better bitter truths
Of cold bloodbaths

As bodies rose
In rigid droves
To haunt Her from their
Shallow burials imposed
When wolves exhumed
Their carthen wombs
Where heavy frosts had laboured long
To bare their wounds

To the depths of Her soul they pursued
Wielding their poison they flew
Like a murder of ravens in fugue"

Or from Queen of Winter Throned:

"Seduction, my obsessive art
A pantheon of tragedies inscribed upon the stars
Like thistled ruin, garbed around thy heart
Bacchanal Cinderella, desirious midnight passed
Leaving thee as sacrifice asleep within my arms
'Midst dreams od robed redemption versed in sexual aftermath
When we ebb as tides together, carnal souls entwined
And orgasms expire, come puppet wires and the blind"

>> No.5104160
File: 54 KB, 640x631, 10268439_10154086883515417_3943153603603654274_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You again!
There is room enough in this world for both Kate and Joanna. Both amazing

My pat answer to this thread is always Dead Can Dance, the both of them supplying lyrics.


>> No.5104174
File: 60 KB, 379x500, Gospel_of_Filth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He wrote a book.

>> No.5104191

Spencer Krug / Moonface is my favorite

>well I say it's just smoke
>so you say it's the hair of ghosts
>so I say it's the white hair of Poseidon ebbing in the tide in some dead sea
>so you say it's some shroud of Turin and the sun wore it white and the earth wore it thin
>or the sun wore it white and his faith wore it thin
>unraveling heavenward, it's saddled to tiny birds
>or other such winged things
>either way they are struggling
>either way they are miniature
>either way they're invisible
>but either way they're confused as hell would have them
>but I say oh I see now, it's just smoke

>> No.5104205
File: 25 KB, 205x283, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only acceptable answer is Warren Zevon.

>> No.5104368
File: 93 KB, 1296x829, bonnie-prince-billy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will oldham

>> No.5106119

Wow this thread is awful

>> No.5106124

Probably Tim Buckley, the first guy who could pull off "voice as instrument"


>> No.5106179

>the first

>> No.5106206

he laid it down better than anyone before him*

sorry left that part out

>> No.5106286

Joanna Newsom is one of my favs too.
Although I was severely disappointed by Have One On Me.

Sufjan Stevens is pretty neat too.