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/lit/ - Literature

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5098350 No.5098350[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


I'm curious to see the personality types of /lit/. If you don't know yours already, take the test.

INFJ special snowflake reporting

>> No.5098354

Please go away. Personality tests are bullshit. Including Myers Briggs.

>> No.5098355


(100% I)

>> No.5098363


define "bullshit"

>> No.5098376

>implying everyone can't be boxed in to 16 simple categories

ENTP checking in. Predicting mostly INTJs here. Am I right?

>> No.5098391


(100% faggot)

>> No.5098405

It measures nothing and does so poorly.

You aren't INFJ. There is no such thing as those pigeonholed personality types. Personality is fluid and complicated, and can't be reduced to four letters based on false dichotomous choices. It only serves to stroke your ego, so you can point out other "estimated" persons who share your fake category and feel like you're just like them.

There is also plenty of literature that suggests Myers Briggs in particular is basically glorified astrology.
For example:

>> No.5098406

Also an INFJ, but yeah. Myers Briggs is totally pseudoscience.

>> No.5098409


>> No.5098411

All of psychology is pseudoscience, what's your point?

>> No.5098415

If this test is legit then Jung was retarded

>> No.5098417

Fuck of with this shit. It's not literature. It's idiocy.

Bullshit is vague fortune-telling categories, akin to the zodiac, which flatter the idiot with kind words which coupled with the Forer effect lead to a self-sustaining circle jerk where people proudly wear badges signifying nothing to define themselves with.

>> No.5098418

>understood the test instructions....confused by the instructions
what do I put if I didn't read them?

>> No.5098420

You have a very tenuous understanding of psychology. Experimental psychology requires replicated results.

>> No.5098421

>Being this mad that you don't share a type with Jesus and Ghandi.

You're wrong. INFJ is how I define my life. I don't think or feel or do anything that does not mesh with the INFJ stereotype.


>> No.5098423
File: 259 KB, 500x487, 1379426746596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTJ master race. Nothing wrong with some ego boost from time to time. We need it.

>> No.5098430

Some of us get ego boosts from actual accomplishments. Imagine that.

>> No.5098442

to be fair the four letters refers to four functions in a certain order that the mind tends to, like how right handers tend to use their right hand without much thinking.

But seriously this test sucks.


>> No.5098445

I put it in the middle

>> No.5098452

It's certainly on it's way, and modern psychology is much better than the Jungian shit in this thread. For the time being I would still hesitate to call any of it science. At some point, psychology, sociology, etc... is all going to be indistinguishable from neurobiology anyway.

>> No.5098458

Fuck you.

>> No.5098465

If you want to really fuck him, get off the computer and do something with your life.

>> No.5098474

like fucking him. people who claim to be INTJ are really egoistical and annoying

>> No.5098487

Jung didn't make the test.

The test was created by a a mother and daughter in their free time, one with a degree in political science and the other with a degree in agriculture. Companies use it to determine whether or not someone will be a good asset to their business. Psychologists do not use it at all, no more than they would use an internet test to determine if someone has schizophrenia or autism.

>> No.5098492


Everyone saying "Fuck Myers Briggs it's bullshit": I don't disagree with you. I'm curious which one of the types seems closest to you. Not just because of your skepticism but your eagerness to express it.

>> No.5098493
File: 57 KB, 750x600, MyersBriggsINTJINTP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTP here.

INTJ are basically society's buzzkill.

>> No.5098505

well I'm
and I'm a Capricorn. Hope that helps.

>> No.5098506

The entire point is that no "type" accurately expresses the totality of my or anyone's personality. So none of them seem closest to me.

>> No.5098512

I this guy >>5098411 >>5098420 and I'm INTP. I only use the word "shit" because it mimics the rhetoric in the rest of the thread. Also I only say psychology is pseudoscience because it's technically true. That doesn't mean I don't think it has merit as a discipline.

>> No.5098515

>I'm swimming in the ocean therefore no country is closest to me

>> No.5098517

It is just that people who claim to be INTJ simply because of its desired specific traits are so annoying, it ruins whatever credibility MBTI has. MBTI isn't even like an entire model of the mind, but simply showing what a certain person might be attuned to.

But yea i am INTP too.

>> No.5098519


The psychologists Personality descriptions are the astrologists horoscope, it seems. Much like self-fulfilling prophecies, they dictate ways to behave that a person may vaguely identify with and then, curiously, actually adapt to the descriptions

>> No.5098520

>I make flawed analogies therefore I am right

>> No.5098525

How is that flawed?

>> No.5098526

Second link is wrong. Should be this one >>5098452

>> No.5098529
File: 558 KB, 864x924, meyers briggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5098533
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the only good person on there is intj. I am proud

>> No.5098545


>> No.5098546

To continue the analogy, you could be equally distant from various countries. Or swimming on Europa. Or live in a time when nation-states are a quaint and outdated concept.

>> No.5098548

I find that the fact that they desire those traits are what most annoying. INTJ are basically the supervillian archetype.

And you're right MBTI measures apptitude, preference. Even when you understand that you have to understand that the letters are more like titles for the types. You have to understand the functions behind the letters to really get into MBTI

>> No.5098552

Don't worry, the chart is dumb. Unabomber care to much about practical, real world outcomes to be an INTP

>> No.5098554

I think he was saying that while you may be a special snowflake, you still have some common traits with other special snowflakes

I think you are making actual INTJ to be embrassed of being INTJ

>> No.5098559

why are there so many people with the same result?

>> No.5098560

He was also crazy. MBTI is only accurate for the mentally stable.

>> No.5098567

And I'm saying that while that may be true, it still doesn't support the existence of personality types, so categorizing myself into one is pointless.

>> No.5098568

People with ideas to exchange with likeminded people away from the mainstream and zero social skills or just no desire to be social enough tend to be drawn to image boards.

>> No.5098569

Sampling bias. 4chan attracts a certain type of person. Namely ones who feel quite comfortable communicating from behind a computer screen.

>> No.5098578
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there are no other ENFJs here
>I unleash the awesome power of loneliness to read, like Homer unleashes the awesome power of Powersauce bars
>but the Myers-Briggs is also a glorified set of dichotomies marketed to things like HR departments who shell out $100 per person to take the test, administered professionally
>What's a good alternative? Isn't there one based purely on correlations between test responses and self-administered surveys?

>> No.5098579

Ok, it's not perfect. But I think most people can identify what they're closer to (ex: Miley Cyrus (ESFP) or Elon Musk (INTJ)?). Which countr(y/ies) are you closest to?

>> No.5098581

Oh I guess I'm Lindsey Lohan then, Hope she has a nice cunt

Every psychological personality test is bullshit. Bureaucracy and systematic approach to one's mind is imo really terrible way to go. (and adam curtis in one of his documents showed how it is responsible for outbreak of psychosis in late 80s up to now)

>> No.5098582

social enough to not have enough free time to spend on the internet, especially on sites like 4chan*

>> No.5098585

INFJ apparently.

>> No.5098593

Because we are self-testing, and when we do so we actually answer according to what we like to believe to be true rather than what is actually true. It just happens that people from the same board will generally have similar ideals regarding personality

>> No.5098596

Yes that is one thing a lot of people don't seem to get. That beneath the type (INTP) is a series of function (Introverted Thinking - Extroverted Intuition Introverted Sensing Extroverted Feeling) that is based on Jung's theory of function. This particular order dictates a person's behavior to some extent. It doesn't account for natural talent in anything.

Say you are given a choice to go to a party to meet all kinds of new people or stay at home and discuss or shitpost on an /lit/. An ESFJ will choose the former while INTP will choose the later. It doesn't mean the ESFJ is capable of making friends and meeting new people, or the INTP is going to post quality on 4chan. But it means they would PREFER to do it. Also not all INTP will choose 4chan and not all ESFJ will choose party, but the odds are they will.

But yea people going muh INTJ ruin everything

>> No.5098605

I don't know what Miley Cyrus or Elon Musk is like. I tend to think things like personality types are stupid, so whatever personality type tends to believe that, feel free to lump me in with them.

>> No.5098608

That's what I'm trying to figure out

>> No.5098612

no other INFPs?

>> No.5098613

Well, good luck with that. I don't care enough to figure it out for you.

>> No.5098621

You folks are too busy writing the stuff /lit/ consumes -> http://www.celebritytypes.com/infp.php

>> No.5098629

Took this test years ago and got ESTJ, but frankly the whole test strikes me as bullshit. People are always so shocked at their results "This describes me perfectly!"—except that because you told the test all sorts of things about you and it chooses one of sixteen relatively vague categories to place you in. What's the point?

>> No.5098631

Oh my god. Please stop making such sweeping statements. It is like saying all INTP are going to be fucking Einstein or some other visionary. Fucking making MBTI look stupid. INFP are inclined to be good writers, if they have talent

>> No.5098638

Oh come on. I'm not writing it like it's gospel. I'm just pointing out how many writers /lit/ likes are commonly typed as INFP.

>> No.5098640

>This particular order dictates a person's behavior to some extent

More accurately: it models how they process input, and which types of input are stimulating for that person and which are draining.

An INTP will prefer the 4chan choice because it's easier, and wastes less energy than the party.

>> No.5098643


>What's the point?

Therapy for insecure people

>> No.5098644

You guys are intelligent
Why do people insist on taking personality tests to put themselves into arbitrary descriptions that is based off nothing

>> No.5098651

I honestly don't find the categories vague. What do you think INTP or ESTJ are?

>> No.5098652

...for fun? Why do people from all over the world flock to Brazil to watch people kick a ball around a field? Same reason.

>inb4 soccer's fun and this isn't

>> No.5098659
File: 47 KB, 500x614, 1349918643402571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5098660

Some profiles can get pretty damn accurate.


>> No.5098669

no, you just think they're accurate because they're flattering.

>> No.5098675

INTJ here, ask me anything

>> No.5098679

Why do you pigeon-hole yourself into false categorization?

Serious question.

>> No.5098682

What if i told you ESTJ's flaws and how much of an asshole they are? Would that change your mind?

>> No.5098688

>INTPs are cold, distant, and don't naturally consider the emotions of others.

>> No.5098695


>> No.5098696

i'm watching costa rica x netherlands and the first half ended, i came to /lit/ and took the test randomly as i did not know what it was about and had nothing better to do online at the time

>> No.5098698

When I took this originally I was an INFP
The last few times I have taken it I've been an ENFP
>tfw only ENFP on /lit/

>> No.5098700

I got INFJ.

>> No.5098704

What is, currently, your favorite plan for taking over the world.

>> No.5098705

Yes. Do tell. And then I'll believe everything about your magic zodiac cult.

>> No.5098709

Confirmed >>5098705


>> No.5098713
File: 876 KB, 500x281, biden-debate-ryan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>magic zodiac cult

>> No.5098717

>doesn't read anything in the thread
>magic zodiac cult
top lel, thanks

>> No.5098719

none, why would i want that
actually re-reading the description, it is fairly inaccurate of my actual self

>> No.5098722

Reporting in. Seems Alright.

>> No.5098733

I took the test at the career center at my uni for shits and because it was free. It was like a half hour long test. The guy told me online test are horribly inaccurate.

>> No.5098735

>The test was created by a a mother and daughter in their free time, one with a degree in political science and the other with a degree in agriculture. Companies use it to determine whether or not someone will be a good asset to their business. Psychologists do not use it at all, no more than they would use an internet test to determine if someone has schizophrenia or autism.

Quit trying to indoctrinate me into your cult. It's no different from the zodiac. Just because you take a little test instead of putting down your birthday doesn't make it any more legitimate than a theton reader.

>> No.5098740

Typical insensitive dismissive remark (Inferior Introverted Feeling) based off muh empirical data ( 2nd Introverted Sensing) and wanted to convinced by objectivity(Must make complete sense to everyone) (1st Extroverted Feeling) from an ESTJ

>> No.5098746

ESTP is the master race

>> No.5098747

Extroverted Thinking sorry

>> No.5098748

Apparently your uni is horrible too. My school's career center has individual session to help you figure your shit out. No personality tests or any of that bullshit.

>> No.5098751

INTP. I'm not totally sure what that test accomplishes besides making you feel good because you share traits with some famous person.

>> No.5098753

INFP right here.

>> No.5098756

>lol you are such a Gemini, I can tell.

>> No.5098758

Fine, let me restate.
>Read the one quote in the whole thread that agrees with me, and fucked the rest.

Also neither zodiac nor mbti are a cult. How stupid are you?

>> No.5098762


MBTI is mostly garbage. Do a cognitive functions test instead

>> No.5098765

You read that one thing and figured out everything about my school?

>Doesn't believe in zodiac
>is a psychic

>> No.5098767

Well for whatever reason I became quite fascinated by it for a while and became more familiar with many famous historical people that I previously knew little to nothing about. So despite it being arguably bullshit in essence, it led me to learn some pretty interesting stuff.

>> No.5098768

>This describes me perfectly!

>> No.5098770

And that famous person's name?
Albert Einstein.

>> No.5098771

Oh wow more dismissive remarks. Stubborn (Inferior Introverted Feeling)

>> No.5098781


There's almost no others on 4chan. I would have thought at least a few were on /lit/.

>> No.5098785

INTP it's the combination of N and P that makes is hard for me

>> No.5098788

Good-looking male master race -> http://www.celebritytypes.com/isfp.php#Pitt

>> No.5098789

Dont see MBTI as just four letters. See them as order of functions

>> No.5098792

And women - Elizabeth Taylor and Audrey Hepburn.

I guess it's the heightened aesthetic sense that makes them aspire to being beautiful.

>> No.5098797

Or being beautiful leads them to being an authority on asethetics

>> No.5098799

Jesus Christ, this conversation is getting retarded. I read this thread. It's exactly the same as the other five million Meyers Briggs threads on 4chan. A bunch of easily impressionable idiots circle jerk over which letters "like totally define me man!" while sane individuals point out that it's just the zodiac by another name.

You're right, the zodiac and the Meyer Briggs test aren't cults, I'm drawing parallels to their pseudoscience and your dogmatic conviction to convert the nonbelievers using anecdotal evidence and non-verifiable claims.

If you took two seconds to look into this test on your own you'd find that not only is it completely useless and created by two individuals who had no clue what they were talking about, but the test itself is prone to giving different answers to the same test taker. What does that say about the test when it can't even keep its vague bullshit answers consistent?

>> No.5098805

I don't know, anon. I'm a very non-beautiful ISFP. All it leads me to is a penchant for improving taste and collecting pretty things.

>> No.5098818

>What does that say about the test when it can't even keep its vague bullshit answers consistent?

Dude, the test is like, inaccurate because it's so, like, in tune with your inner being! It's inaccuracy actually shows how dead-on accurate it is!

>> No.5098828

A bunch of easily impressionable idiots circle jerk over which letters "like totally define me man!" while sane individuals point out that it's just the zodiac by another name.
No. >>5098452 >>5098548 >>5098596 >>5098640
> I'm drawing parallels to their pseudoscience and your dogmatic conviction to convert the nonbelievers using anecdotal evidence and non-verifiable claims.
Also addressed in this thread >>5098512
>What does that say about the test when it can't even keep its vague bullshit answers consistent?
Here. >>5098733

>this conversation is getting retarded
The conversation is retarded. You are retarded and you are participating in the conversation. It's a subtle, but important difference.

>> No.5098837
File: 992 KB, 266x173, Self+esteem+lion_15e093_3747837.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you're just hard on yourself

>> No.5098843

>According to Myers-Briggs, INFPs focus much of their energy on an inner world dominated by intense feeling and deeply held ethics. They seek an external life that is in keeping with these values. Loyal to the people and causes important to them, INFPs can quickly spot opportunities to implement their ideals. They are curious to understand those around them, and so are accepting and flexible except when their values are threatened.

>According to Keirsey, based on observations of behavior, notable INFPs may include Princess Diana, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Audrey Hepburn, Richard Gere, Albert Schweitzer and Isabel Myers.

>The polite, reserved exterior of INFPs can at first make them difficult to get to know. They enjoy conversation, however, taking particular delight in the unusual. When INFPs are in a sociable mood, their humor and charm shine through. Disposed to like people and to avoid conflict, INFPs tend to make pleasant company.

>Devoted to those in their inner circle, INFPs guard the emotional well-being of others, consoling those in distress. Guided by their desire for harmony, INFPs prefer to be flexible unless their ethics are violated. Then, they become passionate advocates for their beliefs. They are often able to sway the opinions of others through tact, diplomacy, and an ability to see varying sides of an issue.

>INFPs develop these insights through reflection, and they require substantial time alone to ponder and process new information. While they can be quite patient with complex material, they are generally bored by routine. Though not always organized, INFPs are meticulous about things they value. Perfectionists, they may have trouble completing a task because it cannot meet their high standards. They may even go back to a completed project after the deadline so they can improve it.

>INFPs are creative types and often have a gift for language. As introverts, they may prefer to express themselves through writing. Their dominant Feeling drives their desire to communicate, while their auxiliary intuition supplies the imagination. Having a talent for symbolism, they enjoy metaphors and similes. They continually seek new ideas and adapt well to change. They prefer working in an environment that values these gifts and allows them to make a positive difference in the world, according to their personal beliefs.

Not a thing I disagree with there, and it doesn't seem as overly broad as something you might read in astrology. Still though, someone should post the other ones. That way I can see how broadly accurate they are.

>> No.5098849

>I think you are making actual INTJ to be embrassed of being INTJ

that's just not can't happen.

>> No.5098856


This guy's got great videos that goes into depth on the different functions, for those interested.

>> No.5098860


>> No.5098869


I got INFP. I don't place much stock in these things, and I even feel a little guilty for posting and prolonging the thread, but what can I say I've done it now. I think I've done this test twice before and gotten the same result. The description suits me very well, but I imagine the other descriptions would suit me to an extent as well, not taking into account the accuracy of my own evaluation of my character.

I'm also a libra, was born in the chinese year of the dragon, and my favourite colour is unashamedly blue

>> No.5098885

I get the hate that the test gets, but still, if you don't take it to serious, I still Think it's dumb to compare it to the zodiac. I mean, if I asked some random dude in the street 40 questions like that, I Think I would be able to give a pretty good guess as to what kind of person he is. Of course it's not super accurate, but come on, it's a big fucking difference to asking someone their birthday and claim that you know both their personality and their future.

>> No.5098895

ENTJ reporting in seems right

>> No.5098902

What quackery, and way to dodge everything I said.

Keep jerking it to those four letters, bro.

>> No.5098916


>> No.5098918

Thanks. If I had gotten that result I would have said that it doesn't sound very much like me, with only a few of the introverted aspects being accurate.

I'm not surprised that most of the posters here are INTP, this being 4chan, but I would have thought /lit/ might have had more INFPs. INTP sounds more like /sci/ or /g/ to me.

>> No.5098919

>Keep jerking it to those four letters, bro.
One of the comments I linked to actually says the letters indicators of which function go in which order, and to actually understand any of it you have to understand the functions themselves.
>you're actually this stupid
>implying this whole time you can even read

>> No.5098926

ENFP master race reporting

>> No.5098931

I got MBTI but can't find the profile page for it.

>> No.5098933

INFPs are probably in thread that are actually talking about literature.

>> No.5098935

These tests are the worst fucking thing.

While I acknowledge that such a thing as stereotypes exist, if only as memes that are kept alive by the people who believe in and act according to them, I still think that this whole idea of there being 16 personality types is fucking ridiculous. What's really going on here is this:

When creating tests like these you can use whatever categories you want, as long as you give them to a sufficiently large testgroup, and look for common traits in people who get similar results. No matter how meaningless your questions may be, similarities betwen those people will crop up, and then all you have left to do is formulate things in such a way that it is concrete enough to make a person think "Oh mah gawd! That's so me!", while still being vague enough to sort of fit, even when it doesn't.

>> No.5098951

As stated in this thread, like three fucking times already, mbti is more about a measure of apptitude, preference, and not strict personalities. Holy Jeebus...

>> No.5098968

ISTP, first time I've ever had this one usually get INTP on these test.

>> No.5098969


>> No.5098985

Keys 2 Cognition is more accurate. When people take mbti everybody just ends up with INTP and INTJ. It's based on Carl Jung's cognitive functions.


>> No.5098993

My point is that personality isn't something you are stuck with. Apptitude and preference change. People change. Which is why these personality test are cancerous. Those who take them serously start identifying with the stereotypes they persent. they identify as 'part of that category', and behave according to it, embrace it, live it like it's a fucking creed. Personaly tests are cancer.

>> No.5099012

used to get INTJ on the Meyers-Briggs
got INTP on this one

what does it meannnn

>> No.5099022

Only people who take the test then stop all self reflection then and there. But those people are stupid, so fuck them.

It a tool, like anything else in psychology, to help you figure yourself out. The different type indicators are models, not answers.

>> No.5099091

>But those people are stupid, so fuck them.
People who accept answers without questioning them aren't stupid, they're lazy. Lazy people accept the definitive, not because they are incapable of thnking for themselves, but because thinking requries making an effort. You need to confront them with uncertainty to get them to question things. You need to actively encourage independant thought. Psychology actually prevents people from having to make that effort by providing them with seemingly definitive answers. That is why it is cancerous.

>> No.5099142

INTJs and INTPs are worlds apart when it comes to function order and orientation. Read up on function order and orientation.

>not capitalizing first letter
>no punctuation

Yeah, you're probably INTP. INTJs tend to be picky about those sorta things.

>> No.5099144

This gif is pretty rad. The lion's display of affection seems so earnest.

>> No.5099188

>tfw you are black mirror man

>> No.5099198

tfw hannah montana

>> No.5099227

Sorry, I'm an IZXP.

You know how we are sometimes: geniuses and playboy millionaires, but we're terrible at forging together the ramblings of superstitious idiots.

>> No.5099231

INTP master race reporting in.

>> No.5099237

INTJ's are more self-sufficient, boring and autistic than INTP's though. As for capitalization in a trivial 4chan post... It's quite pubescent to make a big fuss over it. Also a bit autistic. So yeah, you're probably INTJ.

>> No.5099240

I get ISTP but that doesn't sound like me at all with all this talk of being a daredevil and shit, that's the complete opposite of m.e

>> No.5099259

>bin Laden

Lies. They were both obvious INFJs. As am I.

>> No.5099271


there are no true dichotomies in analytic psychology, that is the whole point you mimmerkin

>> No.5099277


I don't even read books.

>> No.5099280


>> No.5099282


>confirmed for total faggot that doesn't understand shit of what he's talking about

Must feel really fucking good, man.

>> No.5099283

I got ESTJ

>> No.5099302


Not that anon, you're probably a braindead ESTP. What are you even doing here?

>> No.5099318

I got INTP.

>> No.5099334


Do you have a two-digit IQ to go with that?

>> No.5099364

No, because I'm an IZXP.

Christ, can't you read?

>> No.5099409

I was ISTP.


>> No.5099464


>implying type necessarily dictates IQ

>> No.5099478

Sherlock Holmes and Batman are both IZXPs and they're geniuses. Stay jelly.

>> No.5099491

>using an outdated erroneous test on fictional characters

why can't I hold all this plebness

>> No.5099524
File: 399 KB, 1280x1597, this is stupid and you are stupid for believing it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Einstein. I'm being facetious.

There's no such thing as an IZXP. I'm pointing out the absurdity of these sorts of graphs which permeate Myers Briggs threads and the idiocy of people who perpetuate them.

>> No.5099529

>lolol trolled u

>> No.5099536

"Has superior taste in music"

>> No.5099553

it's not my fault that you wormed your way between me and this ghost-chasing chucklefuck:

>> No.5099568

Why is it "idiocy"? The Myers-Briggs is actually a rather well organized system and is very revealing, if you're willing to be introspective.

>> No.5099570


you didn't make a point.

>> No.5099643

I reported this thread, but then I realized this is the exact same shit they have in Tiger Beat, and teen girls mag are a kind of literature.

>> No.5099650

It's idiocy for all the same reasons the zodiac is idiocy. You can label people an infinite manner of ways, with all sorts of monikers, and all sorts of divisions. Segregating people by MB personality types is no more illuminating than segregating them by their favorite films, country of origin, or zodiac, except they're less likely to shift around.

To who? To you? I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to that Anon who's away with the fairies. He's resorted to petty name calling and insinuating that I'm retarded, so I did the same while mocking his superstitious beliefs. Is this clear to you now? Should I type out several more paragraphs and really dumb it down for you?

>> No.5099682

Okay, listen, special snowflakes. This is nothing like astrology, except for the fact that it categorizes people into a neat system based on personality traits, the huge difference being, obviously, that astrology dictates these traits are inborn based on the /x/ and the MBTI simply offers a "type" based on what you report of yourself.

It seems people just really resent the fact that they are a part of a highly measurable demographic. Most people you will find on 4chin, for instance, are going to be introverts and test as such on the MBTI. No matter how unique and unusual you think you are, it is always very, very simple to lump you in with all the other people who think they're unique and unusual.

Blame Edward Bernays for making you the highly predictable consumer you are.

>> No.5099716

> Segregating people by MB personality types is no more illuminating than segregating them by their favorite films, country of origin, or zodiac

Why isn't it? Put yourself into the shoes of a public relations agent for a company. It's useful to know your demographic...for instance, if you've ever seen commercials and adverts aimed at teenage girls, you'll notice that these advertisements tend to market to a specific "type", a "type" most likely to share information about said product with their friends, a type most likely to give my company the most bang for the buck that was spent on the ad...that type of girl, who will sell my product essentially for free, would be a social, extroverted feeling-oriented and freedom loving individual that lots of people like to be around.

The MBTI makes this far more concise. Instead of spewing all that at the next meeting, all I have to say (given my associates know anything about the MBTI), all I would have to say is "for the most effective sales, we should make our target demographic ESFP females". Easy, not to mention useful as well as illuminating.

>> No.5099724

>This is nothing like astrology

Except it is.

It's astrology, except instead of putting in your birthdate you answer multiple choice questions. The results are exactly the same.

>> No.5099746

There's no point in grasping for an argument. It's fairly apparent that the MBTI not at all similar to astrology.

>> No.5099752

oh, we're talking about demographics and marketing now?

Demographics aren't separated by Myers-Briggs types. They're separated by gender and age. In Hollywood there's just four demographics, young male, adult male, young female, adult female, and the films they make try to appeal to two or more of those demographics.

Saying that you're trying to appeal to the ESFP female demographic is fucking insane. It's such a narrow demographic that only an idiot would target it exclusively. People who do marketing go fishing with a much bigger net than you're suggesting.

>> No.5099761

It's almost embarrassing to admit that you are right, but you are.

I'm an INTJ. The description is spot on. At least I can comfort myself with the fact that I've acquired some skills in being a social chameleon in latter years. I can now fit into polite society without being a freak, and I find myself with females attracted to me (finally).

>> No.5099767

>The driving force behind an INTJ's conversation is their mind. INTJs are intellectually inclined, forever probing people and places in search of information. The more information an INTJ collects, the better. Sharing that information later on with those they love is also a lot of fun, for INTJs are supremely interested in developing their relationships.

>As a Gemini, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you take things in primarily via your intuition. Your secondary mode is external, where you deal with things rationally and logically.

Yeah, not at all similar.

>> No.5099768
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can deal with this
would like to be more extroverted but severe anxiety/depression kills any attempt to be social for more than a few hours

>> No.5099792

Ha nice try. The gemini page says nothing about that. That's a common INTJ description that (s)he just swapped "INTJ" for "Gemini"

>> No.5099810

I'm glad to see you had to click on the links to notice that I switched them around. Thanks for proving my point on how vague and interchangeable these results are.

>> No.5099815


how did you do that

i don't like talking with strangers and i am always afraid that they will not find me interesting/ i will not find them interesting

i can't develop a conversation from "topic: weather"

i find the most obscene and offensive things funny

how do i openly make friends in real life?

>> No.5099820

omg im luna lovegood

>> No.5099834

One is based on questions that pertain to how you live your life

The other is based on your birthday

You cannot say that one is just as meaningless as the other

>> No.5099856

ENTJ masterrace reporting in with you

>> No.5099866

if the results are exactly the same, then yes.

if a crappy chef makes a crappy pizza and a master chef makes the exact same crappy pizza, then it matters very little who made the pizza or what techniques they used. You've still got a shit pizza either way.

>> No.5099885

>how did you do that
Years of practise. Concealing power levels is no easy thing.

>i don't like talking with strangers and i am always afraid that they will not find me interesting/ i will not find them interesting
You have to develop a sense of confidence. Most people are as uncertain of themselves as you. You have to use that uncertainty to your advantage. YOU'RE the party to be entertained, not THEM. They serve at your pleasure, not you at theirs. This works VERY well with females. Females have very low confidences in general.
>i can't develop a conversation from "topic: weather"
>i find the most obscene and offensive things funny
Conceal this. Most people can't handle this.

>how do i openly make friends in real life?
Be fairly adaptable. Identify some people who you enjoy as people. Befriend them.

>> No.5099890

ITT: anons lapping up Jungian pop-psych bullshit.

fuck, this makes me miss all that "alpha/beta" broscience that used to be th' rage.

This is mo' depressing than Mainstream Christianity threads on /pol/.

>> No.5099894

No it's more like a shit chef makes a pizza with finer ingredients while another shit chef makes one with shitty ingredients. Even though they both suck at being chefs the finer ingredients are going to be better

>> No.5099897

If one chef makes you something based on your birthday and the other chef makes you something after asking you about your culinary preferences, which one's food do you think you're gonna enjoy more?

inb4 birthday chef will make appealing mystery food oohh interesting maybe he'll make something i've never had before i'll have that

>> No.5099901

>One is based on how you think you live your life.

>> No.5099911

Your analogy is moot because it makes it seem as though MB types are tailor made for you. They are not.

>> No.5099913

>implying self-perception isn't an aspect of your personality

>> No.5099921

>implying self-perception isn't completely warped and irrelevant.

>> No.5099931


Fuck you and your faulty analogies. Your analogies are so flawed I want to kill myself.

>> No.5099939

Oh come on. If you filled out a survey that has several tens of questions for a chef he'd be able to hook you up with some delicious shit.

>> No.5099943

You're right, they're tailor made for people who enjoy things that are completely vague and pointless as long as they're flattering.

>> No.5099945

They're generalized descriptions of personalities, you tard. Horoscopes are generalized as well. How else would they elicit the "Sounds like me. Spot On!" response?

>> No.5099951

what are you trying to say, exactly?

>> No.5099952

>not knowing what moot actually means.

>> No.5099962
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>> No.5099963

That your analogies are shit.

Analogies limited in their effectiveness. They don't portray the situation at hand. Hence, when analogies are limited in their ability to adjust to certain changes, that does not imply that the original situation cannot bear the same changes simply because the analogy failed to do so.

>> No.5100007
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I got INFP again; I've taken similar tests to this like 3 times and I always thick I am fluke-ing INFP every time, but I continue to get it.

My P is pretty far in the red and my N is decent, the other two are closer to center.

For all the non-believers, this test at least measures how you answer these specific questions with 16 possible outcomes. Accept it for what it is.

>> No.5100010


>> No.5100018

I got INFJ too

>> No.5100020

I swear 99% of people on the internet are INTJ

>> No.5100036

>tfw INTJ
What's going in this thread, guise?

>> No.5100050

I woulda thought so too. Seem's to be more INTPs in here than anything else though.

>> No.5100059

is "INTJ" code for "retarded?"

>> No.5100069

Jesus dude, you're still at this?? I did not insinuate that you are retarded. I stated out right. You are retarded.


Because you're afraid somebody might be able to understand you. Growing up you never developed the skills to communicate you thoughts and your feelings, so nobody ever really "got" you. This made you feel isolated and alone, and in reaction to that somewhere along the way you decided it was everybody else who was wrong. Your mommy gave you the "they're just jealous" line one to many times, or something. It doesn't matter because now you have a way to feel good about yourself. It's nice. You're not "like" everybody else, so it doesn't matter if the don't understand anything about you. You don't need them. You're okay on your own. Typing on 4chan is basically the same thing as real human interaction...

Then something comes along that says maybe that's not true. Maybe you do share something with at least a part of humanity. Maybe you're not so different after all. But now you don't really know any different. And that scares you.

Somebody out there might be saying that you're not mommy and daddy's special little snowflake, that you're not Mr. Rodgers favorite neighbor. You have to fight against that. Even though the whole fucking thread is talking about how mbti models aptitude, and preference. How it certainly doesn't try to put all of humanity into sixteen little boxes. How you need to study the specific functions themselves. But none of that matters does it? You can't bring yourself to stop hiding behind words like zodiac, dogma, indoctrination. There's no dogma here! Nobody is trying to indoctrinate you. You can leave any time you want.

Yet you've been here for hours. You've written hundreds of words. You know what I think? I think the idea that somebody else, some other piece of humanity, might be able to empathize with you intrigues you. It intrigues you, but it also worries you that there might actually be a way to bust down the walls you've built.

That's what make you retarded. Socially, if not completely.

>> No.5100071

>only an idiot would

You don't know anything about the MBTI. Think critically for a second: I could target girls of a certain age to sell a product, but it would be much more effective to target people with specific traits to sell a product (which is what the MBTI assists with). It's funny you don't think large corporations and companies use psychological categorization and simply market to gender/age.

Why not target a narrow demographic? ESFP females are sociable and often popular (or concerned with being popular) with many other demographics. Thus, the product becomes contagious.

>People who do marketing go fishing with a much bigger net than you're suggesting.

Precisely. So why do you think there are only four demographics actually used by (apparently all) of Hollywood? And of course I don't think that demographics are always separated by Myers-Briggs typology, I'm just suggesting this would be a very useful system.

>> No.5100074
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>> No.5100107

but the 1% of quality posters are all INTP; if only MBTI types were an icon on 4chins, we could see if it is true.

>> No.5100112

I've found INTPs take an interest in the MBTI more than any other type. INTJ is a close second.

>> No.5100116

i am an intp
and i do nothing but shitpost

>> No.5100119


>> No.5100121
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>> No.5100124

i just wrote intp because i didn't want to actually flatter myself by putting infp.

If you are like me then you mostly come here to laugh; I want to know who to thank. I have no idea how some people have cornered the text based humor format.

>> No.5100130

>Because you're afraid somebody might be able to understand you.

Oh my god. So much projection. So much intro to psych bullshit. This shit is painful to read, man. It is so painful listening to you up on your ivory tower speak down to a perfect stranger because I don't believe in your zodiac.

>you're not mommy and daddy's special little snowflake
You know what? I never said I was. And last time I checked, I'm not the one coming to a fucking LITERATURE BOARD to talk about MY OWN PERSONALITY. That's what I don't like about this thread. It's not literature!

You want to talk down to people who reckon themselves special snowflakes? Wag your finger at the narcissistic fucks who can't stop talking about their personality types. Every one of these threads they're all about: me, me, me, me, me. I'm a this. I'm a that. You're a this. You're a that. It's so god damn narcissistic. I'm here to laugh at bad self published books and maybe, god permitting, find a book title that sounds interesting. I'm not here to talk about you. I'm not here to talk about myself. You sure seem to be, though, and I think you're on the wrong god damn board.

>> No.5100132
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>> No.5100135

>I'm here to shitpost
>you narcissistic fucks!!!!

>> No.5100141

massive movement & public opinion master race -> http://www.celebritytypes.com/enfj.php

>> No.5100158
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>> No.5100160


>> No.5100178

>Goethe: "It [is] natural to me to empathize with the condition of others [and to] sympathize with it with pleasure."

that sounds dirty as fuk

>> No.5100185

isn't this that Zodiac shit?

>> No.5100191

You're here to do all of these thing, and yet you aren't doing them. There are plenty of other threads right now for that right now. You could be talking about the book of Job, or the unabomber manifesto, or Bukowski, or ANY FUCKING THING ELSE! And yet you're here. Why? It's not because of me. You can't fucking say it's because of me, I have zero control over your actions. You are keeping yourself here. Only you. You don't like what people are saying in thread. FUCKING LEAVE! Nobody cares if you go. Get the fuck out! Go actually do what you say you want to do. Do it. Take control of you life. Right now.

I'd bet good money you're still going to reply to this or somebody else's comment before this dies...

>> No.5100198

You're not supposed to actually read the bios; you read the [Ne, Ni, Se, Si], [Te, Ti, Fe, Fi] stuff. Figure out which ones sound like you, they are fairly specific, then you can assemble a type out of 1 from each bracketed group.

There are really only 8 types with introverted and extroverted not mattering because everyone acts a certain way in company; you're probably just using a function that makes you come off as a sperglord like Te when you should be using Fe or Ne. You have an introverted function which just sums up what you think about.

Everyone shitposting is a special snowflake.

>> No.5100212

The bios can help as a starting point though. I;m INTP and I never would have picked Fe for myself when I first learned about this stuff.

>> No.5100230

>this will die.

>> No.5100244

First of all. It's possible for me to occupy more than one thread at a time. Unbelievable, right? I know. It's crazy.

Secondly, no. You want to talk about yourself? You want to shit up this board with non-literature related topics and turn it into /soc/ v. 2? Not without a good shunning, you're not. Not until you truly understand just how idiotic this "which harry potter character are you?" quiz is. But you won't understand. You're impervious to logic.

>> No.5100246

It's sort of the opposite. Zodiac tells you you're a certain way because of a certain label, this gives you a certain label because you are a certain way.
It's more like a simplified version of psychology, or a more fleshed out version of a "are you a Ross, or a Rachel?" type personality tests in magazines and shit

Or, it's like psychology but instead of telling you you've got brain problems, it tells you you've got brain DIFFERENCES

>> No.5100256

>using the word zodiac as naseum

Oh no a shunning! I'm so scared! Look guys he's shunning me! He's shunning me by... replying to me? I don't think you know what shunning means.

>> No.5100259

It wont die because that guy wont stop replying to me. His ego wont let him.

>> No.5100261

You need a hug.

>> No.5100267

This made me aww.

>> No.5100269

INFP detected

>> No.5100279

You're so fucking mad, using caps locks to tell me to leave your thread, I think you've been No Country For Told Men pretty hard.

You know why I keep referring to the zodiac ad nauseum? Because it fits. It fits so well it baffles me that it hasn't sunk in yet for you.

You don't need Myers-Briggs to tell you people are different, man. Honestly.

>> No.5100280

INTP actually. See I'm this guy >>5100191. I've been fucking with Mr. Haterade all day, and this >>5100261 never even crossed my mind. This guy made me realize I'm total asshole, and I awwed at their little sentence of compassion.

>> No.5100286

People seem to be really passionate about MBTI here, regardless of if they love it or hate it. Of the few boards I go to they always get a ton of replies.

And because this is extremely important information and you should know it, I'm INFP.

>> No.5100288


It's not my thread, bro. I'm not OP. And zodiac doesn't fit, you're literally the only one saying that.

>> No.5100300

I'm an INTP. whether or not the test has much validity to it, it did help me better understand myself and other people, so I have to give it that.

Also it seems to me like ENTP and ENTJ is just code for "asshole"

>> No.5100305

>Also it seems to me like ENTP and ENTJ is just code for "asshole"

Every MBTI can be assholes in their own unique and beautiful ways.

>> No.5100313

It's much easier for some of them though

>> No.5100314


Everyone's an asshole. Including you.

>> No.5100316

>You don't need Myers-Briggs to tell you people are different, man. Honestly.
Yes, but you sound like somebody who thinks there are people who really stand out, and that people don't all fit some mold

>> No.5100319

>code for "asshole"
INTP is code for "NEEERRRD"

>> No.5100322

What about INTJ?

>> No.5100328

asshole nerd

>> No.5100333

asshole nerd

>> No.5100380

INTP here, I feel like one of the reasons I have troubles with social interaction is that I constantly try to be rational and understanding with people, and I'm starting to think if I was just more of myself (ie. a cynical asshole) I would be more relatable and normal. Anyone else deal with this?

>> No.5100393

Why (almost) embarassing?

>> No.5100402

Release the id, kid