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5087127 No.5087127 [Reply] [Original]

So how's the novel coming along /lit/?

>> No.5087139

16000 words so far.
Thanks, Mr. Malvo!

>> No.5087142

I'm writing an autobiography about my trolling days and I'm writing a fantasy novel.
Thanks for asking!

>> No.5087143

>only 16000 words

You might as well delete it and take a shit on your keyboard.

>> No.5087164

I got the outline done last September. Nothing since then.

>> No.5087172

>fantasize about writing the next megacomplex megadetailed megainsightful doorstopper
>realize everyone who's ever read Ulysses or IJ or GR is thinking the same thing
>give up and don't even try
that's how my novel is coming along

>> No.5087175

I know this feel, anon. I blame /lit/ and college.

>> No.5087179

G-g-good evening Mr Malvo.

>> No.5087193
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75k words


i am having a writer's block with the last chapter

i know that this is my first novel and i will write a second one, it will be better

and i will rewrite the first novel for it to be good as well

but i don't know about the last chapter... i have 5 A4 pages and it looks like red sonja shit and i don't know where to go from there smoothly

i want to finish this book as soon as possible, because i promised my friend i'd have it finished by the end of the week

i am writing for myself and so on

i don't care if publishers accept it or not

i just want to write a quality's work

i've been working on my novel for the past 3 years...

>> No.5087225

Malvo was a demon. Discuss.

>> No.5087227

>gets killed by bullets

sounds legit

>> No.5087236

Why wouldn't a demon be killed by bullets?

>> No.5087246

still learning, been copying endless John Banville, Shelley, and Dickens to try and instill the technique

>> No.5087389

Because he's a fucking demon dumbass.

Supernatural creatures that are the embodiment of evil aren't subject to death via bullets and you know it.

>> No.5087471

At 20k words (started a month ago), and I plan on finishing by the end of the summer. My prose kinda blows, but I'm hoping the concept will carry the novel, because it's pretty unique and everyone who read the first chapter was genuinely interested.

My only concern is that a lot of the content is not 'family-friendly' (racism, drugs, crime, obscene language, etc), and even though I hold none of the views expressed by my characters (in fact, they're there to prove the opposite), I fear that my professional career (in academia) may be jeopardized with the book's publication. I'm considering having it published under a pen name, or in the worst case scenario, posthumously. Does anyone else have this issue?

>> No.5087706
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Slowly but surely

>> No.5087718

>implying it's going to get published
When I was in sixth grade my Zambian friend gave me sage advice regarding my musical efforts, "Don't count your chickens before they hatch."

>> No.5087727

Get an editor, get in contact with publishers, don`t let this go to waste

>> No.5088181
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>not personally blessing each bullet to slay daemons
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.5088275
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I enjoy writing scenes more than telling a full arc of story. I think of something cool that could happen in my vague idea of my novel's universe, and I can do a scene, describe the action, dialogue. I have a lot of fun doing that, but fuck me if I can bother connecting it to a larger narrative later on. If I could fill the gaps in the dozens of random scenes I've written with recurring characters and settings I'd have a good start on a novel. But I only want to do the fun, off-the-cuff part, and that never takes me anywhere.

Maybe I should try flash fiction.

>> No.5088291
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Started a heroic fantasy schlock with high grade prose last week and I'm at 2.7k words. At a minimum I'm going to write 10k words and if I still like it I'll push to 60k.

>> No.5088301
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Your approach worked for this guy

>> No.5088385

35,000 words, slower progress than I'd have liked but it's also a culmination of a lot of work I've been doing for a while, and I'm back to writing it daily after a long break. It's my third novel, a story about a anarchist militia in a collapsed United Kingdom, and about an immigrant French girl who gets involved in some weird-ass and very sexual paranoid conspiracy shit when she starts feeling other peoples' physical sensations and emotions at will.

>> No.5088391

Sorry, I'm too busy kissing up to Feminister on a chinese image board.

>> No.5088528

I have loads of thoughts about things I want to write about, loads of concepts, ideas, character developments, but no plot. No structure, and no way to find well fitting metaphores for my subjects. And everything I think of can't be more than 2 pages long.

>> No.5088829
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109,212 words so far.

I've nearly reached the halfway point. It has been a fun ride.

>> No.5088834

>109,212 words
>I've nearly reached the halfway point


>> No.5088837

25k words, out of the 100k I'm aiming for.

>still better than the autobio I wrote last year.

>> No.5088839

Are you GURM?

>> No.5088844

Big ass story.


>> No.5088846

bloated story more likely

>> No.5088854

I don't doubt it, but I have put off any editing until the first draft is finished.

>> No.5088861

always been a childish fantasy fan since i was a child never grew out of it, no interest in writing "literature", ill leave that to smart people

working on a never ending series of books set in a universe I have been making up on and off since i was only 14 or so, letting it sit idle for long periods in high school and college while

it doesnt look anything like it did when it started, whereas it was once all about war and quasi-medieval-renaissance combat now its more about Ancient Aliens and religion.

the main idea im going for is a planet similar to earth, with more interesting astronomy, earth-like history from the perspective of the ignorant pleb-characters, but in actuality, the earth is part of an interstellar network of portals that connect many planets, some of which can transport people, some of which can transport words/thoughts, etc

ancient aliens have been on this earth-like planet for a long time having a profound effect on it. some were powerful and dangerous and became monsters or gods of legend, whereas others were advanced and sparked technological and intellectual progress behind the scenes

others can disguise themselves and have been manipulating humanity throughout time to serve various ends

while the earthlings carry out their vast and epic wars and political power plays, their societies are insignificant in the face of planetary threats and even interstellar threats that they are completly oblivious too

the theme i'm going for is "there is always something greater", the King feels more powerful than anybody he knows, and yet as a select few characters will become privy to, his power pales in comparison to the grand forces at work, which move slower, but nonetheless overpower all else.

and furthermore even these forces, these powerful beings with no regard for humanity are themselves dwarved by higher powers, and so on

a certain group of humans treat one alien as a god, but that god was exiled to earth, forced by his species/society to leave

these aliens have their own gods

and so on.

but all this will be learned from the perspective of earthlings, faced with a series of unbelievable and earth-shattering revelations and experiences

thats the idea any way

it may all be for naught because truth be told, I haven't even started the writing in earnest, I've done a bit here and there but mostly i've been putting off for 10 years now, rather i have +100 pages of outlines, plot developments, character profiles, world-building factoids i.e. geological histories

it may be that i simply dont have any talent for writing and wont be able to come up with any satisfying prose to fit this vast idea in my head, it is this fear that keeps me reluctant to start

but it's been a nice little escapist hobby for a while now, and it only gains more and more momentum the more i think about it.

>> No.5088876

I recently started writing incredibly short stories, centered around words, feelings, actions, but just like >>5088275 I don't seem capable of envisioning a proper plot. Whatever I come up with, I can think of several ways it has been done already. That's not something I worry about, though, since I enjoy lots of things that are really similar to eachother, perhaps downright copies, but I just can't think of any interesting plots.

I have my own escapist fantasy universe too. It's just like yours but without the portal thing, ancient aliens thing, or the theme you're going for. Mine's got elves and humans.

>> No.5088893


>I have my own escapist fantasy universe too. It's just like yours but without the portal thing, ancient aliens thing, or the theme you're going for. Mine's got elves and humans.

mine has elves too, though im not particularly satisfied with what i've got regarding them at the moment.

for now i'm going with a contrast of the typical role of elves in fantasy

these elves have stretched and gaunt faces that aren't beautiful, but they are fair and have tall, beautiful bodies. rather than being paragons of harmony with nature, these elves are violent and extremely cruel toward humans who they do not regard as people, but inferior animals. The elves live a long time but reproduce very slowly, and even though they are physically and intellectually superior to the humans, they have been slowly but surely eradicated over time by them

they were once only "racist" toward humans, but the advance of human civilization at the expense of their own has led them to spitefully hate humans, enjoying such activities as elf-male on human-male rape, to display dominance (usually leaving the human dead from internal bleeding), as well as your basic town raiding and burning

this all sounds horrific and im struggling to give them a workable motivation/remediating qualities, right now im relying on the fact that humans have hated the elves too from the beginning and have warred with them for centuries

>> No.5088912


for now i'm going with a contrast of the typical role of elves in fantasy

>these elves have stretched and gaunt faces that aren't beautiful, but they are fair and have tall, beautiful bodies. rather than being paragons of harmony with nature, these elves are violent and extremely cruel toward humans who they do not regard as people, but inferior animals. The elves live a long time but reproduce very slowly, and even though they are physically and intellectually superior to the humans, they have been slowly but surely eradicated over time by them

okay so this sounds like my stuff

>they were once only "racist" toward humans, but the advance of human civilization at the expense of their own has led them to spitefully hate humans, enjoying such activities as elf-male on human-male rape, to display dominance (usually leaving the human dead from internal bleeding), as well as your basic town raiding and burning

this doesn't

I'm expecting most new fantasy to be similar to what I'm picturing, since it's basically a departure from the 'traditional' type of fantasy

How do you stop your elves from becoming clichés though?

>> No.5088931


>I'm expecting most new fantasy to be similar to what I'm picturing, since it's basically a departure from the 'traditional' type of fantasy
>How do you stop your elves from becoming clichés though?

that's the thing

i mean if our elves are ugly thats unlike the cliche, but is a direct departure from the cliche not a cliche as well?

i think with fantasy you dont want to worry about cliche as you write

because think of how cliche shows up in fantasy. there are plenty of elements in fantasy that can be predictable and yet still totally enjoyable. we expect war, we expect political intrigue and latent magical abilities. when it doesnt work is when the author's cliches seem at the expense of realistic motivations and interesting characters

i think as long as you strive to make characters people care about and try to explore something "real" rather than trying to tell "a cool story", the cliches will sort of take care of themselves to the extent that you are in fact, creative and talented enough to write books at all

>> No.5088953


when I read ASOIF, i became extremely depressed because it was shocking how similar it was to what I have been imagining for my story.

the many conflicting religions, the threat of undead apocalypse being ignored by most, children of a noble house surviving its destruction

all of which I thought of as prized "inventions" that would make my story unique and Martin did it first

reading ASOIF completely changed the trajectory of my story and forced me to rethink everything i was going for

i didnt drop any of the themes that Martin did first though, i adapted them, and I think that's the best policy

if you try and write something unique, it will be lame. we are all already unique, if we try and write the same thing it will come out different

>> No.5088960


Nice. Thanks, guys.

I'm an elf-boo myself, so you have several types of elves running around, including the classic wood elves. I haven't changed anything in their psychology, as for culture, they have certain elements that will make them more easier to relate to than the actual humans of the story.

>> No.5088978


one thing I'm going for is instead of trying to write a whole bunch of detailed and intense war scenes like normal fantasy, which I have no experience in, I'm going to write from the perspective of characters that are similar to me

i've never been in a war, the things I know about are religious philosophy, social dynamics, depression, lies, illegal drug use

I will write about what I know, what comes naturally from my experience rather than "what is cool", and set it in an escapist universe

i want war in my universe to occupy the same place it does in my life, a monolithic disaster that I reject and avoid. my characters will laugh and cry at war, laugh at the fools who gladly die for nothing, crying at the fools who couldnt get out of the way

rather than knights i will write about non-violent criminals and merchants, trade families, etc

>> No.5089054


I... I wanted to do something similar.

I'm also thinking of writing it as a study. Or a travel journal like those of various explorers, or perhaps a chronicle. Not really sure.

>> No.5089068

There's no way I could write a novel
Shitty short stories though? That's something I have done

>> No.5089078


that sounds like it could be great, im not quite ambitious enough yet to try and write a "gimmick" style, i definitely dont mean that as an insult, i just mean that it's like "another layer" of prose, writing prose about writing prose, that I dont feel ready for yet

>> No.5089182

I've developed an alternate orthography for my language (I could give you a sample if you'd like) and I was thinking of writing everything, including these fantasy stories, using it, however I'm afraid that it would detract from the actual subject? Everyone will get caught up in the fact that it's written differently. Also, I have a tendency to use "big words" as people say. I am quite fascinated with words and their form, and I use them because whatever I write has some sort of melody to it, if that makes sense.

>> No.5089230


have you read a clockwork orange?

the prose is so unrecognizable that at first you can think of almost nothing else but what the fuck is this nigger saying but the result is fuck-awesome and he uses the made up dialect to illuminate the nature of the characters and the society they are in

you can do the same with your language

as for "big words", i tend to think that you can never use too many so long as each has the precise meaning that you intend, so as long as you are careful and really think about what your words mean, big words can only help you be more expressive

>> No.5089379


Should I try to reflect the different races using diffferent types of vocabulary? Words of certain origin for one, and of another for the other?

For example: "The miasma penetrated our nostrils with incredible rapidity, paralysing everyone"

"The stench went in our noses with unbelievable haste, numbing everyone"

>> No.5091091


oh absolutely, absolutely

i mean normally you want even the individual characters to have such variations in word choice (so long as they are educated, dont forget, you cant have some random stable boy schmuck saying too many big words)

>> No.5091148

I'm not writing one. I'm a consumer, not a producer.

>> No.5091338
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The outlines for the first three books are done, plus the first couple of chapters for the first book. The map is also nearing completion (thank the gods for random name generators, or else I'd need to have drastically fewer cities). Work on the Dwarven language is also coming along nicely. The "formula" is the word backwards, then shifted one step to the right on the keyboard, then adding letters if necessary. So "dagger" -> "reggad" -> "trhhsf" -> "terhihsof". Still unsure about the grammar, but at the moment I'm leaning towards having the words in alphabetical order, to emphasize how orderly they are. Contrast the Elves, whose "grammar" is simply having the words in random order.

At the moment I'm debating the ethics of stealing Eragon's magic system. It's very nice (doing something magically requires as much energy as doing it non-magically), but it's a bit open for exploitation, especially if Stormeye eventually becomes a D&D setting. Also I'm not a fan of the "true name" thing, so we'll see. Also, would a cameo of Saphira be too tacky? Dante used Virgil, so I think it's theoretically okay, but it might seem "too soon". I'm not thinking anything too obvious, just her flying past the heroes at some point.

Oh, and the heroes are an impoverished human noble who's ("whose"?) father turns out to have taken a deal with a demon to become Czar, and he's accompanied by a dwarf bent on revenge against the Orcish tribe who killed his clan, and an Elfyn girl. I'm still not sure what the main hero's (Ian) motivation should be, though. It's to kill the demon, somehow, but I'm not sure if he should be gathering sword shards or fighting elemental spirits to gain strength and experience or what.

>> No.5091380

1500 words or so, don't know if it'll become a novel or not..
Bretty gud though. I enjoy writing stuff and figuring out what I'm actually thinking.

>> No.5091392

Why do so many people like you exist? Does literature really benefit from all these fantasy series that are created or hoped to be created.
Anyway, you sound like a troll.

>> No.5091395

Haven't written in 4 years.

over 70'000 words.

It's a book of stories. It feels like a gigantic waste of time and effort, although it's not bad at all.

Nobody wants short stories in a book, so I am sad.

>> No.5091424
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>> No.5091443

Are you serious?

>> No.5091595


this guy is definitely trolling to make fun of the previous posters talking about their hopes of writing fantasy

>> No.5091643

Can i read a bit?

>> No.5092398

You sound pretty lame. How about doing something else... maybe something productive?

>> No.5092626

what are your first two about?

>> No.5092652


read what?

because my first chapters are pretty good cringe material, very archaic form of my current writing

it's all on deviant art, i suggest reading the last chapter and telling me what you think

>> No.5092672

Made myself get back to writing. Set myself a challenge of writing a novel this month because it has been too long since my last one was completed.

100 000 words in a month is ~3300 words per day. It's day four and I'm on track so far.

>> No.5092686


sorry, i forgot link


keep in mind that this is an early draft of an unfinished novel

judge, take suggestions, compare my evolution as a shitty writer

i wrote first two chapters back when i was an alcoholic

though the story is unlikely to change, the form of it will

>> No.5092690

You could just write a book of vaguely connected vignettes like Cannery Row or Naked Lunch.

>> No.5092851

I got 3000 words, thank you! Going for 500 a day.

>> No.5092987

Still planning on mine.

Its about a guy from an apocalyptic future being sent back in time to the age where magic still existed to investigate the existence of yggdrasil, the world tree and the reason behind its destruction. The whole story centers around his travels throughout the world and trying to find out how to actually get to the tree before the tree was supposedly destroyed.

Yeah, the base idea is quite bad. But since its the one story i have the most inspiration to write i might as well try to see where it goes.

>> No.5093406
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Yggdrasil never gets destroyed, because Yggdrasil isn't simply ''the world tree'' it's the world itself. During Ragnarok it's shaking and trembling as the Midgard Serpent and Surt are reaking havoc on it, and for a bit the whole earth gets covered by the sea, but the tree never disapears, since it's the framework around which Valhalla, Hel and Earth are built.

>> No.5093409

26k out of 100

>> No.5093427

can i just talk about something in here

my mode of artistic expression used to stir me up inside. it used to make me feel happy and hopeful in a way nothing else could

and lately it just doesn't anymore. i don't hear god talking to me through my connection with creation. it just does not excite me

i don't know what's going on but it's incredibly depressing

>> No.5093448

>i don't hear god talking to me through my connection with creation
Maybe you found a cure for schizophrenia?

>> No.5093453

725 words

>> No.5093459

I've written more than that in the last 10 minutes.

>> No.5093467

it's because i'm not writing absolute garbage, you see

>> No.5093468

>725 words in ten minutes

>> No.5093483

I'm stuck at a crucial scene. I need to have my characters perform a jazz concert of sorts, but I have no idea how to go about it. I mean I know a bit about music and all, but it seems like trying to put something like this into words is only going to be disappointing.

>> No.5093527

Aw damn. What's that book called? might as well go pick it up just in case i shoot myself in the foot further

>> No.5093544

First is about a "Eurasian" invasion of the United States, from the point of view of a regular foot soldier. Kind of my response to all the generic invasion scare stories there are nowadays. And my second was an alternate history about Japan staying out of World War Two and peacefully decolonising in the same vein as Britain during the Cold War.

>> No.5093549

That's the Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson (Penguin edition)

>> No.5093561

Tao Lin's first book was shrot stories

>> No.5093568

i like his shrot stories

>> No.5093573

which shrot stori do you like best?

>> No.5093664

The thing is I did it.
Coming out next spring.

>> No.5093668


>> No.5093682

Such as uploading my contract or some such? Thats dumb.
I just wanted /lit/ to know that it can happen, and that hanging out on an image board is in no way a problem as to being a writer, unless you listen to all the stupids saying "no u can't".
It's not in english anyway, my country is small so there's not all that much competition.

>> No.5095103

Not feeling the need to write a novel at the moment, but maybe someday. Thanks for the checkup OP.

>> No.5095746

why would you write about something you dont know, like jazz music, or music in general...?

>> No.5095764

75% through final edit.

It's absolute, utter shit but I had fun writing it, and I'm putting it on Kindle under a pen name when I'm done anyway. BECAUSE I CAN.

>> No.5095825

I got a solid hundred words, but ninety-four of them are dreadful.

>> No.5095842

Ah, you see that is where you are falling down. The best you can hope for in your wildest dreams is the next Lolita. Or you could give in and write a novel that is good enough that the general pleb thinks it's deep. We'll all hate you, but you'll be rich and revered enough to not care.

Myself, I was thinking about writing something in the style of an epic poem, using all the tropes and themes from other epic poems and producing a dreadful piece of work no one would read. I recognise this would be a task beyond myself and so will not be taking it any further.

>> No.5095872

Surprisingly well. I thank Ritalin. I'm able to concentrate for more than ten minutes in a row. I've written three chapters and outlined about half of the entire novel in the past two months. This doesn't sound like much, but considering I was averaging a new chapter a year for the past ten years, I think it's a significant improvement.

>> No.5096388

I started it. That's something.
It's a cyberpunk novel.

>> No.5096398

Haven't worked on it in several months, thinking of restarting it for the third time. It was supposed to be a stream of conscious narrative from the point of view of a young man in contemporary society and have allusions and themes of decadence and the decline of morality and society, but I haven't worked on it in so long that when I look at it it's never good enough I have to keep going back. SHIT SUCKS.

>> No.5096417
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Already written, and out for submission to agents.

The sequel is on hold while I wait for it to get a little colder outside. It does take place in a realm of primordial ice and snow, after all. In the meantime, I'm writing short stories, reading a lot, and writing fanfiction.

>> No.5096425

sounds awesome, whats the book called

>> No.5096443

That doesn't sound impossible. I can type around 100 wpm if I'm just copying text. I can't really do that if I'm thinking about what I'm writing, but I know people that think in really dense wordings really fast, so if that's the case, I don't see why someone like that, if they were also a fast typer, couldn't type at 700 words per 10 minutes. That would only be 70 wpm.

>> No.5097099

Ugh, haven't written enough words today that I can sleep in good conscience yet.

Wrote ~2000 yesterday and 3300 the day before, but only at 1300 words for today.

>> No.5097156

Writing - it's a numbers game!

>> No.5097169

4chan, it's about putting words in people's mouths!

I've said it elsewhere so I might as well say it here: writing is about momentum. Most people crash and burn at the 20 000 word mark because they run out of steam. There's no way to make it through the middle parts of your book if you don't actually discipline yourself into sitting down and putting the words on paper. Build that momentum early on, and it's enough to see you sail on through the less interesting parts of the story arc.

Editing is, after all, much easier than getting it written in the first place.

So no, writing isn't about how many words you get in per day, but a big component of successfully completing that book you've been meaning to write but never seem to get anywhere with is doing the fucking work.

>> No.5097178

I just cant write a novel. I always write short stories. Why write 100 pages about characters and themes if you can do it in 5 pages?

I need to beat this mentality if I want to write novel. I wrote shitty novelette about train from other dimension that takes troubled depressed individuals and eventually gives them choice to remain in its own lifeless realm with no responsibilities or return to their own world.

>> No.5097184

You could always write a series of short stories that are strongly connected and then call that a novel.

>> No.5097191

You'll be alright, Borges never wrote a novel with one big story in his life, citing reasons similar to yours; it was always collections of essays, poetry or stories.

>> No.5097198

Here are some ideas for short stories that I have in my head. Tell me if you have any idea how to connect them.

1. Story about woman who laughs at funerals
2. Story about rich unhappy single man with schiozid tendencies who celebrates his birthday in abandoned school where he meets homeless guy and shares meal with him.
3. Story about intelligent underachiever with avoidant personality
4. Story about 3 brothers. First is hedonistic owner of poker club, second is regular joe and third is living in woods based on his Walden fantasies.
5. Story about daughter of lesbian mother who own cheap but nice hotel mostly for outcasts.

Gonna look him up

>> No.5097204

1 through 4 all visit the hotel of number 5.

As the mother is running her hotel she notes the guests. The guests all go out for the day and have their own stories.

>> No.5097210

Get the Ficciones, it's amazing

>> No.5097216

Damn...thats actually pretty good. No. 3 can actually apply for a job there.

>> No.5097221

Check out Ray Bradbury's The Illustrated Man - it's a collection of short stories linked by one man, whose animated tattoos tell each story.

>> No.5097263

Like I dont have tons of books to read already. These are on top of the list now. Thanks

>> No.5097280

I've had multiple short stories published but want to write novels so I'm working on a novella right now. It's interesting seeing how the story format scales up like that. I'm just polishing the outline before I start anything real. Right now I've got four pages of plot direction and a couple of thumbnail scenes, so I'm focusing on fleshing out the characters. I think it'll help individuate them if they all have back stories, even if I don't mention those back stories explicitly.

>> No.5097397
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>3. Story about intelligent underachiever with avoidant personality

>> No.5097408
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Yes, thats pretty much average 4channer.

>> No.5097464

>1. Story about woman who laughs at funerals
Why not.

>2. Story about rich unhappy single man with schiozid tendencies who celebrates his birthday in abandoned school where he meets homeless guy and shares meal with him.
Somehow decent.

>3. Story about intelligent underachiever with avoidant personality
Pls no.

4. Story about 3 brothers. First is hedonistic owner of poker club, second is regular joe and third is living in woods based on his Walden fantasies.
Somehow decent too.

5. Story about daughter of lesbian mother who own cheap but nice hotel mostly for outcasts.
Eh, not sure. Maybe.

OT: Like 50% of second book, so maybe 40k words. First one needs a second edit soon though.

>> No.5097497
File: 420 KB, 1599x1200, 129334460762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started a space opera and surprise, surprise, the plotlines got out of my control. 60,031 words and counting with no end in sight.

I fucking hate it when a good idea spreads too thin and turns into mush. The editing on this one is going to be hell.

>> No.5097501

I'm in the planning stage of a novel about a basically schizoid boy who buys glitter spats for a girl after some hesitation because she asks and because he thinks he loves her.

>> No.5097507

maybe you could try to describe a lot of the mood of the scenario or the music n that through metaphors n such. i mean you probably picked jazz because you have an idea in your head, however vague, that it makes the scene feel a certain way. so try to just describe that scene/feel which made you think of jazz in the first place, or how the music feels in your mind

oh and listening to some jazz while writing it wouldnt be a bad shout


>> No.5097514

Fake. Khrushchev said that at a ball celebrating Yuri. He was actually an Orthodox Christian.

>> No.5097535

I meant to say short story. I was reading another post about a novel and typed what I read. Weird.

>> No.5097536

Coming out in May next year. That's how. Sequel in 2016.

Just about to start editing said sequel.

Being published by a large, reputable London publishing house too.

Feels good ish.

>> No.5097544

Wow, I started writing my ''novel'' or whatever it will become, and it's so much fun. It's just thinking of people and what they would do in certain situations, then finding nice words to express it. It's like I'm reading my own story.

Fuck getting published and all that shit, just thinking of scenes and merging everything together seems really fun. Like a giant puzzle.

>> No.5097552


Yeah, reasonable prose - didn't it all but at a glance, cut back the direct address.

Show don't tell. Narrate from behind the scenes, not up front.

>> No.5097560


If you're genuinely enjoying yourself, why not try and get it published?

>> No.5097575



>> No.5097587

Roughly 90 pages, haven't done a word count in a while

>> No.5097596

Pretty good. I'm sitting at about 100,000 words. Trying to figure out if i'm done or not. I'd like to cut it down to about 80,000.

Got enough ideas for 2 more.

>> No.5097623

If you're not enjoying writing, then why are you doing it? Do something else.

If you are enjoying writing, keep doing it. Do nothing else.

>> No.5097635

>If you are enjoying writing, keep doing it. Do nothing else.
I like drinking, should I do nothing but?

>> No.5097637

I enjoy coming up with ideas and writing them down and planning of the story much more than writing itself.

>> No.5097641

yes, exactly.

>> No.5097643

I enjoy breathing, shall I stop eating and drinking?

>> No.5097647

How do I choose which of the many things I enjoy to do exclusively?

>> No.5097649

Do it until you stop enjoying it.

I've never known someone who specifically enjoys breathing. I'm not sure what you should do.

>> No.5097650

Find the one thing that feels the best, and is most bodily and mentally damaging, and you're good to go.

>> No.5097657

>I've never known someone who specifically enjoys breathing


Fucking pleb.

>Not being familier with the air savoring.

I go to breathing bars all the time, the other day i huffed some antartic million year old air, never been touched by lungs before. I was doing this before you it was cool btw.

>> No.5097665

I wasn't advocating against trying to get published, just that at the moment I like figuring out my story, that writing for others isn't on my mind. Which is odd, because I'm normally incredibly ostentatious (not willingly so)

But sure, if I ever finish it and I think it's good, and ''there isn't too much of myself in it'' I'll see what happens.

>> No.5097672
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Novel based in Greek, Native American, and Christian mythology set in 1960's New Mexico.

>> No.5097680
File: 248 KB, 435x580, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was doing this before it was cool btw.

>> No.5097683

What if maintaining a balance of all the things I enjoy is the thing I enjoy most? For example I like to write for a bit then stop and read or go for a walk, cook a meal, socialise.


>> No.5097690

>What if maintaining a balance of all the things I enjoy is the thing I enjoy most? For example I like to write for a bit then stop and read or go for a walk, cook a meal, socialise.
What I'm saying is do what you enjoy and don't do what you don't enjoy

>> No.5097711


>> No.5097769

Haha I know, right? I'm at 938k words on my existential post-modernism anarcho-reductionist novel and I'm not even done with chapter one.
Fucking plebs, right?

>> No.5097783

What's the title? I'm gonna read it!

>> No.5098349

>Have multiple good ideas for novels
>Be good at writing (according to myself)
>Be too lazy to make an outline of the plot points and progression and finally get started

>> No.5098456

What does /lit/ think of this plot:

A British teenage girl from a troubled background (her drug-addict single mother consistently belittles her) receives a scholarship to a prestigious high school in France. The girl has developed an extreme inferiority complex and is very introverted, but sees this chance as a way to start a new life, considering that she is a dorky francophile as well. However, she gradually realizes that she's as unpopular and unloved there as back home in the UK. Her only friend, a stuffed cat doll, comes alive and helps her by communicating other people's secrets as it has telepathic qualities. When she discovers that the cat has fed her lies all along, she rejects it vehemently, which allows it to consume a great amount of negative energy. The school, which simultaneously also was an allegory for the girl's psyche, gains supernatural properties and she has to defend herself from fellow students in order of importance to her, as they're manifestations of her insecurities and manipulated by the cat to kill her (analogy for destroying her own confidence). A doppelgänger of herself, her final opponent, also tries to kill her, but is stopped when the girl's mother finally makes a call to check if she's alright, which lets her realize that she is not as unloved as she thought. The novel ends with the girl donating her stuffed cat to a charity.

>> No.5098507

shes donating her murder cat to charity? why would they want it she should be sending it to area 51 or something damn son

>> No.5098535

Haha, well, the cat becomes inanimate again when it realizes that it can't hurt the main character. Because it was all a fantasy (or was it?) all along ooOOOoooO

>> No.5098540

Have 23,000 words that need to be edited repeatedly. I'm gonna put out a novella!

>> No.5098583


You play a lot of Silent Hill.

>> No.5098628

Would read.