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File: 6 KB, 300x300, honor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5086651 No.5086651[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of honor, chivalry and modesty?

>hitting a downed and shaken opponent in a "friendly" street fight
>slapping a girl back because she slapped you over a misunderstanding
>dressing like you want to be the center of attention

>> No.5086669

In my opinion honor involves protecting your own reputation at all costs.


If I were Feminister's dad, I would kill her brutally to maintain my reputation as a good father, since she has ruined it so completely.

>> No.5086732

>What does /lit/ think of honor, chivalry and modesty?

They're all super and we should cultivate them as a society. Especially modesty. Bitches, get on that shit.

>> No.5086796


>> No.5086810

Common memes. Useful for manipulating other people.

>> No.5086884

>"friendly" street fight
Never heard of that, how do they work?
>slapping a girl back because she slapped you over a misunderstanding
Seems like a reasonable reaction to an unreasonable reaction
>dressing like you want to be the center of attention
I tend to dress immodestly but more because I find it comfortable than because I want to be the center of attention.

>> No.5086891

I think it's not literature. Enjoy your long stay here, since there's no mod.

>> No.5086897

No, it's because you're a slut :^)

>> No.5086909

I'm in a monogamous relationship

>> No.5086925

Chivalry and honour make the world a better place.

>> No.5086933

Useful how, anon?

>> No.5086939

Feminister, you ever get sick of the petty snipes?

>> No.5086941

I-I would talk to her... without checking my male privilege first. That'll teach her!

Not sure if serious or sarcasm.


>Never heard of that, how do they work?
Fine, a street fight where both you and your opponent have decided that it's a 1 on 1 until either of you gives up, and you can only punch/kick. It gets a heated and he breaks your nose while you're both standing, but you manage to get a lucky hit in and knock him down. Finish him while he's on the ground or wait till he stands up?

It's mostly because many of you guys seem well-read on morality/standards/ethics so I thought you'd have some interesting things to say.

>> No.5086944

And by 1 on 1 until either of you gives up I meant that when one gives up it's done for and you both just go home.

>> No.5086953
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Honor is just the view of other people of you. It isn't and inherently moral principle, because sometimes you have to go against the flow.

Chivalry is just not being underhanded. It isn't an inherently moral principle either, because sometimes you have to win a fight not matter how uneven the tables are.

Modesty is the only moral principle listed. Humility is the deflation of one's ego and pride is the inflation of one's ego. But Modesty give you a good representation of who you are.

tl;dr chivalry and honor are shit but modesty isn't. (pic unrelated)

>> No.5086962

I'm brutal when it comes to fighting, but I never fight because I'm mad that I'm pathetic, which is quite common. Rather, I bring those guys to pick a fight with me. And I've brought about some pretty fucking profound changes as a result too. I had one 18 stone giant hang his head in shame before me, talking about how it's all just control, barely able to get it out. I really showed him what he was by just not taking his shit. And fuck anyone who's like that, tbqh. And I hear pride's a bastard of a sin too, and fuck that too.

>> No.5086967

There is no honor in fighting OP, if you get into a legit fist fight the only thing you need to worry about is breaking them before they break you.
If you try to be an honorabru samurai Jamal will fucking stab you.

>> No.5086982

I got into a halloween party one night dressed as a scumbag (maybe this ties in with modesty, lol, it's what's called it to mind anyway). And I was dancing around the boujie crowd, on my own as I do, telling girls I owned the place and shit, having a laugh. And this fat fancy cunt, with all his friends around, gets mad, thinks to take his frustration out on me and the element I represent in his little fancy club. And so he comes at me, head out, thinking to back me up against the wall. And I headbutt him so hard, I definitely squashed his nose right into his face. And yeah, he deserved it, lol. (My friend was dressed up as a wicked Amy Winehouse btw, must've touched a bouncer's heart, they had to let me in.) Yeah, I'm a bastard for showing people what they're really after, I think. No sympathy for malicious retards.

>> No.5086990

I wasn't really dressed as a scumbag either, rather I am a scumbag lol, and I got roped into going out last minute.

>> No.5086995

I guess. Then again I'm not surprised a lot of posters on 4chan go full patriarchy.

>Fine, a street fight where both you and your opponent have decided that it's a 1 on 1 until either of you gives up, and you can only punch/kick. It gets a heated and he breaks your nose while you're both standing, but you manage to get a lucky hit in and knock him down. Finish him while he's on the ground or wait till he stands up?
I think friends would get involved before that--they'd have to present, or else the 1-on-1 agreement would be unnecessary.

>> No.5086997

>samurai Jamal will fucking stab you.
Fucking kek, mate.

Nah what I meant was a street fight where both of you know it's a clean 1 on 1 that doesn't revolve around a grudge. It's still a street fight but no one's trying to kill or permanently harm the other. That's why I said "friendly."

>> No.5086999

I've been in a lot of street fights. I picked a fight with an entire stag party one night on my own. Their top boy, by the ways. Stared him down over 50 euros. Nothing beats a solid fucking will.

>> No.5087000


>> No.5087005

>he said in his best Jason Statham voice

>> No.5087021

tits or gtfo

>> No.5087035

dick or gtfo

>> No.5087040

Honor, chivalry, and modesty are all important aspects for civil society, depending on what you mean by the terms.

Honestly, I'd be less likely to hit a girl back than a guy. That's partially because of how I was raised, and also because at 6'1", I'm probably a lot bigger than most women, and have no desire to do harm for a shame based strike. After all, I don't have to accept the shame she imposes.

Also, how many of you are getting into street fights anywhere near frequently? I've never been in a real fight myself.

>> No.5087041

>I think friends would get involved before that--they'd have to present, or else the 1-on-1 agreement would be unnecessary.
I had a fight with my cousin one time. First time I ever hit anyone back. He hates me because I'm the golden boy basically, Edgar and Edmund from King Lear (I think some of it goes back to one time he fell off a shed trying to follow me and split his ear too, and he blames me, bit of a pretty boy). Anyway, you'd be surprised. At one stage he had me on the floor, knees to my shoulders, hitting me as hard as he could across the face over and over. Nobody stepped in. I got up though and won, lol. One slap to his pretty mouth. And I still love him (My personal psychology called bigtime for brotherhood and he landed home from England, both of 11 year old boys. I had the family but wanted more. He hated me for having the family, funny huh? Life....but if you let it make a cunt of you, it wins. Sorry, this shit is nostalgia-inducing. Oh, and I kicked him on the ground once, which might have warded the boys off. I think maybe I might've wanted him to have at it or something, get it over with.)

>> No.5087060

I believe you have found the least witty comebacks for that possible... sorry friend, good effort though.

>> No.5087072

You don't believe me, Feminister?
Interesting there that I might have set the code for that fight. Never thought about it like that before now. Never cared at all, in fact. Not one bit. And spent most of my life best friends with one of those dudes.

OH....another night, lol. There's this crowd of hooligans in a town nearby and they beat every other kid who comes into town, put one of them badly in hospital, my friend (past, past tense now). Well, they came at me one night and I just took their slaps and laughed like a maniac. Literally 15 of them all swinging at me, I only with that one friend from earlier in between (he knew them, we're scum), roaring "my grandmother would hit me harder than that". Ever since I'm a legend in that town. And the toughest dude from that town came back to my town one night to fight me, not knowing it was me, because I'd started on one of his friends, who'd cheated on my cousin (I only grabbed him by the throat, nothing much, laughed at him mostly). Anyway, he recognised me and I him and I grabbed his hand walking into the bar. "Remember me?" I said. And he did. And then I told him my name and he goes, "Oh you're-----" and shat himself and jumped back into his car, lol. Yeah, I'm the fucking shit dudes, get on my level.

>> No.5087089

Of course I am only surmising that he was back to fight me what with how he didn't actually go into the bar afterwards, and that kid I'd threatened turned him back pointing at me when he went back to the car, lol. Fucking funny. Victory is the drug that corrupts all good guys, dudes.

>> No.5087103

And then I cry at my friends a lot too when they're pissing me off, but I'm hard as fuck so I'm allowed, lol. I'm funny.

>> No.5087110

>good effort though
Can't say the same for you

>You don't believe me, Feminister?
I don't disbelieve you. It's the way you said it that I found funny, idk

>> No.5087117

Yeah words are weird. "Top boy" is something out of Green Street, lol.

>> No.5087125

So who here doesn't feel like a bitch in comparison to my manly badassness?

>> No.5087144

I have this vibe about me now too, it seems. People just know I'm the boss in the room. It's weird watching it play out, and it wasn't always like that. I've had some people from my past walk back in and they just know something's up, as if everything around me is bent to my will now or something.

>> No.5087150

Haha suckers

>> No.5087151

So Feminister, since this thread is off topic anyway,

How do you feel about sexual dimorphism in humans? I guess, how do you feel it should relate/should it make a difference to inter-sex fisticuffs, et c.

>> No.5087160

Well if you want to hurt someone real bad for one reason or another, why would you care about their genitals?

>> No.5087166

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.5087173


>> No.5087177

I got in a brawl one night with a bunch of dudes and one of my friends was a quiet dude, dressy kind guy, and so just stood back. A girl with the other group attacked him though and nearly killed him with stiletto, had to get a bunch of stitches in his head afterwards. Anyway, I knew nothing about it......until I heard a scream, lol. Turned around, there's a big polish dude with a girl's shirt in his hands, her tits and everything hanging out. Stopped her rightly attacking my friend. Dude gave us 4 cans of Karpaki then and was on his way, like some of epic fucking hero, lol. And that's how you deal with violent girls.

>> No.5087181
File: 1.96 MB, 350x295, Tips Fedora.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5087188

Why do you care, anon? It doesn't bother me conversing with people who have a name, seems kinda strange that it should bother anyone actually..

>> No.5087192

sexual dimorphism extends to more than just genitals - in humans it manifests as males usually being bigger and having a higher percentage of muscle mass than females (On the other hand, females tend to have stronger immune systems).

Forces of the same level would vary in damage according to the size and physical makeup of the target. If you are just out to do whatever damage possible, it isn't a factor, but if you are just out to disarm/disable the other person, then it would be easier to overkill a woman (statistically).

>> No.5087196


>> No.5087202

because if you post annonymously [sic] by default but choose to gain a sense of identity in your posting, it most likely means that you are an attention grubbing whore who has their heart on being a board celebrity rather than actually contributing anything worthwhile.

>> No.5087203

If a woman is coming at you with a weapon, u4realz gon be thinkin bout how careful you are disarming her?

>> No.5087205

I'm pretty sure all the bitching and moaning about specific trips comes from two or three people, maybe five at most. There are anons that follow them around, yet they claim they aren't obsessed.
Let's just get along guys. We're all here for relatively common interests.

>> No.5087207

Lame. It's because you're a bitch who disdains the individuality of others because it makes you less special -- Adam and Eve syndrome I call it.

>> No.5087212

No, I'd probably kill her. But I'm still working off of the "friendly" street fight scenario. No weapons, No assumed expertise in martial arts, just average male and average female according to dimorphic statistics.

>> No.5087213

See here, anon:>>5087207
And I certainly don't deny that I'm quite interested by Feminister. Get this, it comes with not being completely self-absorbed.

>> No.5087217
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>> No.5087219

And I make no apologies either, and nor should the trips.

>> No.5087220

You said disarm. Then you said disable.

As for friendly street fights, I don't see those much. Your scenario was family. But if a guy and gal want to go at it with rules then and there, am I going to say, "No, you two can't!"? nope

>> No.5087221

Yeah, appeal to your bitch brothers, lost your own words?

>> No.5087224
File: 552 KB, 1440x900, 1392006967699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID's get rid of one of the defining points of imageboards: anonymity. True anonymity allows for discussion where your words speak louder than your handle (since there is none). You can't get praise or attack one person in particular as you can't even tell for sure who's who. All you are left with is their arguments to critique.

But with IDs, even thread-only ones, all that goes out the window. You gain forced pseudonymity, with it's ease of identification, at the sacrifice of true anonymity. All you did was make forced tripcodes without a custom name. You shifted the focus to who is posting what from what is being posted. Even at the thread level it would just turn it into mini-circlejerks. 300-500 posts is more than enough to form an in-thread poster hierarchy.

The same arguments made supporting IDs have been made against anonymous imageboards by name/tripfags and forum posters since 2ch. Sure, you may stop the most lazy of samefags. But it doesn't solve trolls, shitposters, spammers or dedicated samefags as they will or already have gotten around the purpose IDs; dealing with them is another issue altogether. You also lose the point of anonymity; you are now posting as someone. You will be Anonymous in name only. That changes the entire dynamic of how people interact with each other and how they wish to show themselves to others, all the way down to the postbox level.

>> No.5087226

Oh, I misread you, anon. Props on the good post, bro.

>> No.5087229

once i learned how to use custom CSS to eliminate all the trips but still display their comments, it has no effect on me at all.

here's the code if anyone wants to use it. go to your inline settings and "edit" custom css.


>> No.5087230

u mad, bitch?

>> No.5087234

That's the fucking best video on the internet.

>> No.5087235

I was obviously talking about nerf weapons or was just being imprecise

I wouldn't be necessarily opposed to a man fighting a woman in a competition sense either. I guess I would just mitigate my retaliation in a situation where I was probably stronger by a significant margin.

Similarly, I would probably use different attacks to disable a significantly (in a mild sense) weaker male.

I guess it is a matter of honor when it comes to retaliation with equitable force

>> No.5087238

Whoops, misused the spoiler tag.

>> No.5087241

Yes, they are the fragile sex.

>> No.5087242

All right, I actually read it, it's dumb and blowing something way out of proportion. I personally think it better that there are trips and bitches can get schooled for their childish hate.

>> No.5087244

>mfw this thread has almost derailed into a street fighting against women thread
>mfw I didn't even mean street fighting a woman

>> No.5087248

Same. I run from angry women, lol.

>> No.5087251

Well if I'm defending myself from injury, I don't have a lot of consideration for whoever is trying to injure me. And if I were trying to injure someone because I really disliked them, it would be a lot. And if we just really did not like each other, then that would include the dislike. And if it were for sport, I'd be wearing gloves.

>> No.5087257

Yeah, my bad. I was just curious about how a feminist would respond to sexual dimorphism.

Also, it had already gotten derailed when the guy started on his fight history, so I thought why not...

>> No.5087265

I, the guy who started on my fight history, make no apologies. I think I hit on an interesting bit there, too, actually, about how I wrote the code of honour there and then for one particular fight.

>> No.5087269

Okay, say you really dislike a little person with severe osteoporosis, and you have good reason to hit them, even cause them some decent harm. Would you not still mitigate your blow in order to prevent life altering damage/death?

That's an extreme scenario, but it is parallel to the situation between a man and a woman in that sexual dimorphism means that men are significantly stronger and larger than women (again, statistically).

>> No.5087271

I think men give concession to women in understanding them whilst also being above them, as sexist as that might sound. It's as though the golden rule is invited into play, pretty much.

>> No.5087274

But then of course you have the bitches of men.

>> No.5087277

Does anyone know what time it is? Probably about b8 o'clock

>> No.5087281


honor culture is essential for a functional society made up of aggressive individuals.

the problem with these kinds of discussions is that they tend to be divorced from context so people start talking past each other.

>> No.5087295

It's not bait. Not as regards women anyway. I do detest that insecure sadistic male though. It's the same thing that has everyone so nice to children, I think. That we're in a position to play god.

>> No.5087303

I wouldn't want hurt them enough that I would be charged with murder. Unless of course I wanted both to kill them (not likely), and I could get away with it.

Overall their osteoporosis would be a boon. It would make injuring them easier and make it harder for them to fight back.

>> No.5087321

Woman has fallen furthest now that's bait lol

>> No.5087322

>I wouldn't want to hurt them enough that I would be charged with murder.

Exactly. You'd have to mitigate your strike according to both your intention and your opponent's condition.

That, in a nutshell, is why men consider it dishonorable to hit a woman in the same way as they would hit a man (in a non-murderous scenario).

>> No.5087328

Nope, I explained it above, you're wrong.

>> No.5087338

Who is wrong?

Also, I must run, because I'm going for a run.

>> No.5087344

wait, nvm. prob. wrong anon.

>> No.5087370

Do you trip on this board to confirm your identity as an oppressed intellectual womyn?

>> No.5087386

There is nothing honorable or chivalric about a street fight.

>> No.5087388

>Using mockery to get at intellectual opponents
>not using Socratic method of argument to persuade opponents
>460 B.C.

>> No.5087392

Think of what a woman would do, then do the opposite.

That's how to be honorable.

>> No.5087396

>ctrl f spooks
>0 results

>> No.5087409

Honor is just peer pressure on a societal level.

When people start taking it to seriously you start getting samurai disemboweling themselves because they can't handle embarrasment

>> No.5087421

It goes further than that, I think, anon.

>> No.5087549

Men consider it dishonorable because it's strongly associated with abusive relationships.

>> No.5087563

Men consider it dishonorable because women are small, frail and stupidly emotional

>> No.5087566

No, or else men would fret over eating animals. Men don't object to whipping a horse, which is firmly dominated regardless of size. But hitting a dog they find disconcerting because it is associated with abuse.

>> No.5087579

Women are our likeness, our weaker selves. There's no selflessness in playing god, it's just playing god. We set example for that above us because that's all we have. That it makes for good is the thing.

>> No.5087581

You know animals aren't people, right? And they don't like you beating dogs because they like dogs, but the giving too much a shit about animals' feelings has become retarded. People used to just kick their small dogs around when they were pissed, and cock fighting's a cool thing.

>> No.5087585

Men do not desire women to simply be weaker men. Men want women to have different mannerism and expressions and gaits, different clothes, different loves, etc.

>> No.5087589

You are beyond stupid

>> No.5087595

That is certainly preferable to being within stupid.

>> No.5087599

>because it's strongly associated with abusive relationships.

And abuse is dishonorable because it is usually associated with those who can't/don't defend themselves adequately, so the force used is inequitable to the offense (given that zero offense is the case in abuse).

It is again a matter of disproportionate force against a weaker party (not that physically stronger people cannot be abused - they can be "weaker" in not being willing to resist)

>> No.5087602

You're not understanding me, and you're speaking of lesser men. Honour is idealism, and at its peaks it touches god. Ever heard of Karma, Feminister? Same thing. It's just others have more to be concerned with.

>> No.5087607

I personally have a strong love for fiery women, lol.

>> No.5087611

This is b8 and not dialectic

>> No.5087613

Abuse is considered dishonorable because women started getting a lot more power over society in culture in the late 19th Century.

Karma is the belief that moral equipoise is a fundamental law of reality.

Honor is a morality that is firmly codified.

>> No.5087619

Eh, there's a bit to honour perhaps. Perhaps unwritten agreement as I've previously indicated. Basically though, it's done in the hope of recompense. And when it comes to chivalry, well.....enter god. Remember that manic anon posting in your aliens thread, Feminister? About how you were decrying your only strength with essences?

>> No.5087624

No it isn't. It's rather thoroughly expounded upon psychology. The lesser are snivelling, the strong honourable. It's because the lesser know more pressing god on earth and manipulations otherwise.

>> No.5087627

We all do. All men have for all of human history. Doesn't mean that there shouldn't be women who act like women though.

>> No.5087630

>Karma is the belief that moral equipoise is a fundamental law of reality.
>Honor is a morality that is firmly codified.
Will you actually just read what I'm saying for once, rather than trying to fit it into you preconceived notions?

>> No.5087632

Doesn't mean there should either.

>> No.5087635

Women weren't/aren't the only people to be abused.

19th century reforms may be the historical cause of the shame in abusing women, but the logical idea that any human is fully human and therefore should not be abused is logically prior to abusing women being dishonorable.

In other words, abuse is dishonorable because of injustice against another person (imbalance in aggression), but for some reason western civilization took a while to realize that women were fully people.

>> No.5087641

Enjoy your shitty species then

>> No.5087646

Since I don't believe in God, honor, or karma, you'll have to elaborate on what you mean if you're employing them as metaphors.

>> No.5087651

Diff. anon, but are you a nominalist/relativist/nihilist?

>> No.5087655

>I don't believe in God
wow ur dum lol

>> No.5087656

>Women weren't/aren't the only people to be abused.

No, but *a man hitting a woman* is strongly associated with abuse in Western culture. A fight between men is not

>> No.5087661


>> No.5087663

Let women act how they want, it doesn't bother me. A man can love anything he sets his mind to love. In fact, women being long-haired and long-nailed, as we find so sexy, seems to me more their choice than ours, in line with that "woman has fallen furthest bit," a fusion of the long-haired hippy and the brutally sheared soldier. I'd be curious to read something about that fashion, actually. Same with shoes -- they are a metaphor for woman's fine navigation of the world (the woman hates her flesh more and does more to conquer it, to own it); it's not us that forces that style upon them, and yet we love them.

>> No.5087667

Then why argue against/for anything?

If nihilism is "true", then there aren't any people and there never were.

>> No.5087668

What would you say if hitting women became more acceptable, maybe not as hard physical violence, but more like 1950's "housewife should be spanked for being worthless" violence

>> No.5087672
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>tfw Feminister will never, EVER stop posting on /lit/

>> No.5087673


>> No.5087675

I thought you were talking about values. I'm not a nihilist in regard to what exists physically. I'm a moral nihilist.

>> No.5087676

Of course the petty man sees order that he thinks is his and thinks to reinforce it.
How can you not believe in honour, Feminister?

>> No.5087681

I doubt housewives were actually spanked much, I think that was just a comedy motif.

>How can you not believe in honour, Feminister?
How can you not believe in chakras?

>> No.5087689

Honour is a tangible thing, it's that consistency we spoke of in another thread. And it takes birth in metaphysical consideration, like my brother does.

>> No.5087690

Are you pulling my leg?

>> No.5087695

If by "a fight between men" you mean two males, then it's not considered abuse unless one is significantly weaker than the other (child, disable, etc). It also depends on the aggressor.

The whole point of my argument is that sexual dimorphism means that men are generally stronger and bigger than women, and therefore more able to harm them physically without weapons.

That has affected how men view fights against women because it can border on abuse if you go overboard (even in a "friendly" street fight), which is easier to do against a woman because of sexual dimorphism.

>> No.5087705

No....I'm explaining shit to you. You're a mishmash of metaphysics and delusion as regards your being so, Feminister. That anon had you dead to rights about arguing against that which is your strength. And how so did he come to the right answer, I wonder. Like Ayn Rand, you're crying at the stars, now own it.

>> No.5087707

>How can you not believe in honour, Feminister?
What constitutes honor varies from one town to another, and even between smaller groups within towns.

>> No.5087714

I am talking about values.

In nihilism, morals are values which are arbitrary and based upon human society.

Also if nihilism is true then humans aren't special in terms of the animal kingdom, and animals aren't special in terms of living things, and living things aren't special in terms of matter.

Reality just becomes one thing after another without meaning.

"A tale of sound and fury told by an idiot signifying nothing"

>> No.5087715

You better let go.

>> No.5087717

Irrelevant. Variable phenomenon does not a non-phenomenon make. Unless you want to get all precise about it, of course.

>> No.5087720

Hey, carry on. You're lacking though.

>> No.5087723

Nihilists aren't about positing truth, but what is observable.

>> No.5087725

>You're a mishmash of metaphysics and delusion as regards your being so, Feminister.
I rather liked this sentence. Jokes aside, what did you think of it, Feminister?

>> No.5087728

It's inspired by a samefag of me critiquing myself

>> No.5087730

What's a girl

>> No.5087739

That's funny, I liked it for how the second part folded in upon itself.

>> No.5087743

To posit what is observable is to posit what is true.

If you are a moral nihilist, then why should injustice in matters of sexual equality matter to you? To a nihilist, there is no such thing as justice/injustice. Just power. And in moral nihilism, there can be nothing wrong with that (or right, for that matter). It just is.

>> No.5087745

I think so

>> No.5087746

Seriously though, the parallels between honour and karma are blatantly obvious. And then we're all born solipsistic as fuck in general.

>> No.5087748

please respond

>> No.5087753

Not really.

I don't believe justice or equality exist, no. I don't believe in wrong or right, no. I do desire things, of course, such as to post here, but I do not claim that posting here is JUST

>> No.5087755

You want to be the most important thing in the world.

>> No.5087758

But what is the essence of existential nihilism except that the self is epiphenomenal? Within that system of thought, there isn't even a self to desire things.

Hence what I said about there not being any persons.

>> No.5087759

Which of course is all well and good. But it doesn't come to much as regards philosophy or politics.

>> No.5087766

Old Stirner, he was left too long at the tit, then married a housemaid. And there's his philosophy, in a lovely little bubble.

>> No.5087768

It's just too fuckin variable for me
My friends are people whose "honor" is "don't fuck girls your friend is fucking, don't rob somebody your friend asked you not to rob, and don't talk shit to people you're too pussy to fight"
Then there are people here on the internet and at my school whose honor system is "being racist/homophobic/cissexist/sexist/rude or getting into fights makes you a sociopath and sociopaths are Jr. Hitlers!"
And then you have workhorse people that think you're an all right guy as long as you have a job, and then there's Muslims

Honor and morals is a fucking clusterfuck

>> No.5087770

Man, I say profound things.

>> No.5087771

btw, I'm not a nihilist. I greatly dislike nihilism.

Moderate realism FTW!

>> No.5087773

Hey where are you from dude? UK, I'm guessing?

>> No.5087775

I already am

I believe there is a self in the bodily sense

>> No.5087778

Or maybe not.

>> No.5087781

>I already am
Not how you want it though.

>> No.5087786

Eh? How's that?

>> No.5087790

So you believe in your brain?

It's just matter and energy, much like everything else. The "you" part of your brain (in nihilism, at least) isn't real. "You" don't exist. Neither do "I".

Reality becomes just one thing after another for no purpose. Posited meaning/desires just becomes a pipe dream.

>> No.5087791

Let's just say you've gone past Ayn Rand's crying denial to a rallying of the troops to your cause. Otherwise there's no sense to you whatsoever.

>> No.5087802

New York State, not in the city but only about a half hour-45 minute drive from my town to the Bronx and about 20-30 minutes from Yonkers.

>> No.5087804

Also, don't kill yourself.

>> No.5087806

Though I suppose she was doing the same, but already owning what you haven't, Feminister.
Well you're funny dude.

>> No.5087807

My brain and the information encoded upon it exist.

Yes, there is no purpose or meaning, no such gaudy chains.

>> No.5087815

And all the more room for a father's love.

>> No.5087821

y-you too, bro...

>> No.5087823

They exist, but since nothing is special, nothing can make them special (i.e., distinct from other parts of reality, such as a table or a rock or the Andromeda galaxy)

Evolution simulates them being special via instinct, but if you are a nihilist then you know better than to fall for instinct.

and if there is no meaning, no special-ness, then why argue about feminism at all? You'd just be falling prey to the illusion of your own existence.

>> No.5087835

I do what pleases me.

>> No.5087842

>The brain performs such actions as to stimulate dopamine production in the brain

See what I mean?

>> No.5087847


>> No.5087851

Also, intent doesn't mean anything in nihilism.

You do what you are programmed to do, and you were programmed by the meaningless action of the universe.

Again, I'm not a nihilist, but I find it problematic when people are not thorough in their nihilism.

>> No.5087855


>> No.5087860

Then you are not a nihilist, or at least you don't live that way.

>> No.5087867

>then why argue about feminism at all?
For a better quality of life? The effort itself is pleasing enough.

>> No.5087869

Nihilism doesn't demand a "way of life", that's part of the point. I live as I live as I live. There is no nihilist lifestyle. Although nihilism certainly brings me peace of mind.

>> No.5087874


>> No.5087885

Maybe it doesn't require a way of life, but it is intellectually dishonest to believe something to be true yet argue for and pursue ideas/goals that are inherently excluded by your beliefs.

>> No.5087889

Also, I'm not a nihilist myself - I just think it pointless to be a nihilist and yet argue that equal rights for men and women is somehow morally right.

I'm for equality between the sexes, but for more logically consistent reasons.

>> No.5087892

I don't argue that they're morally right.

>> No.5087908

Then the sole reason you want equality between the sexes is just for your own sake?

>> No.5087911

Of course. Whose sake should I want anything for but my own?

>> No.5087916

So it is about your personal power?

>> No.5087926

My pleasure.

>> No.5087930

Perhaps I'm still in this phase were I appreciate these ephemeral ideas. I want "equality" and "liberty" to be balanced out in a sort of international customary way, but until we're all on the same or similar page we'll need "laws"

Because it would please to bring pleasure to others

>> No.5087933

The pleasure of others is my pleasure.

>> No.5087934

Do you think it is more pleasant to be equally as powerful as another or to be more powerful than another?

>> No.5087939

Why should the pleasure of others please you if not for your sense of justice?

>> No.5087945

And apparently beating around the bush to befuddle.

>> No.5087960

>why should sadism please you if not for your sense of injustice?

Not exactly. More to show that of itself pleasing others isn't morally good, just that it's pleasing to me, and I do not care to justify it beyond that.

>> No.5087961
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Then you know what to do, baby.

Post 'em.

>> No.5087964

That really depends on the context.

>> No.5087966

I don't blame you for wanting those ideas. I just wish people who admired and pursued them would abandon nihilism for what it is: a black hole.

>> No.5087980

Yes, in the way that desiring pleasure for others is rooted in justice, the desire for displeasure for others is rooted in injustice. Both concepts, justice and injustice, are incompatible with nihilism.

>> No.5087986

Beauty is one form of power. Let's say that you are in a room with another woman when X person, very desirable to you, enters. Would you rather be equally as beautiful as the other woman, or more beautiful?

>> No.5087987

>implying that answers the question, or is even the opposite of his question.
God you're a fucking retard. Just answer the question.
To answer yours, I don't care about other people getting hurt, but I don't care about them getting pleasure either. This is the same as moral/immoral/amoral. You're arguing like a moralist you twat

>> No.5088020

But they're too flimsy, aren't they? Shouldn't we try to breath good solid reasons for the results of laws/rules/customs?
I have been on this slow mental readjustment all my life, and nihilism just isn't going to go away. It sounds dark and scary, but I'm still quite a happy person.
>A black hole
This is where we came from and where we're all going back to.

>> No.5088025

t. feminister and butterfly

>> No.5088039

At its depths, nihilism means the refutation of reasons/laws/rules/customs/people as just things among other things.

The black hole isn't just our distant origin and our destiny, but current reality.

The core posit of nihilism is that there is nothing.

To quote shakespeare a second time, in nihilism reality become "A tale full of sound and fury told by an idiot signifying nothing".

You're still quite a happy person because you don't really believe in nihilism, not deep down.

Those that really believe it tend to do whatever comes into their head and/or kill themselves, and since I don't desire that anyone should kill themselves, I tend to discourage people away from nihilism (that and I don't think it is true, but I don't have time to back that up. I have work in the morning).

>> No.5088075

>The black hole isn't just our distant origin and our destiny, but current reality.
I was kinda disagreeing there.
>The core posit of nihilism is that there is nothing.
This is some kind of pure nihilism? Feminister only admits to being a moral nihilist, -as far as I've seen, and I tend to agree. (and have done so since before finding her here, fyi)
>You're still quite a happy person because you don't really believe in nihilism, not deep down.
Ask the theists around here. I am full on atheist. An afterlife is fiction I can amuse myself with and nothing more.

>t. feminister and butterfly
Beg pardon, what does the "t." mean?

>> No.5088085

If you need an example of honor, you don't have any.

>> No.5088093

>I love men too,—not merely individuals, but every one. But I love them with the consciousness of egoism; I love them because love makes me happy, I love because loving is natural to me, because it pleases me. I know no "commandment of love." I have a fellow-feeling with every feeling being, and their torment torments, their refreshment refreshes me too; I can kill them, not torture them.

>> No.5088095

>what does the "t." mean
*pulls fedora over eyes and turns away* Heh... *flicks cigarette on the ground then looks over his shoulder at you* Plebs these days... *teleports away*

>> No.5088098
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>> No.5088100


>> No.5088109

*appears behind you* What's that kid? *disappears and reappears in front of you and sheths katana* That's what I thought... *you suddenly notice a strong pain in your abdomen then fall in half* Heh, nothin personnel...

>> No.5088111
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>visitation from Michael Jackson

>> No.5088112

Fuck you these are my favorite type of posts on this entire website

>> No.5088113


>> No.5088120

Fuck you these are my least favorite type of posts on this entire website

>> No.5088123

Listen I hate you a lot, but you just made me laugh. I want to assure you any time I said basically "you should stop living", I really just meant "stop posting I hate you". I hope that you don't think I want you to actually physically die, you seem like the kind of person that might.

>> No.5088127
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Are you... mad or something, kid?

>> No.5088128


>> No.5088145

Spend a lot of time getting into street fights in these romantic daydreams of yours I'm guessing?

>> No.5088165

Father's love -- seriously, you're kinda crazy, Feminister. Can you provide one single argument against essences?

>> No.5088171

>the pleasure of others is my pleasure
Srs, it's painful.

>> No.5088198

That patriarchy's a bitch when you have no dad.

>> No.5088217
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What the fuck happened after the 50s?

>> No.5088222

Can you provide an argument against chakras?

>> No.5088227

Idealism and qt anime girls conflated.

>> No.5088228

Post-Stalin Cold War

>> No.5088230

Shame, such digits wasted on a shameless shitposter

>> No.5088235

You're skirting the point. You're playing at politics here -- why egoism?

>> No.5088242

Oh, that's right, I know why.

>> No.5088246

This answer is actually legit. Dudes who like qt anime girls are fucking nice dudes always.

>> No.5088252

>Not sure if serious or sarcasm.
I was serious. I lament that all three concepts are practically non existent in today's society.

>> No.5088294
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>Back to slaving away on his Treatise, The Banality of Love

Eat yer medicine

>> No.5088307

Just fuck off this board already.

>> No.5088339

I'm a psychological egoist. It's not a matter of advocacy, but a matter of reality.

>> No.5088341

Why do you feel like you need to trip?

>> No.5088352

why do you have to be a whore? Is that a matter of advocacy or reality?