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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 80 KB, 670x503, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5081424 No.5081424 [Reply] [Original]

Most decadent yet patrician fetish, /lit/?
Joyce was fond of farts, for example.
My vote goes to pic related. It's innocent enough to tickle family members, and evil to torture a bonded loved one.

>> No.5081435

Banquet of Chesnuts has got to be up there.

>> No.5081443

I had a threesome with two chicks in college. That was pretty rad.

One girl was an 8/10 and the other was a chubby, but cute, 5/10 who sucked dick like a vacuum. I let them both blow me for a while and then I mostly fucked the qt 8 while the 5 watched and touched herself.

Then I came in the 8's puss and asked the other girl to lick it out, which she did.

That night accomplished like 3 of my fetishes at once. I never saw either girl again either.

>> No.5081469

Didn't Kafka like animal porn or something?

>> No.5081482

Yeah Kafka used to grind up cockroaches and use the gritty paste as a mastabatory lubricant.

This predilection was the inspiration for his famous story 'The Cock-Roach'

>> No.5081483

It's definitely piss.

>> No.5081486

No idiot, it was the inspiration for his novella, "Kanada"

>> No.5081494

i've had two threesomes and they were kinky and all but i prefer one-to-one sex

in fact i've experimented quite a bit but i find that nothing beats good old missionary with someone you love

>> No.5081497

i like to fuck girls with boyfriends/husbands

>> No.5081501


>> No.5081508

>he doesn't like to have his asshole eaten out by one girl while he's blown by another

I have two live-in gf's and I completely disagree. Whatever, to each their own.

>> No.5081527

You're all dull pussy-faggots.

>not eating shit

you can't even conceive of yourself being on my level.

>> No.5081531

I enjoy not masturbating or having sex for a long time and then meditating to get placebo induced orgasms, but for some reason this constant state of mild arousal messes with my blood circulation (bad heart and years of smoking) and it gets me a lot of muscle pain from peripheral artery disease. If only I had this technique before ruining my body by living like a pig due to teenage depression and existential crisis brought on by shitty ideals like perfect love .

>> No.5081534

>believes himself to be superior
>literally eats the waste of another human being

Dude, you eat dookie. That goes beyond the pale of even eccentric sexual behavior.

>> No.5081535
File: 171 KB, 516x352, the squid monster is a metaphor for capitalism and the anime girl is a willing wage slave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a billion bizarre fetishes
>boyfriend is a timid ex-Catholic with a low sex drive
>will never be treated like pic related

>> No.5081536


>> No.5081541

>tfw you recognize most images taken from hentai after growing sad panda for a year
I don't know whether this feels good or bad.

>> No.5081543

ey bb

want git sum fuk?

>> No.5081545
File: 170 KB, 360x544, proletarian revolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right? Love this one.

>> No.5081559

Umm sauce?

>> No.5081564


fuckin hell

The things I would do to you.

>> No.5081567

That caption actually made me feel a bit bad, knowing people that actually prostrate themselves to shit jobs with borderline sexual enthusiasm.

Also, I suspect pegging is the most decadent fetish.

>> No.5081579
File: 475 KB, 932x506, Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Title is Unlove S, it's by Turtle.Fish.Paint.
Colon three.

>> No.5081586

Anyways I didn't think I would ever see tentacle fetish being posted on /lit/ And people somehow liking it

>> No.5081587

Dear god thank you. Time for a quick detour to the panda before the used book store.

>> No.5081592

Are you attractive enough to deserve the attention of internet strangers? Or are you fat?

Be honest...

>> No.5081599

Could some qt tripfag post a photo of her feet in front of some books?

>> No.5081600

Doing the hands free conga line with other patrician faggots

>> No.5081602
File: 142 KB, 436x328, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I considered myself attractive, would I post with lewd anime girls instead of pics of myself topless? But I'm not fat.

>> No.5081604

Meh, post nudes with face anyway.

Let me see what your little altar boy isn't taking advantage of.

>> No.5081607

I second that.

>> No.5081609



Come on,. you know you want to.

>> No.5081610

>/lit/ the slowest board on 4chan becomes faster than the goddamn Flash when it's time to get nudes from a girl

Never change.

>> No.5081617

It's an instinct left from before we all graduated from /b/.

>> No.5081623

/w/ is slower

>> No.5081625

having a nice jerk-off after reading еhe Kreutzer Sonata

>> No.5081632

No you're just still a pathetic retard.

>> No.5081631

Aaand we've scared her away.

Good job guys

>> No.5081635

sure, anon

>> No.5081643

No /b/tard anymore though. That's good enough for me. And of course no one seriously expects nudes, relax.

>> No.5081648


Fetishes are for faggots and plebs.

>> No.5081650


It's not like we can help it, you know.

>tfw incest fetish and hate myself for it

>> No.5081660

You probably kiss Joyces ass in other threads nonetheless.

>> No.5081664
File: 88 KB, 326x284, furry expresses approval.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw incest fetish and frequent erotic dreams about youngest sister

>> No.5081668

Just, like, that I'm gay?

>> No.5081669

>tfw Feminister won't post her feet.

>> No.5081671


I'm not like that though. I only like fictional incest and I wouldn't even dream of doing anything IRL. Hell, I don't even have a sister.

>> No.5081676

Then why feel ashamed?

>> No.5081679

Did your mom just come into your room?

>> No.5081684

>tfw no small breasted older sister who overcomes her insecurities by ruthlessly dominating you and grinding her pussy into your face

>> No.5081685


Because people might not appreciate the subtle difference, aka if someone ever finds out I'm toast.

Plus I am told that if the fetish grows too strong I will eventually suffer ED with my gf because regular sex just won't cut it anymore.


I live alone.

>> No.5081692

Pfft, there's way, way worse things to fap to than fictional incest. Don't worry about it. And as for your ED concern, I can say from firsthand experience that it's very easy to keep weird unthinkable fetishes out of your actual sex life. Just don't call her your imouto.

>> No.5081693
File: 28 KB, 500x425, Snow Man 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really have anything too weird really, at least for 2014. I like women and I like effeminate men, particularly small and petite with minimal body hair. I consider myself bisexual but regular guys do nothing for me, I've had it said to me that I'm attracted to femininity, which sort of makes sense (but then, a big raging boner on the guys is kind of the exact opposite of femininity).

>> No.5081694

But we are all anonymous here, no need to play things down. That can be unhealthy too. And you should see if you could turn that into some kinky sex game with your gf.

>> No.5081695

>not mom

Also this is the patrish fetish.

>> No.5081703

That's the fetish equivalent of "start with the greeks" huehuehue.

>> No.5081719

It's also a good way to consolidate a throne.

>> No.5081723

>But we are all anonymous here, no need to play things down.

I wasn't, I was being sincere. I really am not attracted by actual family members but I find fictional incest irresistible. I think it has something to do with it being forbidden because I have also erotic fantasies about

>gf's sister
>gf's female friends
>my own female friends
>brother's gf
>my flatmate's gf

Basically if there is some girl that I'm absolutely not supposed to want to fuck...you know the drill.

>> No.5081730

I read a thing about his porn stash a couple of years ago, its curators said it would still make you blush. We have this lily-white vision of a pure, suffering Kafka but the truth is the guy liked to jerk it to animal copulation.

>> No.5081731
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You don't understand, anon. She's fifteen and she absolutely idolizes me, reads books I read, plays games I play, and we watch JoJo's Bizarre Adventure together every weekend if I'm around. She doesn't have many other friends and so spends a lot of time with me. And she's so cute and she's got such big tits, not even for a fifteen year old I mean in general, and she fawns all over me and walks around the house in skimpy outfits and etc. What results are the most awful, horrible kind of boner.

>> No.5081741

Ephebophilia and incest are pretty much the most patrician bents.

I'm also pretty casually bisexual.

>> No.5081744


Jesus christ anon, your life is the plot of a hentai manga.

>> No.5081745

At least it's not your brother.

>> No.5081747

What is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?

>> No.5081753

It's a dilemma, for sure. Does she have some kind of self-esteem issues?

>> No.5081755


A long running manga which has recently become an anime. It's nearly universally beloved because it's that good.

>> No.5081766

Guess I'm a bit out of the loop, last Manga I read was Ranma 1/2.
Anyway, don't do anything stupid.

>> No.5081770

>Joyce was fond of farts
This can't be serious.
>My sweet little whorish Nora I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue came bursting out through your lips and if a gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual, fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora's fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.
Oh well.

>> No.5081776

>watching shonen anima

>> No.5081780


I'm a different anon.

Anyway, define "stupid". What is he supposed to do if say, his sister gets him drunk and throws herself at him?


Hey, at least it's actually creative and doesn't have any powerlevel bullshit. It's harmless fun.

>> No.5081786

>I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women
Truly one of the greatest literary geniuses of our time.

>> No.5081787

Didn't like the anime, the Manga was fun though.

>> No.5081788
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I know, except here it's kind of soul-destroying instead of hot and fappable.
She has pretty severe self-esteem issues. My family lives abroad in a country where she's just learning to speak the language, and so most of the time she's isolated. So whenever I'm around she clings to me. We watch anime and she insists on sitting on my bed and watching me when I play video games and goes in for lots and lots of hugs and tells me she loves me all the time. Like, to an abnormal extent. It's kind of agony when I'm over there and I'm glad I get to spend time away from her because interacting with her in general is really confusing. I don't feel this way at all around my other sister, for instance.

>> No.5081795

Just wait, as soon as she finds some friends, things will be better.

>> No.5081800

I sort of agree, but I find threesomes exhausting. was in a fivesome as the only dude once, and I was so tired I couldn't cum at the end. but you want decadent, there you go.

>> No.5081801

What books cover the "My Friends Hot Mom"-thing?

>> No.5081808
File: 1.36 MB, 220x146, SG1C7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be right wing social conservative verging on Nazism who unironically thinks women lack the Will to Power and contemporary leftism is a conspiracy to feminize Western civilisation
>go out of my way to seek out Tumblr feminists dominate the shit out of me
>found a mixed lesbian girl a few weeks ago and let her go on for twenty minutes about how she hates men and white people and I shouldn't be allowed to talk because I'm a white man, verbatim
>licked her boots, feet, ass, and let her use and abuse me until she came
>doing it again tomorrow with a different one

>> No.5081809

I know what you mean, I was once in a ninesome as the only guy, shit was cash though.

>> No.5081813



>> No.5081814


Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

>> No.5081818
File: 37 KB, 368x689, fcd008fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew somehow that your type of person would just want to be fucked. I'm a Leninist and I want to be fucked too. I think it's an authoritarianism thing, anon.

>> No.5081826
File: 34 KB, 600x613, doitus4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm just going to say what everyone's thinking.

>> No.5081827

pissing on hardboiled eggs.

>> No.5081830


> I think it's an authoritarianism thing, anon.

I'm still trying to figure out what I am politically, but sexually I'm like this guy here >>5081723

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me either.

>> No.5081831

Go to bed Simone
but please let me lick your piss-soaked cunt first

>> No.5081835


I didn't say it because I didn't want to push him over the edge and ruin his life AND his sister's forever. For fuck's sake, this isn't /b/.

>> No.5081842

Do these threads happen on /pol/? I'm curious to see what they are into.

>> No.5081843

only applies with exhaustive knowledge of Freud's theory of fetishism and the phallic mother.

i fapped to "on the origins of fetishism" as well as parts of the case study of little hans, and parts of his analysis of Leonardo da vinci

>> No.5081845


Byron, please.

>> No.5081849
File: 38 KB, 500x344, obama is impeached.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few years ago, during a very despairing period for me, I actually did try. A little bit of decency stopped me and I'm in a much better place now in general, so I don't think it's going to happen again. But I still have to live with the fact that I get hard whenever we hug, and I really would rather not.

>> No.5081852

that's defintely the prettiest name for the vagina.

>> No.5081854

You want to say that she wasn't older than 13 back then?

>> No.5081855

Joyce isn't just "fond of farts", he's a scat fetishist

>> No.5081861

What's your age? Country? Do you really love her? Like a brother, something more, or your attraction is purely physical?
You should spend more time with her, but out. Take her to the cinema, for example. You could share some of her hobbies. Please, I know that I'm an anon, but do it for me. Help her. Take care of her.

I know what you feel (in some way). I have a little step-sister, and I love her a lot. I was thinking about how could she be at 14-15 (she's 5). Technically isn't incest, right? ...right, guys?

Sorry for my bad english, btw.

>> No.5081862

She was thirteen about, and she looked sixteen. Not to defend it.

>> No.5081864

Not my thing but isn't pedophilia a relatively popular thing in literature? Wouldn't want to call it a fetish though...

>> No.5081873

Tell us the story, anon. What did you try?

>> No.5081877

As zizek pointed out- isn't this true love? Loving someone so much you even love their farts? I prefer to believe that he wasn't a pervert, he was just an unconditional lover

>> No.5081888

>implying fishing your lover's turds out of the bowl and smooching them isn't the truest expression of love, alongside writing epic poetry about a chick you saw twice when you were 12

Men are weird

>> No.5081899
File: 49 KB, 635x953, daenerys-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know how 12-16 yo girls have this youthful puppy-fat on their bodies, making them seem soft and gentle?
Short girls with ultrafeminine faces (think big eyes, small nose, big lips with pronounced philtrum, etc.) and bodies like that make me hard as fuck. Especially if they got wide hips and narrow shoulders, small tits and a big ass.

Wouldn't call it pedophilia, as it's not them being that young that makes me like it, an older girl with the same features is still just as attractive to me, but they are rarely legal. There's nothing romantic about it, I just want to pund the fucking shit out of them.

I'm currently fucking this chubby-ish 17yo brunette that looks just like pic related. Me being 6'4", somewhat built with a full beard just makes it even hotter.

>> No.5081900

I like to download porn videos and play them in slow motion on VLCviewer while listening to vaporwave and crying

>> No.5081905
File: 143 KB, 439x360, 1404208783455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 24, and my family lives in Switzerland. I love her like a brother and I also find her immensely arousing and I can't detach the two and I wish I could. And I suppose the sad part is that I do take care of her, and I do my best to be a good brother, and then there's this thing, under the surface. But thanks, it's nice to talk to someone sympathetic.

It was a few years ago, like I said. I'd fucked up my life badly and had to move back in with my parents with no job and nothing to do. We were on a family holiday and our parents had gone out for the night and I'd been drinking at the bar, and I came back up to the hotel room and my sister gave me a hug and I pushed her back onto the sofa, as if I was playing with her, and it just kind of escalated. I touched her a lot and she was giggling and touching me back and after a while I had the sense to just kind of walk out of the fucking room. We've not talked about it since.

>> No.5081913
File: 51 KB, 720x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw listening to yoshi city while fapping to shota

>> No.5081914

You could probably find a whore that looks like her. That way you can fuck someone's underage sister with none of the awkward family dinners. This is like Chapter One of Lolita, why haven't you one this by now?

>> No.5081917

>listening to Gerudo Valley and fapping right now
>watching lesbian pissing porn

Why am I checking /lit/ while I do this

>> No.5081937

>I love her like a brother and I also find her immensely arousing and I can't detach the two and I wish I could.
Here is where your value is tested. Succumb to your desires could have fatal consequences, but repressing yourself can be just as bad. Why don't you let her choose? Subtly, show her the truth. If she wants you it "that" way, you will know it.
But please, help her to be more sociable and to gain confidence.

>it's nice to talk to someone sympathetic.
the pleasure is mine

>> No.5081946


Please for the love of whatever you believe in don't fuck her. You would ruin both of your lives forever and there would be no turning back.

I know it's hard, but please don't give in.

>> No.5081956


Thank God there's one sane non-trolling person on this thread, that is otherwise filled with retards.

Why is this thread even on /lit/ anyway? Mentioning an author doesn't make it literature related. Authors drive cars too, doesn't mean a thread about your favorite car belongs here instead of on /o/.

>> No.5081971

Brother... I found you.

>> No.5081975

Is samefagging moral, moralfag? Decadence of fetishes is generally the focus of any society's literary high points (the Satyricon, Sade, almost all fin de siècle French lit, Mozart, Joyce, the Song of Songs)

>> No.5081984


Trolling retard here operating under the (usually correct) assumption that these dilemmas and persona are fictional.

But it's telling that threads about our fetishes blow up much faster than most analytical or philosophical discussions.

It's not /lit/. It's 4chan.org/lit/. Try and leave.

>> No.5081992


>> No.5082016


I didn't samefag and I'm not a "moralfag". I just wanted to spare him some pain on the off chance his story was real.

>> No.5082074

I don't know how others feel but since english isn't my native language, I'm always a bit reluctant to take part in discussions where it's crucial to use the exact words an be precise in the terms that you use. I rather enjoy lurking in philosophical threads. I can't be the only one, right?

>> No.5082117

You're not alone.

>> No.5082122

It might be worth the pain. Either way it lands, there's going to be pain for him. The two f them might suffer less pain fucking each other. The only reason you think they won't is because your easily swayed moralfag superego told you it was wrong. If they weren't raised together, they likely cannot find someone more attractive to their subconscious in the general population. The lack of the kibbutz effect is how Byron wound up fucking his sister. If he hadn't been moralfagged out of England we might have more cantos. This nigger could be the next Nabokov, let him do his own shit.

>> No.5082244


Dude she's only 15, no way she knows what's best for her at that age. Wait until she's 18 or 20 after which what happens between consenting adults will be entirely their business.

>> No.5082261

Mary Shelley was sixteen when she was fucking a married man on her mother's grave, who are we to judge a sixteen year old's instincts?

>> No.5082265

That's generally what I'm gonna do, if this really does prove to be unbearable. But thanks everyone for not just asking me to write something fappable about it, or whatever.

>> No.5082273

Well, it's not like there isn't a billion of those stories already on the net. You be a good boy and stay out of trouble.

>> No.5082276

>thanks everyone for not just asking me to write something fappable about it, or whatever.

Well, we do try to keep up a certain standard here. We're not /b/ after all.

>> No.5082293


>> No.5082295

Nah, we are all intelligentsia and cultured when it comes to threads about sniffing farts and sucking piss-soaked cunts.

>> No.5082315

>piss-soaked cunts
Plebian, that was a reference to The Story of the Eye. The most literary depravity.

>> No.5082333

Cry me a river, degenerate. This is a christian forum.

>> No.5082338
File: 40 KB, 413x395, 1404207413087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a christian forum.

>> No.5082359

Sex tourism?

>> No.5082360

That's not how you write plebeian.

>> No.5082401

Where to?

>> No.5082409



>> No.5082414

More places the better. South Seas, Naples, Barcelona, Balkans, Amsterdam, Haiti, Japan, TB sanataria.

>> No.5082436

I'm still waiting for Feminister to post her feet.

>> No.5082450

Same. Post your feet, Feminister.

>> No.5082536

people read the word 'fart' and beging giggling like first-graders or screwing up their face. But the shock value is not the only value of this passage. In fact it presents us with a literary paradox: can a writer be so good that he can create a truly beautiful and engaging text even on a disgusting and obscene subject like farts? Is total triumph of form over content possible?

>> No.5082544


>> No.5082558

The most patrician fetish is becoming a newhalf and remaining virgin while becoming a slut. So no sexual contact with another human, but masturbating on camera to millions of faceless men so they can masturbate over you. That way, you're a slut but you're still pure.

>> No.5082708

The answer is sadomasochism.

>> No.5082725

>Wanting to see hairy man feet