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/lit/ - Literature

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5080294 No.5080294 [Reply] [Original]

What is the advantage of writing a 900+ page novel over a 100-250~ page novel/la? Surely you can tell the same story and get the main themes across in far less pages?

pic related - reading this atm, about 400 pages in, and about 150-200 of them have been dedicated to fucking farming

>> No.5080301

Are you implying that the farming parts weren't the best parts?

>> No.5080307

im trying to point out in the context of the main storyline going on, there is so much irrelevant detail taking up a huge portion of the work

>> No.5080313

>implying it's irrelevant

>> No.5080320

'anna karenina' isnt just about anna karenina herself - if i can remember correctly, its about the lives of russian aristocrats, and anna karenina is an example of how acting ill-accordingly can lead to shunning and outcasting

>> No.5080348

If you don't like the farming then you don't like this book

Easily one of the best books I've ever read, and I'm not even done yet

>> No.5080363

Even if its half filler, the more time you invest in a work the more you will think about it and consider it. In some ways, the more you drag out your story the better the experience is to a reader in fully understanding it.

>> No.5080371

You know nothing, OP.

>> No.5080374

Jon Snow

>> No.5080428

Here you go OP. perfect for a plebe

>> No.5080441

Forgot link:

>> No.5080465

i asked a question you turds

>> No.5080473

Which translation are you reading?

>> No.5080482


>> No.5080493

roger ebert said a good film can never be too long and a bad one never too short. Its the same with books.

If the book is good, its really great for it to go on for ages and have it as a huge epic thing. Maybe a top tv show is analogous.

>> No.5080534

roger ebert also gave titanic 4 stars

>> No.5080538

True, but I did too when I was twelve

>> No.5080552

As a romance movie it works very well, I wouldn't say it's an objectively bad movie like you're implying.

>> No.5080560

Watch this


>> No.5080569

That isn't the full version.. Fucking youtube

>> No.5080602

Why read at all when you can watch TV? Idiot.

>> No.5080663
File: 395 KB, 753x569, rAdJ6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Listen to Zizek audio for 5 hours straight on a plane.
>All I heard after 2 hours...

>> No.5080697
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>disliking Zizek

>> No.5080791

>irrelevant detail

if you think this, you fundamentally misunderstand literature

A novel is not a crime report. Everything is relevant, and everything is part of the writer's vision. The story is a vehicle for the art, and you as a reader should strive to engage with whatever you are presented and see each part in relation to the whole.

>> No.5080832

>implying there is an advantage of writing a 100-250~ page novella over a 50 word greentext post
>implying you can't can tell the same story and get the main themes across with some ebin maymays

post related, about 30 words in, and about 28 of them have been dedicated to ironic shitposting

>> No.5081253

The novel isn't just about Anna's romance with Vronski.
Lievin's parts -the farming you refered to- are important because we could say that Lievin is, in fact, Tolstoi himself, and he's telling his readers his perspective and opinions about Russia and mankind, including such topics as economics, religion, philosophy and the meaning of life, for instance.

>> No.5081274
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falling into the same old kike traps