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5075435 No.5075435[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's a good book for someone who is depressed and suicidal?

>> No.5075436

Bhagavad Gita.

>> No.5075437

all of them

or perhaps none of them

>> No.5075439

thus spoke Zarathustra

>> No.5075440


>> No.5075441

Why don't you just kill yourself already; thereby, you stop bitching about it anons on 4chan?

>> No.5075444

What type of psychological therapy

>> No.5075446

are you the same guy who misused a semicolon in the other thread? if so you should stop using semicolons

>> No.5075448

learn2grammar, you mongoloid.

>> No.5075450

He probably is, Anon. Don't worry, you can be depressed with me in the /r9k/ chart thread.

>> No.5075453



>> No.5075456

at least im not the one who thinks randomly throwing in semicolons makes your writing look more sophisticated dummy

>> No.5075460

Why not a psychiatrist? Psychologists are perhaps the least capable of truly helping someone in need. They are egotistical, manipulative, and will use you as a platform to boost their own self-worth while they are looking down on you. A psychologist really isn't any better than an "armchair" psychologist.

>> No.5075463

You're not going to "find answers" in a book because depression isn't a problem. Depressive thoughts are the result of misusing/abusing language and trying to twist it to do things it can't do. You can do two things: one is to nitpick your thoughts and find out why they're flawed and, in a strict, logical sense, meaningless/senseless; the other is to stop thinking (those thoughts). The latter is easier, but the former is more satisfying.

>> No.5075464

>all these implications
>no substantiation
>lambasted one's grammar
>doesn't into grammar himself
come on, let's see your damage control

>> No.5075467

>Why not a psychiatrist?


>Psychologists are perhaps the least capable of truly helping someone in need. They are egotistical, manipulative, and will use you as a platform to boost their own self-worth while they are looking down on you.


>> No.5075472

>durr hurr

>> No.5075474

Excellent. I can hear the rustling of your jimmies, you retard.

>> No.5075476

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

>> No.5075477

How is psychology not a Jewish scam when its founder was literally a manipulative Jew who infested western culture with his Freudian Jewish philosophy that aided in the Zionist agenda?

>> No.5075483

Psychiatrists actually go to medical school and their study is rooted in actual biological science, while psychology is modernist cultist bullshit that you can figure out on your own if you aren't mildly retarded and have an internet connection.

>> No.5075491



>> No.5075492

I suggest you look up how to use a semicolon properly for your own edification

>> No.5075495

Which is what psychologists do. It's fucking psychology. It's the field of psychology. Psychiatry is actually scientific.

>> No.5075497

>Psychiatrists actually go to medical school and their study is rooted in actual biological science
It doesn't matter. Psychiatric theories of mental illness are so reductionist that they don't deserve to be taken seriously. They just shill pills that are indistinguishable from a placebo and charge $120 for a 30min meeting.

>> No.5075501

That's such a non reply. What's the point of even writing that? He's asking a question and you use it as a vehicle for your false apathy. Get a clue you transparent cunt.

>> No.5075503

And at least you get drugs to play around with. With psychology you don't get shit.

>> No.5075506

Yawn. It's past your bedtime, kiddo. I suggest you learn how to punctuate your sentences. It is about time you stop sucking on your mom's saggy tits.

>> No.5075507

>a thread full of basketcases trying to reason away a need for psychology

lol OK

>> No.5075510

>our false apathy
Nope. My apathy is not spurious.

>> No.5075513

I have a few psychologists in my family and they are the most selfish, manipulative narcissistic people I will ever, ever know. Of course they come off as caring people to most though.

>> No.5075519

Because the battle depicted in the book, or rather Arjuna's refusal to fight, is basically just an allegory on life in general and offers practical solution for overcoming one's lethargy.

>> No.5075521

But I do know how to punctuate. I just don't; it's fucking 4chan, faggot. (that's how they're used the right way, just so you know)

>> No.5075524

terrible damage control, m8. just stop...you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.5075536

wow you didnt even capitalize, grammer much mate? do you even gramar? can you into grammae

>> No.5075540

your frustration is slightly amusing.

>> No.5075547

no yours is. im not the least bit bothered by any of this

and youre still the one who doesnt know how to use fucking semicolons lmao

>> No.5075552

>download the Alan Watts- Out of Your Mind (Essential Lectures) torrent
>put it on
>go lay on your bed and listen to them

It will help.

>> No.5075561

it sure is summer

>> No.5075567

Thus spoke the man with no comeback

>> No.5075570

ayy lmao

>> No.5075571

do you have any more inane catchphrases to throw my way or are we done here

>> No.5075574
File: 20 KB, 600x454, 2b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5075596

>Tao de Ching
>Be here now

>> No.5075609
File: 96 KB, 284x333, Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5075631
File: 163 KB, 309x475, NoExit_cover.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5075660

no one cares you anime fag

>> No.5075733

Obviously Catcher, but I'm sure you already knew that

>> No.5075790

it must be easy to be a retard

>> No.5076007

must be easy to tell yourself name calling suffices as a response anyone will respect when you can't think of anything real

>> No.5076137


I would have used a double dash thing in that situation, personally.

>> No.5076370

The Conspiracy Against the Human Race: A Contrivance of Horror
by Thomas Ligotti

>> No.5076771

Was just about to post this.
Do it, OP, I'd follow you if I could.

>> No.5076910

cognitive behavioural therapy

the institutional name for "stop being sad and start being happy"

I wish I was joking but it's got one of the best success rates.

>> No.5076957

read some of these, and feel better for having a life and still being able to do something with it:

>> No.5077087

Tolkien's stuff always puts me in a good mood; reading the Hobbit before an operation (after I mutilated one of my toes in a knife accident), was pretty nice and in my opinion a nice way of escaping from our mortality