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/lit/ - Literature

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5070124 No.5070124[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Worst book you've managed to finish and why you persevered.

>> No.5070127

the bible

I only read it to collect inconsistencies I could quote when disproving christfag retards.

>> No.5070166

Probably the most fedora thing I've heard. You've had more to do with that book than most christians

>> No.5070173

The Floating Opera by John Barth.

There was a promising scene involving bottled poop, and I was going through an especially angsty time. Still, it's a dreadful novel. Pretty much a slightly more verbose retelling of The Stranger. I regret finishing it.

>> No.5070274

Percy Jackson and the Olympians

My family's big on reading, and my younger brother was really into this series a few years back - whatever he read, I read so we could talk about it.

Usually the stuff he picked out was just sort of prosaic "young-adult fantasy" stuff, not particularly remarkable or offensive - but this series was just... brutal. I honestly don't know how I made it through five books of it. The series can best be described as "American Gods for kids, without the interesting characters or nuanced use of mythology or good writing". Just an excruciating, excruciating read.

I know I should give it more leeway for being a "kid's book", but I don't think aiming something at children gives you an excuse to make it shite.

>> No.5070310

Fuck off with your fedora meme.

>> No.5070342

> the bible
So what book of the Bible did you read?

>> No.5070356

at least I didn't force myself to read something just for the sake of being a massive fagget

>> No.5070472

The Preacher by Camilla Läckberg. Worst shit i've ever had to lay my eyes upon. Endured it because my mother loves her.

>> No.5070578
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Animal farm

>pic related

>> No.5072703


It started out so promising. I expected all of that bullshit to lead to some answers.

>> No.5072722

Atlas Shrugged

Literary honour

>> No.5072728

you're a stronger man than I
read We the Living and cannot will myself to read anything else of hers

>> No.5072740

>I expected all of that bullshit to lead to some answers.

>> No.5072745

end of Kafka felt anticlimactic for me, I was enjoying it all the way through and looked forward to reading more Murakami but once I finished it I really didn't give a shit

>> No.5072748

The entire Twilight series. Fuck man...fuck...

>> No.5072753

Good God, man. Why?

>> No.5072774

When the Light Goes by Larry McMurtry. I finished it only because it's the fourth in a series, and I liked the first three (The Last Picture Show, Texasville, Duane's Depressed), so I kept hoping it'd improve. It didn't. Mercifully, it's quite short.

>> No.5072775

>American Gods without the interesting characters or nuanced use of mythology or good writing

So it's basically just American Gods

>> No.5073069
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Without Remorse

My dad is a massive Tom Clancy and Clive Cussler fanboy, and I wanted him to read Blood Meridian. He refused to read it unless I read his favorite Tom Clancy book, Without Remorse.

What a tedious overlong fucking book.

>> No.5073088

Atlas Shrugged
I kept hoping it would get to the good bit, then, before I knew it I was 900 pages in, I then thought that I was in for a pound and might as well finish it
>it sits on my bookshelf taunting me

>> No.5073524


>> No.5073567

The Devil Tree by Jerzy Kosinski

Mostly because Steps and The Painted Bird were so compulsively readable. I kept waiting for it to get interesting. It didn't.

>> No.5073578

Fight Club and The Catcher in the Rye

Wanted to read them, and I pretty much never drop anything until I finish.

>> No.5073909

>Clive Cussler

Read one of these when I was younger cause I liked that Sahara movie that came out in like 2007. Holy shit even then I couldn't make it halfway through

>> No.5073921

You're a huge fedora tipping faggot

>> No.5073934

The Fault in our Stars
because of my gf, we broke up if that makes you any happier

>> No.5073963


How old are you two? We'll find out how okay this was

>> No.5073999

>Confederacy of Dunces

I was waiting for it to get good

>> No.5074023

Seriously, you struggles with fight club? Its a really short read, even if the subject matter is rather edgy.

>> No.5074064

Nausea by J.-P. Sartre
I wasn't expecting anything and was disappointed—it's a mise en abyme of his essay Existentialism is a Humanism, and sums up to nothing greater than an ironized version of that essay. Gonna read his Situations next.

>> No.5074073

P.S. Certainly not a struggle, although I read it as a sort of self-help book for when I was dealing with the constant nausea of university drinking.

>> No.5074083

I'm 23 and she's 20

>> No.5074084

Sunset Park by Paul Auster. That boom is such whiny, meandering, over dramatic bullshit. I suppose I just don't like dropping novels, but damn I should have.

Not him, but I was roped into reading that by my gf as well. We're 21. :/ Shit sucks, she should grow up and read better stuff, but there is much worse than John Green. TFIOS gets like a 6/10 from me.

>> No.5074088

>i did a retarded thing to fuck. also i'm now alone
how is that supposed to make me happier
it's even worse

>> No.5074130
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VALIS by Philip K. Dick
I kept going because PKD was my favorite author at the time, and I was hoping he'd wrap things up in a meaningful, perhaps surprising way. I expected to be entertained, as I was with the other PKD books I had read. Instead, I was treated to the religious ramblings of a literally crazy guy all the way to the last page.

>> No.5074143
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>pkd fan
>expects him to do something he never did

>> No.5074151

No, nigga, I thought it was boring shit and wanted to drop it, but didn't.

>> No.5074182


>> No.5074309
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the OT is pretty unbearable, immoral and disgusting, except for psalms and ecclesiastes and genesis cuz it's so silly.

the NT is much better, revelations is full of lols.

>> No.5074333

Moby Dick
I thought perhaps the ending would make up for the rest of it. It didn't.

>> No.5074343
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step your trollin up

>> No.5074360

it's okay to be pleb. this is a safe space

>> No.5074370

I frequently read shitty fanfiction for the sole purpose of criticizing them afterward.

>> No.5074399

Why do you think I am trolling? I thought it was the most boring book I've ever read.

>> No.5074432

The Gunslinger.

To see if it got better; it didn't.

>> No.5074440
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I doubt you read it. No matter how much the first 75% of the book escaped your reading comprehension even the simplest minds should find the ending entertaining as fuck.

I'm going to assume you are trolling, no one is this pleb.

>> No.5074459

I read every last page. I just thought it was shit. The ending was predictable from the beginning, the whale shipwrecks them all - not really "entertaining as fuck". To get to the predictable ending I had to wade through god knows how many hundreds of pages on outdated whale biology which wouldn't even be that interesting if were up to date.

Shocking as it may be that someone holds a different opinion to you, it is possible.

>> No.5074471

probably the single best american literary work, the use of language itself is astounding, you may be some kind of chain masturbating CoD addict if you dont have the inclination or sensibility to enjoy an almost impossibly good novel

>> No.5074489

>forget the prose
>forget the philosphy
>forget the atmosphere
>If I can guess an element of the plot early on it's unqualified shit and not worth reading
You are actually a pleb

>> No.5074509


yep, but plebs will be plebs. It's understandable though, some people aren't ready for Moby Dick and might never be ready to tackle it

>> No.5074522
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>> No.5074530

That's fine, call me pleb all you like. I didn't like it, I'm not sure why you have such a hard time with that but I wasn't really looking for validation from some anon tryhards.

>> No.5074541

>If I can guess an element of the plot early on it's unqualified shit and not worth reading
That's quite obviously not what he said. He was told that the ending is entertaining, he said he could see the ending coming from early on, not that that made it not worth reading.

>> No.5074546


I'm not having a hard time with it at all. I was a pleb too who didn't like it. I read it twice from start to middle and could never finish it. I posted shit like you are as well, even more vitriolic actually.

Turns out I was reading it wrong, third time was the charm, favorite book by far now.

>> No.5074567

catcher in the rye
i'm not able to relate to holden in any way and the prose is garbage

>> No.5074575

You shouldnt expect a congratulations for enjoying moby dick you should just do it. Like, how can someone have a serious affection for literature and call moby dick the worst book theyve ever read? I just dont understand it. Its like calling shakespeare bad,

>> No.5074581

If youre on 4chan you most definitely should be able to relate to holden

>> No.5074590

>implying VALIS isn't by far Dick's most interesting book
stay pleb

>> No.5074599

a huge part of all three of these books is that some things in life are impossible to explain
the fact that there is no answer IS the answer

>> No.5074668

Holden has more voice and character than half of your precious prose writers.

>> No.5075263

The fourth sword of truth

I can't be arsed to look up it's real name.

I was 14.

>> No.5075274

1. Ethan Frome
2. It was for school and I liked and respected the teacher.

What a fuckin garbage book

>> No.5075344

I'm too much of a weak pleb to force myself through anything that isn't pleasurable and entertaining.

>> No.5075363

> Its like calling shakespeare bad,
It's actually worse because shakespeare haters have the excuse of being constantly shoved "muh shakespeare is the greatest" down their throats.

>> No.5075403


this, I read the first two and half of the third and I couldn't stomach anymore.

>> No.5076528

The End of Faith.
Because I found it on my brothers bookcase when I was in middle school.

>> No.5076558
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The Scarlet Letter - Had to read it for a class. There are probably worse ones, but this one stands out.

>> No.5076565

Christian here
I haven't read all of the bible yet but youre right. A bunch of it is unbearable but I read it for god

>> No.5076852

>i don't understand historical context

>> No.5076862

I remember finding Sahara a fun pulp adventure movie, so I read the book afterwards. It's pretty bad, even for blockbuster fiction. Especially weird was having Cussler himself turn up in a cameo. From checking online, it's apparently something he writes into a lot of his books.

>> No.5076873

Scarlet Letter was brutal. Hawthorne does much better when he's confined to short stories.

>> No.5077225

Why do you still think like this? Mysticism is profound yes but after a while it's a weak and cheap literary device.

>> No.5077543

You'd best be trolling or your gonna get 6 inches of paradise.

>> No.5077579
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"The Bad Place" by Dean Koontz. It was meh, then it turned to complete desperation and shock value in an attempt to justify itself.

Finished out of morbid curiosity to find out just how bad it would get before it was over. Fuck that book. It's so dumb.

>> No.5077584

I read some godawful didactic YA literature in elementary school. I preserved because I had to read them.

>Ben Liebt Anna

Those that come to mind right now.

>> No.5077643


>> No.5078005

Enders game

Boring, repetitive, Gary Stu of an MC. Hardcore pedo vibes all the way through the book.

I read it after finishing the mistborn trilogy, and it convinced me to run back to Sanderson to get the taste out of my mouth.
Not even trolling. I'm aware I'm probably worse than hitter according to /lit/.

I also found the first wheel of time to be underwhelming. It wasn't bad, but let's just say I enjoyed the name of the wind a lot better

>> No.5078020

>pedo vibes

I thought the naked boys in the barracks were a metaphor for how hard my dick got.

>> No.5078040

I giggled

But there's more than that

• numerous attacks to little boys groins
• naked soapy wrestling little boys
• "not bad for a couple of kids with barely a pube between us"
• plus so much more. Shit was creepy.

Also the aliens made no sense. An obvious non naturally occurring machine in space? Can't be intelligent life. They scream and attack us when we turn them off? Can't be intelligent life. We are space ants, but can't fathom humanity until it's too late and now were sorry :'(

Fucking stupid.

>> No.5078051

I really hated Naked Lunch. I bought it and finished it cus it has this status as some sort of masterpiece but all it turned out to be was just incoherent ramblings about pedophilia and insanity. The only redeemable thing about it was the prose, but I was still thoroughly disappointed as I thought I was going to get some monolith of beat literature. Everyone says Burroughs' other works are better/different but I'll probably never try them.

>> No.5078115

Between 5th and 7th grade, I read at least two of his books a year. I don't really know how I put myself through that. I don't have the discipline to read that much good material anymore, let alone Cussler novels. I think I just liked ancient Nazi gold alien stories.

>> No.5078135

I really enjoyed it, but I think I only really enjoyed it because I was pretty crazy when I read it.I wasn't sleeping or eating anything, just drinking coffee and Coca Cola. The only problem was that I lost my place halfway through, so I guess I only read half of it. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I liked Blade Runner a Movie the Screenplay the Novella more. Read that in a day.