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/lit/ - Literature

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5069623 No.5069623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ do any of you literary types read/like any manga? Is there such thing as manga with literary merit? Point me in the direction of good manga.

>> No.5069633
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I've only read HnK, JoJo and Berserk. I love them but I really cant say with full confidence they've "literary merit".

>> No.5069638
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>Point me in the direction

>> No.5069639

Read "goodnight, Punpun".

>> No.5069644
File: 375 KB, 1419x1100, blame 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nihei is too minimalistic to be considered literary at all but, just about everything he's ever done is golden.

>> No.5069645
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>> No.5069648


Oh shit nigga what the fuck are you doing; and other fine tales

>> No.5069655
File: 325 KB, 512x336, I dont like you anymore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the same fucking thing

>> No.5069657


And maybe "literary merit" was the wrong phrase to use.

>> No.5069662

But I'm interested in /lit/s opinion on manga... Not /co/s.

In fact... That's why I posted it here.

>> No.5069669

That page looks cool as fuck. Thanks anon.

>> No.5069671

There was an excellent manga discussion/recommendation thread, maybe, two weeks ago. Hopefully, we can have another civilized discussion.

>> No.5069673

but they're not
Hokuto no Ken

>> No.5069682

Yes, and all books are the same because they are "books". No distinctions to be made in their content or stylististic choices.

Silly tripfag, 4chan is for anons!

>> No.5069688
File: 222 KB, 1456x1088, Blame 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, all his stuff is like that.

Just most all of it is really short. Blame!, Biomega and Sidonia are his longest works. Everything else is less than 20 chapters but it's good shit, if a bit confusing.

>> No.5069690

Is someone using your trip or do you have split personalities?

Anyway, I missed that thread. So yes, hopefully this one is as good or better.

>> No.5069695

Suicide Island deals with Freewill and revolting against the absurd.

>> No.5069702

>Scrote McCloud
What the fuck, no.

>> No.5069705
File: 40 KB, 512x512, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, there is. Beg pardon for his rude comments.

Essentially they are. Pictures with word balloons. Not even discussing quality. WRONG BOARD FOR THIS.

>> No.5069708

>Essentially they are
Kill yourself.

>> No.5069715

This and anything by Inio Asano

>> No.5069719

>Pictures with word balloons
Debate that, bitch.

>Slave to managa format

>> No.5069722

So what, we're just supposed to adhere to the rules of some silly website? I WILL NOT BE CONTAINED! Do you follow your countries laws too? Jesus, live a little.

I don't come to 4chan often, and I don't go ANYWHERE but /lit/. I'm curious what the people of /lit/ think about manga, not some other board that's full of people I don't like or respect.

>> No.5069733


I like you. People here and their petty egos are why the board is boring 90% of the time. It's as if they have to be serious lest someone on the internet judges them.

>> No.5069736
File: 32 KB, 600x269, sedmikrasky-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay okay.

I like Miyazaki films and have some Nausicaa. Also Otomo's Domu.

>> No.5069744
File: 308 KB, 728x1051, ahh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /lit/ think of Hideo Yamamoto's works (Ichi the Killer, Homunculus)?

>> No.5069747

You may like Princess Mononoke

I loved nausicca though, Anno animated the gods

>> No.5069750

I like hentai because I get a perverse thrill out of having normal people think I'm a such a nice polite person and then going home and beating my shit to the lowest of oriental filth.

It reminds me of my freedom to construct a social persona and also lets me feel badass and dangerous without doing drugs or knife fights.

I am giving old people the idea that Western Civ is all okay when in reality it's rotting from the inside and it's all their fault.

This cruel ruse is the least the boomers deserve for their transgressions.

It's my favourite way of being "edgy". Some people are content to spit in people's food, but I'm taking a big dump right on their hopes for their future.

The best part is; I'm convinced that I'm superior for shunning 3D piggu for grorious 2D. It is only the base creature who can cultivate a lust only for what is deemed appropriate by his peers. His sexual identity is formed out of fear of disturbing the status quo.
Mine is a tragic paramour which will never be consummated, and it has aroused in me contemplation of the meaning of love and lust itself.

>> No.5069751
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Grow up

>> No.5069752


>> No.5069753
File: 495 KB, 500x281, Mononoke-spit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I love that one.

>> No.5069754

>not liking manga
Grow up

>> No.5069755

"Manga" is literally just the Japanese word for "comics", they are the same thing. That doesn't mean their quality is related to that of Western comics though.

This is coming from a huge weeaboo and manga fan by the way.

>> No.5069761

> tripfag that likes manga on a literature board

>> No.5069766

Yes. But we aren't in Japan. So when referring to "manga" we're talking specifically about Japanese comics and their specific style and structure. Yes manga are comics and anime are cartoons. But also, they are a certain kind of comic and cartoon and we (people outside of Japan) use those words to differentiate them so that we may discuss them without Batman getting thrown into the mix.

It's not rocket science.

>> No.5069767
File: 228 KB, 750x1119, Uzumaki v01 c004 108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who junji ito here

>> No.5069771

None of that means manga isn't comics though or that they're different things or whatever.

Calling them "Japanese comics" or even just "comics" is also 100% accurate.

>> No.5069779

Who trendy gimmicky hack writer that makes up his stories as he goes here?

>> No.5069780

Most of it is dreck. Domu for one is like series of blocking shots for a film. (It's like a prequel to Akira) You can find quality in any media, just as you can find a lot of crap.

>> No.5069784

>supplies nothing but dreck on /lit/
>calls manga mostly dreck

I don't even like manga, but this is silly. It's like being called ugly by Steve Buscemi.

>> No.5069785
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What? Why are you spouting buzzwords?

>> No.5069787
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I came in here to recommend the same thing. Good taste, anon.

>> No.5069790
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in my childhood i read a lot (25 meters) of all type of mangos
the best (without pure shonen) are: Monster, video girl ai, berserk, rough, arms, the walking man.

>> No.5069793

>in my childhood
what about now?

>> No.5069798

Ummm. Yeah...exactly

>> No.5069802

Sorry I didn't see that those two posts were responding to a post directing them to /co/, I apologize. I thought they were trying to claim there was some distinction between comics and manga.

/a/ is the appropriate board for manga though, for future reference to everybody in this thread.

>> No.5069825

But /a/ is full of people who generally love this shit, in general. I want something that will apply to me and my interests as a non-pedo-otaku-foreveralone, who's taste will not be satisfied by 12 year old girls in swimsuits battling mystical demons for the fate of their middle school.

So I came here.

>> No.5069831
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1. protagonists are too young for me
2. the quantity of new shitty mangos (that comes out every year) has saturated me
2.5. it's all the same shit, japanese lore is exausted
3. the old western literature is a sea incomparably more deep, fishy and interesting

now I only follow old never-ending mangas like berserk-vagabond... and 1-2 new talented authors

>> No.5069836

Anyway, has anyone read Vagabond? Last time I was at my local book store buying actual books, I saw a couple volumes behind the counter on the "Adults Only, ID required" shelf. I flipped through it and thought it looked cool, but it's LONG as fuck and seems like a big investment in both time (I'm busy) and money (I'm poor).

Is it worth a read?

>> No.5069840

I just asked about Vagabond below.

So that's a yes? Quality stuff?

>> No.5069842

Try another website, idk what to tell you. I love manga too but /lit/ isn't the place to discuss it.

>> No.5069848

You could just let it go and let the thread run its course so that it can disappear.

Bumping it to complain certainly isn't helping.

>> No.5069851

I wasn't originally complaining, I just politely mentioned that /a/ was the proper board for this.

Either way it's not going to disappear anytime soon whether I bump it or not, /lit/ is slow as fuck.

>> No.5069855

Hey Top Fucking Casual, stick to your capeshit or French Comics if you can't handle the freedom of Manga and want it to turn down for your fucking delicate Western sensibilities.

>> No.5069858

read "musashi" by Yoshikawa Eiji if you're interested by the history, vagabond is just a loooong Inoue onanism

>> No.5069868

Oh ok.
I wasn't trying to be rude, but I am sometimes.

Anyway. The amount of literature discussion on /lit/ is pretty nil anyhow. Lots of shitposting about plebs and patricians, lots of dumb what if questions that belong on AskReddit or Facebook of some shit. So I figured this thread wouldn't hurt anything and I might get some good recs.

And I was right. I got a decent sized list of shit for next time I hit the library and/or bookstore.

Always open to more though, no telling what they'll actually have.

>> No.5069870

I've seen this thread a lot and it's always the same ten or fifteen manga being discussed/recommended, the truth is that there are people on /a/ with much better taste than /lit/ who can give much more interesting recommendations.

>> No.5069873

Yes, I am pretty casual. But anime/manga can go far beyond the harem/Waifu/whatever bullshit that's killing the fucking industry right now.

That shit has it's place, as do actual stories, with real characters and human emotions.

I'm proudly a casual. It's significantly better than having dinner with a 2D character on a TV, and fucking a body pillow.

>> No.5069874

The quality is only in the drawing. The best inoue work remains slam dunk

>> No.5069877

I haven't seen the thread. But this is the first and last one I'll make.

Pinky swear.

>> No.5069883


grow up

>> No.5069886


This >>5069870
the truth is that mangas are a recent product of a small archipelago.
You can't hope to find there more than 20 quality productions. this is one of the reasons why I started reading books

>> No.5069896

>Fucking your waifu

Jesus what a barbarian

>> No.5069899

>the truth is that mangas are a recent product of a small archipelago.

Manga has existed for over a century, hardly a "recent product".

>You can't hope to find there more than 20 quality productions. this is one of the reasons why I started reading books

You can probably find 20 quality productions just from Osamu Tezuka alone, and that's not even counting the 60 or so years worth of manga that followed him.

>> No.5069908

I've read only two mangos - Oyasumi Punpun and Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou - and liked them a lot. Can someone recommend something good and similar to these two? I know about Aria and other Asano Inio works.

>> No.5069910

I think he was talking about the industry recently becoming an otaku-Waifu circle jerk. Saying that the industry is so overrun with that shit that nowadays there is less quality stuff being published.

Not that manga is recent or that it doesn't have a long, varied, history full of quality works.

>> No.5069911

kill urself fag

>> No.5069913

That's not a recent development and if anything more quality work is being produced now than ever.

You just haven't been paying attention. Not even all the stuff you discredit as just "waifu shit" or whatever is all bad.

>> No.5069914

Waifu culture has always fascinated me.
That's frowned upon?
These are platonic relationships?

>> No.5069917
File: 259 KB, 827x1200, Paranoia Star c02 - 042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you might like the works of suehiro maruo

>> No.5069919

Well that's kind of why I made the thread.

So you could just rec some quality works instead of being a contrarian elitist to boost your Internet-ego.

>> No.5069920
File: 330 KB, 1190x672, 1403224513781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having a waifu

what are you even doing with your life?

>> No.5069923


Here we go.

>> No.5069925


>> No.5069926

You can literally just google "/a/ recommended manga" and get dozens of charts listing hundreds of really good manga for you to read.

>> No.5069932

Anime is a completely different story since anime costs more to make and thus they have to appeal to the largest audience possible just to break even. Even then it's not really as bad as people say it is, Miyazaki is just old.

You can find a manga for any niche imaginable though, saying it's all just moeshit is pure ignorance and unwillingness to spend 30 seconds doing a google search.

>> No.5069934

Living it in the real world.
I don't frown upon other's lifestyle choices though.
Enjoy your Waifu! I hope you have a long, happy, fulfilling, relationship.

Not for me though. I don't like to project onto inanimate objects or obsess over fictional characters. I'd imagine it makes real world interactions more difficult.

>> No.5069939
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>> No.5069948

are you joking? did you seriously expect to get results from that search? do you not know how google works?

do what I told you to do here >>5069926

>> No.5069951

What was the name of that manga with the teenage prostitute that becomes a drug addict? Damn, that was sad.

>> No.5069952

I have a waifu and I also have a real world gf and she has a waifu too.

Catch up anon.

>> No.5069961

You can have both you know.

>> No.5069970

Claiming that all manga and anime is moeshit is about as fucking stupid as claiming that all books are like Twilight.

Please fuck off. There is shit in every medium.

>> No.5069978

You read manga
Calling the kettle black

>> No.5069982

I'm sorry I can't be as patrician as you.

>> No.5069985
File: 1.78 MB, 3000x1200, 2895_-_giorno_giovanna_gyro_zeppeli_higashikata_josuke_jojo's_bizarre_adventure_jonathon_joestar_jonny_joestar_joseph_joestar_kujo_jolyne_will_zeppeli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not even trying, anon. Come on now.

>> No.5069986

That's why I'm asking for manga that isn't you shitlord.

>> No.5069993

Anyway, OP is satisfied with the results of this thread and heading to the library. Thanks a lot for the recommendations /lit/. Y'all are the best.

Y'all have fun debating eachother about literally nothing.

>> No.5069999

Thise first two paragraphs eould make a perfecr banner.
The rest would be damn fine pasta.
Not to stroke this raging faggots ego.

>> No.5070006

>Point me in the direction of good manga.

-Madoka Magica
-Sora No Otoshimono
-Tamako market
-Kill Me Baby
-Cardcaptor Sakura
-Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne
- chaika the coffin princess
-Eve no Jikan
-kantai collection
-Tai Arusu
-Love Live! school idol project
-bokura wa minna kawaisou
-sakura trick
-Koreha Zombie Desuka
-Setokai Yaundimono 2nd season
-Dragon Ball
-Lucky Star
-Haruhi Suzumiya
-Ojamajo Doremi
-Gatchaman Crowds
-Ichigo Mashimaro
-captain earth
-Golden Time
-Hanasaku Iroha
-Maji De Watashi Ni Koi Shinsai!!
-Selector Infected WIXOSS
-Fate Stay/Night.
-Cromartie High School

Take it easy.

>> No.5070008

>Manga has existed for over a century, hardly a "recent product".

come on, they became a thing only after ww2. Also, the fact that they are exclusively Japanese products (such are not for example the movies), has affected the influences in the stories.

>You can probably find 20 quality productions just from Osamu Tezuka alone, and that's not even counting the 60 or so years worth of manga that followed him.

I've read practically all the mangos written until the 2008, I don't want to sound arrogant, but I know whereof I speak. There are a lot of good magos, but not all of them can stand near Good book.

>> No.5070012

too late

>> No.5070020

>he doesn't know about the forms
Typical fiction-only plebs not having read Plato.

>> No.5070024

manga =! anime

>> No.5070029

Almost all of those are magos too

>> No.5070034

Any of y'all into Year 24 shit? I really loved Banana Bread Pudding, and Riyoko Ikeda's work is pretty dope.

>> No.5070039

Reality-only pleb, actually.
I can't imagine how my life would be improved by having a Waifu.
Feel free to enlighten me though.
I'm always willing to listen.

>> No.5070045

>not =/=

Back to China with you.

>> No.5070069

I recently watched -- for the first time, mind you -- the Evangelion series. Which is not too long really, and would definitely recommend a watch, although at the start it can be somewhat slow. Really, what caught my attention was more towards the end, with concepts of "human instrumentality", in which everyone's individuality is removed and we all become one. As well, it shows a character's descent into madness on a level that isn't really accessible by literature. The visual (and audible, to an extent) representation was something that will stick with me for a long time.

>> No.5070086

All books are books.
All crime books are books.

>> No.5070095


Evangelion is great, have you watched End of Evangelion yet? When you're done with the series, you have to watch it.

>> No.5070097

Exactly. But you'd still say "crime books" if that's what you're referring to. And I'll still say manga when that is what I'm referring to.

>> No.5070104

I heard the movies were closer to action, and a re-writing of the ending of the show. But sure, I'll give it a shot.

>> No.5070111

EoE is great, the rebuilds...not so much.

>> No.5070174

Almost != all

>> No.5070315
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>> No.5070368


>> No.5070382

this thread is against the rules. this board is for the discussion of literature. there is a board for manga at /a/

saged reported and hidden

>> No.5070411
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i'm surprised /lit/ doesn't like Read or Die. I think it perfectly captured the way it means to have a love of books.

And yes Yomiko is my waifu.

>> No.5070426

>I think it perfectly captured the way it means to have a love of books.

Ah yes, flying around Japan shooting magic book pages at evil supervillain clones of historical people is the embodiment of loving books for sure.

>> No.5070437


I meant the way how characters felt about books themselves also not one mention of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. For shame but I will forgive you all since this is /lit/ and not /a/ I think a lot of anons here would love that one since it's quite literary in some parts and references stuff like Kafka and Sartre quite a lot it's also where I discovered Osamu Dazai.

>> No.5070446

dragon ball?

>> No.5070452

This board is for like-minded individuals, i.e. those who appreciate literature, to gather and discuss whatever they want. Shutup.

>> No.5070457
File: 44 KB, 545x237, alpha15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Kabu no Isaki
Soredemo machi ma watte iru
The Voynich Hotel

>> No.5070475

No it's really not, read the rules.

>> No.5070486

/lit/ ruled: no shitposting
this is not shitposting

>> No.5070512

If it doesn't relate to literature it is.

>/lit/ - Literature
>All literature discussion is welcome, however fan-fic is not allowed.

Manga is not literature. There is literally a "Manga" board, that's where this is supposed to be posted.

You'll see when this thread gets deleted.

>> No.5070525

>You'll see when this thread gets deleted.
>thread has been up for four hours
any time now

>> No.5070552
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go ask /a/

But seriously, ARIA

>> No.5070557
File: 1.93 MB, 888x2234, lit is the most intelligent board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/'s a really slow board and the mods are never on, pic related

there are threads like this all the time though and they always get deleted and the OP gets banned for a day or two

>> No.5070559
File: 297 KB, 800x1142, Otoyomegatari v01 c01 - 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sort of quit reading manga.

I used to read manga a bunch, but eventually I pick up on its formula and then drop it. Too many titles drag on for hundreds and hundreds of chapters, endlessly repeating itself-- which is good for profit margins, but never a good way to tell a story. Manga is also incredibly reliant on cliches too. If I had a nickle for every time a story started with someone waking up with a girl in his bed... It's gotten to a point where if I try to pick up a new manga I'm not reading it so much as I'm scratching off a check list of cliches in my mind or spotting the formula that the author is going to run into the ground.

Shokugeki no Soma-- good art, sounds like an interesting concept, fun characters albiet cliched-- oh wait, found the formula, now every chapter is repeating itself, dropped.

Gantz -- good art, very strange story, compelling mystery-- oh wait, found the formula, fighting a monster for 600 pages-- for the third time in a row, might as well skip it, dropped.

Negima -- I liked Love Hina, seems like fun -- formula found, currently on its 500th fight sequence chapter, dropped.

Medaka Box -- good art, cliched characters but whatever, not that bad a deterrent, it's a fun read-- formula found, currently slogging its way through its 300th fight scene, dropped.

I need to catch up on Otoyomegatari, though.

>> No.5070565


Do I read the manga first or watch the anime? I know the anime is unfinished I think but the manga is done so maybe i'll start with that.

I think /lit/ would like Ciguatera, it's about these two kids who develop a friendship through a shared love of motorcycles but the main character thinks he is some sort of poison to other people as he gets drawn into more and more twisted things like encounters with the Yakuza and meeting strange people through the net.

>> No.5070571

Lone Wolf and Cub
A Bride's Story
Osamu Tezuka's Phoenix

>> No.5070576

Do you like Kaminomi?

>> No.5070586


It makes no real difference.

The manga has some content the anime left out, the anime has that glorious OST to go with it.

>> No.5070598

The title is familiar. I think I may have skimmed the first few chapters a couple years ago but it didn't grab my attention. Like I said, I sort of quit reading manga.

>> No.5070599


It sounds like you tend to gravitate toward the more cliched titles in the first place.

I can say that your 'formula + cliche' application to everything gives more a reflection of you wanting to pidgeonhole everything you read in a justification for smearing it.

There are plenty of manga which don't go on needlessly, which whilst may have a 'formula' doesn't make them any less enjoyable, and some which do not make liberal use of cliches.

Honestly, you need to read more stuff before giving such shallow analysis for your own dislike of it.

>> No.5070603


It finished recently, some stuff in the ending let me down but some others made up for it. TWGOK is a really fun series, especially when it gets to the Goddesses chapters.


I will get to it then once i'm done with Rose of Versailles.

>> No.5070608

I love Akira. Its one of my favorite stories.

>> No.5070628

I love aria, but i would say it has 'literary merit'

Although i guess that is a fruitless search for OP because no manga i've read has really had any literary merit

>> No.5070635

You reading the Manga or watching the Anime of Rose of Versailles?

Would you recommend?

>> No.5070650


Anime and yes if you like historical fiction.

>> No.5070654

I used to pick up any story that had good art or an interesting premise. So I think it's not that I gravitate towards cliched titles, so much as most titles just so happen to be cliched.

>a reflection of you wanting to pidgeonhole
You say this as if I actively seek out bad manga, which I don't. Not all manga titles are bad. Like I said, I enjoy Otoyomegatari. I've read bits and pieces of Pun-Pun and some of Kono S o, Mi yo! and enjoyed it. There are good manga out there, but it's not my preferred medium of entertainment anymore.

I don't need to read more manga. I've read plenty. But I've made an effort to focus more on proper literature and thematically speaking it's a lot more rewarding than the escapism and wish-fulfillment that predominates manga.

>> No.5070674

Currently reading Tezuka's Buddha and it's great.

>> No.5070698

I read manga then watched the anime though

Based OST is fucking based 40% of my ipod songs are from ARIA


>> No.5070724
File: 86 KB, 602x533, 1325181190987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe nobody's mentioned Boys on the Run

By Kengo Hanazawa

>> No.5071412


Back to Tumblr you go!

>> No.5071431

Le autistic tripcunt face dot jay peg lol xD

>> No.5071433

Literally never been!
So eat shit.

>> No.5071437

holy shit, you're like the worst kind of person. you're not even a snitch. you're a fucking tattle tale.

>> No.5071487

Literally every board has that one faggot like you that always complains about board content in the thread instead of just reporting, hiding, and ignoring it.

Grow the fuck up you autistic toddler, we're having a discussion and if you don't like it fuck off.

>> No.5071500

>Grow the fuck up
>you autistic toddler
>Grow the fuck up
>you austicic toddler

>> No.5071538

I love manga but I only talk about it on its proper board. I come here to talk about books.

/lit/ is not the place to have regular manga threads. You people post here saying you like talking to "literary" people or whatever but then you just drive out everyone who actually reads books since they see that nobody here is talking about books.

These threads are like a shitty version of /a/ where the people who get their feelings hurt when /a/ won't spoonfeed them recommendations gather.

It's not like you even discuss the manga itself you just namedrop the same fucking ten titles everyone in the world who likes manga has already read. Oyasumi Punpun, Akira, Homunculus, Monster, etc.

I just don't even understand the point of these threads.

>> No.5071560

I don't understand the point of philosophy threads
I don't understand the point of /pol/ threads
I don't understand the point of anti-Laruie Penny threads
I don't understand the point of alcoholic threads because your dog died
I don't understand the point of whether or not Socrates actually existed
I don't understand the point of the best film of all time threads
I don't understand the point of threads about how they alienate people with their autism

>> No.5071567

Philosophy, Laurie Penny, Socrates, and in some cases political discussion is all on topic on /lit/. You're free to discuss any of those things here since they're related to literature and this is a literature board.

The rest I agree have no more place here than this thread, but that doesn't validate this thread's existence.

>> No.5071572

If I could just fit an word in between you two bickerers:

I report all those threads.

/lit/ is not /pol/
/lit/ is not /tv/
/lit/ is not /r9k/
/lit/ is not /a/

>> No.5071598

>Laurie Penny
>no books
>on topic

>> No.5071607

Journalism is a form of literature you retard.

>> No.5071623

Laurie Penny has published four books though??

>> No.5071629

the most annoying thing on that is philosophy threads

>> No.5071641

He's cool. I've only seen people dump his work on 4chan though. Where would be the best place to buy maybe a compilation of his stories?

>> No.5071648
File: 902 KB, 1024x768, vice_kago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shintaro Kago???????????

>> No.5071664

Read Uzumaki first, it has an official English translation and is his longest, best, and most popular work.

idk where you can buy it

>> No.5071718

>Not !=

>> No.5072267
File: 352 KB, 900x1313, 7Seeds_Official_Fanbook_040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seventies shoujo is pretty amazing, I wish more would be translated. Orpheus no Mado especially or some Ooya Chiki and Ryoko Yamagishi books.

I haven't caught up with 7Seeds in a while but I remember it being one of my favorite manga series when it had a couple groups translating it. A lot of people would probably be put off by the art but it has a lot of character development and an interesting setting. I could relate to a few of the characters in it.

The Walking Man by Jiro Taniguchi, his stuff is kind of like Asano's but more for an adult audience. It's more reminiscent/nostalgic.

>> No.5072295

>There are plenty of manga which don't go on needlessly

Please cite some examples.

>inb4 some obscure manga no one's ever heard about