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/lit/ - Literature

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5062849 No.5062849 [Reply] [Original]

Recent purchases

>> No.5062853

Good luck with that.

>> No.5062858
File: 15 KB, 400x300, (J) 350 Crackers LADYFINGER String (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking photos of your books roxors the hizz-ous!

Sure beats reading them.

>> No.5062862

Please kill yourself.

>> No.5062887

I could only buy the set, and it was pretty cheap so it was worth it

>> No.5062890

Why. . .

>> No.5062896

How much did it cost?

>> No.5062900


>> No.5062936

Wut? Where'd you get it? Are there any additional sets available for $60?

>> No.5062940

From my local friends of the library

I doubt you can find one for that cheap

>> No.5062956

as long as you read most of it, good deal

>> No.5062959
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>> No.5062973
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>> No.5062976

The Harvard Classics really are an excellent set of books and coming across a full set is quite a nice find. A set in good condition usually goes for a hundred or two. Most of the people talking shit really are just jealous.

Then again, no one likes to see a tripfag making a thread just to boast. Kill yourself.

>> No.5062987
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>owning two of the same version of the same book
>worshiping the woman who preached self-worship

>> No.5062991

>dat foot spacing
are you a gurl OP?

>> No.5062998

60 bucks? You fucking bastard I'm jelly.

>> No.5063022

Remember when Ayn Rand was bannable?? Pepperidge farm remembers.

>> No.5063087
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I was in Paris a couple weeks ago and I was reading through Hemingway's "A Moveable Feast", following along and visiting some of the sights he described while he lived there.
One place he descibed in detail was the bookstore Shakespeare and Company. He and other authors such as James Joyce and Scott Fitzgerald would go there to borrow or purchase books, or to write.
So I went to visit it, and it was incredible. There were pictures of famous authors everywhere, and every nook and cranny of the place was filled with books to purchase or borrow. There was a little space upstairs with a public typewriter where people from all over the world had written notes and posted them on the wall. There was one room with some desks and a couple cots where even today writers will come to work, and if they end up writing late into the night, they just sleep there and pick up again in the morning.
It was really inspiring. Anyways I bought a copy of Fitzgerald's "Tender is the Night," which I hadn't read before.
Pic related.

>> No.5063337

You realize unless you a decent amount of those books it will not have been worth it unless you merely wanted somthing smart looking to sit on your bookshelf.


>> No.5063365

The Five-Foot Shelf was really meant more as a reference library for long term reading over a long period of time rather than a series of books for you to charge through. There's a reading guide that goes over the approach made when selecting the books. The goal was to have a every kind of book needed for a classical liberal education there if you need them.

"False economy" doesn't really apply here since the books aren't causing an additional cost after their initial purchase.

>> No.5063618


Even if you get them for $250 including shipping it comes to $5 per book, not a bad deal at all. I find that sets of books look really tacky so I don't want them though.

>> No.5063636

Since I'm a hoarder of books, I guess I'll have to open a book shop someday. All you fags better come visit and steal my inventory.

>> No.5063644

>you a decent amount
>reference library for long term reading over a long period of time

>> No.5063654

I-I will anon.

>tfw compulsive thief and stole 50+ books from my school libraries

>> No.5063666

You shall be my best customer, and your photo will proudly be displayed on the wall. The only stipulation is you stop for a chat and a cup of coffee every once in a while.

>> No.5063670


Sure and then ill take a shit if thats okay?

>> No.5063680

The toilet will be in the back near the travel and foreign language sections. You'll have to jiggle the handle to flush, and the toilet paper will be cheap and scratchy. There will be a copy of Donne's collected poetry for your reading pleasure.

>> No.5063682

she is a tripfag so of course she is a gurl

>> No.5063691

I'm a cute boy actually

>> No.5063692

Not only that, but only a woman would buy one of these sets. They don't hold up well, so considering their age they'll fall apart as they are read.
Assuming they'll be read at all.

>> No.5063707


Thanks and we will have a room for getting raped right.

>> No.5063711

No. ;_; I want to run a respectable establishment that all readers and writers will enjoy.

>> No.5063722

No you're not.

>> No.5063741

how the hell did you steal from libraries

>> No.5063753
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>replying to obivous b8

>> No.5063759

>implying a librarian is willing to chase you down when the security scanner goes off
It's easy.

>> No.5063773


What if all the readers and writers enjoy being raped? Why don't you think about what other people want for a change eh!?

>> No.5063804


>> No.5063817

No shit it's not that anon's bookshelf, guy.
But somewhere
Actually owns that.

>> No.5063838

#32 was really a rather good read, I would recommend it to everyone.

>> No.5063843

it's pretty obviously the ayn rand section of a used bookstore

>> No.5063904

Love you, boo

>> No.5063912

This guy is literally sitting on /lit/ all day long, waiting to leap at anyone who dares post a personal image to bleat "LOL DON'T EVEN READ!".

The irony of him sitting on /lit/ 17 hours each day is of course totally lost on him, as he downloads the ouvre of another philosopher who's wikipedia he will get around to eventually.

>> No.5063914

best comment i read all day, so good i will reread it for the next 17 ours

>> No.5064317

>Adidas sambros
>le poor trole faec

>> No.5064690

projecting much

>> No.5064970

Hey man, at least you'll take care of those books, while some other cunt might misuse the book or take it, shelf it somewhere or even worse damage it and not even read it.

It's good stuff, you're protecting those books.

>> No.5065238
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Got these yesterday. I am halfway through The Crying of Lot 49, and I love it.

Then V and then Gravity's Rainbow. I read the first page of Gravity's Rainbow and it was amazing. I can't wait. I can't recommend this version of V. as the print quality is not very good. The Vintage Gravity's Rainbow has great print and paper.

>> No.5065415

well you tried your hand at comedy, maybe try something else from now

>> No.5065420

you bought these online?

>> No.5065454


>> No.5065475


Like rape.

>> No.5065514

>Gravity's Rainbow didn't any science fiction awards because it was published at the same time as Rendezvous with Rama
Bad luck Tom.

>> No.5065518

cool story bro, i might visit paris this summer and i'll try to check that place out

>> No.5065523

I read that edition of V and I enjoyed it.

Gravity's Rainbow is the greatest book, that shit changed my life.

>> No.5065525

>Gravity's Rainbow
>Science Fiction


>> No.5065529

It did get shortlisted for the Nebula Award. I should read it since /lit/ loves it so much.

>> No.5065531

Yeah from Amazon.

Can anyone recommend any good online bookstores in the EU? Amazon does not always have the editions I want. I am skeptical of bookdepository.com, as they have a rather mixed trustpilot score.

>> No.5065542

Well yeah, parts of it definitely are. Imipolex G and stuff. It's a very interesting take on the genre though since it's so heavily grounded in real science, someone once called a non-specualtive sci-fi novel.

>> No.5066017

is bookdepository any good?

Where do you buy your books from? Has to be european btw.

>> No.5066268

sure, if you are still refreshing this thread. Go to abebooks, wordsworth and dover.

>> No.5066363

Bookdepo is aight, delivers almost always in a week (give or take a day or two) to Finland. The books have sometimes taken a hit or two but nothing serious, haven't had ripped pages or anything yet. They send lighter/smaller books in letters with only some bubblewrap around them so they might get bent in the mail (happened to my Logical Investigations Vol. 1, trying to put weights on it to straighten it atm) so if you absolutely want your books to be in 100% perfect mint condition on arrival, avoid. 8/10

>> No.5066418
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>buying sets
>not separately buying each book unabridged, with superior translations

>> No.5066569

Thank you very much.

>> No.5066578

I have a digitalized version of that series with a scan quality so poor it's almost unreadable. Make a nice one for us will you OP.

>> No.5066591


>> No.5066595

Have you seen the film Midnight In Paris?