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/lit/ - Literature

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5058171 No.5058171[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm organizing my book collection. One of my books is titled "A Treasury of Classic Poetry". Should I put it with the A's, or should I Put it with the T's (Treasury of Classic Poetry, A)?

Also, library/collection general thread.

>> No.5058186

Shove it up your fucking ass

>> No.5058190

Under A for anthology. Dewey 920, I think.

>> No.5058196

Dewey 800, sorry.

>> No.5058198

Won't fit :^(
Thanks, I'm not going by dewey decimal system though, just alphabetical (by title). The reason for this is that so far I only have ~50 books (the good hardback ones I want to display, I mean), so it wouldn't make sense yet to categorize by that system.

>> No.5058225

Please don't sort by title, sort by author.

>> No.5058229
File: 2.24 MB, 3264x2448, Photo Jun 25, 3 09 13 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's part of the shelf, by the way.
>inb4 pleb
Most of my books are paperback, and I only want hardbacks on my shelf.

>> No.5058233

Why's that?

>> No.5058243

After working in libraries part time for many years (through school and uni), your shelves annoy me tbh.
Please do it by author.

>> No.5058250

It's just what you do - sort by author.

>> No.5058262

organise by size and colour

>> No.5058285

I'm just worried because the only books I have by multiple authors are the ones by Stephen King, and I'm afraid that if I do it by author it won't look organized at all.

>> No.5058304

Also, if I did do by author, where should I put the books that are collections (of short stories or poems)?

>> No.5058312
File: 282 KB, 1000x750, DOES THIS BOTHER YOURE OCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my books aren't sorted in any way
can't be bothered to take a picture of the whole lot, but you get the idea

>> No.5058318

A for Anthology, like I said.

And it shouldn't look too bad sorted by author. You don't have a huge shelf, so it wouldn't be too hard to rearrange. Just try it and see how it looks.

>> No.5058328

Organization by chronology is most satisfying to look at.

>> No.5058329

I might do that once my new book I'm ordering get in. Thanks for the advice.

One day though I hope to own an actual home, and then I'll just have a huge room lined with bookshelves.

>> No.5058332
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>not organising by colour

>> No.5058336

That's actually a pretty cool idea, especially since I have a lot of historical books, and a lot of Greek literature.

>> No.5058345


top kek

>> No.5058350

not only that, but used ones purchased from charity shops, some with the spines already totally fucked
does this bother you?

>> No.5058357

>taking pictures of your bookshelves

This is why I hate /lit/

>> No.5058361

why do you hate people taking pictures of their bookshelves?

>> No.5058375

Substanceless peacocking about how erudite you are

>> No.5058382

does it necessarily have to be that? is that the only reason to take a picture of your bookshelf?

>> No.5058418


>> No.5058489

I keep hoping bookshelf thread will catch on here, bc Im really intrigued how people organize and display their books. But there are way to many people with this kind of mentallity

>> No.5058758
File: 1.84 MB, 3264x2448, 20140625_181752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/4, random stuff: art, arhitecture, anthropology/natural history, borrowed books

>> No.5058768
File: 1.62 MB, 3264x2448, 20140625_181843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/4 philisophy, french and random lit

>> No.5058782

3/4 Russian and beat stuff

>> No.5058785
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>> No.5058789

4/4 *teen*

>> No.5058791

This guys got it. I usually place complementary colours next to eachother though, instead of going full rainbow.

>> No.5058794
File: 1.89 MB, 3264x2448, 20140625_181533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking dammit I'm on my phone and keep forgetting to attach the picture

>> No.5058806
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Hey, dipshit, we're anonymous here. No pride involved. Just bookshelves. Sorry your ass hurts.

>> No.5058809
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Nice cuts, but you could really stand to fatten your philosophy shelf. Time to hit the used bookstore.

>> No.5058825

I've got 4 folders packed as full as possible of philosophy as well, mostly readings and notes from college classes I've taken/printing out more than the required readings and such
But you are right nonetheless

>> No.5060126
File: 324 KB, 960x720, IMG_0179[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i keep random shit on my bookshelf
>i am the worst kind of person

>> No.5060171

>no dustjackets

>> No.5060180

Can you a recommend a good architecture book?

>> No.5060319

What are you interested in? That History of Architecture that I have is pretty good. Or do you want just some good architects to check out? I was an architecture major for 2 years, haha, I know design theory and stuff but not so much literature on architecture mainly just individual architects and firms and their works

>> No.5060398
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>> No.5060420

inb4 newfriends get baited by this plebbit material

>> No.5060424

I see nothing wrong with it.

>> No.5060439

I like my collection. I don't feel the need to add high brow shit to impress friends and family. Not that I don't read it, but it's not stuff that I need to own physical copies of.

>> No.5060465

So what you're saying is you purchased overpriced tacky garbage to impress your friends and family instead?

My original response is because about two months ago there was a thread where everyone posted shitty bookshelves from a reddit thread and we made fun of them and I thought yours was one of those but it appears not to be. The Barnes and Noble collections you have are universally known to be shit. I cannot believe you bought the trashiest, most popular books for the sake of display and are now going to make a sarcastic comment about impressing people when you can buy used books for like two bucks.

>> No.5060472

Stop being an elitist cunt, mate.
/lit/ is not only for autists.

>> No.5060496

Not a single book on that shelf that I paid more than 20 bucks for, newfriend.

>> No.5060501

Your shelves are so deep; there's so much wasted space.

>> No.5060504

Also, The Barnes and Noble collections are a great value. They retail for the same price as a generic hardcover, though I got all 8 of them for $50. Now cry more

>> No.5060512

Get a load of this fedora core cunt.

>> No.5060515

I pre ordered their Odyssey and Iliad. Should I cancel it?

>> No.5060518

Pre ordered? It's already out. Also, it's a great edition.

>> No.5060523

I know it's out, but I ordered it before it was out. Fucker still hasn't arrived

>> No.5060526
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Here's my collection

>> No.5060527

hardcovers a shit

>> No.5060529

Shit. fucker's upside down

>> No.5060537

No. Paperbacks are disgusting.

>> No.5060542

They are better for actual reading, not just looking pretty.

>> No.5060543

Bound books are disgusting.

Scroll masterrace reporting.

>> No.5060553

Fucking peasant. Stone tablets are more durable, and weaponizable as well

>> No.5060563

>not visiting the village wisewoman to be told your peoples oral history
Full pleb

>> No.5060565

Find a better hardcover edition of H.P. Lovecraft: The complete fiction for less than $18

Find a better hardcover edition of The Complete Sherlock Holmes for less than $18

Find a better hardcover edition of The Complete Hitchhikers Guide for less than $18

Find a better hardcovers of The Martian Chronicles, Illustrated Man and Golden Apples of the Sun for less that $18

Find better hardcover editions of American Gods and Anansi Boys for less than $18

Find a better hardcover edition of Frankenstein, Twenty Thousand Leagues and The Picture of Dorian Grey for less than $10

$10 - $18 is what those B&N editions sell for. If looking for hardcovers of said books you would have to be an idiot to not go with them

>> No.5061724

Yeah and since there's no back to the shelf, I push the books the extra inch or two back so that theyre touching the wall, which makes more space. it lets me stack some books in that space, but put too many there and I'm blocking access to the rest of my books. I wish i had gotten the shelf double that size (it's an ikea expedit), as that one is already completely full and I just bought it a couple months ago.

>> No.5061765

Pretty much this. The way some of you dipshits complain about these editions you would think they are selling them for $80 a piece. They are the same price as almost any normal hardcover and almost all of them contain multiple novels. They are very well made too.

>> No.5062204

>owning anthologies, collections, or selected stories

>> No.5062222
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>Not owning anthologies, collections, or selected stories


>> No.5062256

Thrift shops

B&N leather bound classes look like shit. They are tacky as fuck. Give me a penguin classic first

>> No.5062263

I don't care about the price, they look like something a person with no taste would buy

>> No.5062283

What I do is divide them up into 3 sections: Fiction, Poetry/Theatre, and Nonfiction

Then I organize by author.

I thought about organizing the poetry by date to see how poetry evolved throughout time and see how the different styles influenced each other, but I don't have a large enough poetry collection for that yet.

>> No.5062284

Look at that


And it doesn't look like the book equivalent of dub rims, either

>> No.5062301

Some of them

>> No.5062314

lol. 12 dollars for beat to shit books. No thanks, I'll pay $6 more and have it all in one brand new edition

>> No.5062325

Some of them are pretty gaudy. It also looks like the shiny parts would ship off pretty easily.

I've also heard about them being riddled with typos, but I haven't experienced it first hand so it could be completely baseless.

>> No.5062336
File: 30 KB, 260x353, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This particular one is a bad offender; notice that it wears it's thematic elements in its colors (blackness and red, so dark and bloody), and the font and letters are in various sizes and orientations, which means the author is wAcKy and CrAzY!!1! And large amounts of goldleaf for added tack

FYI, these thematic elements are consistent in movie poster and video game art, especially the font choice which you can see in anything pertaining to Alice in wonderland, etc, you get the sort of "sOoO wAcKy" shit

>> No.5062339 [DELETED] 

The only one I know of that was filled with typos was the first edition of Lovecraft(the one with gold pages) They re release(with silver pages) is fully corrected.

>> No.5062347

The only one I know of that was filled with typos was the first edition of Lovecraft(the one with gold pages) The re-release(with silver pages) is fully corrected.

And yes, some are way too goddamn gaudy, but that fits for some of the titles.

The American Gods, Alice and Lovecraft ones look great imo.

>> No.5062350

>the font choice which you can see in anything pertaining to Alice in wonderland

Ahh yes, Times New Burton.

>> No.5062357

>ITT: using books for social capital

>> No.5062367

It's not my fault you're tacky

>> No.5062369
File: 184 KB, 670x447, Dorian Grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this one is pretty damn beautiful, and it's only $10

>> No.5062376

You're the one buying old moth ball covered books.

>> No.5062384

I thought it was what's inside the book that counts...

>> No.5062390

It is, but I would rather it not smell as it deteriorates.

>> No.5062392

You're going to ruin your new editions by reading them anyway. Even if you handle them gently, they get worn from reading and being on the shelf.

>> No.5062399

They do, but I'm very picky about condition. Even books I have read multiple times are in extremely good condition. I'm overly gentle with them

>> No.5062405

Well, when you're old and you books wind up at a thrift store because your kids don't read, then you'll make some used book junkie extremely happy.

>> No.5062412

I hope so

>> No.5062415

Don't worry it'll happen. I buy used books, and you can tell when some ancient reader has croaked from the bookshelves at GoodWill.

>> No.5062422

So it is in fact YOU who is the one concerned with how a book looks?

The problem with your argument is that these books do not cost much money, therefore people are not just buying them because they like the look. They are buying them because they are the best bang for their buck as far as physical copies go.

If they were Easton Press prices, your argument may hold some water.

>> No.5062464

This one doesn't look too tacky

>> No.5062470
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forgot to add image

>> No.5062489

Why are you so bitter about being raped by your father when you were a child?

>> No.5062592

Yeah, that one looks really nice. I didn't like the previous blue edition

>> No.5063431
File: 48 KB, 406x600, Dune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>B&N look bad
Is this nigger serious
These things (most of the time) look gorgeous. A few titles are lacking or look tacky sure, but when they get it right it's fucking spectacular, the cover art is actually artwork.
>picture very much related
I will go on record saying I would rather have these than Easton Press editions of the same.
>What's this cover?
>A bunch of gold Xs'!
>And this one?
>A meaningless golden pattern!

>> No.5063439

This isn't very helpful when you're actually trying to find a book. Also, if I ever went into the house/apartment of someone who did this I would assume they just bought books as a decoration and never actually read them.