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File: 39 KB, 475x482, 19thcenturyphilosopher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5061650 No.5061650[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there something that explains what this guy is about? Any explanation or guide I find is literally Lacanianism + Germain Idealism + Marxism.

>> No.5061666

He's a pretty standard Marxist with a Soviet fetish and a platform of criticizing capitalism, who happens to be particularly vocal about popular culture

>> No.5061682
File: 51 KB, 200x300, zizek dict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he wants to rescue german idealism, rest are just tools.
>Žižek sees German Idealism as the pinnacle of modern philosophy, and as a tradition that contemporary philosophy must recapture: "There is a unique philosophical moment in which philosophy appears 'as such' and which serves as a key—as the only key—to reading the entire preceding and following tradition as philosophy... This moment is the moment of German Idealism..."

>> No.5061693

Then why do I see so many other philosophers blowing him? There must be a reason for so many people who are supposed to be critical of things to hold him with so much esteem.

>> No.5061702

Huh, Slavoj would actually be rather handsome if he wasn't set on turning into a hairier version of Jerzy Urban

>> No.5061704
File: 74 KB, 507x390, 12 years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the reason why no one knows what Žižek is all about is that he has no idea either.

>> No.5062456

Because he's bros with Lady Gaga

>> No.5062462

hegelacanian stalinist. he is of little worth

>> No.5062497
File: 20 KB, 305x271, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SŽ: [...] Fascism is simple, conservative reaction going wrong. The true enigma is why Stalinism or communism went wrong.

>BLVR: Any conclusions?

>SŽ: It is very difficult; I am still working on it.

>> No.5062515




You don't get to dismiss philosophers just because someone you know posted one of his lectures on facebook. Read more.

>> No.5062519

>Then why do I see so many other philosophers blowing him?

You mean other Marxists? No shit they are going to prop up anyone that society still finds reason to listen to about communism. He even attempts to redeem the Soviets, so he's fetish-level material for them.

>> No.5062528

better than any anglo-american philosopher
but he realizes badiou is right about everything

>> No.5062533

>Then why do I see so many other philosophers blowing him?
really, 'philosophers'? Are you sure you don't mean English major undergrads?

>> No.5062542

lel no

weird thing with ž is how most people will not respect him except for young'ns and the cool fogies like joan copjec, spivak, and jameson. so you don't know what to think.

>> No.5062543

Are all Zizek haters this thick?

>> No.5062552

That's not an answer.

>> No.5062555

show me where he redeems the soviets?

curious, i've read a good amount of his shit and am yet to run into that

>> No.5062559

>the cool fogies like joan copjec, spivak, and jameson

Their being sympathetic to him means nothing. It's a basic socio-economic necessity for professional leftist intellectuals who have 'made it' that others who have 'made it' in this role must thereby have something meaningful to say. They can disagree with each other but they cannot attack each other's status as an intellectual without also opening their own status up to attack.

>> No.5062563

oh my god he's going further

>> No.5062585

Your presumptions are so comically beyond your understanding of Zizek, marxism and the academia in general

>> No.5062593

I'm doing what now?

>> No.5062600

Even though I imagine a thread like this appears more often, I'll try to do it the decency of a proper response.
I am a student of philosophy and have read a few texts by Zizek but I am nowhere near qualified to make my own analysis or explanation of his work.

Aside from his writings for the Guardian and Al-Jazeera and elsewhere, you could look for his more accessible books. I recently read First as Tragedy, Then as Farce. It lacks most of the Hegelianism and Lacanianism and it's more of a cultural criticism book but it contains most of his good anecdotes and jokes. You should be able to find a DL of it somewhere.

Whatever lectures you can find on YouTube are also okay but you want something that explains him, not just more of his rants, so maybe these texts will help:
This is definitely a good one with links to others: https://lareviewofbooks.org/essay/how-to-read-zizek
These are texts by him that are easier to get into, might also help:

>> No.5062654
File: 178 KB, 900x500, ZHIZHEK SUN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there something that explains what this guy is about?


>> No.5062664

not the same person you fuckhead.

>> No.5062813
File: 91 KB, 618x434, ZizekBed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care how ironic you are, no one sleeps next to a poster of Stalin for nothing.

>> No.5062818

wow zizek is such a faggot

>> No.5062827

great point

>> No.5062833

>grown man
>twin bed
mein gott

>> No.5062837

he does it ironically

>> No.5062841

It's like you guys think that's his real bed where he really sleeps.

>> No.5062843

>not wanting room to let your arms hang loose

>> No.5062855
File: 27 KB, 400x265, zizek_display.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accusing Zizek of setting up a fake room like some capitalist-puppeteered Hollywood model is probably the most vile insult you could direct at him

>> No.5062860

That's a cute fedora, reminds me of one I had when I was five

>> No.5062861

I dabbled in zizek for the past 3 years but only started to really grasp him in the past month. A core aspect of his thought as I see it is centered around postmodern subjectivity, and his critiques point at the lack of consideration for it in politics, particularly in the predominate Leftist thought.

>> No.5062870

>not a single futon in your Lord's house

>> No.5062904

Zizek loves Hollywood, so of course he'd find it fun to parade in its manner.

>> No.5063274

>Not a bare mattress in your mom's basement
>this year

>> No.5063282


>in the year of our lord, anno domini; 1954, four score and twenty years

>not putting your sleeping body in the fridge
