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/lit/ - Literature

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5059826 No.5059826[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I showed one of my shitty poems to a girl from work
>she liked it
>she actually wrote the whole thing down on a notebook and took a picture of it to show me
>"if you ever write a book, I'll want the first copy!"

This is probably the first night where I don't feel like absolute shit in a whole lotta time.

Is this what being a writer feels like?

>> No.5059830

That gave me feels OP. Well done!

>> No.5059834


Part of it.

>> No.5059851

Well, I dig it.

>> No.5059875

It is pretty great when people like your work, yes.

>> No.5059880

Congratulations young thug.

>> No.5059886
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Good for you, OP

Just remember that if you bang her, you will eventually LOSE a fan

>> No.5059900

Nah, I won't. She has a boyfriend. I don't do that.

>> No.5059901

She wants the Dictum

>> No.5059917

I think amateur writers are invariably too hard on themselves. Every great was once an amateur.

To continue the feels I have one:
>be me
>live in poverty (1st world poverty, but still pretty bad)
>undiagnosed mood disorder
>best friend as close as family fingerbangs ex the night we break up
>learn about it the night I go to college to start freshman year
>cue clinical depression. 8 months of misery I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy
>channel feels into a poem
>enter it and 4 others into a contest
>Win $100 and my first ever publication
>still email high school AP lit teacher who inspired me to write
>she has a mother with terminal brain disease
>tells me about her and the fundraiser walk she has
>Donate $100 prize money to cause
>"Without you I never would have written. This money rightfully belongs to you."
>Tell no one except Chinese cartoon image board

Disengage the mental blocks, /lit/. You're probably more talented than you give yourself credit for

>> No.5059925
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>that story

You're a pretty great guy, anon.

And you're absolutely right.

>> No.5059966

>make this thread because I feel genuinely happy about the episode
>expect people to shitpost /tv/ style because 4chan being 4chan
>people understand my satisfaction and make me feel even better

/lit/ is truly the best board

>> No.5059978

Dubs confirms. When /lit/ comes together it's much more genuine than any other board.

>> No.5059985
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>> No.5059989

No problem, gives me hope that I might one day be brave enough to share my poetry with someone else.

>> No.5059993

Aw, /lit/ loves you too, anon.

>> No.5059998

Damn man, that's legitimately inspirational.
I'm finally getting the chutzpah together to throw some short stories at a contest, this is a real heartener.

yay we did it guys we're feeling good

>> No.5060000


Thread music

>> No.5060008

But anon, I'm afraid that I'll never be good enough.

>> No.5060011

reminds me of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KF32DRg9opA

which is also gr8 m8

>> No.5060021

So is everyone else ever, anon.

Sometimes you just have to stick your neck out and see what happens.

If fate shovels shit in your face (haha Vice City), just shrug it off. It happens. Tactically back away and try again some other time.

>> No.5060038


Welp, time to write that book, OP

>> No.5060051

Yo completely not /lit but is Fez like, a good game?
All I know about it is that there was some drama when it came out and that Phil Fish is kind of a cock

>> No.5060064


Yeah there was drama but the game itself is brilliant.

>> No.5060067

It's a chill platformer with nice art direction.

/v/ hates it because Phil Fish is a drama queen and a massive dick.

But the again what doesn't /v/ hate?

>> No.5060069

I haven't played the game myself but from what I understand the game idea is pretty shallow and there are some puzzles that require things like a QR scan. So I'd just chalk it up to a first world puzzle game, if its cheap get it. There are however better puzzle games on steam.

>> No.5060081

Okeydokey, I'll keep an eye out for it in the steam sale I guess

Btw guys if this is become undercover /lit/ vidya thread you guys should check out Kentucky Route Zero it's really dope

>> No.5060507

she's fucking with you, dumbass, you're just too thick and deluded by lust to figure it out

>> No.5060555 [DELETED] 

I hate when people do this to me. I get like "Really? Is your judgement this poor?" Hell, if I wanted to hear my piece is "pretty" or "good" I'd show it to my mother. Girls are the worst in this regard, sometimes they say that first book shit or that they glad they met a writer for the first time. To this day I still got mails from an ex asking me about how my career goes, fucking cunt. A girl from school did this notebook shit with me, but in a more stupid way: she didn't wrote down a story but my freaking tweets.

So yeah, people can be assholes without noticing. Same when they regard me as their writer friend when they haven't read even their college textbooks. Just wanted to share my take on the issue. I don't know how to take a biased compliment.

>> No.5060559

And this, totally this.

>> No.5060708
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I sure hope so.

>> No.5060724

Oh please, every board has these types of moments.

>> No.5060751


holy shit i've never seen such obvious jealousy

do you two write poetry? here, post some of your stuff and i'll read it and give you some feedback and hopefully you'll get over that bitterness, if only momentarily

also, that's cute op. maybe you can share more with her

>> No.5060753

Yes brother, this is what it's like to finally be a writer of beautiful things. You see, women are like flowers. They really are, all they ever do is put their sex organs in the air waiting for the right bees to come around and take their pollen off somewhere to vomit it into a hexagon. Flowers have to be pretty to do this, the prettier the flower, the more likely it's going to have itself live forever as honey.

You my friend and fellow writer are obviously a genius. You see, writing is the highest form of art. Anyone with eyes can look at a painting or a well made table. Anyone with ears can listen to a symphony. But not everyone can appreciate the written word. If you are a writer, then you're a very skilled artist in capturing beauty in that eternal honey amber sap and making it last forever. People still read about Gilgamesh. You friend, you're really getting there.

are so jealous of your literary gains they are literally near tears in their hateful posting.

>inb4 filtered.

>> No.5060793

Yeah. About a year back I got absolutely ripped to shreds by lit.

>> No.5060821

care to share one of your shitty poems OP?

>> No.5060830

genuinely happy for you, dude. keep at it!

>> No.5060861

>Anyone with eyes can look at a painting or a well made table. Anyone with ears can listen to a symphony. But not everyone can appreciate the written word

but anyone with a functioning brain and eyes can read the words so ur analogy is pretty bad

>> No.5061154 [SPOILER] 
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I'd love to, but they're not in english.

I'm from Brazil.

Yeah, that's what I thought at first too, mainly because I'm way too jaded to let myself be happy as easy as that. I don't know, man. I think the other alternative is way better. I'll go with that.

Wow wow don't use the G word like that, anon. Thanks for the compliments, though.

>> No.5061841

Not at all. If op is confident that's really great. I just can't be like that. Also I was drunk as balls and it made me feel.

Anyway a janitor deleted my post so whatever.

>> No.5061860

You are a great man and you should feel pride.

>> No.5062655
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Nice job, OP. It's a good feel.
I had a poem of mine published one time, and afterwards I posted it here on /lit/ just to see what the autistic internet trolls thought of it.
Someone said it was one of the most beautiful things they've ever read. That made me pretty happy.

>> No.5064808

Ya did good kid

>> No.5064853

uh, I don't think this is even remotely true. Maybe the depression about your ex getting fingerbanged but...

>> No.5064943

