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/lit/ - Literature

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504523 No.504523 [Reply] [Original]

I bet /lit/ reads a lot of erotica.

>> No.504529

how much do you wanna bet?

>> No.504534

very much

>> No.504536

It's just that there's very little quality forced bi cuckold porn out there.

>> No.504540

Meh, I don't read it much...but when I do I rather enjoy it.

>> No.504542

Erotica, where is this erotica?

>> No.504567

When its good, its good; when its bad, its hilarious.

>> No.504570

this this this and more this

>> No.504573

nope. I read porn comics though. I like pictures, Y chromosome.

>> No.504575


I'll just leave this here:


>> No.504577

Where do you get those?

>> No.504598


I originally started reading erotica (see: fanfiction) for the lulz, but now I read it for the fapz.

Goddammit, internet.

Best erotica I've ever read: The infamous Joyce letters, and Roy Orbison in Clingfilm.

>> No.504634

Where do you read fanfiction?

>> No.504643

I don't read erotica but I got stiff during parts of Lady Chatterley.

>> No.504656



Dublin 2 December 1909

My love for you allows me to pray to the spirit of eternal beauty and tenderness mirrored in your eyes or fling you down under me on that softy belly of yours and fuck you up behind, like a hog riding a sow, glorying in the very stink and sweat that rises from your arse, glorying in the open shape of your upturned dress and white girlish drawers and in the confusion of your flushed cheeks and tangled hair. It allows me to burst into tears of pity and love at some slight word, to tremble with love for you at the sounding of some chord or cadence of music or to lie heads and tails with you feeling your fingers fondling and tickling my ballocks or stuck up in me behind and your hot lips sucking off my cock while my head is wedged in between your fat thighs, my hands clutching the round cushions of your bum and my tongue licking ravenously up your rank red cunt. I have taught you almost to swoon at the hearing of my voice singing or murmuring to your soul the passion and sorrow and mystery of life and at the same time have taught you to make filthy signs to me with your lips and tongue, to provoke me by obscene touches and noises, and even to do in my presence the most shameful and filthy act of the body. You remember the day you pulled up your clothes and let me lie under you looking up at you while you did it? Then you were ashamed even to meet my eyes.

You are mine, darling, mine! I love you. All I have written above is only a moment or two of brutal madness. The last drop of seed has hardly been squirted up your cunt before it is over and my true love for you, the love of my verses, the love of my eyes for your strange luring eyes, comes blowing over my soul like a wind of spices. My prick is still hot and stiff and quivering from the last brutal drive it has given you when a faint hymn is heard rising in tender pitiful worship of you from the dim cloisters of my heart.

>> No.504659



Nora, my faithful darling, my seet-eyed blackguard schoolgirl, be my whore, my mistress, as much as you like (my little frigging mistress! My little fucking whore!) you are always my beautiful wild flower of the hedges, my dark-blue rain-drenched flower.


Y'all mother fuckers need to learn from James Joyce. He is the master of seduction.

>> No.504668

I read it on LiveJournal. There's fanfiction.net, but I've heard it's a shithole. LJ apparently has drama sometimes, but the fandom I read has alot of cool people, *channers, and anons, so I've yet to see any bitching in the community.

>> No.504672




>> No.504681

My . . . vagina . . .

>> No.504687


Dublin 3 December 1909

……., you seem to turn me into a beast. It was you yourself, you naughty shameless girl who first led the way. It was not I who first touched you long ago down at Ringsend. It was you who slid your hand down down inside my trousers and pulled my shirt softly aside and touched my prick with your long tickling fingers and gradually took it all, fat and stiff as it was, into your hand and frigged me slowly until I came off through your fingers, all the time bending over me and gazing at me out of your quiet saintlike eyes. It was your lips too which first uttered an obscene word. I remember well that night in bed in Pola.

Tired of lying under a man one night you tore off your chemise violently and got on top of me to ride me naked. You stuck my prick into your cunt and began to ride me up and down. Perhaps the horn I had was not big enough for you for I remember that you bent down to me face and murmured tenderly "Fuck up, love! Fuck up, love!"

>> No.504690



Nora dear, I am dying all day to ask you one or two questions. Let me, dear, for I have told you everything I ever did and so I can ask you in turn. When that person (Vincent Cosgrave) whose heart I long to stop with the click of a revolver put his hand or hands under your skirts did he only tickle you outside or did he put his finger or fingers up into you? If he did, did they go up far enough to touch that little cock at the end of your cunt? Did he touch you behind? Was he a long time tickling you and did you come? Did he ask you to touch him and did you do so? If you did not touch him did he come against you and did you feel it?

Another question, Nora. I know that I was the first man that blocked you but did any man ever frig you? Did that boy (Michael Bodkin) you were fond of ever do it? Tell me now, Nora, truth for truth, honesty for honesty. When you were with him in the dark at night did your fingers never, never unbutton his trousers and slip inside like mice? Did you ever frig him, dear, tell me truly or anyone else? Did you never, never, never feel a man's or a boy's prick in your fingers until you unbuttoned me? If you are not offended do not be afraid to tell me the truth. Darling, darling, tonight I have such a wild lust for your body that if you were here beside me and even if you told me with your lips that half the redheaded louts in the county Galway had had a fuck at you before me I would still rush at you with desire.

>> No.504699

Ah erotica

>> No.504700

James Joyce.

I used to think I had game, but I have been humbled.

>> No.504704

I read Marquis de Sade, fuck year

>> No.504725 [DELETED] 

I have actually schlicked to Joyce's letters bef

>> No.504733 [DELETED] 


Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.504739


Pics or it isn't happening.

>> No.504734

I have actually schlicked to Joyce's letters before...And I will continue to do so. Right now :3

>> No.504747

8=====> *

That's pretty much what it looks like.

>> No.504756


You got a mole right above your vag?


>> No.504770


Dublin 6 December 1909
I would like you to wear drawers with three or four frills one over the other at the knees and up the thighs and great crimson bows in them, I mean not schoolgirls' drawers with a thin shabby lace border, thigh round the legs and so thin that the flesh shows with a full loose bottom and wide legs, all frills and lace and ribbons, and heavy with perfume so that whenever you show them, whether in pulling up your clothes hastily to do something or cuddling yourself up prettily to be blocked, I can see only a swelling mass of white stuff and frills and so that when I bend down over you to open them and give you a burning lustful kiss on your naughty bare bum I can smell the perfume of your drawers as well as the warm odour of your cunt and the heavy smell of your behind.

>> No.504771



Have I shocked you by the dirty things I wrote to you? You think perhaps that my love is a filthy thing. It is, darling, at some moments. I dream of you in filthy poses sometimes. I imagine things so very dirty that I will not write them until I see how you write yourself. The smallest things give me a great cockstand - a whorish movement of your mouth, a little brown stain on the seat of your white drawers, a sudden dirty word spluttered out by your wet lips, a sudden immodest noise made by you behind and then a bad smell slowly curling up out of your backside. At such moments I feel mad to do it in some filthy way, to feel your hot lecherous lips sucking away at me, to fuck between your two rosy-tipped bubbies, to come on your face and squirt it over your hot cheeks and eyes, to stick it between the cheeks of your rump and bugger you.

>> No.504776

In all seriousness, Anais Nin writes some fantastic erotica. Little Birds is pretty damn nice.

>> No.504801

Used girlfriend's laptop. Found links to literotica.com

All the stories she read were daddy/daughter incest.


>> No.504863



oh yeah, thats legit

>> No.504874
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>>504734 here


I came.

>> No.504883

>using "legit" as an abbreviation
>not knowing about the Joyce letters
Get the fuck off of /lit/.

>> No.505115

Well, let's just say that whenever I type 'lit' into my address bar, literotica always comes before /lit/...

That is hot. I hope she doesn't just read the wham bam thank you daughter fics though.

>> No.505121 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 300x250, rodneyjoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>My face

>> No.505821


Uneducated and new to /lit/

>> No.505840

All educated people know about Joyce's love letters? Do they conduct graduate seminars on writing about arse-farts?

>> No.506146

We kind of get into the daddy/daughter roleplay. I thought she was doing it mostly for my benefit. But then seeing she was doing it on her own time made it that much hotter.

>> No.506166



>> No.506182
File: 121 KB, 1024x644, MEXICO088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, I don't think I'd have the flare for erotica.

However, pic related

>> No.506261

No. Sometimes lesbian fanfiction about Harry Potter when I'm feeling down but they are mostly without any erotic,only kissing.

>> No.506268



I thought that /lit/ was just having a jolly little troll about his sexuality, but really...

>> No.506269
File: 56 KB, 600x417, 1240991455131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan educated, yes. This gets regularly posted here and there.
Though you need some curiosity and google to know what it's about.

>> No.506272

It was a hot summer day and I was in my workout room benching 1200 pounds. My abs were flexing and girls within a 10 mile radius were getting wet. Once I was done with my daily 32 hour workout I called one of the bitches I know, Senjogahara. She is really fucking hot and looks like a supermodel. SO I got into my Lamborghini Gallardo and reved it up to 40,000 RPM (this is an Italian import with special engine system). I got onto the freeway near my house and threw it into 8th gear, I hit about 600 mph and I could hear the sonic boom as I broke the sound barrier. As I was flooring it on the freeway like a badass, Senjogahara called me and said she wanted me to fuck her. So be it.

I came to a full stop from 700 mph in front of her house. These Ferrari's have top notch brakes, you know. So she gets out of the house and walks up to my Bugatti and starts eyeballing my cock. I could tell she was staring at it because when I looked at her I noticed she was looking at my cock. Booya.

Flash forward to like 10 minutes later. My 30 inch cock is going inside of her pussy, hitting them walls. I'm holding her entire body up with my left pinky as I'm fucking her and she has 30,000 orgasms. She looks me in the eyes and she says "harder." V-TEC just kicked in, yo. I blow my load so hard she falls off my cock. There had to have been about two pints of cum everywhere. People say I cum like a pornstar, I wouldn't disagree with them.

I throw her a towel so she can clean herself up then I do a triple backflip into my Maserati and drive home.

>> No.506301

Most erotica is garbage. I have several of Susie Brite edited short stories collections, Story of O, and Molly Weatherfield's Carrie's Story/Safe Word (I wish she'd write more). Even there, I'm in it more for the erotic part than the literature part, even this stuff isn't that great.

When it's bad, it really IS bad. Like Amazon suggested Breaking The Girl by Kim Corum to me after buying Carrie's Story. Jesus Christ that woman couldn't write herself out of a paper bag.

>> No.506307

hammingbyrd7 made the best erotica I have ever read. It's like a theoretical physicist writing porn.
His stories have such creative, original, and thought provoking concepts that they are my favorite novels even without the sex.
The only thing that sucks about them is the inability to share them with people I know, so I will share them here.

Here is the author page

Best ones are:
The Preacher Man
The Magical Labyrinth

after that, you will be sold.