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/lit/ - Literature

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5055323 No.5055323[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I wrote five-thousand words to day after work /lit/
How is your writing coming along?
How many words have you written?
How long until your work is done?
I'm guessing mine will be done towards the end of the summer.

>> No.5055325


>> No.5055330

What's that all about?

>> No.5055341

it's representative of my emotional reaction to your question "How is your writing coming along?" etc.

>> No.5055354

You don't write everyday?

>> No.5055369

>Use the pen like a fucking low-class drawing artist

>> No.5055373

It's a picture, faggot.
I take it that you have been writing a novel for six years and only have 2,000 words, eh?

>> No.5055395

I've written a page today with hopefully a lot more still to come.
It's impossible to gauge really. Most of my work seems to read like the scrawlings of a mad-man. Sometimes I think it's genius and other times I think it's incriminating.

Maybe about 50 pages? I figure If I can turn the computer off and take a tip from Balzac I could probably finish the first draft in under a month.
Re-writing is going to be a cunt though.

>> No.5055418

Your writing likely sucks, I can tell from your post.

>> No.5055426

I wrote one page today.
I'm very proud of that page.

>> No.5055435


You're a horrible person.
And your writing's likely worse

>> No.5055439

I love when people cry samefag to save face and they're wrong.

>> No.5055452

>implying I write like you faggots expecting to be published by a shit-tier editor

Oy vey, tell me about the marvellous fuel browsing /lit/ give to your writing.

>> No.5055464

what the fuck? people actually write more than 500 words a day? lol, nice genre fiction tolkien / video game ripoff. enjoy your absolute drivel with no quality control.

>> No.5055474

> implying a prior post
> implying I'm not a tripfag
> implying you weren't shitting on people based off of a misguided sense of superiority
> about having written 5,000 words, for fuck's sake, 5,000 words of sluice and idiocy
> implying i'm mad
> i probably am
10/10 good troll

>> No.5055489


There's a good chance but fuck, I don't waste time refining posts that are posted anonymously and only going to be around for a couple of hours at the most.

It may sound unbelievable to someone like you but I actually have better things to be doing. I don't just sit here all day, refreshing the page, venting pent up, impotent rage.

>> No.5055491

Looks like you're broken, trip. Pack it in for the night. You're done.

>> No.5055508

What did the overpaid language theorist and anarchist name his pet shark?

Noam CHOMPsky.

>> No.5055514

I'm Thomas Pynchon.

>> No.5055522

You're lazy, that's why you only read 10 pages a day and I bet even that takes you
an hour.

>> No.5055526
File: 22 KB, 800x299, curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>5055464 here
i've created a infographic to show my superiority to anybody writing over 500 words. quit while you're ahead kids

>> No.5055535

post any sample of your work so i can laugh at how rushed it is

>> No.5055536

I want to believe

Frank Conroy writes about his 500 words per day rather beautifully.


>> No.5055537


I wrote 1000 words once in a day.

It needs revising though, there's some weird pacing issues/gaps in conversation.

>> No.5055545

It just depends on how you work; y'know, as an individual.
Some writers'll write a page a day but it will be perfect and untouched between that point and publication.
Whereas, some writers just spew there shit onto the paper and re-write voraciously.

>> No.5055551

I know.

There gthere their there ver fuck it.

>> No.5055558

So...you're just a NEET then who justifies not doing anything at all by being autistic?

>muh author i like and i am just like btw writes slow so i justify autism through slow words on paper moooooommmmm shiiit bucket nnnoooww

>> No.5055566

>So...you're just a NEET then who justifies not doing anything at all by being autistic?
Instead of taking laughable shots from a position such as yours why don't you instead post a sample of your 'literature', so as we may view the pristine quality that 5000 words a day gets you.

>> No.5055579

And have you steal it fool?
No way am I doing a NEET's job for him.
You might be able to trick your mom into that, but not me, buddy. Have you ever sat back and thought that maybe, just maybe, the reason you have failed to achieve anything except possibly the perfection of mediocrity is the fact that you never put a diligent effort into practice towards any reasonable goal? And I am being kind when I say reasonable goal because I do not believe there are too many in reach for you at the moment unless you learn to stop making up excuses and following others paths because you're to chicken shit to do it your own way.

>> No.5055589

I learned today that you can self publish. I'm not sure how I'm going to edit it but its inspired me to write as a hobby and even if I get one book down I'd be alright and bee considered an author :^)

I'm reading the Hunger games house of leaves, the Bible to practice reading comprehension. My goal is to be a good reader and writer this summer and even thoufg my compre sucks my writing is good but I just want to be more literary.

>> No.5055593
File: 76 KB, 476x399, laughing cheta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You might be able to trick your mom into that, but not me, buddy.

>> No.5055600


Quickly log off dude.

>> No.5055601

This buttpain is starting to resemble a dialogue of someone working through their daddy issues.

Straight kitchen table rehash, halfhearted -- and awkwardly-applied -- platitudes and all.

>> No.5055603

I wrote 644 words. The goal is at least 500 daily, between eight and nine in the morning before work. I generally write around 1500 words a day but I still keep the 500 word mark because I don't like failing to achieve my desired word count. I start writing filler if I can't reach the goal and it's just not worthwhile at that point.

>> No.5055606

I have no butthurt, you're the one showing all the insecurities, bub.

>> No.5055614

Kill yourself

>> No.5055635

Surely friend, you do not stoop as low as to presume we are comparable on any tangible level? What you may see as 'diligent effort' is to me a mere trifle that I may work on in the back of my mind whilst making a cup of ti kuan yin. I have already imagined (and discarded as worthless) ideas greater than any you could dream up within any imaginable time frame, no matter how many words of monkey-typewriter reenactment you can churn out in your proverbial jungle of grammatical errors and fragmented sentences.

In my opinion it would be best now for you to close-exit the web browser and finish whatever trivial book, if the task is truly so mournfully boring that you find yourself at any moment able to pump out a few pages of whatever fantasy it is this time that nobody will lay eyes on. I will however take leave and maybe write a sentence or two - containing more inherent and objective value than any action performed in your entire lifespan bar admitting your mediocrity - and then I will sit down and contemplate the gift of supreme and ultimate talent that has been bestowed upon me.

>> No.5055636


try hard, buddy. try hard.

>> No.5055647

The irony here is that this is the only response you will find yourself receiving when you shamefully and finally self-publish your work on amazon.com. Do continue posting, however I am at this moment IP-filtering you so I will not have to put up with this post or others from your dominion in future.

>> No.5055649

I believe you can do it good job

>> No.5055664
File: 126 KB, 612x528, jim smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the irony of replying tl;dr to a post making fun of you for writing a ton of garbage

>> No.5055676

>self publish
top kek

>> No.5055680
File: 18 KB, 200x206, Ignatius-J.-Reilly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think 'muricans understood irony...
oh wait.
you don't.
pic related
it's you