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/lit/ - Literature

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5049157 No.5049157[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw persuasive speech due tomorrow and I have even started yet

>> No.5049184

you sure persuaded me that you're a shitposting retard.
A+ for you

>> No.5049220
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try to convince them to stay on a plane that will crash with no survivors

>> No.5049275

c'mon. legit replies

>> No.5049286

They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.

>> No.5049324

/lit/ is one board i thought would be safe from this shit

>> No.5049339

3 word essay due tomorrow

>> No.5049356

I know, right? Just want a legit answer to my OP. Nothing too sophisticated though since it needs to be done right away.

Not funny faggot

>> No.5049359

Faggot is funny

>> No.5049385

Well at least we agree he is a faggot

>> No.5049417


>> No.5049448

I really am beginning to hate you fuckers. I used to take your book advice like The Brothers Karamazov and all that shit but now I'll stick to good reads probably.

>> No.5049469

Kill him
Fuckin Kill him
Kill him already
Kill him already

>> No.5049930


>> No.5049941

I guarantee you when you'll finish this fucking class I'll be happier than you.

>> No.5049951

I have one more day of fuckin class and I just can't get myself to do it.

>> No.5049976

Just checked my weighted score and I have a 91.05% and I have like serious stage fright, worse than anyone elses. It's not just normal public speaking anxiety. If I did manage an A, I would piss myself because I'm the most reclusive fuckin dude at my college. I scored a 40% on my first speech and wonder where I would be if it wasn't for that shitty grade. BTW, I don't know if I was to annoy the hell out of some of you about that last minute outside speaker critique but I got a 100/100.lol with even going 145 words over the word count

>> No.5050036

Can I procrastinate every assignment to a bachelor's degree? Is this possible?

>> No.5050160

If I did it for a law degree, I'm sure you can manage it for a bachelor's.

>> No.5051894

You have to believe what you think. Even if sounds stupid. Conviction and emphasis.

Illusive Man (Martin Sheen's voice) from Mass Effect 2 is a great example:

>> No.5051907
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this is my nightmare OP

>> No.5051923

>not being able to speak with the main points in your mind
>needing to write a speech, ever

what the fuck is wrong with you? do you have a low self esteem or something?

>> No.5051949
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Same happened to me, I just dropped out to dodge it. Problem solved :^)

>> No.5051959
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>tfw keep dropping courses and not showing up to finals

>> No.5052021
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>tfw NEET