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/lit/ - Literature

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5049059 No.5049059 [Reply] [Original]

There are people on /lit/ RIGHT NOW who haven't even read 100 books

>> No.5049075

>tfw still sub 100 this year

>> No.5049082

I have no idea how many fucking books I've read in my lifetime

>> No.5049090
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>he doesn't know the exact amount of words hes ever read

>> No.5049096

>100 books
Fuck off. I haven't read 100 pages since I found /lit/.

>> No.5049103

Are there really? Why do you come here, those that haven't?

I'm in >>5049075's situation, usually read one-hundred-and-something every year.

>> No.5049201

>He's Neurotypical!
Whatta rube!

>> No.5050635
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>Tfw I *have* read over a hundred books

>> No.5051278

>Butterfly is pretty

>> No.5051736

>counting the books you read

>> No.5051737

I have no accurate estimate of how many I've read, but it is well in excess of 100. I don't really understand what draws a person who has hardly read anything to this board.

>> No.5051745

Mariposa, plz

>> No.5051759


If i had better reading comprehension, I would op.

How do i fix retardation?

>> No.5051775

Read easier works and build your reading comprehension that way so you can then move on to harder ones.

>> No.5051785

The belief that lurking and posting here will passively make one smarter and more well-read, probably

>> No.5051802

I doubt I've even read fifty

>> No.5051815

i have probably read 100 by the time i was 8 but in my life i have not read 100 books that i would currently consider good

>> No.5051819

That's because the more you read, the higher your standards for what's good get. If you read more, the number of books you've read and consider good could decrease.

>> No.5051967

>There are people on /lit/ RIGHT NOW who haven't even read 500 books
Fixed that for you.

>> No.5051976

are people lying or wtf, how do you read more than two books a month?

>> No.5051984

Are we talking literature? Because I used to devour books when I was little. 100 page books and all.
If we're talking literature, then no. I haven't. Problem?

>> No.5052000

>there are people on /lit/ that havent watched 300 anime series

>> No.5052005

There are people on /lit/ who aren't graduates of the iowa writer's workshop.

>> No.5052012

I've read over 45 books in my first semerster of university and like only 4 were fiction.

>> No.5052024

I read three books in the last week.

>> No.5052030

>why come here
I know, why discuss the 99 books you have read .
I mean, i get angry at plebs on tv that haven't seen 100 tv series.

(note: considering i read 80-something last year i can safely say ive read 100+)

>> No.5052041

When i was unemployed Id read at least a book a week.
Now i work it takes me lime 2 weeks to get through simple books lime Stephen king or whatever, let alone my back log of lit.

>> No.5052076

I'm NEET so i can sometimes read a book a day, depending how long it is.

>> No.5052087

>Not playing right into the mindtraps of the Lizard People

>> No.5052097

Sorry muh engrish.

The last week I readed Catcher in the rye in four hours.

>> No.5052203

Recommendations and cleaning up the to-read list

>> No.5052209

>implying volume matters over quality

I can read 100 short, junk, YA novels in a month, that doesn't mean I've done anything worthwhile

>> No.5052213

>read about 100 Goosebumps when I was 8

Am I /lit/ certified??

>> No.5052226

Do comicbooks count?

>> No.5052810

Same. I got into reading last year, and catching up.

>> No.5052918

Start with simple books. Take your time, and don't move on to the next sentence until you've clearly understood the sentence you're reading.

>> No.5052921

Are you unemployed or do you just speedread <30k words books ?

>> No.5052931

do you mean 'books' or do you mean 'titles'?
than do we count short stories, poems?
why this even matter? i'm certainly below 100 books but, fuck, sometimes i feel like the most patrician person here

>> No.5052978

Well, to be fair, it's hard to come by a hundred books during the Hellenistic era, and if we include the time machine you invented, I suppose we could consider you a well read patrician. Of course, if you're from the late Roman Empire, then it's still pretty bad form for an intellectual.

>> No.5052992

Schmetterling, plz

>> No.5053111
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Am I doing it right OP? There are still a bunch missing because I can't remember but what ever is new is added.

>> No.5053133

This year i've been reading Tosltoy, Dostoyevski and Hugo. Is impossible to read more than two of them a month honestly, but is actually possible to read one and even two books a week if they have 300 pages aprox.

>> No.5053145

How do you not feel like a fat fraud, using books like tally marks?

Do you not see the artifice of it all?

>> No.5053147

My job is mostly reading, and I'm also a grad student. I read at 300wpm, which is apparently slightly below average.

Most of my life revolves around reading. I wasn't saying everyone should be reading so much, but less than 100 throughout life seems suspect for people coming to a book board.

>> No.5053213


I'm a really slow reader. I just got into literature not long ago. It doesn't bother me except when I literally read as fast as a proficient 10 year old.

>> No.5053368

Yes welcome to the club, your complimentary copy of infinite jest can be found in the mens bathroom.

>> No.5053487

I read because I like to read, I just have a Goodreads now and can keep track of what I read and look for new books.

Also I'm not a pretentious e/lit/ist,. If you've been around /lit/ for the past couple years I'm the list fag, that guy how posts a list in fantasy recommendation threads.

Look a list is up atm >>5050456