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/lit/ - Literature

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5047570 No.5047570[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ would be the best board if we strayed more from the subject of literature to include other stuff too

>> No.5047583

Kill your retarded self and stop posting here

>> No.5047586

The only reason you think this is because you're not qualified to talk about literature in any degree.

You also have a bunch of barely educated opinions about other things and want to post them here.

Go poison some other hell hole. This is ours, and it's about literature.

>> No.5047593

you sound like a dick, but i agree with the sentiment completely

>> No.5047594

this is exactly this boards problem

autistic wise-asses who keep beating off to Ulysses (or whatever "approved" novel) instead of talking about stuff

you know, literature intersects all of our lives and that is why discussion about things who are not obviously literature would be good in an environment of literate people

>> No.5047598

Yes, this is indeed a very comfortable board. You are welcome.

>> No.5047601

You're wrong, this is exactly why this board is one of the best on 4chan. People like >>5047583 and >>5047586 are keeping the board relevant and preventing it from devolving into a '/b/' tier cesspool.

Fuck off and play your video games or whatever.

>> No.5047602

you're a fool

>> No.5047626

Shut the fuck up and kill yourself. You are the reasons boards die. Some massively retarded fucking faggot starts blogging about their faggot interests and faggot life in a specified community because "i like it here so therefore it's ok xD" and after a few years you have a situation like /x/.

>> No.5047640

Nope, boards go to shit when they stray from their original topic.
The board doesn't have a problem at all, it's good the way it is.

>> No.5047648

w-what other s-stuff?

arts and humanities subjects are well tolerated on here already

>> No.5047653

I'd rather avoid going the /co/ route and having the entire board filled with movie adaptations of novels instead of the books themselves.

>> No.5047658

movies, television shows, anime, popular music, celebrities, video games, sports, my little pony, fitness, etc.

>> No.5047659


If this board has a problem, it's that there isn't enough in-depth discussion about literature. It's just a bunch of faggots power-ranking books and authors--and they do so like it means anything at all.

If we threw other topics into the mix, this board would be pitched headlong into a useless disgrace it'd scarcely even have the power to recover from.

Sage, because NOT LITERATURE.

>> No.5047674
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oh dear lord... No.

>> No.5047715
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>> No.5047734

Is Planescape: Torment literature, guys? Is Watchmen literature?

>> No.5047743

What is the Evangelion of literature?

>> No.5047748

What's that from OP?
Did he review A Clockwork Orange?

>> No.5047751

Paulo Coelho

>> No.5047752











>> No.5047757

Fuck off. This is /lit/ - Literature, not /lit/ - Hipster General.

>> No.5047769

Occasional discussions about paintings on this board are infinitely better than those on /ic/, a.k.a. placed swarmed by "muh concept art" sperglords.

>> No.5047773


>> No.5047776


>> No.5047777
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who /kstew/ here

>> No.5047783

>Implying this doesn't happen absolutely all the fucking time.

>> No.5047788


>> No.5047790

epic quints! here's to making /lit/ cool again!

>> No.5047799

Why does /lit/ always fall for troll threads? You're supposed to be the smart guys on this site.

>> No.5047821


No it wouldn't, but your sentiments on straying somewhere else would work well for the discussion of literature.

/lit/ is an incredibly boring board for the simple reason that 99/100 threads have already been had before. Sometimes I see people ask to discuss different books. Those threads soon die. Unless you've got some kind of massive ego that needs boosting (see: trips) or are here for trolling purposes then I don't get how you wouldn't find /lit/ to be one of the most repetitive boards on 4chan.

At times, I wonder whether people are uncomfortable about discussing new things or whether they have nothing to say about new things because they don't think for themselves or whether all they do is read the /lit/ approved-canon and so never really get the chance to stray into new discussion topics because they have no exposure to them.

>> No.5047826

see >>5043682
I mean there's considerably less waifuism than on other boards for example, but you can't expect miracles.

>> No.5047828

>You're supposed to be the smart guys on this site.

/lit/ is only smart in comparison to the other boards. That doesn't mean the people who come here are smart. I mean, does it take a lot of brainpower to be smarter than the 'tards on /b/ or /v/ or the abject morons on /fit/?

the smartest 'tards in a group of 'tards are still 'tards.

>> No.5047833

>or the abject morons on /fit/?
But I'm from /fit/
/lit/ and /fit/ go hand in hand unless you're the kind of person to pass off their physical flaws as a product of intellectualism

>> No.5047866

Being gay for Rimbaud doesn't count I guess?>>5047828
Hm, I'd say that just as /fit/ has enough guys in good physical condition, /lit/ has enough intelligent guys running around here. So why does /fit/handle their trolls better then we do?

>> No.5047875

I don't know, but even if it counts, it's hardly a match for kpop or cunny threads, isn't it?

>> No.5047921


The funny thing is -- while you think you're well-read, well-educated, etc., and above simplistic discussion, you're probably just a pretentious bore. Enjoy having everyone, either IRL on the internet, hate you; pretentiousness and snobbery lend themselves to bitterness.

>> No.5047928



You can be in good shape and healthy without becoming obsessed about >muh gains

>> No.5047934

what does it say about /lit/ that it has the least trips of any topic board?

>> No.5047942

You haven't been here in the last few weeks, eh?

>> No.5047943

that /lit/ is a bad board to get attention

>> No.5047978

more like you're exactly the kind of person he described and you got all buttblasted about it

>> No.5048023

omg this just makes me sad, zizek would be so good as a music/literature historian instead of some fucking shill

>> No.5048476

for reading a lot you retards sure are trolled easily. book smarts... psh

>> No.5049016

You are completely correct.

>> No.5049019

>1. split /lit/ into two boards
It's not like I'm against the idea to have both topics on one board, but it still feels strange, as I'm not always sure HOW political/philosophical I can get, without being totally off-topic

>> No.5049023

No it wouldn't. Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.5049051

How can we do that more? we talk about any every kind of bullshit and the only stuff that gets deleted is the stuff that gets the janitors' butts itchy, which is very specific.

>> No.5049071

>very thin
>fat ankles
Women never cease to amaze me.

>> No.5049087

>fat ankles
are you some kind of tv queer personality? i mean, i don't give one fingernail of fuck for the girl, but c'mon. stop watching E! or Bravo or whatever bullshit

>> No.5049105

/lit/ is like /mu/ minus the sharethreads (if they're still a thing): a lot of people with very insular interests, plagued by huge unwarranted self-importance, both ironic and not.

>> No.5049108

It's a slow board so they can's spam a lot.
It's also the only board in which I actually needed to filter any trips.

>> No.5049114

>/lit/ would be the best board

/lit/ is already the best board. At least from the ones I have visited regularly enough.