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/lit/ - Literature

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5046606 No.5046606[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I have a BA

>> No.5046628

Me too

>> No.5046635


I have a BA (Psych) and a Grad. Dip. Ed. (Primary)

>> No.5046640

>dude my dad's a teacher

>> No.5046644
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Enjoy your no job retard.

BEng master race.

>> No.5046656


ba/phd (poli sci)/jd

>> No.5046657


It's funny because I actually can't find a job and I'm slowly getting closer to killing myself.

>> No.5046659



greatest. response. ever.

>> No.5046691


I'm a bio major, pre-med. Don't quit your day job until your novel proceeds can replace your salary.

>> No.5046798
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I am a BA, which is to say "Bad Ass".

>> No.5046811

Me too.

From a liberal arts college

>> No.5047458

Haha good

>> No.5047469


Me too!

>any job I want
>26k starting

>> No.5047472

what the fuck are you talking about, you stupid liar?

>> No.5047476
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>No PHD in math 500k starting

>> No.5047479
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>> No.5047486

Learn to analyse a poem in your own time retard while I learn how to create the electronics you use everyday and heal the sick.

>> No.5047495

the first frame in this picture makes me smile

>> No.5047500
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learn to solve the preformulated problems that i've given you

>> No.5047502

what are you doing here

>> No.5047504
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>> No.5047505
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>> No.5047509

Just got my LLB Hons

I'm not ready for the real world

>> No.5047511


>> No.5047515
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>look mom, look! i posted it again

>> No.5047526

>any job I want
>$4.99/hr starting

>> No.5047528

its a board about literature. if you just want to show how you're better than everybody you need some pseudoscience to cure you

>> No.5047531

finished exams for my BA degree, started looking for a job, got one within 4 weeks

stop trying to scare OP, there's good stuff out there

>> No.5047532

If I lived in the US and had to pay those tertiary fees I'd probably advocate practical degrees too.

>> No.5047535

Where do you live?

>> No.5047536


cheers for doing that shit

>> No.5047538

But people with Science and Engineering degrees will always be superior and don't you forget it.

>> No.5047541

I wish you 'tards would quit posting this.

"Damage control"? This is 4chan. Not even the diehard posters give a fuck about anything remotely resembling "damage control".

"Fedora" is also a grossly inaccurate meme everyone should just quit using.

>> No.5047542

Straya. I pay about 5K a year (after discount of paying upfront)

>> No.5047543

most people with science + eng also have autism

>> No.5047545

But, isn't that what the quality of education in Australia is at? A handful of dollars a year?

Not trying to slight you, just sayin'...you can't really charge first-rate prices for a third-rate education.

>> No.5047546

Arts major
>Oh man wish I didn't waste 4 years of my life learning how to analyse Shakespeare now I'm homeless!

Stem Major
>The messiah I shall heal the sick with my right hand and create the new ipod with my left

>> No.5047552

i had a great 4 years

>> No.5047553

and now i have a great job and a great flat. the truth is some people just shouldnt go to uni, smart people at decent unis get jobs

>> No.5047557

I live in Germany and education is free here. Even the shittiest community college in the US costs more than a top university here, so it really doesn't have anything to do with the quality of education. Also, not all Australian universities are garbage just like most American universities aren't great.

>> No.5047558


>third rate education

tu quoque

>> No.5047574

What I would do if I saw a

Estate agent
>Punch him in the face
>Punch him in the face
>Kick him in the dick
>Kick him in the dick
Engineer or Doctor
>Shake his hand and bask in the superiority of Stem

>> No.5047577

Europe is very different from Australia.

>> No.5047591
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>> No.5047607

No, our education is subsidised (for now). Our universities in the main areas rate quite well, mine is 70th in the world. I'm not saying we're Oxford, but it's only a young country of 20 million.

>> No.5047609

You'd be surprised

>> No.5047612


>(for now)

worrying too

>> No.5047616

Well it's going to be brought up to international costs with that new budget. Not that it affects me, assuming I don't go in for a second degree.

The welfare in this country is amazing.

>> No.5047641

>Not that it affects me
>brought up to international

Australia has so much wasted potential.

>> No.5048050
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>mfw a significant portion of STEM jobs aren't viable in the free market and rely on public spending and government subsidy to artificially create demand

>mfw the military-industrial complex accounts for a large amount of that

>mfw STEMS can't find jobs because the market is officially now over-saturated

>mfw it's happening, biology majors now make less than english & philosophy majors

>mfw math grad

>> No.5048056

Math undergrad here. How's it working out for you?

>> No.5048089

Pretty well, though every graduate job available to me didn't solicit my degree specifically. I work in a publishing business now on the path to being the company's analyst, though I'm thinking of diverging and shooting for a subeditor position.

>> No.5048107
File: 118 KB, 738x925, dc509e0c927075d47288286591b8894e-d787qci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm STEM and I love you, /lit/. Will you love me back?

>> No.5048117
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the war needs to end, life is passing us by.

>> No.5048119

No fuck you

>> No.5048132

I know Anon, we should be united.

What if I study something /lit/-approved after this?

>> No.5048137

>tfw double shit-tier

>> No.5048145

Nah I'm just kidding. Philosophy / Math double major here. /sci/ and /lit/ are some of the better boards.

>> No.5048170
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>above average IQ

take THAT, naysayers

>> No.5048263


>> No.5048296

what is the difference between literature and english

>> No.5048310
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>tfw STEM and BA double major

>> No.5048321

>got one within 4 weeks
fuck that, I had a job one semester prior to graduation

>> No.5048325

>people always saying they have a "STEM degree"
>these autistic shitlords don't even say what they're studying. just "i'm stem, which means i'm part of the club of people who are better than you"
>neckbeard comp sci majors are STEM
>that guy who was watching MLP in your lecture halls is STEM

>> No.5048332

that's the smart way to handle things, i was so worried that i wouldn't find anything

>> No.5048334

>mfw STEMS can't find jobs because the market is officially now over-saturated

maybe for pre-med, biology majors
engineering and tech is still a viable field