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/lit/ - Literature

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5029501 No.5029501[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Recent purchases thread?

>> No.5029509
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"The King in Yellow" by Robert W. Chambers is missing because I literally just got that.

>> No.5029555

Have you started that Bret Easton Ellis book?

>> No.5029559


I have that edition of the Dhammapada, it was the first Buddhist text I seriously studied. It's not the most faithful literal translation but it does a great job of conveying the meaning of the text in colloquial English.

>> No.5029561

No, I've only read American Psycho by Ellis so far, I've got some of his books on my harddrive, though.
Would you recommend one specifically (or advise against Less Than Zero in particular), or why do you ask?

>> No.5029566

>Buying books
I just go to the library.

>> No.5029577
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>The King in Yellow
youre in for a fucking ride, dude.
for the first 4 stories, anyway, Lovecraft said it made him feel like "graveworms wriggling in his mind"

>> No.5029582
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>> No.5029591

>graveworms wriggling in his mind
Gonna start reading that now, thanks Anon.

>> No.5029606

Less Than Zero is arguably his best. Rules of Attraction is great too. Everything after American Psycho is rhino shit.

>> No.5029612

Oh alright, thanks.

>> No.5029616

Nice, I actually just got The Book of Disquiet, too. I went on a little shopping spree on amazon's used books and that was the first one to arrive. Within the next 2-3 days I'll be receiving:
Hume- An Enquiry Cincerning Human Understanding
Hegel- Phenomenology of Spirit
Heidegger- Basic Writings
Heidegger- Being and Time
Sartre- Being and Nothingness
Baudelaire- Flowers of Evil and Other Works (English/French side by side)
Rimbaud- Complete Works, Selected Letters (also a bilingual edition)
Bataille- Erotism: Death and Sensuality
Bataille- Visions of Excess: Selected Writings, 1927-1939

All in seperate packages. Making the postman happy.

>> No.5029639

Fuckinlol. Who the fuck would ever think less than zero is his best. Lunar park was great. American psycho was also great. His early novels are painful to read. Utterly disgraceful.

>> No.5029643

Well now I'm conflicted.

>> No.5029652

Great to hear, I look forward to reading the foundation of Buddhism.

>> No.5029654

Ordered recently:
Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha by Daniel Ingram
Phenomenology of Spirit by Hegel
Portable Nietzsche
and Heidegger and Asian Thought

>> No.5029673

leave a tip for the poor fucker

>> No.5029680


As this thread's resident Buddhafag, I recommend reading some classical Buddhist literature and contemporary orthodox Buddhists (i.e., not New Age syncretists, but actual monks and nuns affiliated with a traditional Buddhist school) alongside Ingram's book -- www.accesstoinsight.org and www.dhammatalks.org are good places to start.

Ingram's book has a lot of interesting material, and he's admirably honest about his own background and presuppositions, but IMO its claim to be teaching "the core teachings of the Buddha" (as opposed to one particular interpretation of one particular contemporary meditation school) is disingenuous.

>> No.5029692

>Ingram's book has a lot of interesting material, and he's admirably honest about his own background and presuppositions, but IMO its claim to be teaching "the core teachings of the Buddha" (as opposed to one particular interpretation of one particular contemporary meditation school) is disingenuous.

I feel you on that. I've taken a class on Buddhism and read the Dhammapada, and that is about the extent of my knowledge of Buddhism. In some ways I'm more interested in Taoism.

What do you think about the practice itself in MCTB though?

>> No.5029730

If Goodreads should function as any indication:

>> No.5029731
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>> No.5029736


I've read the book, but I haven't made any effort to practice the particular meditation techniques it describes. So, in that sense, I "don't know what I'm talking about," which when it comes to meditation is a completely legitimate criticism. (FWIW, I do Thanissaro Bhikkhu-style breath meditation.)

That said, I'm wary of it for two reasons:

(1) Ingram is up front about the fact that practicing the techniques in his book will lead to bad results alongside the good ones, including a "dark night of the soul" experience of severe depression/anxiety which is apparently a standard way station on this particular path to enlightenment. One thing I really admire about the book is that he's honest and up front about this, but it's still something I'd rather avoid if possible.

(2) The particular sequence of events and experiences he describes doesn't have any clear counterpart in the canonical Buddhist texts, at least not in the Pali Canon ones that I'm most familiar with. As he explains in the book, they're an oral teaching from the Mahasi Sayadaw school of Burmese Vipassana meditation -- hence my comments about it being one particular interpretation of one particular school.

>> No.5029747

Why are all these plebs ordering Phenomenology of Spirit?

>> No.5029751

>Ingram is up front about the fact that practicing the techniques in his book will lead to bad results alongside the good ones, including a "dark night of the soul" experience of severe depression/anxiety which is apparently a standard way station on this particular path to enlightenment.

This was one problem I had with it; but I've been stuck in a dark night for long enough at this point that I'm willing to try anything, and the technique (noting) does work. So I was hesitant to jump in to this if I could find any other way, and this eventually led me to Reichian therapy (I'm working out of this book Reichian Therapy for Home Use by Jack Willis). Turns out vipassana is a "dangerous" technique they use in that book too, so I just jumped in.

Best of luck on your path man.

>> No.5029757

I read the Consciousness section and it wasn't that bad, so I figured I'd try it.

>> No.5029784

Hope you downloaded it from Gutenberg

>> No.5029785

Because they want to be one of those really smart dudes who have read it, but they get lost reading the first paragraph and never pick it up again.

Source: I am one of those plebs.

>> No.5029791


Thanks, you too. That Reichian therapy book looks very interesting.

>> No.5030933


>> No.5030935

Why would you "bump" this thread, faggot?

>> No.5031010
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>> No.5031014

Most shipped/on the way*

>> No.5031164


>> No.5031210

Check em'

I spent 20 euros on this at the annual book market in my city. Some that I want to read right now, War and Peace+Anna Karenina because I know I'll end up reading them someday.

Going back tomorow for more.
Complete works of James Joyce, bound up epically and such, 12 euros. It's madness.

>> No.5031213
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Forgot pic..

>> No.5031220

>Jonathan Strange

My black associate.

I finished it recently and it's one hell of a book. I made a thread about it the other week and got about four replies. A real shame.

>> No.5031221

>those disgusting covers

>> No.5031223

actually, no, from amazon. The Gutenberg version had no table of contents and I'm autist enough to be bothered by such things while simultaneously being lazy enough not to add one myself.
So I got it on Amazon for 60 cent.

>> No.5031224
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I really need to stop buying books, I already have a fairly long to-read list.

>> No.5031229

> Abriged History of the Decline and the Fall of the Roman Empire

>> No.5031235
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>being ostentatious enough to care about covers rather than enjoying literature

>> No.5031311

Enjoy your shit translations and poor binding. They're cheap for a reason.

>> No.5031335

>tfw you buy faster than you read

>> No.5031582
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How did I do ? Haven't read any of those, looking forward to them. Which one should I start with ?

>> No.5031588

>paying more than 10 euros on books

fucking hell
then again most books i actually own are just pengiun/wordsworth classics which were like sub $3 all new.

i'm a sucker for hardcovers though, so i kinda understand, but still

>> No.5031720

>This is what morons actually believe
I've read multiple wordsworths, took them along in my backpack, etc. They're completely fine.

A lot of them are English, translations unneeded. I've checked threads discussing the best possible translations, more often than not translators who have been used by wordsworth are mentioned. You're not actually thick enough to think wordsworth get their own special translators for their publishing, right? that wouldn't work well with your whole low pricing theory.

Keep trying though.

>> No.5031735

wtf why is your copy of dracula so big????

>> No.5031815

In Finland your average book in a store costs anywhere between 15 and 40 euros (50 if it's a hugeass, somewhat rare hardcover tome) so for me Bookdepository is the equivalent of going in Thailand on a holiday. Logical Investigations were a rip-off, I admit, but I can't be arsed to hunt for previous editions from individuals on Ebay or such.

>> No.5031827

I willingly pay extra for a good looking hardcover, how my collection looks is as much of a point of pride as what's actually in my collection.

>> No.5031907

I'm reading The Scarlet Letter now, and it sucks shit, anon. You made a mistake there.

>> No.5031914

>not realizing that the cover of a book is responsible, even subconciously, to a strong part of the interpretation and comprehension of the literature.

>> No.5031918

Doyle, start there.

>> No.5031961

I just bought the complete Sherlock Holmes too, top taste m8. Start there.

>> No.5032153

No idea, probably something to do with font and page size
Would you recommend reading his stuff in chronological order or would you say that it doesn't matter ?

>> No.5032192

Collins Classics are shit.

>> No.5032216

I do this too but I think most people want to display books on their shelf so they can show visitors how smart and cultured they are.

>> No.5032230

Those are some serious doorstoppers.

>> No.5032298

if you want to attentionwhore then go to >>>/soc/

>> No.5033120

Chronological for the best read but after a certain point it really won't matter

>> No.5033130
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There goes 200$

>> No.5033138

>Aufzeichnungen aus dem Kellerloch

Der Name geht ja gar nicht...

>> No.5033197
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here you go

>> No.5033249

>if you want to discuss literature then leave this board

yeah okay

>> No.5033311

which Sherlock Holmes editions are these? I can't find them on amazon, can you give me the ISBN numbers or something?

>> No.5033328

never mind, found them. sold out and the contract vendors ask for insane prices.

>> No.5033331

Thank you sir

>> No.5033396
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Top 3 books and superman and below were b-day gifts.

The rest were from goodwill, which I didn't know had student discounts.

>> No.5033445

nothing wrong with All-Star Superman. Based Morrison.

what the hell is that thing on the lower right of your monitor though?

>> No.5033464
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It had arms obviously but my a friend broke one, and my brother the other.

To be honest, I actually like the result, was going to head to a hobby shop nearby to flatten, sand, and repaint.

>> No.5033478

I've recently copped(inb4 pleb):

The Blade Itself: The First Law(book one)
Shadow & Claw: the first half of The Book of the New Sun
Gardens of the Moon: Book One of The Malazan Book of the Fallen

Which one should I read first? Help me, /lit/.

>> No.5033524
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actually I was talking about this

>> No.5033693
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Books to start off the summer, reading them in this order.

>> No.5033707
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Avatar picture for a 4chan skin.

It's between that and scantily clad anime girls.

>> No.5033743

damn those are some aesthetic books

>> No.5033752


>scitypy letter

>> No.5033773

Oh that's a cat. From the other angle it looks like a demonic laughing bat thing.

>> No.5033800

Is that Dickinson hardcover? Either way, you're in for a treat. I love her.

>> No.5033813

I'm actually reading it in pieces alongside Asimov's nightfall that I got from the library. I am loving it so far. I was actually close to not picking it up, but decided fuck it, and glad I did.

Introduction was pretty interesting, had no idea she was so reclusive.

>> No.5033828
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Also yes. Here's a copy of Dubliners I picked up the week before as well. I gotta stop going and reading all this.

>> No.5033871

Those are beautiful

>> No.5033893

wow and here i was thinking /lit/ had a variety of different tastes

worse than /mu/core

>> No.5033905


Calm yourself, spergking.

>> No.5034193

Yea, I'm hopefully looking to buy more. Only 2 bucks each.

>> No.5034216

My wordsworth edition of A Portrait of the Artist pretty much exploded in my hands once I got halfway through the book.
Never again.

>> No.5034954


>> No.5034979
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Just came in today!

>> No.5035014


>> No.5035069


>> No.5035087

The Life and Times of Howlin' Wolf.

It's a shame this man was never well educated, he had the capacity to do so much more.

>> No.5035144
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How'd I do?

>> No.5035167


>in defense of elitism

lol i bet you are one goofy ass motherfucker irl

>> No.5035183

Nice choices, man. No Longer Human is great. I got Hegel in the mail today but have yet to receive anything else off that list

>> No.5035207

And I bet you're some antifa faggot

>> No.5035643

My recent purchase is a Paperwhite. With a case. And a stylus. And a charger.

Fucking hell, the price soon adds up.

>> No.5035661
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Tezuka's Buddha (manga) and Calvino's Cosmicomics and Invisible Cities

>> No.5035683
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Just ordered this 1907 edition of Thomas Carlyle's on Heroes and Hero Worship

>> No.5035690

I got Revolt Against the Modern World and Men Among the Ruins in the mail yesterday. I'm >>5035683 so I'm slowly building up my reactionary library. Got some noice 19th century Greek editions of the Illiad and the Odyssey that same day.
>tfw you no longer have enough money for a packet of cigarettes and bread this week
Small sacrifices

>> No.5035700
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>I'm slowly building up my reactionary library

the autism scale is off the charts with some of these posts wow lol

>> No.5035966
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>> No.5036019

nice choices man
i love both the calvino books, but haven't even heard of the manga, so now i'm wondering if i should give it a go

>> No.5036108

You could just read it online of course. I never actually buy manga but I could get these for only €50, so yeah.

>> No.5036287
File: 2.41 MB, 4128x2322, 20140620_163512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberalism: A Counter History by Dominic Losurdo
A Critique of Everyday Life by Henri Lefebvre
Althusser and his Contemporaries by Warren Montag

>> No.5036293

>can't afford bread
>aspiring aristocratic reactionary

>> No.5036294

just finished ASFTINDA, and, now reading Consider the Lobster, I think the latter is more fun and interesting. Some ASFTINDA essays are really great but the first couple are a bit long.
I also saved the last essay, the title essay, for a cruise vacation I recently went on. Fun similarities.

>> No.5036305
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>> No.5037221

Tao Teh Ching, good choice.

>> No.5037233

i have no issues pirating music and movies, but for books and comics i'm still pretty old fashioned and like having the pages to leaf through. i downloaded akira and read it on cbrs, but i might buy it anyway because it's just not the same reading it on a computer screen

>> No.5037316
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Waiting on them in the mail.

I am very excited.

>> No.5037341

i don't get people who want to read a bunch of the same guy's books at once

like, i would get one and read that and then if i liked it maybe a while later i'd read another of them
but buying three at once? what if you hate the first one?

and even if you don't, how can people just want to remain in the same literary headspace for three books running?

>> No.5037342


>can't read shit out of the beaten paths

/lit/ you're such fucking plebs, seriously. You can't read anything if it hasn't been read by millions before and "liked" like a Facebook post for whores.

Be daring for fuck's sake. Trust your own opinion and stop reading for ego.

>> No.5037344


You're fucking retarded.

>> No.5037353

Dubliners is so fucking good
God I would fuck all the farts out of that books if I could

>> No.5037374

>how can people just want to remain in the same literary headspace for three books running?

not him but... because you love that literary headspace?

>> No.5037393

a lot of assumptions eh?

He's probably still getting into literature, and it is understandable to focus on the established canonical works.

>> No.5037427
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>> No.5037430

Oh stop it.

>> No.5037476
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Posted this sunday but hey I'll repost. Got this for $5. Always find good stuff at savers, goodwill a shit.

>> No.5037487

I think what he's saying is how do you know you'll love it enough to read everything?

>> No.5037494

i was saying that as well, but my other question was about wanting to just remain in the same place rather than going to explore new stuff all the time
which i guess is understandable, just anathema to me

>> No.5037525
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A friend picked this up for me yesterday so not exactly a purchase

>> No.5038428


You actually helped me. Before "stumbling upon" this thread, and your post, to be more specific, I had coming my way

Evans-Pritchard - Theories of Primitive Religion
Lévi-Strauss - Myth and Meaning
Carl Jung - Man and his Symbols
Carl Jung - The Modern Man in Search of a Soul

to which I now added, from your list

Heidegger - Being and Time, and
Hume - An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

It was one of those, "Oh shit, yeah..." moments, so, yeah, thanks.

I still need Heckenberger's The Ecology of Power, cheap

>> No.5038461

You must live in the Southern Hemisphere.
Those wood chips should be great for starting a flame.

>> No.5038507

Against the Day (First Edition)

Is Shogun good?

Does anyone give a shit about editions?

>> No.5038723
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Bought all these in the past few weeks.

>> No.5038739

Oh God I hated Crash, it's so... empty

>> No.5038890

Yes and yes

>> No.5038893

against the day a shit

>> No.5038898

Goffman is decent; never profound.

>> No.5039017
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Picked this up today for a couple of dollars, i normally would not buy vintage, but I'm interested in the period and for the price I couldn't resist.

>> No.5039363
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>> No.5039370


>> No.5039375

what's wrong with vintage?

>> No.5039379

The spines are fucked up.

>> No.5039382
File: 49 KB, 600x600, eraser01.jpg1881d2cf-973c-4d37-842f-f7bafa397e01Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guise, when you buy a used book and the price is written inside in the corner of the title in pencil, what do you do about it?

me, i just leave it there

>> No.5039414

*title page

>> No.5040857
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don't really care

stickers on the other hand

b&n is fine but that shit coming out of goodwill fuck

>> No.5041950
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They came brodarted, both in excellent condition.

>> No.5042055

I just got resistance, rebellion, and death by albert camus today

>> No.5043244

that Alfred Bester short story collection looks interesting.

>> No.5043305

>flip it
>bigass sticker
Reason not to buy books #387

>> No.5043323
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Visited the book market once more.
This whole bunch cost me 50$
For all the ovulating, not actually reading anything but constantly throwing tampons around on imageboards about wordsworth faggots, Tolstoy translations are by Aylmer and Louise Maude, who actually met Tolstoy and had him approve their translations, I've also read a different publisher's Maude translation of short works by Tolstoy, and they were good reads.
Dostoevsky translations by Garnett, not the most popular one, but readable.
I couldn't find Kafka in Dutch, otherwise I would've bought that, since Dutch is Germanic, so therefore closer to Kafka's original language. This one is translated by Williams.
Art of War is translated by Yuan Shibing, and that motherfucker is Chinese, so I figure he should know.
There is no translator listed for Jules Verne, so I can't look him up.

>> No.5043326


>$50 for a sea of wordsworth editions

protip: you got played

>> No.5043335

wow such adventurous tastes

>> No.5043342

Oh dear lord. You paid fifty dollars for that pile of cheap junk?

>> No.5043343
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>For all the ovulating, not actually reading anything but constantly throwing tampons around on imageboards

This defense mode projection is hilarious.

Caught feelings over your shit buys before you let anyone even respond to the fail.

>> No.5043353

American Psycho is absolute garbage. Please please don't buy it new. I have a copy I desperately want to give to someone who is thinking of buying it.

Less Than Zero is pretty damn good. I haven't read Lunar Park but between AP and <0, the latter is tops

>> No.5043355

Verso nice

>> No.5043400

I actually ended up paying more for the oriental war techniques one. It was 7 euro's, WW were 2 each, save a few who were 3 or 4.
Starting with the basics. So far I've enjoyed 19th century literature, but I knew I'd have to read W&P and Anna Karenina someday, so I just bought them while they were 2 euros each.
Some stuff on war since I'm starting History Conflict Studies next year, figured I might aswell read up on it.
Well, I've posted recent purchases before, and there is a deep rooted hatred for Wordsworth classics going round, that is, out of experience, completely prejudiced and untrue at that. (they don't last more than 1 read, terrible quality, shit translations, etc.) I've visited the board more than once, and I know some people can actually get affected by mindless idiocracy spouted on a board like this, changing their future actions.

On top of that, writing insults is fun, isn't it? I mean, that's why we're all here, right? We don't discuss literature, we sit in our bubble of autism and supercilliousness and try to outdo eachother by attempting to hurt eachothers feelings and displaying great casuistry to convince them that we don't care, right?

>> No.5043410
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>> No.5043413
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>> No.5043425
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The first picture contained:
Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice(6 euro)
Abbott: Flatland(3 euro)
Francesco Guicciardini: Memories(1 euro)

The second picture contained:
Plinio iunior: Letters to the familiars(1 euro)
Seneca: the Happiness(1 euro)
Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa: il Gattopardo(1 euro)

The third picture contained:
Shakespeare: King Lear(1 euro)
A. Baricco: City( 1 euro)

Total: 8 euro for 15 euro

>> No.5043440
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>all this raw emotion

You need a time out.
This is hitting you a bit too hard right now.

>> No.5043441

>purchasing books
Top kike m9

>> No.5043444

What a lovely pic from Dante's Inferno and Muhammad. Where did you find it?

>> No.5043446

I can't find Reinassance books so easily on the web, my friend.

>> No.5043481
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>> No.5043484
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If you don't mean what you post, then why post it? To say I'm as emotionally affected as your post implies is misleading, but sure, I do get slightly annoyed by circlejerks, because I honestly don't see the point, and I refuse to believe that people genuinely prefer spending their time that way, instead of partking in all the other things they could be doing. What's the point of partaking in any discussion if you're not going to be sincere in your statements? That is honestly a more puny way to spend your time than to sit in complete solitude and wither away.

So when I see a lot of posts bashing translations, quality, etc., I do some research and speak out of experience to try and disprove your prejudices, but I guess that just makes it more exciting, because you feel you have roused an emotion in someone else over the internet, like you would by communicating to an actual person, so the myriad of ''baits'' and ''ebin trolls'' can continue.

It's just that when I see threads about education and uni's on here, it seems a vast majority of posters attends university, yet every other thread proves another dent in my confidence that educated people are different, are willing to be open minded to discussion because they acknowledge their prejudices and shortcomings.

Anyways, enjoy the fact that my post was longer than the usual post on 4chan, which clearly means I'm welling up over here, and have therefore delivered to you a splendid victory to tell all your mates down at the pub about.

>> No.5043509

I don't entirely understand why this inspired so much blind rage, that many decent books for $50 (that's like £25 right?) is undeniably a good deal

>> No.5043510


If you want to buy poor quality books then you are free to do so. You don't have to explain yourself to anyone. But at least come to terms with the fact that they are poor quality.

It is alarming that you are getting this upset over coming to terms with notoriously cheap books being of notoriously lesser quality.

You're imploding over a simple causation and it's kind of pathetic to see.

>> No.5043552

>getting this upset
What made you think that? I think I've been pretty clear and honest about how ''mad'' I am.

The quality will be less than a leather bound tome, sure. However, you can't deny with earnest that the lack of quality of Wordsworth being implied on /lit/ all the time is to be taken seriously, unless you have never actually owned one.

Like I tried to explain in my post, the Dosto translations don't have the best reputation, however, for Tolstoy, he himself knew the translators used by wordsworth, and approved of their translations. For every native English novel there is no argument as to why you shouldn't buy them. Their quality isn't as great as hardcover, leather bound, special edition 50 euro books, no disupute.

However, if you want to read books, if you like reading books, if you want to be able to read the same book five times throughout your life, if you want to carry it around in your backpack without it decaying any more than any other paperback, then wordsworth is absolutely fine.

>> No.5043601

Decided to buy Haruki Murakami - Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World.

Should I expect to enjoy myself?

My favourite author is Dostoyevski.

>> No.5043834

i'm on holiday in Spain and all i've managed to pick up is Weaveworld and The Forever War. Weaveworld is really fun so far, I can't wait until i'm back in a first world country where I can buy decent books.