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/lit/ - Literature

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5030979 No.5030979[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone want an invite to aaaaarg.org ?

>> No.5030982

Kill yourself. I regret inviting you fags.

>> No.5030989

Because sharing access to literature, books and learning is faggotry. Stay mad.

>> No.5031075

Do they cover only academic texts?

>> No.5031098

No eveything from Academic, to ancient literature and popular genre fiction. there's shitloads in there

>> No.5031102

Ah, so their library doesn't list everything they have?

>> No.5031116

As far as I;m aware it does, but also check collections to find texts sorted into collections

Here for example is /lit/'s ever favourite DFW:


To see the versions available to download and to actually download you have to create an account, which is invite-only, hence my offer to invite

>> No.5031128


hey op if you are still offering this i'd def. want a piece mainly because i am looking to find academic articles on which to skewer fag homo philo nerds

email in the field above thanks bub %^)

>> No.5031274

You fucking cunt. You're how snitches enter the movement.

>> No.5031278

>just another private tracker

>> No.5031282

Yes please!

>> No.5031284


Hey op, if you still have an invite I'd really appreciate an in.

I don't have a lot of money these days so I can't afford as many books as I'd like to read. Also, easy access to academic writing would be very helpful.

>> No.5031287

My e-mail.

>> No.5031293

Yes please.

>> No.5031295

I can see you've not done a BA.

>> No.5031298


>> No.5031345

Is this real? If so: yes, please.

>> No.5031368

Would love an invite. Thanks.

>> No.5031401

Would be great.

>> No.5031407

I'd be grateful

>> No.5031509

Sheeeit, i get back to this thread and there are shitloads of replies!

>> No.5031516


>> No.5031520

Emails sent

You may want to make another email, I didn't get to the thread til couple hours later

>> No.5031522

Sent you an email too, friend.

>> No.5031524

Whoops forgot my trip, so you know it is actually me!

>> No.5031526

Pretty please!

>> No.5031528

m-me pls :3

>> No.5031529

Invite sent

>> No.5031532

You too, anon-san

>> No.5031534

Do you have to keep a good upload ratio? Because I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to contribute anything.

>> No.5031535

I don't know what "aaaaarg.org" is but I want one invitation too

>> No.5031540

thank you, Lucius-chan

>> No.5031546

I'm interested. Finding essays about aesthetics on the internet is hell

>> No.5031549

No, it's not a torrent site or anything, it's a site where you can download books, but alos upload copies of books you have

>> No.5031556

Also, Invite, sent.
you're welcome!

>> No.5031564

Thanks mate

>> No.5031571

Second try then. Would be great.

>> No.5031573


>> No.5031589

This website is the best thing that has ever happened to me, I feel paralysed, also very giddy. Wow.

>> No.5031592

Duh, hope I won't miss it again.

>> No.5031593

Can I get an invite, please?

>> No.5031595

I'd be very grateful for one

>> No.5031597

It would make my day, OP.

>> No.5031605

If you're still sending these, I'd appreciate an invite.

>> No.5031607


>> No.5031610

Et tu, Anon

>> No.5031611

Would be awesome, thanks mate.

>> No.5031612

Thanks, mate.

>> No.5031614

Dat Email Address.
Invite Sent

>> No.5031616

Thanks, Anon.

>> No.5031617

Thanks, bro.

>> No.5031624

Have been wanting to get on this site for a long time. Thanks a ton

>> No.5031626

Are you still here? I'd love an invite!

>> No.5031631

Do you still have invitations? If you do, please send. Thanks in advance

>> No.5031632

I would appreciate an invite

>> No.5031633

Please help anon

>> No.5031642

Invites ent

>> No.5031652

Me please

>> No.5031653

Hey if it's not too late I would really love an invite.

Thanks for doing this

>> No.5031655


>> No.5031658

I'd appreciate an invite, if they're still going around, and it's not too much trouble. It seems interesting at least.

>> No.5031659

Thanks again! Much appreciated

>> No.5031661


>> No.5031664

I willbe very grateful for one.

>> No.5031666

hi op, if you've still got invites left, I'd very much appreciate one

thank you

>> No.5031669


>> No.5031672

is it just me or are there mostly PDFs on aaaarg?

>> No.5031673


>> No.5031674

Here's an Epub library:


>> No.5031695

I'll take one, if I still can. From where do they get their academic texts?

>> No.5031701

thank you

>> No.5031703

and yes I said yes I will Yes

>> No.5031705

Would like to check it out, thanks anon.

>> No.5031760

If you still have any left, I'd be verry happy to join!

>> No.5031766

Would be appreciated.

>> No.5031769

Link sent. They are user uploaded

Invites sent

>> No.5031772

Need an email address

>> No.5031773

Can I get one?

>> No.5031778

Thank you!

>> No.5031780

Not same dude
Email is in the email field above (clock on anonymous above the comment)

>> No.5031781


>> No.5031791

Ignore this, I suck dicks. Also, lol trip

>> No.5031797

Invite sent

>> No.5031798

I'll take one if that's not too much trouble

>> No.5031799

I meant to hit this one. Invite sent

>> No.5031801


>> No.5031803

It's in the email field as said

>> No.5031806

was aaaaarg always invitation based? i've had a membership for years (back when there were less a's in the name) and don't remember being invited.

>> No.5031808

Just click on Anonymous (maybe try refreshing the page if there's no link).

>> No.5031836

Invite me please!

>> No.5031839

Invite sent

>> No.5031841

I'd like an invite if it's not too much trouble!

>> No.5031852

Invite sent

>> No.5031854

I asked earlier but my temp email must have died before you got to it. Would appreciate an invite if you have any left, thanks.

>> No.5031868

Invite winging its way to you both

>> No.5031874


>> No.5031876

I'd like to ask for an invite as well, if it's not too much trouble. You're a cool guy.

>> No.5031883

Can I have an email my good sir?

>> No.5031890

Invite please, if you can spare one.

>> No.5031893


>> No.5031923


Nothing seems to be popping into my inbox for that address for some reason.

Could you try this one instead please? Thanks.


>> No.5032006

Y-yes please based anon

>> No.5032029

one please

>> No.5032072

would love an invite if youre doing it m8

>> No.5032075


>> No.5032252

pretty late to the show, but could I have one, too, plese?

>> No.5032273

I want to better myself, anon!

>> No.5032297


>> No.5032331

i'd love an invite

>> No.5032368

Yes please!

>> No.5032385

... Please? If it's not too late.

>> No.5032387


>> No.5032399

You would be extremely thankful.

>> No.5032403

*I would

>> No.5032408

for you

>> No.5032424

I would highly appreciate it.

>> No.5032426

Would like one if still happening mate

>> No.5032429

Probably too late, but worth a try.

>> No.5032432

Invite sent

>> No.5032439

Invite sent

Not at all! Invite sent!

>> No.5032442


>> No.5032443

I found that site on accident.
They just let me in after an email, they don't have much special stuff.

>> No.5032445
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>> No.5032459

They made it so you needed an invite because they didn't stupid fags -- like these anons -- that only use it download and never upload anything. I guarantee it none of these fags will upload anything. I'm kicking myself in the ass for sending those initial invites a few months ago.

>> No.5032460

would like an invite very much

>> No.5032467

You'd have my eternal gratitude.

>> No.5032495

Invite Sent

I beg to differ: http://aaaaarg.org/thing/53230e65334fe0544992373b

>> No.5032509

Yeah, no shit, I've used it every day -- for four years -- hitherto, and not every upload has that available yet. Also, I'm not sure what you're trying to prove? Did you upload this: good, little fag.

>> No.5032517

>I'm not sure what you're trying to prove?
>I guarantee it none of these fags will upload anything

>> No.5032539

I have been looking all over for someone who could invite me! LtD, you would make my day.

>> No.5032547

You're the man OP, I'll make sure to upload my obscure Ezra Pound articles if you add me

>> No.5032556

Invite sent

>> No.5032564

There's some Ezra Pound stuff there, I've added you so you can add your stuff.

>> No.5032797

I'd really appreciate an invite. Looking to read some of Baudrillard's stuff.

>> No.5032828

Sure. Thanks in advance

>> No.5032833

sortry to bother you, but somehow I didn't receive one

>> No.5032844

I used a mailinator address, too, it didn't work for some reason

>> No.5032894

OP I'll love you forever

>> No.5032955

>Derek Bailey and the Story of Free Improvisation

Holy shit I need to read this. I would greatly appreciate an invite OP.

>> No.5033000
File: 22 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

: )

>> No.5033012

Me please if you're still here, OP.

>> No.5033062

OP, I'd really appreciate it

>> No.5033205

Please and thank you.

>> No.5033215

hell yeah derek bailey rules

>> No.5033286

Please. :)

>> No.5033294

If OP is still here, I'd love an invite.


>> No.5033309

Please, if you're still inviting.

>> No.5033378

pls OP...

>> No.5033437

Do you still give them out OP? I'd be really grateful.

>> No.5033490

If these are still going out I'd love one

>> No.5033494

thanks op

>> No.5033495

This looks fantastic.

>> No.5033507

Sure, that'd be great.

>> No.5033512

I'm late to the game, but I'd love one.

>> No.5033514

my bad, I forgot my email mazza4@verizon.net

>> No.5033539

I had no idea what this even was and I asked for an invite - after scrolling through it for about twenty minutes, I'm beginning to think this could be the greatest thing ever. How did I not know about this before?

Thanks OP.

>> No.5033552

I'll take one, if they're still being passed around.

>> No.5033612

I'd love one, if they're still up for grabs.

>> No.5033625

I know i'm late to the game but an invite would be...aces.

>> No.5033650

Like everyone else said, stumbled upon this too late. OP if you are still around and would be so kind, I'd love you 5ever. It sounds like paradise.

>> No.5033694

I'd be forever grateful

>> No.5033696

This whole thread reads like some weird social experiment.

>> No.5033767


>> No.5033882

if you invite me I'll suck your dick

>> No.5033883

Agreed, I didn't think there were this many people on /lit/. There definitely aren't...this is something fishy

>> No.5033900


>> No.5033910

Invite pls: bookdood@nsa.gov

>> No.5034618

invite pls.

>> No.5034654 [DELETED] 

please OP

>> No.5034661

please OP

>> No.5035030

please come back

>> No.5035035

If possible.

>> No.5035172

you already have an account apparently

Invite sent

top keks m8

You're very welcome. Please do Contribute though, that goes for all of you!

Invite sent but I'll pass on the fellatio

Don't you worry friend, i'm keeping an eye on this here thread

>> No.5035186

pls invite

>> No.5035192

Invite sent

>> No.5035193

OP is the greatest person ever.

>> No.5035197

I'm not sure what this is but thx man.

>> No.5035199

Hey, OP, I'm an idiot who forgot the last two ditches of my e-mail username. Can you send it again?

>> No.5035201

thank you

>> No.5035206

Could I get and invite plz?

>> No.5035227

P-pls anon, I'd like an invite.

>> No.5035232 [DELETED] 

let's do this

>> No.5035240

do this...again!

>> No.5035241

Still want an invite?

Invite sent

>> No.5035243

it's fine, already sent it

>> No.5035246

Svelte, I'm keen.

>> No.5035252

Pretty please

>> No.5035259


>> No.5035269

Holy hot dog in a toaster! Of course I'd like to have one too.

>> No.5035275

Thanks! Already found a book I'm super hyped to get my hands on after about 30 seconds of browsing.

>> No.5035278

Have an invite, friend!

>> No.5035282

You've seriously given me a little hope for humanity anon.

>> No.5035288

canna git one?


>> No.5035297


>> No.5035305

the thanks are overflowing from this corner.

>> No.5035316

Thanks a ton man!

>> No.5035324

So, you find and post college essays on it or something? I see this being an effective college tool, if that's what it's supposed to be.

>> No.5035325
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Much obliged, guv'nor.

>> No.5035326
File: 36 KB, 300x574, PabstBlueRibbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother may I?

>> No.5035332

Not just college essays, everything from Classical greek texts to modern Authors. Look up an Author in "Library" and you may well find them

>> No.5035334

For sure!

>> No.5035344

May I?


>> No.5035353

Since you asked so nicely

>> No.5035364
File: 118 KB, 496x594, fas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[gratitude intensifies]

>> No.5035365

would appreciate one


>> No.5035450

Thanks again, LD. Now I just have to find stuff to upload.

>> No.5035464

I would love an invite. You are a supreme gentleman. a5981407@drdrb.net

>> No.5035493

got it, cheers m8

>> No.5035516

Invites sent

>> No.5035526

i will love one.

>> No.5035531

Shit, I know I do

>> No.5035549

i would love one..... always wanted access to critical essays as a supplement... i might just blow my load....

>> No.5035557

If you give me an invite I will give you nothing in return but my undying gratitude.

>> No.5035563

>mfw this is an NSA scheme to oust the last bastion of intellectual freedom and send all literates to prison for life

>> No.5035578

Please, thank you.

>> No.5035587

wouldnt be surprised considering those guys are basically hardcore computer nerds with a lot of power in their autist hands typing away to destroy language and replace it with maths and code

>> No.5035644

Hey, I would love one, thanks..

>> No.5035651

yo can I have invite pls?

>> No.5035789

thanks so much

>> No.5035870

Invites sent

>> No.5035908

I'd appreciate one if there are any left.

>> No.5035932

Is it too late to get an invite?

>> No.5035943

Cheers mate.

>> No.5035964

If it's not too late for an invite, my email is jackdorito@yahoo.com. I would be incredibly grateful.

>> No.5035973

I'd appreciate one. My email is Ihurtyourfeelings@gmail.com

>> No.5035999

Invites sent

>> No.5036017
File: 207 KB, 720x540, absolutely based.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are the man. thanks a lot!

>> No.5036037

I'm not sure if it's just my webhost being terrible again but I haven't received anything. Never mind, thanks for trying.

>> No.5036052

If it isn't too late.

>> No.5036112

An invite would be much appreciated.

>> No.5036116
File: 1.25 MB, 320x240, Boxing_cats_(1894)_-_yt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd appreciate an invite if it isn't too late.

>> No.5036131

I'd be glad to grab one if any are still being handed out.

These guys seem like cool guys.

>> No.5036133

Please to invite!

>> No.5036135

I was wondering why I could not find a collective library like this online. Now I have. I would appreciate an invite.

>> No.5036142

If anyone has an invite available, I would appreciate it deeply.

>> No.5036161

I'd like an invite if still possible, thanks.

>> No.5036213

Invite sent

>> No.5036232

would appreciate an invite

>> No.5036237


>> No.5036249

I'd like an invite too

>> No.5036251

Sorry to be a pain, but could I get an invite if they're still going?
I still haven't got the first invite, assuming it was even sent and some anon isn't just messing with me.

>> No.5036252

Awesome, got it. Thanks a ton man!

>> No.5036269

Hate to show up late but an invite would be great, thanks.

>> No.5036270


>> No.5036273


I'm not like the rest of these plebs

>> No.5036276

If there are still invites going around can i get one?

>> No.5036580


>> No.5036607
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>> No.5036650


>> No.5036672

Whatever, might as well give it a shot..

Does it have good translated versions of Schopenhauer's work? Because the ones I've found from the internet, are trash.

>> No.5036680

Just looked, it's lean in that department.

>> No.5036684

Too bad since the works that are translated (at least the ones in Gutenberg) are pain in the ass to read.

I need to learn Germany I guess.

>> No.5036688

Probably too late, but would appreciate one if you have any to spare.

>> No.5036691

Invite me pls tee hee

>> No.5037482

OP please return!

>> No.5037671

You rang?

Invite sent

Have you got an alternative email address? I can't send another invite to that address as aaaaarg has already set up an account for you

>> No.5037675

Thanks a million, dude.

>> No.5037678

Whoops, trip

>> No.5037681

Never enough books, would really appreciate one.

>> No.5037693

Please and thank you, never have enough books!

>> No.5037696


>> No.5037701

Again, sent

>> No.5037707


>> No.5037735

Please OP

>> No.5037759


>> No.5037764

Thanks a bunch

>> No.5037779

If it's still possible then I'd like one too please.

>> No.5037793

If you are still offering I'd very much like one, please.

>> No.5037796

Yes, please, if possible.

>> No.5037837

An invite would be much appreciated! Thanks OP!

>> No.5037839

sheit, nigga is the party over?

>> No.5037858


Not at all. I issue invites whenever I can get back to the thread

>> No.5037893

Thanks OP

>> No.5037900

i dont really want an invite but that derek bailey book looks cool, will check it out

>> No.5037962

Would love one if they are still available. Books without boundaries! Thanks in advance

>> No.5037964 [DELETED] 

invite me please. unless it's too late.

>> No.5038008

I'd deeply appreciate it, thanks in advance.

>> No.5038010

Dxarmbar06@yahoo.com pppppllllllzzzzz!! ^_^

>> No.5038024

Are you there, OP?

Please, send me one.

>> No.5038025


Thanks Feller'.

>> No.5038027

Could I get an invite, please?

>> No.5038032

Would be appreciated.

>> No.5038067

E-mail in field, I'd be very grateful for an invite.

>> No.5038068

I'd enjoy an invite too please.

>> No.5038069

Didn't show up for some reason:


>> No.5038083

Yes, please.

>> No.5038130

if you get to me, thanks

>> No.5038148

Please and thanks!

>> No.5038155

wheter you get to me or not i appreciate it

>> No.5038161

Thank you in advance.

>> No.5038163

hope i'm not too late...

>> No.5038238

I'd like one if you don't min

>> No.5038260
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>mfw not an "active" student atm so can't access any scholarly databases
P-please überOP?

>> No.5038272

I'd love one if you're still feel generous.

>> No.5038275


>> No.5038285

holy shit OP this is awesome
if you have any invites left, i'd fucking love one

>> No.5038289

I would love an invite if you're still sending them out OP

>> No.5038297

if you're still offering, OP

>> No.5038314

an invite would be awesome!! Thanks!

>> No.5038349

I'll toss my hat in this ring. Schoolbooks are expensive.

>> No.5038401

Me want

>> No.5038411


>> No.5038439

If I'm not too late to the party, I would love one as well, please.

>> No.5038445

Thanks btw!

>> No.5038484

If you have any left, I'd appreciate an invite :)

>> No.5038504

you're the fuckin man

>> No.5038505

I'd like one if you got any left

>> No.5038509

OP OP please give me an invite :D

(don't leave yet)

>> No.5038517

pretty sure you need an actual email account to register dude

>> No.5038535

I would love one if that would be ok. Thank you.

>> No.5038547

how old is the site? i did a couple searches and they probably have less than 5% of what's on SLSK.

>> No.5038580

An invite please.

>> No.5038792

i'd love an invite.

>> No.5038880


>> No.5040080

Is it too late to get an invite?