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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 6 KB, 270x186, DFWiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5033568 No.5033568[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw my parents don't realize how productive my daily writing is

How do they feel about your literary life, /lit/?

One day we'll show them all.

>> No.5033578

I live the bohemian live, which mostly entails ingesting obscure amphetamines and having transvestite boyfriends and it's really depressing and I want to die.

Never seen that DFW pic. Nice.

>> No.5033584

I was masturbating earlier and my mom walked in, with a slight grin she asked me "having fun anon?". I immediately blushed as precum oozed from my faucet; n-no mom I dong even-

no son, son.

>> No.5033589


Kill yourself now.

>> No.5033598

I wish I could do that. Instead I'm writing after working long hours at a shitty paying job so I can afford my tiny basement suite I share with a roommate.

Enjoy it, anon.

>> No.5033601

I tried to hang myself with a dog leash and it didn't work out but I'll get around to suiciding when I find the most efficient method possible and/or when both my parents die.

>> No.5033610

>Claims to live a free roaming life style
>Does the same degenerate shit daily

Top kek, like the kids that say yolo and piss away their lives only drinking

>> No.5033614

Just shoot yourself in the head you fucking idiot.

>> No.5033617

I have a long history of success as regards everything else, so that helps. I also have a famous philosopher uncle and apparently "breeding goes a long way" (though I thoroughly disagree with that statement privately, lol).

>> No.5033624

find help

>> No.5033631


People that try to kill themselves and fail doing so, deserve to die even more than before they tried.

Just down a bottle of whiskey/vodka, take a knife and cut your throat like a fucking man.

Pick a classical composition of your own choice to die to. Mine would be Ave Maria, or moonlight sonata; but pick whatever suits you the best.

>> No.5033637

It'd be nice of you to wait until your parents die at least, anon. They'd feel like it was their fault :(

>> No.5033640

It's shallow and unfulfilling and not fun at all and, above all, you're absolutely right: it's fucking infantile.

>> No.5033642

Sup Phillip Roth.

>> No.5033644

Nice, I like it when neckbeards pretend to be badasses or suicidal writers. Very lit. Same thread tomorrow /b/ros?

>> No.5033653

>Wants to die to Ave Maria
Wow, you're gay.

>> No.5033654

Helium is apparently a nice way to die, though. You just fall asleep and die, your body not registering that its being deprived of oxygen. (Plastic bag over your head, helium being pumped into it.) Don't do it, though, anon!

>> No.5033660

They only fail to realize how productive your daily writing is because your 35 and still live at home and had that one job for like three weeks after high school before you told them "I am going to write a book".

One day my mom asked me, "What the hell, why do you even have all those books? Why don't you read anything important?"
Apparently the Classics and Modernism were not important to literature in the eyes of my mother who didn't make it past page 11 in her CVS version of Lovely Bones.

>> No.5033668


Wrong, i´m a magnificent gentleman. What would be your choice?

>> No.5033677

I had a cousin commit suicide by plastic bag at 14 years of age. Remarkable, to be honest. I mean, hanging or shooting yourself are one thing. They're just the choice, basically, and the rest is taken care of by forces outside of yourself. But to suffocate yourself by plastic bag is something else.

>> No.5033680
File: 62 KB, 800x388, 1385795568956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw attempt to commit suicide using helium
>tfw put in the mask on
>tfw pass out
>tfw wake up and the mask had fallen off
>tfw start crying with a high voice
>tfw can't even kill myself properly

>> No.5033682

Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears.

>> No.5033690

That's hilarious. I nearly killed myself one time by OD and basically just went through torture for 3 days before being OK again. Cosmic fucking joke, IMO. I'm Jesus, guys

>> No.5033697

do you read yourself?

>> No.5033701


But that song kind of makes me want to keep living.

>> No.5033709

Writing is productive by its very nature.

When you write, you produce.

>> No.5033713


>> No.5033715
File: 103 KB, 500x313, laughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit. i hope this never happened to anyone.

>> No.5033729
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I do. That would make my day.

>> No.5033731

Just imagine loved ones walking in on the aftermath of my suicide with that blasting on repeat.
>No, anon, not you
>You could've ruled the world
>You were always acting on your best behavior
>But, nothing lasts forever
>You should've just shouted and let it all out
Oops, wrong song. You get the idea, though.

>> No.5033738

I started out wanting them to understand where I'm coming from, but I stopped caring. I figure that my writing has to be for me, and me alone. I have to write stories that appeal to me, and I have to do what I think I have to do to develop the storytelling skills to get there.

>> No.5033771


I like the way you think my nigger.

>> No.5033811

why is everyone on lit suicidal? is it that they come here to acquire some sort of pseudo-intellectual acceptance from books they can only critique as "yes the prose is great"? honestly, just get yourselves done with, its pathetic that you try out of sheer desperation to read; then again, theres always the possibility of you reaching the bible and living off that.

captcha: crynote

>> No.5033834


>why is everyone on lit suicidal? is it that they

I think you mean; "is it that you". You´re speaking directly to the people of /lit/, not on a forum that discusses people on /lit/, retard.


>> No.5033971

honestly, i hardly care; but I could refer to those who aren't directed by this comment, as surely there should be. go to reddit, or something. burn.

>> No.5033987

nice english skills; your obviously quite a intellignet person

>> No.5034008
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>> No.5034032

> speaking english=intelligence
try again

>> No.5034036

that wasn't my point at all
try again

>> No.5034334

quit fucking talking to yourself

>> No.5034409

just got here but...

>for the suicide talk
if you're gonna do it, just do it. don't brag on some image board looking for feigned sympathy for having failed to kill yourself.

>for the topic of the thread
everyone hates my writing. they say it reads like a drunkard reminiscing and talking bullshit.

>> No.5034421 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5034485

>I live the bohemian live

>> No.5034491

>I live the denialist homosexual lifestyle

i translated for ya, anon

>> No.5034508

>tfw would love to die to one of Tallis' (the composer not the tripfag) compositions but found out he was mentioned in 50 Shades of Grey and don't want people thinking I'm a fag who loved that book after I die

>> No.5034597

What'd you on on?

>> No.5034639

>on on

>> No.5034650

OD on. Eat gay.

>> No.5034651
File: 19 KB, 191x200, rg (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write a poem about flowers the other day on the way to univeristy
>mfw I imagine anyone finding my notebook

>> No.5035699

Not to be a dick but this is the funniest fucking thing I have ever read.

You're on /lit/ bro.

Turn this greentext into something, a short story at least.

>> No.5036222
File: 7 KB, 250x242, 1392086622921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about to commit suicide
>helium tank and gas mask assembly finally completed
>put on mask
>turn on tank
>lay down face up on bed
>close eyes
>mom opens door
>take off gas mask
>prepare the most dramatic speech that will make her cry for sure
>deep breath
>attempt to begin speech
>forget the fact that there's helium in my lungs
>the words "YOU'LL NEVER UNDERSTAND MY PAIN" come out in the squeakiest, queerest, fucking chipmunk voice
>she bursts out laughing

>> No.5036244
File: 11 KB, 250x247, golden lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw start crying with a high voice

funniest thing i've read on here in fucking ages, hahahahaha

>> No.5036247
File: 174 KB, 421x506, 1402826042534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5036253

Yeah god damn that's ballsy as fuck. Some fucks in this thread, if they're to be believed, can't even muster up the willpower to eat a bullet.

>> No.5036260

That's stale.

>> No.5036301

shit tier taste

>> No.5036328

Those substitute ecstacy tablets. I took 10 back to back, then god knows how many more after. It was an attempt at an honourable suicide, I think (I wasn't thinking much about it at the time; its weird, such notions just seize you); as if to get them taken off the market or something, anything. I've nearly killed myself a bunch of times jumping in to back other people up, too.

>> No.5036331

It's in the blood. We're badass suicidal motherfuckers, my family.

>> No.5036404

*tips fedora*

>> No.5036408

I tried that, but after I passed out I started clawing the bag of my head. Instinct is too strong for me, I think.

>> No.5036413

In a way it was. Fuck them for giving you a life you never asked for.

>> No.5036418

>badass suicidal motherfuckers
those doctors that skydive into remote villages to provide crucial care are badass. self-destructive behavior is not 'badass'

>> No.5036426

I wouldn't be so sure, mate. Props to those docs, though.

>> No.5036437

I knew a dude who put on one of those shock collars for dogs one time, then walked across the line with it. About two weeks later he hung himself. Sometimes, and with no other recourse (as those doctors had), just taking yourself out of the monstrous equation is the best a person can give. You see it with all those bitches who'll tell you to kill yourself, for example. Basically they pussied out (because death is fucking scary), but want all of this for themselves, carnal comfort to cover up the existential pain. The suicide, at the least, is infinitely more badass than the bitch who'll tell another to kill themself, IMO.

>> No.5036448
File: 246 KB, 1254x1000, the-poor-poet-1837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you commit suicide, you've truly lost.

If you write, even if it's a little bit of shit poetry here and there, you are still producing and doing something worthwhile. Never forget that.

>> No.5036453

There's a certain prettiness in some self-destructive behaviour, too. A lot of it is profoundly existential.

>> No.5036461

It takes pretty much the most disgusting psychology to tell another to kill themself, FTR.

>> No.5036614

But if what you produce has no worth, how can it be worthwhile.

>> No.5036630
File: 172 KB, 600x1052, 1360528590175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that self-immolation isn't the best way to kill yourself
>not wanting people to think you're cool after you die

>> No.5036648

but it'll hurt

>> No.5036716
File: 55 KB, 400x296, schooled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing you've 'lost', is your life. Checkmate.

>> No.5038073

Hey look, you're famous...http://imgur.com/gallery/7Xoy3Um

>> No.5038079

I'm confused, are you telling him to find someone to help him kill himself or someone to help prevent him killing himself?

>> No.5038245

How many people on /lit/ are "out-of-the-closet" with their literary pretentions?
By that I mean, they have a social circle of people in real life who they talk to about this shit and they do not hide their tastes from their family.