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5027054 No.5027054[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post one philosophical text that has aided societies and not just NEET-tier manchildren special snowflakes

>> No.5027055


>> No.5027061

>inb4 mein kampf

>> No.5027063

I didn't know that's what philosophy was ever charged with doing.

>> No.5027066

The complete archive of 4chan

>> No.5027071

Plato's writings helped serve the foundations of western society

>> No.5027083

This jihad against neets must end.

>> No.5027127

The Art of War?
I don't know..

>> No.5027234

neets are the only truly living entities though

you cannot pursue your own interests to the fullest extent possible if you have a job

>> No.5027294

Il Principe


>> No.5027299

The Bible.

>> No.5027301

>neets are the only truly living entities though

the opposite, i'd say

>> No.5027304

Dao De Jing

>> No.5027319


Mattheus 10


“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.


For I have come to turn

“‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—


a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.

>> No.5027325

Philosophy is a hobby--it is not God-tier thought that pulls society to higher states of existence.

>> No.5027326

Peace does not aid society by default. Conflict is the root of all innovation.

>> No.5027332


>> No.5027333

Peace is not the absence of conflict.

>> No.5027341

how else can we define 'living' other than basing it on how much of our time is spent on our own accord, for the things we value?

>> No.5027345


You´re saying that there were no wars before Jesus? No innovation before Jesus?

See : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Greece

Also, see : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Ages_(historiography)

Your post is pretty pointless, and there is nothing to justify the biblical passage that i referenced. It´s right there, glaring everyone right in the eye.

Religion is cancer.

Oh and, *tips fedora*

>> No.5027381

Philosophy doesn't directly aid societies. That's what applied philosophy is for like science.

>> No.5027429

Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica

>> No.5027435

>Religion is cancer.
did you even read the page you posted on the dark ages.

>> No.5027477


>> No.5027841

The God Delusion

>> No.5027881

This. NEETs are basically the closest contemporary thing to the ancients discussing philosophy in the agora all day.

The idea that someone who has to work for a living can even be a whole person is a laughable, recent piece of propaganda.

>> No.5027895


>This. NEETs are basically the closest contemporary thing to the ancients discussing philosophy in the agora all day.


>The idea that someone who has to work for a living can even be a whole person is a laughable, recent piece of propaganda.

This sentence makes no sense.

>> No.5027903
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le ebin /sci/ invajun

>> No.5027905

>tfw too scared to try and go on welfare
i'm not gonna make it guys ; ;

>> No.5027915


>This sentence makes no sense.

Agree or disagree with them, pretty much all ancient civilizations prior to the Protestant work ethic believed that a life of cultivated leisure was superior to having to toil to earn one's bread every day. Aristotle explicitly says that a manual laborers are incapable of being citizens, because they're too focused on their daily subsistence to take an objective view of society and politics.

>> No.5027922

Sorry, I liked the /pol/ invasion better.

>> No.5027961

Marx kind of agrees with this in terms of Alienation

>> No.5027981


>> No.5028060

how is he that fucking dumb

no, seriously, i want to know how a man that transparently ignorant is viewed as a respected intellectual.

>> No.5028073

Two Treatises of Government

>> No.5028091

have you ever read a thing that demystified a part of living? or pointed out a mystery you hadn't ever considered? have you ever read a thing and thought "I totally understand the conclusion this writer has come to"? or "my worldview is totally incompatible with this writer's conclusion"? if not, that's fair, but I think most people have had that experience, and that can't not have aided them.

>> No.5028101

this is such a nonstatement

like, yes, there was a time where you could travel to most places you needed to go while sitting on a horse, but to long for that experience in a time where, for most, it's a clear impossibility is entirely meaningless

>> No.5028115

can't tell if deluded manchild or 10/10 meta-ironic humor

>> No.5028118

the tao te ching
the pali canon
plato's dialogues

>> No.5028128

Please read the OP again. He asked for the exact opposite kind of text.