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/lit/ - Literature

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5021838 No.5021838 [Reply] [Original]

/k/ommando here, so... Read any good books lately?

>> No.5021886


>> No.5021887
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these are some of the best and most discussed here

>> No.5021898

Fascinating my literate comrade, tell me more.

>> No.5021899

Just finished American Psycho for the first time. Going to watch the film later tonight, but not particularly excited for that.

>> No.5021910

for someone into guns and the military, I'd say check out pic related. it has a taint on it due to the movie, but the writing is actually great, and written by an actual marine sniper

>> No.5021911
File: 111 KB, 200x293, 200px-Jarhead_(novel).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking captcha

>> No.5021918
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>> No.5021949

I always enjoy a good boo/k/. Personally, I recommend Matterhorn if you like 'nam stories (I know the author, he's a wonderful guy) or Warlock if you like Westerns.

>> No.5022099

How come its always you /k/ fags cross boarding?

>> No.5022125

/lit/ is shit, you belong here

>> No.5022171

OOOOH BOOOOY I can't wait till /srs/.

>> No.5022185

Thank you kindly

>> No.5022190

Fuck your shit /k/ is bro

>> No.5022211

Hey i'm k to, but its faggots like you who brought the weebs to /k/ with their shit posting wifus /ak/ threads. Thanks for that asshole.

>> No.5022232

read this while my unit was training at NTC in california, one of my favorite books, also along with this is a book called blood red snow that i'd also recommend

>> No.5022239
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>> No.5022242

I went to /gd/ for the first time. I have been to many boards, but its been my first time there. It was meh; graffiti and logo threads. Not what I'm into.

>> No.5022374

>Joseph Conrad
>Advocating imperialism

It's like you can't even read