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File: 648 KB, 800x4400, HL1ZR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
502138 No.502138 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.502140


>> No.502141

Nah I'm fine.

>> No.502143

ah'm gud, yo

>> No.502145

y r u posting this here :S

>> No.502147

fkkn save'd. thx brah

>> No.502156

Jesus, OP, lighten up. So long as someone can form a proper sentence when pressed, what's the problem? Why not rage against acronyms too, or mathematical symbols?

>> No.502157 [DELETED] 

posted to my Facebook®

>> No.502161

I can't believe you used the "®" symbol instead of typing "registered trademark"! Rage rage rage...

>> No.502166

I like how they don't even mention semicolons; that's awesome.

>> No.502172

u mad

>> No.502174
File: 30 KB, 480x640, its-beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this, OP

>> No.502194

lol o wow

i can kinda c the nesesity of that in liek pirnt media & stuff but this is teh internet so we dont rily nede al tat 20th centery speling dogma cuz we can comunicate with out it nao

>> No.502196

To be fair I always hated its, it's stupid as hell.

Earth's moon - belonging to the Earth
Milhouse's goldfish - belonging to Milhouse
Its teddy bear - belonging to it

Retarded as hell. English is counter intuitive in many ways and with more people being secondary English speakers I have no problem with grammatical and punctuation mistakes unlike unforgiving whores and grammar nazis who take it on themselves to protect a corrupt linguistic system that we only keep around because otherwise we'd have to get rid of all our libraries.

>> No.502203



>> No.502206

you're all faggots who will die virgins since you can't even understand that typing like you're having a stroke is code for "im cool, fuck me"
that is all

>> No.502208

>Its teddy bear - belonging to it

his teddy bear - belonging to him

you wouldn't write "hi's teddy bear" (though I have seen this once).

>> No.502213

What's this fucking horrible prose code for? Douche.

>> No.502219

Good point,but swearing will only make you look like one of those idiots.

>> No.502236

I hate how spellcheck in Word always throws a hissy fit when I put a comma before then.

>> No.502250

Why would you be doing that? I can't think of an instance where it's right, but I might be missing something.

>> No.502258

u mad?

also, too many shit fonts and colors in your image, the stylebook would have a seizure trying to read it.

>> No.502280 [DELETED] 

Thank you for your awesome pic OP. I have an actual tear of laughter rolling down my face.

>> No.502284
File: 28 KB, 700x438, faceawesome1232293035902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much win

>> No.502311

God that was a beautiful read. Your still too angry about all this though.

>> No.502344
File: 26 KB, 707x403, 1269640627370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's right, though.

>> No.502370
File: 89 KB, 706x385, 1269549009834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.502392

this was more entertaining than OP's picture.

>> No.502393

OP you truly are a god among men.

>> No.502395

I'd join you in your "rage" but, alas, my teenage years are long past.

>> No.502412
File: 43 KB, 540x452, rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.502425

Sup, Kimmo?

Also, way to not use punctuation.

>> No.502449


>> No.502469

There are two words I cannot remember and they are incredibly simliar to one another save for one letter I think; Little help, also did I put the semi colon in the right place?

>> No.502592

supposebly and supposably?

>> No.502626

That is improper use of the semicolon; it is used to separate two independent clauses that are closely related.

>> No.502631

I dislike semicolons and use them as little as possible. A full stop is usually better.

>> No.502644


You noticed that too?