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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 67 KB, 331x500, minecraft novel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5014585 No.5014585 [Reply] [Original]

I've been seeing Minecraft novels in bookstores lately that are clearly not sanctioned by Mojang. How is this sort of thing legal? They're not parodies because they don't make light of the source material. They're straight-faced adventure books written for kids. Is Mojang just cool with people using their intellectual property like that?

>> No.5014598
File: 440 KB, 601x833, minecraft book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people who self publish don't understand or care about copyright laws.

One time I saw a self published book and, no joke, no exaggeration, it just straight up had a picture of Lightning from Final Fantasy 13 as the cover image. Not fanart, either, like a promotional image made by Square Enix.

>> No.5014616

Mojang would honestly probably not give a shit if they noticed. Kids are writing books. Kids and morons, and neither are really worth fighting with.

>> No.5014682

These books being on store shelves probably markets the game more than anything. And I think they can still technically be called parodies which makes fighting them in court an iffy matter at best.

>> No.5015306

This makes me sick. Not because of the copyright infringements, but the fact that these young, self-publishing authors, rather than creating something even remotely original, steal from a fucking video game.

>> No.5015335
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>young authors

>> No.5015550

Who gives le fuck? The world as we know it is hurtling to screaming oblivion.

>> No.5015752

didn't notch sue somebody for trying to make a minecraft movie a while back?

>> No.5017014

Well, yeah, I expect that from things that just show up overnight on Createspace. Some of these are showing up at actual bookstores.

You can still lose potential revenue from books written by kids and you can still take their parents to the cleaners for allowing this sort of behavior.

>> No.5017029

What bookstores? Where do you live?

>> No.5017056

New England.

>> No.5017917

I met these people at the Louisville KY Comic-con, they really believe their story is good.

>> No.5017940

You have to choices
1. burn all those books

>> No.5017972
File: 157 KB, 960x960, 1371147043188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually pay money to buy books about fucking minecraft

>> No.5017977


Good point.

>> No.5017980


Yeah, that's gonna be great PR. "BREAKING: Fat nerd virgin sues creative child for not paying him royalties".

>> No.5017995

If I could write a story and put it on my website with ads on it, I don't see why I couldn't publish it. Fan fiction is fair use.

>> No.5018026
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>> No.5018028

>making a profit
>from a commercial endeavor
>fair use

fair use is not a magic word that lets you get away with copyright infringement

>> No.5018237

Did he make a profit?

>> No.5018244

>I've been seeing Minecraft novels in bookstores lately that are clearly not sanctioned by Mojang. How is this sort of thing legal? They're not parodies because they don't make light of the source material. They're straight-faced adventure books written for kids. Is Mojang just cool with people using their intellectual property like that?

Yes, they are.

>> No.5018257

>people actually being this retarded


Mojang has stated very clearly that they don't give a shit about videos, mods, etc whatever content as long as you aren't pirating their shit, essentially

>> No.5018261

14,000 copies sold

>> No.5018337

Yeah, BrandonJLA (of FreddieW/Rocket Jump fame) was making a Minecraft movie until Notch stuck his dick in it, but things have since been settled.
Apparently he has no problem with people using his intellectual property, but when you start making money off of it he's got to put a stop to that shit.

>> No.5018545

And selling books isn't making money off it?

Extended universe material is a market that's supposed to be conquered by the copyright owners, so it's a much bigger deal than stuff like Let's Plays.

>> No.5018570
File: 33 KB, 640x342, You know Notch I love your stuff and you're really cool about piracy and encouraging free uses of your properties but this was kind of a dick move.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying self published Minecraft novels written by fucking idiots make any significant amount of money.

>> No.5018581

>write a novel based on my life
>I'm are arsefucking smug prick
>don't get sued by city of Dublin
>book is considered a classic

>write a novel based on my life
>I'm a shitty mouthbreather whose Dasein is de-severed and projected into Minecraft all day everyday
>get sued by Notch for trying to write about my shitty life
>book is considered shit

>> No.5018752

I laffed

Fuck I miss daily Heidegger threads.

>> No.5018775

it's what you get for being a shut-in

>> No.5019304
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>> No.5019307

10/10, literary masterpiece
post more

>> No.5019312

>Mike Craft

Next James Joyce. You heard it here first.

>> No.5019322
File: 91 KB, 498x748, Taipei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting a very 'Tao Lin' vibe from this page.

>> No.5019323
File: 2 KB, 68x82, poetry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man this shit is some next level poetry type of stuff

>> No.5019524

My eyes are bleeding.

>> No.5019538

This is the funniest thing i've read in awhile.

>> No.5019607

>implying any of you could wright even remotely as good as this kid does during elementary school.

>> No.5019630


rules and colsed settings boost creativity!

answer quick:
do something creative
do something creative with your computer mouse and keyboard

>> No.5019631
File: 32 KB, 650x422, 1391243590957.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mike Craft

>> No.5019642
File: 140 KB, 709x650, assburger cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice meme
Here's another

>> No.5019647


>> No.5020488

>Mark Jebson
Subtlety just isn't this guy's thing is it?
I swear if the bully's name turns out to be Her O. Brine I'm going to fucking lose it.

>> No.5021858

haha what is this 2013

>> No.5021864

>making fun of an elementary school student's writing
>making fun of an elementary school student who sold 14,000 copies

>> No.5022079

Self pub on amazon but I saw a whole series of "erotic adventures" that were copy pasted second life chat rp.

>> No.5022715


Hm... Okay, I think you found the wrong book.

It's actually "my friend ane i minkfraffed and he sad o no tge heobren is in me an dfen i punchfed him and it left hym" The other 137977 words are just "i writ a nivel mommy" copy pasted over and over again.

>> No.5022796

I legitimately feel bad for all of these people who get swindled by this self-publishing scam. This kid is going to have his named attached to this piece of shit forever.

>> No.5022842


Here's a challenge. Rewrite these paragraphs.