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/lit/ - Literature

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5011474 No.5011474[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are /lit/izens favorite composers?

>> No.5011482


Beethoven sure looked like a fucking caveman or a rapist. That's how his music sounds too.

>> No.5011502

>Beethoven sure looked like a fucking caveman or a rapist. That's how his music sounds too.
Associating music with such subjective analogies is stupid.

Beethoven, Wagner and Rachmaninov.

>> No.5011616

Debussy and Ravel are my main men, I'm constantly exploring though. Do any of you play instruments?

>> No.5011625

I played the violin, and regret now to not have learnt to play the piano instead.
You should give a try to Saint-Saëns if you haven't, close to the ones you have listed.

>> No.5011639
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And have a listen to Alemdar Karamanov before the thread is deleted, wont you?

>> No.5011644

>"Let it Be"
>"I am Jesus"
Id rather have some Messiaen, pleb.

>> No.5011648
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>Wagner and Rachmaninov



>> No.5011653


anyone looking for stuff to dip into:

Mahler Symphony 9>1>2>6; if you just have little time 9th, 1st mvmnt and 1st 2nd mvmnt.

Shostakovich Violin Concerto No. 4

Schubert Winterreise, Gute Nacht or Leiermann

Mussorgsky - Pictures at an exhibition as a whole, or if pressed for time: Night on the Bald Mountain

Beethoven: Well, go figure. Not that into him that I have edgy non-mainstream things to contribute. 9th 2nd movement. Or as a whole, but its relatively long.

>> No.5011656

lets be honest everything else is shit tier and you know it

>> No.5011660

Chopin, Mozart, Beets, Wagner & Rachmaninov.

>> No.5011661

Beethoven's sonatas obviously
Especially 14th, 17th, 18th and 21st, played by Ashkenazy or Horowitz, though the quality of his recordings are terrible.

>> No.5011662

Pretty ironic that I honestly do not enjoy Mozart as much as other composers that were inspired by him.

>> No.5011664

anyone unfamiliar looking to get into mahler, check out the >>> biopic (its not really one) by Ken Russell


took me 3 years to find a torrent, although im incompetent at that stuff.

>> No.5011666

don gillis
plus a bunch of others

>> No.5011668

>muh 2 minutes long scénette

>> No.5011671
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aphex twin
and bizet because fedoranietzsche told me so

>> No.5011674

alright thanks, maybe ill look into him further. I just got into mahler a 5 years ago, and hes been muh main waifu since then

>> No.5011686
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>> No.5011689
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Forget the titles! It's good stuff.

Operatic moments in this one, but I love it
Leoš Janáček - Glagolitic Mass

>> No.5011692

its saying a lot if someone's best work is a requiem.

Hes very much the Justin Bieber of the 18th century, but that could just be because I'm fucking fed up by Mozart-everything as an austrian...

>> No.5011700

What's the joke?

>> No.5011704

must be some kind of meme from a lesser board, I don't get either.

Someone post tutorial how to filter tripfags pls

>> No.5011705

I do believe no one would say his best work is his requiem. The argument would be about Die Zauberflöte or K.622, I guess.

>> No.5011713

What does lit think of Zbigniew Preisner?


>> No.5011723

Erik Satie

>> No.5011725


>> No.5011732
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>> No.5011735
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Install 4chanX extension.

>> No.5011736

Pretty terrible and cheesy

>> No.5011741

rossini you plebs

>> No.5011742
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see >>5011686

pic related

>> No.5011747


>> No.5011748


>> No.5011751

Are you bonkers, mate?

>> No.5011757

I should add that I did like him for a while when I first heard him but I didn't know much classical at the time. Wojciech Kilar, Krzysztof Penderecki, Witold Lutosławski, Grażyna Bacewicz, Henryk Górecki, Andrzej Panufnik are all far more worthy Poles.

>> No.5011761

>Wojciech Kilar, Krzysztof Penderecki, Witold Lutosławski, Grażyna Bacewicz, Henryk Górecki, Andrzej Panufnik are all far more worthy Poles.
All shit. There's one worthy pole and I needn't name him.

>> No.5011763


>> No.5011771

JS Bach

Can you please go back to /mu/ and stop bothering everyone here?

>> No.5011773


>> No.5011782
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Except he's French.

>> No.5011787


>> No.5011795

I didn't mention Chopin because I was aiming for more recent composers, also I forgot to mention Karol Szymanowski. Also don't filter Tallis, it's good to see the classical shit flinging meme-monkey, makes any crappy music listeners look civilised

>> No.5011799

Good taste. Needs the zart tho


all poles suck

>> No.5011813

Schoenberg & Co.

>> No.5011819

>based Panufik

>> No.5011825

Respect the Mingus

>> No.5011842


Here have some oldschool Stockhausen

>> No.5011855



>> No.5011858

Erik Satie
Claude Debussy
Gabriel Faure

>> No.5011863

+ Maurice Ravel

>> No.5011864


>> No.5011870

>classical music thread
you people are some goofy, sad motherfuckers

>> No.5011877

>classical music

>> No.5011884


>> No.5011896

i can ASSURE you, anon, ASSURE you that there is nothing more sad than a bunch of 20-somethings listening to classical music regardless of reason

y'all won't accept that because you're still doing the whole too-erudite-for-my-age shit but it's true and there's nothing you can do to change it

>> No.5011903

and some of you actually go out of your way to post less known composers and shit despite the total anonymity oh my god this has genuinely ruined my day

>> No.5011905

Stop being ignorant.

>> No.5011913

>total anonymity
see >>5011905

>> No.5011921

Callisto Guatelli

>> No.5011924

i'm going to be honest that had absolutely no effect on me

>> No.5011925

there are people RIGHT NOW who literally cannot comprehend that other people have different opinions than them and are insecure enough that they let it ruin their day

>> No.5011933

it's because of ppl like you that we have threads about paintings every week

>> No.5011938


>> No.5011946

Since I listened to Bach's passions, piano & organ works, I find every other composer to be either boring or try-hard, anyways not transcending what is present in Bach.

>> No.5011962

how do to intelligently listen to classical music without music theory?

>> No.5011966

>how to read intelligently without deductive reasoning?

give up

>> No.5011983


Messiaen is great also
I'm not a theist, except when I hear this:

>> No.5011999

You mean to say people are sensitive to criticism and are insecure about themselves and their future? I am appalled!

>> No.5012035

I am afraid not everyone is a neurotic who mistake other opinions as criticism.

>> No.5012081

This thread has turned into dildos.

>> No.5012459

rachmaninov, verdi, puccini, chopin, satie, liszt is it obvious that i play piano and love italian opera

>> No.5012462

the only way without knowing about composition is to attribute symbolism to the music

>> No.5012487


off the top of my head

>> No.5012495


>> No.5012497

Tchaikovsky, brahms, mahler, wagner,

whatever, just naming off composers is retarded

>> No.5012728

Mozart, Mozart, and Mozart. Some Bach on the side too,
That's all the music I listen to.

>> No.5012756

I'm not going to claim I know any much about classical music, but I enjoy Chopin.

I'd love to hear some recommendations for composers known for their nocturnes though.

>> No.5012889

Fauré, Satie, Scriabin, Debussy, Bartók.

>> No.5012979

John Field too as he invented the nocturne

>> No.5012986

This is a good list. Louis Durey as well.

>> No.5013016

Come out of your cave

>> No.5013067

William Byrd
William Billings

>> No.5013079

Death Grips

>> No.5013083

Nikolai Medtner
Leopold Godowsky
Sergei Rachmaninov
Franz Liszt
Leo Ornstein

>> No.5013124 [DELETED] 

> long drawn out notes on the violin accompanied by repetitive chord banging makes him a theist
protip messiaen is shit

>> No.5013182

Eh, it's real comfy.

>> No.5013190

There is nothing more sad than a bunch of 20-somethings reading classical literature regardless of reason.

>> No.5013235


fuck yes

I hate how he's still treated like a curiosity or novelty with his pieces only appearing in like american music compilations. I wish someone would labor to make a definitive psalter recording or something.

>> No.5013280
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Why do I have the best taste on 4chan?

>> No.5013306

Jokes on you, Tri Repetae was much better than Incunabula.

I also prefer Mononoke myself.
Great vidya though.

>> No.5013323

You both have shit tastes.

>> No.5013338
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What is your taste, oh great patrician.

>> No.5013415

what's the game on the top left? print

>> No.5013422

meant to write
>print is too small for me to read

>> No.5013472

the void

>> No.5013501


>> No.5013513


You're posting on a literature board you insecure douche.

>> No.5013547
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Is Moondog the greatest composer of the 20th century?

>> No.5013557


>that one guy who awkwardly ham-fists a namedrop in just to show that he knows it

>> No.5013602

why you no like sibelius?

>> No.5013661

no noob

>> No.5013667

What's with all the anti-intellectualism on /lit/?

>> No.5013697

He's awesome.

>> No.5013707


Mingus. I would argue that he's the greatest American composer of all time.

>> No.5013762


>What's with all the anti-intellectualism on /lit/?

Fuck off kid, lol. You were trying poorly to hipster victory.

Moondog is good, but he's no 20c best. You're just one of these desperate types who likes to hype obscurities into conversation. Gb2/mu/k.

>> No.5013892
File: 981 KB, 1200x1443, Beethoven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beethoven. GOAT of all time, nigga.
9 > 5 > 3 > 7 > 6 > 4 > 8 > 1 > 2

>> No.5013897

7, 6, 5, 9, 8, 3, 1, 2

Also Mozart, Haydn, Bach, and Schubert all rek beethoven

>> No.5013912

These videos might help you. Any sudden changes of color, you've probably modulated into another key. Listen out for modulations. Know the background of the piece.

>> No.5013914
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Alfredo Casella
George Antheil
Edgard Varèse
Anthony Braxton
John Zorn
Guillaume Lekeu
Igor Stravinsky
Ornette Coleman

>> No.5013917

tfw look like beethoven
not the epic painting of him
how he actually looked

>> No.5013929
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>7th the best
>6th above the fifth
>3rd below the fucking 8th
Come the fuck on nigga,
Bach Mozart and Haydn are all great but Beethoven is still GOAT for me. Beethoven took the techniques perfected by Haydn and Mozart and expanded them so much. Mozart wrote 40 symphonies and Haydn wrote over 100 but sometimes they were so similar, so much emphasis placed on form that they didn't really stand out. Every one of Beethoven's 9 stands out from the others. His music is filled with passion, yet still adheres to form. And as for Schubert, lel, Schubert looked up to Beethoven like a god

>> No.5013930
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I have Beethoven's hair. I style it like he does.
So, not at all.

>> No.5013945

I didnt mean the rekt seriously
they're all unbelievable geniuses

Mozart ftw though

>> No.5013954

>8 that low

What are you doing.

>> No.5013956

>The beginning was simple, almost comic. Just a pulse: Bassoon, basset horns. Like a rusty squeezebox. And then! Suddenly, high above it... an oboe. A single note, hanging there, unwavering. Until -- a clarinet took it over, sweetened it into a phrase of such delight! This was no composition by a performing monkey. This was a music I had never heard -- filled with such longing, such unfulfillable longing. It seemed to me I was hearing the voice of God.


>> No.5013962

The 8th is good, the other ones are just better.

>> No.5013974
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You don't listen to Beethoven that much?
Neither did he.

>> No.5013978

>His music is filled with passion, yet still adheres to form.
And Mozart's wasn't that, but better? Top fucking lel.

>And as for Schubert, lel, Schubert looked up to Beethoven like a god
Schubert admired Mozart and imitated Mozart more than Beethoven. Furthermore, who cares who he admired? Beethoven worshipped Handel, does this mean you need to worship Handel too?

>> No.5013984

Malcolm Arnold

>> No.5013998
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Mozart's was that but Beethoven amped it up, so hard. When you hear the Grosse Fugue or Eroica's funeral march he forces you feel the despair he did at his deafness. He pulls you by force into what he was going through at the time.
And the comment about Schubert looking up to Beethoven was in response to someone saying Schubert rekt Beethoven.
>Their first meeting was apparently in 1822, when Schubert, accompanied by the publisher Anton Diabelli visited Beethoven. Schubert had dedicated a set of Variations on a French Song (Op. 10, D.624) to Beethoven, and wanted to present the dedicatee with a copy. Schubert was apparently nervous during the interview, and nearly lost all sense of composure when the older man pointed out a minor problem in the work.
>Schubert would serve as a torch-bearer at Beethoven's funeral.[22]
>The last musical wish of Schubert was to hear the Op. 131 quartet, which he did on 14 November 1828, five days before his death.[6] Upon listening to a performance of the Op. 131 quartet, Schubert remarked, "After this, what is left for us to write?"[7]