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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 306 KB, 618x618, showbiz-lucy-watson-fhm-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5009864 No.5009864 [Reply] [Original]

After a couple of days of browsing this board I've noticed that every post sounds like the same know-it-all, must be right at all costs, doesn't quite 'get it' group of 4/5 people.
Is this board really slow or have you decided to all become the same in order to improve your creative writing?

>> No.5009870


It's the same as any other board except we use full sentences. Show me one single post on 4chan which doesn't try to be slightly edgy.

>> No.5009871 [DELETED] 

electrical butt plugs. I'm a fucking faggot nigger. dildo jenkins smokin' faggot debris, bitch niggers at the part love drinking my pee. eat out the butt nigger that's what up, I'm a rapping ass dude and I eat out the but. You want some fried chicked, stick the baster is yo hole girl, black pussy violation dawg you know I got sould baby. I'm a big dick faggot with the negroes, butt pussy jiga-boos bustin' rectums like my day glo. I got faggots spurtin' into my cock hole, bitches eat the butt crack, lick like my jelly rolls. CINNABON NIGGA, CINNABON NIGGA!!! AHHH. CINNABON NIGGAH, CINNABON NIGGAH!!! AHH. big shout up to baby doo and the dildo posse, whitey niggerton and the jew squad, faggy butt plug and the rectals, shit stain McGee, god, dog and all my bitchettes and berettes. this is dildo baggins smokin' black dildos and shit. one love 2014 big black titties and all that. PEACE MAH NIGGA

>> No.5009874


>People who spend their time within a group begin to sound like each other

Wow what an observation

>> No.5009880

Every (add board here) post is the same (add board listed prior) post.

Are you done yet?

>> No.5009883

There's about 10 regulars.

>> No.5009884

no one who posts here will ever be successful in letters, including me.

>> No.5009890

I agree, it is the same, perhaps worse on other boards. None of these boards are concerned with writing or originality
i agree
Aspiring writers begin to sound alike and decide that's a good thing or atleast not a bad enough thing to stop doing it. An observation I don't and didn't doubt you're aware of

>> No.5009893

id argue that there are about 10-30 people who post at least once a day here with another 50-100 that are infrequent posters

>> No.5009896

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on, our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yuletide gay
From now on, our troubles will be miles away
Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more
Through the years we all will be together
If the fates allow
So hang a shining star upon the highest bough
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on, our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yuletide gay

>> No.5009899

There are only 3 people on this board, constantly posting and making the meta.
I'm the one shitposting about Ayn Rand all the time.

>> No.5009901

you seem to be the busiest one

>> No.5009945

Lucy plz

>> No.5009951

what if I told you that describes you

>> No.5009958

I'd say: 'think before you type'

>> No.5009972

You ever considered you've just got a tin-ear for tone?

>> No.5009995

of course. it's not that

>> No.5009996


And what empirical evidence to you have to back that up?

>> No.5010000


how can anyone provide evidence of their own tone-deafness? no one is that self aware

>> No.5010003


Have you ever had your arcuate fasciculus checked?

>> No.5010005

I, with a team of leading scientists made and executed an as close to perfect as humanly possible (turns out to be very close to perfect) tin-ear for tone study. I did not fit the criteria at all

>> No.5010011


What Journal did you publish your results?

>> No.5010020

Not yet been published, we only finished 6 days ago actually, bit of a coincidence really.

>> No.5010021


Remember, Harvard or you're fucking queers.

>> No.5010035

Cambridge actually, we were debating the two but Harvard informed us that the tin-ear for tone study facilities in Cambridge were far superior. I don't know whether I was more shocked that that turned out to be true or that Harvard readily admitted it to us.

>> No.5010052


Okay, this is getting too faggy, I'm dropping the role-play right now.

It's okay to admit that you're reading comprehension isn't developed to the point where you can clearly define the differences between two anonymous writers posting about the same topic.

>> No.5010059


>> No.5010494

go away mc ride

>> No.5010514

>FHM poster
>laughing whores.jpg
Let me guess, your favorite movie is The Fast and Furious and you don't read books?

>> No.5010637

assumptions based on very little. it's like you're 3 out of the 5 characters at the same time

>> No.5010661

Are you implying other boards do not experience this phenomenon? because that would be, like, a bad implication.
we do have it bad though. i blame /mu/

>> No.5010684

Disdain for plebeian tastes is standard on /lit/. The following is 100% serious: art and literature elevates one above the rampant lust, consumerism, and empty gyrations that fill up so much of modern life. Plastering FHM posters is so mundane and simplistic that I'd be hard pressed to think anyone even mildly intelligent could do so with a straight face, past the age of 15.

>> No.5010808

no, i am not. just that there should be more concern in a board of budding writers than elsewhere.
you can not be serious. Reading makes attractive girls uninteresting by default and posting them makes you 15 or under. This is what you're going for?

>> No.5010828

He's talking about the target demographic of FHM anon. Doesn't have to do with not liking attractive women.

>> No.5010841

I'd say a good amount of /lit/ is not interested in writing. We are /lit/ - literature, not /lit/ - writers' corner.

I am serious, though 15 is a bit young. How about 21. If you're older than 21 and have NMH posters on your wall you are literally retarded (showing stunted mental capacity for someone of your age). There is absolutely nothing enriching or provocative about them. They are boring, dull depictions of celebrity women or otherwise attractive individuals. They say nothing of anything. There is nothing more useless, banal, and contemptible in this world.

>> No.5010860

I am actually talking about the posters themselves. I absolutely love attractive women, but I don't see what the point is in raising them as icons in my living area. That seems senseless to me.

What is the point of a woman, to look at? To possess? Are they a piece of art? And even if you do think that: would you be satisfied with a picture of Michelangelo's David, or would you rather have a replica? I, personally, would rather have the real thing.

>> No.5010869

I don't get paying for this pig slob. Just use google like every other male in the universe. They're not even nudes.

>> No.5010959

no wai.

>> No.5010964

Again, assumptions. I posted this picture is the information you have. Attempts to sum up my character have been made a couple of times now and that is the basis. I posted a picture of a girl. Are you serious?

>> No.5010974

The perfection is but one. The closer you are to perfection the more you become similar to others.

>> No.5011019

Now this is a shit thread.

>> No.5011036

I am not trying to insult you, it is a rhetorical "you". I am only insulting FHM posters. But judging by your butt hurt, it seems I struck a vein. Do you have FHM posters on your wall?

mishima pls

>> No.5011116

After a couple of months of browsing this board I've noticed that all shitposts are accompanied by a picture of a conventionally attractive bimbo.

>> No.5011712

Oh very dear, there's not much to say. Just oh dear

>> No.5011765

Is this one of those "troll" thingies I've heard about? Cool!

>> No.5011783

>conventionally attractive bimbo

>> No.5011941

yes, exactly, conventionally attractive bimbo. This is the sort of poster moms buy when they think their 13 year old son might be gay.

>> No.5011953

Cool shitpost brah. Next time why not just say nothing at all.

>> No.5013906

brb nominating for Nobel

>> No.5013921

Gosh, just how fucked up is the world because of 4chan? You think if Moot died at birth we'd have flying cars now?

Oh, I'd say this board is worse, because it's more serious. And I'd say it's legit because ..


this board has the most intelligent poster on average without being held back by as many asspies as /sci.

>shitposting about Ayn Rand all the time.
I thought that was me.

>> No.5013964

I didn't know what FHM was until I just looked it up, but your post confused the hell out of me

>> No.5013989

Your joking, a couple of days?
Try a 12 hour set, (Socrates fag philo thread),(Nietzsche fag thread), (book better then movie thread), (Dawkins thread), (bible thump thread), (obscure author thread), (rate your book thread), (compare theologies thread), (I need an ass-ay, halp thread), (buzzfeed books)...

Not one Hugo winner thread, Not one Nebula winners thread, not one Pulitzer writer thread, not one best of sci-if crit, not one non fictional interest review, graphic novel review/author (Neil Gaiman anyone?)

No this board is full of shit.

Now I am thinking I should just /b-around to piss in the Lobster bisque.

An entire library of wonderful deep history of all writings and we have 6-9 people circling and jerking, the bargain bin of busted books shoving all other threads off.

/lit has talked less the 1% of the free Gutenberg book archive.

>> No.5013990

Did that happen to you, anon?

>> No.5014045


Don't forget to type
In every field, name, email and comment

>> No.5014121

I am coming out guys. I am the guy who relates everything to Nietzsche because he's the only philosopher I've really studied.

Now which one of you is the GoT fag?

>> No.5014145

Like 90 percent of the George Saunders posts in the last few months have been me. So I guess I'm that guy.

>> No.5014159
File: 189 KB, 1366x768, poem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm the guy who says niggers, a lot.

>> No.5014163

nice tab count mate

>> No.5014169

I average 30.

I'm at 41 right now.

>> No.5014190

naughty naughty naughty
you guys and your cheese pizza. #smh

>> No.5014193

Yep...no other reason to use a proxy, ever.
I feel like defending myself won't help me, so I'll just summarize it with...


>> No.5014198


>> No.5014203

Yeah, there really is no other reason to use a proxy ever.
The innocent have nothing to hide.

>> No.5014223

Hmm, terrible bait...

But, I did almost call you an NSA shill, so...3/10.

Privacy is integral to a happy life. Security is not. Why is that even debated?

>> No.5014312

>Security is not integral to a happy life.

Only a pedophile, a wannabe terrorist, or a dope pusher thinks this way. Those are coincidentally the only reasons why anyone would use tor. You view the present system as invalid because it refuses to accept your fetish, radical ideology, or method of acquiring a living. Security is unnecessary for you because in your mind society has already terminated your existence by suppressing your desires, which are the center of your life, because for you nothing else matters.

>> No.5014329

>tfw download Tor to attempt ban evasion
>get accused of being a pedophile, wannabe terrorist, or a dope pusher

Feels, like life is funny.

>> No.5014344

I don't think you quite get it

>> No.5014351

I love you more than I can bear anon, may god bless you this day.

>> No.5014361

>ban evasion

Sweet weeping Jesus...

...and here I was thinking you were just a child molester, a terrorist or a drug dealer or something...

>> No.5016289


>> No.5016338


pls b trollin

>> No.5016340

>graphic novel
The fact that you won't say comic is a testament to your own insecurity about being considered childish.

>> No.5016343


NSA, please leave.

>> No.5016370
File: 90 KB, 640x304, thelitboys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The board chased away the good posters because they were not afraid to be called out on their opinions by posting with names. The cowards who were afraid to be responsible for their posts had to use cheap tactics like doxing the nicest member of the group to try and disband them.

>> No.5016377

You can't argue. You forfeit your validity.

>> No.5016388 [DELETED] 
File: 892 KB, 500x342, 1402619851951.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
