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5007368 No.5007368[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>got my best friend to hate me
>got another best friend, same thing
>got another best friend, happened again
>I don't even like my regular friends that much
Any good books about being a bitter, lonely faggot OTHER than Notes from Underground and The Stranger?

>> No.5007380

well what the hell are you doing that's driving them away?

>> No.5007383

Oblomov and Nietzsche.

>> No.5007384

Have you tried Notes from Underground?

>> No.5007392

I don't know what happened to the first guy, he just slowly started disliking me. I was a dick to the second. The third was a girl who was into me and I went along with it for a little while until I realized I was too damn radical to let myself be tied down (>>5007383 Nietzsche's sounding kind of nice right now, but I read Zarathustra and although I found the ideas interesting, most of the book was needlessly repeating the same few concepts for 200 pages), so I told her I didn't really want her and she assumed I had ill intentions or something.

>> No.5007411

ah. sounds like you're being a real prick maybe then. i have the same problem sometimes (being a dick), and it's tricky cause it happens at a subconscious level

>> No.5007415

Why did you reply to that post about Nitzsche in the middle of the text like that?

>> No.5007416
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>I realized I was too damn radical

>> No.5007418

My "too damn radical" statement reminded me of it.

>> No.5007421


>that always convincing voice in the back of your head telling you not to let people walk all over you
>it always turns out that no one was trying to walk all over you and that voice is just telling you to be a dick

>> No.5007433

Could be you have a weak ego. This is usually manifested by a need to express your personal preferences as though they are rules or standards, a supercilious and snide attitude and emotional involvement in petty and transient things. Placing high significance on trivial things and needing the last word.
This sort of behavior can casually alienate people, without allowing any way to ameliorate it since the problem is denied and rationalized relentlessly. The only real solution is to force a low-key, laid back attitude except where the matter is actually very important to you. It makes people take you more seriously as well.

>> No.5007437


You are one insecure little man

>> No.5007444


yeah well I was severely abused up to age 20

>> No.5007451



That calls for a story. Come on now, its not like any of us have better things to do.

>> No.5007455

Solid advice.

My thought which I would like to add to this anon's post to try and find common activities that during which dickishness is appropriate.

My go to example would be multiplayer video games, where quibbling over rules, and trash talking, are accepted as a part of the game rather than reflecting poorly on your personality.

>> No.5007456

None of those things sound a lot like me other than being a snide and supercilious motherfucker, but everybody around me just seems to suck so much.

>> No.5007474

there you go, forcing your perspective. "I don't like it" and "it sucks" need to become separate things in your mind. Only defend your standards when it's important (it almost never is) or when you're trying to save somebody else trouble.

>> No.5007490
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Maybe I should explain my position a bit more.
>half of the people I know are fairly bland and hold very few strong opinions about anything but vidya gaems
>the other half are conservamad idiots
I live in a shitty area.