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/lit/ - Literature

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5006531 No.5006531[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Okay, /lit/, I'm going to the book-store today. What do you suggest I get?

>> No.5006535

a bookmark

>> No.5006536

A book.

>> No.5006538

a job

>> No.5006539


>> No.5006542

Believe me, I am trying.

>> No.5006544

One of those little desk toys that bookstores love to sell so much these days

>> No.5006546

Black by Ted Dekker
Amazing book full of good feels.

>> No.5006547

Guys, I meant what books should I get?

>> No.5006549

If you like sci-fi, get ender's game or 2001 a space odyssey. Other good misc books are the catcher and the rye and lord or the flies

>> No.5006551

What genres do you like?

>> No.5006554

Pretty sure I've read and have 2001. Read Catcher in the Rye last year. Didn't like it for some reason.

>> No.5006558
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>> No.5006559

Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino

>> No.5006561

>Historical Fiction

>> No.5006564

What's this one about?

>> No.5006566

Black encompasses all of those.

>> No.5006570

What's this one about?

>> No.5006574

...and you haven't read Perdido Street Station? I doubt bookstores will carry it though

>> No.5006576


"Someone is shooting at Thomas Hunter. He runs for his life—zig-zagging, hiding, and executing some awesome martial arts—as men chase him through the streets of Denver. But when a silent bullet grazes his head, his world goes black and he wakes up somewhere else.

In darkness. He doesn’t know where he is. Hideous bats chase him, clawing at him until he loses consciousness again and wakes up back in Denver, in an alley. He manages to get to his sister’s apartment, clean himself up, and lies down on the couch.

Only to wake up in the strange place again. He finds his way out of the scary, dark place and into a perfect land, somewhere in the distant future. He meets kind people who embrace him, a beautiful woman, and embarks on an amazing adventure.

But still, every time he falls asleep in one world, he wakes up in the other. And as the stories weave together, Thomas discovers that the past, and his life in Denver, was destroyed by a deadly virus. He wakes in Denver and enlists the help of his very skeptical sister. The two set off to save the world, with Thomas traveling back and forth looking for clues and trying to convince everyone of his sanity.

Woo! What an amazing book. From page one, Black, by Ted Dekker, captivates, taking the reader on a journey of cunning wonder. It’s no surprise of this trilogy is such a huge success. The book ends on a cliffhanger, leaving the reader one his own adventure: off to buy book two. Nice job!

Highly Recommended."
(A goodreads reviewer)

>> No.5006579

I'll look for it.

>> No.5006582

Don't buy this OP. Just.... Don't.

>> No.5006584

Also I recommend 'Thr3e' by the same author.
It's one of those thrilling books that has you wishing you could read/flip pages a lot faster.

>> No.5006585

Why not?

>> No.5006589

Haters gonna hate

>> No.5006596
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>> No.5006603

Because this guy is giving you terrible book recommendations. Disregard anything by Ted Dekker

>> No.5006609

Disregard anything this anon says.

>> No.5006618

How about I disregard both of you?

>> No.5006625

You decide. You asked for recommendations, so I recommended. (He/she disapproved)

>> No.5006711

Any other recommendations for books I should get?

>> No.5006716

a whole in the back of your backpack so you can smoothly steal a couple of books.

>> No.5006721

No, I'm not going to steal. If i really wanted to, I wouldn't be going to the bookstore. I'd be torrenting all of my books in epub format.

>> No.5006843

So, what did you end up getting?

>> No.5006914

I haven't gotten anything yet. Keep the suggestions rolling in.

>> No.5007069
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This book has a very epic story.
Get it, you won't regret it.

>> No.5007133

I'm pretty sure I've read that.

>> No.5007137

All right folks, that's it for now. I'm going to the book-store..

>> No.5007139

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll look for them at the book-store.

>> No.5007147

If this thread stays long enough, I might even be able to post the books I get on this thread.

>> No.5007159

Hurry back now ;)

>> No.5007172

While I'm gone, all of you can debate books amongst yourselves, while I'm gone. That might help keep the thread up and keep it from being deleted or pruned. If it doesn't, I can always create a new thread, and try and link this one to the new one.

>> No.5007361
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>> No.5007363

a kindle paperwhite

>> No.5007511

Okay, I'm back! I got six books!

>> No.5007548

Nice! Post 'em!

>> No.5007550

no fuck off you idiots

>> No.5007553

/lit/ in a nutshell.

>> No.5007557

Uncalled for... ;-;

>> No.5007558

magical realism short stories, highly recommended

>> No.5007566
File: 370 KB, 1588x2400, Catching Fire Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I originally got all three of them as a trilogy, but then I lost it while I was at summer camp. I still have the first one and the third one on my shelf (from the original set).

>> No.5007569
File: 66 KB, 300x435, The_Maze_Runner_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I got this one because I thought it said Blade Runner not Maze Runner.

>> No.5007577
File: 41 KB, 475x475, 16058645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one looked like a pretty good book. It was a book titled book store, in a book store. How could you go wrong?

>> No.5007580

Get The Goldfinch, read it thoroughly, then come back and give us two reviews:

The first should be a scathing, UberArchPatrician evisceration of its infantile banality, and the toxic and stultifying effects such sub-plebian waste has upon the standards of readers now and forever after.

The second should be a brilliant and erudite exegesis that is both sufficient and necessary at establishing why The Goldfinch is not only badly maligned and misunderstood, but stands as the singular literary accomplishment of the current decade, if not the current century.

>> No.5007583

If you are OP, you must be kidding.

>> No.5007601
File: 654 KB, 500x205, jennifer-lawrence-fangirling-whoalawrence.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this one because it's about fangirling. And if it's about fangirling, it's got to have Tumblr in it, right? I mean, how can you have a book about fangirling without Tumblr in it?

>> No.5007612
File: 43 KB, 409x600, The_Fault_in_Our_Stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm expecting to destroy the book by water damage, from the all the tears I will have.

>> No.5007630
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>> No.5007644
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And this one, I am expecting to destroy by water, from the tears from my face, and the blood of all the characters spilt, then throw into a fire in a fit of rage, and freeze the fire with ice in an attempt to prevent the book from being reduced to ashes.

>> No.5007668

And why must I?

>> No.5007711
File: 50 KB, 476x535, Daughter, I am Disappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes? Why are you disappointed?

>> No.5007715

Sorry, I've got to go again. Talk to each other to keep this thread up, okay? I'd like to see the thread still up when I get back.

>> No.5007720

You are either a shitty troll, or you simply don't belong on this board m8

>> No.5007726

What makes you say that?

>> No.5007991

"Trout Fishing in America" by Richard Brautigan.

(It will not be in the Fishing section.)

>> No.5008096

Great book. Pomo as fuck.

>> No.5008927

Sorry, fishing isn't my thing.

>> No.5008994


>> No.5009038

'My Dick: A novel'

>> No.5009064

That's a good one. I'm pretty sure I read it in year 9.

>> No.5009075

Not reading that one. I go the other way.

>> No.5009686

I might go again on Sunday. You can still suggest more books to me.

>> No.5009693

here is a preview of the book I'm working on, and it's free to read this so if you're looking to be entertained you might as well.


>> No.5009709

Great! When can I buy it?

>> No.5009717

You can buy it when I have completed it :( Hopefully very soon.

>> No.5009742

Charlon Musk? Related to Elon Musk?

>> No.5012466

Are my predictions about each book accurate?

>> No.5012536

Since there's not one in the catalog, can we use this as a recent purchases thread as well? I just got all this for 21.50 at the nearby thrift store.

>> No.5012544
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>> No.5012555

Yeah, sure. I told about my recent purchase.

>> No.5012577

You could also post this picture on /v/.

What is a video game doing in that pile of books?

>> No.5012607

I spent about £86 on six books.

>> No.5012615
File: 189 KB, 900x1600, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I found it in the same bin that I found the coverless copy of The Decameron that's next to Nietzsche. At 5 cents, I felt like it was a bargain.

Also, is this a first printing? I can't imagine it is because it's way too pristine. The book hasn't even been read; the only problems are a missing dust jacket and a couple of dinged pages on the top.

>> No.5012633


What did you get? I imagine they must have all been new hardcovers for that price.

>> No.5012673


These six books for £88.00.

And no, not all of them were hardcover.

These ones were paperback.

And this one was hardcover.

>> No.5012709


That seems like a lot, but I admittedly don't know if you guys have to pay comparatively more on books despite the exchange rate.

>> No.5012719

I forget the exchange rates (I believe it's like 2 or 3 dollars to a pound, assuming you're from America), but I believe something that costs 45 pounds here, costs 72 dollars over there or something.

>> No.5012920

Did anyone else buy some books recently?

>> No.5014681

Oh, and by the way, if this thread gets deleted or pruned, or whatever, I'll try and link the new thread to this one.

>> No.5017537

Black and Dekker?