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5006098 No.5006098[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My sense of "reality" has been distorted and I don't know where to turn. Whenever I hear something my first instinct is "this is factitious bullshit" and immediately disregard it. My scepticism is becoming so extreme I ponder on the factuality of my existence; how do I exist in a world full of lies?

>> No.5006107

Read some Hume.

>> No.5006111

Get out of your house, leave your confort zone, break the routine and say no to drugs (or yes, depends)

>> No.5006125

where does every go for their news?
i'm interested in getting more real information about stuff going on in ukraine

>> No.5006131

1)Drop all ideals except your personal preferences.
2)Don't take information that you don't need to achieve said preferences.
3)Apply scientific rationale to all information you take in.

There you go. Now people can't pull you into their little bullshit game no matter how hard they try.

>> No.5006136

Drop all ideals -including- your personal preference.
That way you can't fool yourself.

>tfw when you beat yourself at your own game

>> No.5006137

You can't though. All you can do is admit that they are your preferences instead of some kind of fundamental cosmic truths.

>> No.5006147

look at this using an example of extreme skepticism, solipsism. If solipsism is the case then the realisation changes nothing, the world was solipsist before when you believed it weren't, and now realizing it's truth changes nothing about the state of the world, it was solipsist to begin with. It's not like believing in solipsism cancels the existence of mind-independent experiences, if there were none to begin with then there's nothing for your realization to cancel. So literally nothing changes. And nothing ever could change, solipsism or not mind-independent experiences are just that; beyond your mind. So there's no difference between philosophical zombies and the people around you, none. Other people are philosophical zombies. The realization changes nothing as they always were to begin with.

Skepticism is a waste of time, walk away. "how do I exist in a world full of lies?" doesn't need to be answered or asked. Walk away and carry on your life.

>> No.5006148

Read Simulation and Simulacra and be enlightened, hopefully.

>> No.5006156
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hijack a food truck and see for yourself, what do you have to lose anyhow?

>> No.5006160
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>Apply scientific rationale to all information you take in.

because that worked great for chomsky and his cambodians mh?

>> No.5006287

Is there any literature that goes in depth about this concept?

>> No.5006314

seconding this

>> No.5006384

Will look into this.

>> No.5006390
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>> No.5006480

>My scepticism is becoming so extreme I ponder on the factuality of my existence; how do I exist in a world full of lies?
You'd love Buddhism.

No seriously, your skepticism is a good thing, as you have reached a point where nothing holds true, you can now construct that truth yourself.

>> No.5006483
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Watch moe

>> No.5006489

That shit's boring

>> No.5006496

A respect for the scientific method and judging repeatability to be the sieve for truth are both ideals. Neither are above scrutiny.

One could just as easily say, "Ignore all experience. Just do the math."

>> No.5006507

Whether you really exist or not is kind of a moot point, yeah?

Let's say you don't exist.

What's different? Would it change the way you think about your experiences or would it spur you to some action? Why would it?

On the other hand, if you do exist and you work under an assumption that you don't, isn't that a much greater mistake? Forsaking something familiar that you might have seems somehow worse than missing something alien which you might not have.

Even further, it is a much harder claim to substantiate a grandiosity on scale with conspiracy theories rather than substantiate what you have much closer to face value. Of course your perspective isn't the whole story, but it's unlikely that it isn't a part of the story at all.

>> No.5006529

>white buddhism
no thanks

>> No.5006592

I was thinking of this the other day, that there must be someone or something who can see through all the bullshit people spout. Check out this scripture:

Titus 1:1: in the hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised long ages ago,

God cannot lie, so I believe that his word the bible is the absolute truth

>> No.5006616
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There's your problem. If you can't accept moe, you can't accept life.

>> No.5006619

What if it's a lie that he can't lie

>> No.5006627

You've got to believe something, don't you?

>> No.5006838

I'm not advocating for respect for anything. Having correct information is useful for achieving your preferences. Hences, it's a tool, not an end in itself. The best tool there is.

>> No.5006984

I think what he meant was that, if you say only what is scientifically measurable is true, this statement itself is not scientific measurable, thus requiring a little, often ignored, leap of faith.
That's why one could say, ignore the world, just do the math

>> No.5006989

read stirner and nietzsche then take a walk outside, get some friends and meet girls

>> No.5007121

You have to make that leap to make any statement. By assuming the existence of anything including your own words, you make that leap.

>> No.5007267

>meet girls

What Tallis means by this is go out and screw. If this tripfiend didn't, it would have left it at "make friends". That is exactly where you should leave it. You can be friends with women and talk with them all you want, but once you have let a woman touch your genitals, you are pretty much a walking corpse.

They want you to meet girls and procreate so they can have moar meatshields and stuffbuyers. You may think you're being young and carefree and joyous, but you're doing exactly what they want you to do. By exposing yourself to females you increase the risk which you might find the "one" as conveniently encouraged by culture. Women will do everything to lure you in with their horrid salmon flaps. They will strike at your most vulnerable moment, perhaps when your first grey hairs so. They will say they still love you. Women are molded by aeons of trickery and a culture of entrapment passed from mother to daughter. Their whole weak, stupid, and innocent act is a persona constructed from birth. They will shred you emotionally, spiritually, and financially.

You think you're being all alpha by banging a lot of chicks. You are just being audited by them. They're passing you on to more desperate, less desirable women. Note how in order to maintain the coveted "alpha" status of sexual success, you have to keep on going out and porking women. You will get old, though. You can have your youth to do as you might, but once you grow slower, you'll get anxious and one will scoop you right up. Women can work on multiple males at once in today's "sexually liberated" world. They can lie and play off your ignorance. But once they have sunk their talons into you, there is no escape. They want to breed with you and increase your attachment to this void of chaos. The state supports them fully in this pursuit, so does male culture. It reality romance and reproduction are a combination plantation and slaughterhouse. The ribbing and ridicule you will get for liberating yourself from females pales in comparison to what they will do to you and your mind.

>> No.5007281

tolstoy pls

women are awesome

>> No.5007358

That's precisely what they want you to think. You can find no counterargument but merely state your opposition. Women have grasped your intuition and also control your emotion. So powerful are they that their mere memory provokes you to a 5 word dismissal of anything critical of their nefarious practices. If it is counter-woman, therefore it is wrong, no matter it's reasoning or the points it raises.

>> No.5007362

Lol you're cool

>> No.5007687

So what? I'm having fun.

>> No.5007871

Buy now, pay later. It's the interest that's going to get you. If you're having fun they've got you. They are forming memories in your mind which will be used to defeat you. Your youth is but a fleeting thing, everything you do now will come back to you. They will use all this fun against you. This is not merely a warning, but a promise.

What is fun is not good for you. There are higher callings than fun. Beware.

>> No.5007875

You need to get out more.

>> No.5008015

Why exactly? What do you mean by "go out". It's obviously a euphemism. It's vague enough so that I could "go out" and do what I assume "going out" is, and you would tell me exactly why I did not "go out" properly. If you would accept my definition of "going out" than I do go out, and far too often for my liking. I can assume that by "going out" as you say I would become someone like you. I have no wish to be like you as you have no discernible characteristics which I admire and wish to emulate in myself. You will just as sure say that I have no characteristics which you admire. But I am not supposed to. I am only telling how you may avoid rash decisions and delay gratification. The mind which is a slave to it's wants and it's perceived needs is in bondage, it may develop no characteristics of it's own, as it is dominated by pleasure. The time in which opinions, impressions, and beliefs are formed are reduced by a willful sublimation to what is pleasurable. This is seen as the greater good because it is validated by a group of people who cannot face an absence of communally and biologically defined pleasure in their lives and so cannot form their own ideas of what is true enjoyment. The individual who is not fettered by such fetters is free to find satisfaction and enjoyment in any circumstance and will do so in the circumstance which is most accessible and likewise optimal. I am certainly not telling you to be discontented with yourself, as you are doing to me, I am merely informing you and all who wish to know of a way of avoiding future suffering. Perhaps you have constructed some notion that suffering will lend meaning and substance to your life, and this is the only way, so be it. Just remember that it is you, now who are the willing participant in the action which shall be conductive to further suffering, the person you will be in the future may not.