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/lit/ - Literature

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4998063 No.4998063 [Reply] [Original]

How does one read like a patrician?

>Don't read for Plot
> PLOT assumes that events in time have significance -- they don't.

>Don't read for character
>Character assumes personality and individuality matter-- they don't

>> No.4998068

Don't read.

>> No.4998073


only read braille, even if you can see

>> No.4998082

Read Tao Lin in braille.

>> No.4998090

i read boooks
i like books
i read more books

>> No.4998131


that doesn't explain the How

>> No.4998141
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>reading for the prose
>like, reading for nothing but the prose
>the ideas behind the text, the characters, etc. all meaningless
>because you're just reading
>to see how pretty the word order gets

>> No.4998152


you read prose...that's what words end up doing

>> No.4998158

But reading solely for the prose is missing most of what makes literature art.

>> No.4998164

> reading solely for the prose

it's impossible to read solely for prose. that idea doesn't even make any sense

>> No.4999630

I do read for characters and story. "Pleb" books just have shitty characters and story for the most part. And theme and style can really improve a work

>> No.4999644

W-why can't I read for everything? Surely reading for one element doesn't necessarily preclude reading for another?

>> No.4999658

Pretty sure sniffing your own farts is a vital part of it.

>> No.4999662

>it's impossible

are you retarded? no it isn't.

>> No.4999747

are you? i bet you don't even read poetry. fucking prose plebs

>> No.4999852

Reading exclusively for prose is fucking stupid
That's like being an art critic and deciding on the quality of a painting by judging the frame around it.

>> No.5000091

>doesn't get art

>> No.5000094

its like being an art critic and judging a painting by the brushstrokes actually

>> No.5000097

>doesn't get prose
fuck off pleb

>> No.5000102

Patrician is realizing that plot, character, and prose, all work together to serve the story's themes.

>> No.5000127
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What said>>5000102 said

People who hold pointlessly contentious views often are idiots and or have no idea what they are talking about, who would have thunk it.

>> No.5000136

mfw noone even mentions narrative voice

>> No.5000140

/thread, honestly

>> No.5000152

Simplification though. Its more holistic than just 'devices serving themes'. A character study is certainly not about themes, at its heart.

>> No.5000158

Analyze prose

Comb for themes and symbolism

Enjoy plot and characters at your leisure

>> No.5000183

Almost /thread, but I don't understand how a person could enjoy plot and characters after the age of 12...

To me that almost sounds like...living vicariously or something. Escapism is for the weak.

>> No.5000186

are you an aspie?

>> No.5000189

>I don't understand how a person could enjoy plot and characters after the age of 12
I hate to say it, but if this is true then literature probably just aint your deal. I could understand plot, maybe. But characters? The hell is wrong with you?

>> No.5000192

I enjoy dialogue a little more than I should, but enjoying a character is...wrong.

>> No.5000204

What the hell makes you read then?

>oh yes, this collection of letters, this LINE SPACING! Oh a true master of his black-white topographical craft!

>> No.5000212

>I dont understand how a person could enjoy plot and characters after the age of 12...

I find it impossible for you to not be hurting from having written that shit. For the love of god, I honestly hope that you're trolling.

>> No.5000221

what does that even mean? enjoying their construction? i don't think people here are saying that they feel like they're making friends with them, you appreciate characters for their depth and how they cause you to reflect on life. even the spergiest lit professor enjoys books for the warmth and roused empahty

>> No.5000263

>Using terms like plot, character, voice, symbolism, theme, "meaning"

Get out of the academic formula and really start to get something out of books, that is if you the lit IQ to do it

>> No.5000273

I tend to read for insight into the craft of writing itself - how the writer did what ge did - while at the same time enjoying the story.

>> No.5000296

case in point, i had a paranoid nationalist anarchist tutor who seemed full blown schizo aspie and he enjoyed reading about other mentally ill spergs who had been fucked over by the state. there's a little bit of humanity in all of us, books would be shit without it. without characters we'd just be left with wordsworth bullshit

>> No.5000347

Please explain this post. Right now it makes no sense. Just because there is a term for the people in a story (characters) it's academic?

>> No.5000349

true patrician is just reading for yourself

>> No.5000375

No, it's..."oh, what a novel way to construct this concept..."

"Oh, this author has constructed this dialogue with an above average amount of words popularized in 18th century France...symbolic meaning?"

>> No.5000380

i do read poetry, which supports my point more than yours.

>> No.5000384


you guys are fucking stupid. the prose is the fucking art of the thing. it is the rhythm, the word choice, the imagery, etc. it is not a fucking frame or fucking brushstrokes it is literally everything that makes reading it worthwhile.

>> No.5000385

So, you like books that present the illusion that the author's thought up something new?

It's all artifice.

>> No.5000822

I believe he's saying those terms would limit the potential of insight and pleasure of what you can get from a story, aince you'd only think in those terms. Though In my opinion they are just tools that can serve you or hurt you.

>> No.5000852
File: 195 KB, 1200x895, Amadeus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw some people don't read in order tolook for everything the book has to offer

>> No.5000857
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>mfw some people read instead of just watching the movie

>> No.5000860

the brushstrokes comment was not derogatory, brushstrokes honestly play a similar role in painting technique- they're the 'words' and their relation to each other are the 'sentences'. the analogy wasnt intended all that seriously anyway, you cant have a proper metaphor for different artforms I dont think

>> No.5000891

Okay, Mr. Enlightened, but don't you think the most derivative part of anything would be the plot rather than the phrasing or metaphors?

Like I said, reading for the plot is fine until you're about 12, then you're just doing it wrong.

>> No.5000899
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>Like I said, reading for the plot is fine until you're about 12, then you're just doing it wrong.
>Prose fags actually believe this

>> No.5000936
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>mfw people say Amadeus is their favorite movie

>> No.5000944

but Amadeus is fucking fantastic
not my favorite movie but come on

>> No.5001087


yes it was

>> No.5001097


Try reading Madame Bovary and get back to me.

>> No.5001108

>implying reading for prose is the only alternative to reading for plot

>> No.5001120

read books that have slightly complicated elements, then pretend like you're super smart for having read said books

>> No.5001125

Worst analogy NA

>> No.5001472

>reading for anything besides spelling and grammar
>being this pleb

>> No.5001478

>2014 not being a proof reader

>> No.5001480

>2014 not being a human bean

>> No.5001492


>> No.5002513

>implying posting a pic of Amadeus mean it has to be anon's favourite movie
>implying Amadeus isn't a nice movie

>> No.5002603

>how does one read like a patrician
be a patrician
read as you desire because you are a patrician and you can make your own choices

>> No.5002683

>real AN HERO

In other news: who wants a Tom Hardy revival of the DEATHWISH franchise?