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/lit/ - Literature

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4994504 No.4994504 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4994522

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow
The Recognitions
Perks of Being a Wallflower

>> No.4994526

I think you're lying.

>> No.4994527

Ruh Adam
La Peste
Yılkı Atı
Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.4994554

This is an English language website, so you should render all of the titles in English.

>> No.4994560

If he read them in that language, then stifle it.

>> No.4994565


>> No.4994576

The Turkish ones are probably not translated into English so you wouldn't recognize them. Anyway, they would bu translated as Soul Man (Ruh Adam) and This-word-does-not-exist-in-english Horse (Yılkı Atı). It could be translated as Wanderer Horse or Free(d) Horse or something, but that's not even close.
The other two you should know, I think. Plague and Chess.

>> No.4994591

>a conditional sentence with an imperative apodosis qualifies as a lie

>> No.4994598

>Perks of Being a Wallflower

>> No.4994609

Divine Comedy
Paradise Lost
Club Dumas
Invisible Man

>> No.4994611

Lying, lying, and lying

>> No.4994616

The Bible
Iliad & Odyssey
Divine Comedy
The Declaration of Independence

>> No.4994621

Please stop...

>> No.4994624

You must be too good for fun.

>> No.4994630

2. 1984
3. Gravitates rainbow
4. Mortal Didacta
5. The sillmarilion

>> No.4994651

>Divine Comedy
I enjoyed it throughly.

>> No.4994693

1. Gravity's Rainbow
2. Anna Karenina
3. Crime and Punishment.
5. A Feast for Crows.

>> No.4994698

Infinite Jest
Complete Essays of Michel de Montaigne
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.4994702

Catch 22
Catcher in the rye
The stranger

I need to read more

>> No.4994729

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
As I Lay Dying
A Clockwork Orange

English is my second language and a couple of
years ago my favourite book was The Da Vinci code. So, yeah, I still have a lot of reading to do.

>> No.4994734

cool choices

1. The Divine Comedy
2. The Oresteia
3. Coriolanus
4. Middlemarch
5. Lolita

>> No.4994748

5: Name of the Wind(I'm a pleb, I know).
4: The Once and Future King
3: Titus Groan
2: Gormenghast
1: Don Quixote.

>> No.4994756

Under The Volcano
Darkness At Noon
Divine Comedy
The Republic


>> No.4994758

The Brothers Karamazov
Doctor Faustus
Moby Dick
Narcissus and Goldmund

>> No.4994765

Gravity's Rainbow
The Recognitions
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
Lolita or Pale Fire or something
Hamlet or V. or something

>> No.4994809

Blood Meridian
The Stranger
The Brothers Karamazov
One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.4994827

Portrait of a Lady

>> No.4994858

Notes from Underground
The Pale King
The Crying of Lot 49
The Corrections

>> No.4994875

Maradonia and the Seven Bridges
Maradonia and the Escape from the Underworld
Maradonia and the Gold of Ophir
Maradonia and the Dragon Riders
Maradonia and the Law of Blood

>> No.4994878

Those books are actually really bad y'know.

>> No.4994891

Only if your to uneducated to understand them. You say their bad because their 2deep4u.

>> No.4994930

The Sun Also Rises
The Great Santini
The Lords of Disipline
Mosquito Coast
The Naked and the Dead

>> No.4994945

trying/not trying this hard

>> No.4994951

Mason & Dixon
Paradise Lost
The Waves
The Sound and the Fury

>> No.4994985
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Moby Dick
Journey to the end of the night
Count of Monte Cristo
The Three Musketeers trilogy

By the way, I see a lot of people posting Gravity's Rainbow. I already have it, but I wonder if I should read first V. or Inherent Vice or anything.

>> No.4994988

Atlas Shrugged - Rand
Hopscotch - Cortazar
The Plague - Camus
Odyssey - Homer
Crime and Punishment - Dostoyevsky

i dont go on /lit/ that often so i honestly havent read any of your memebooks.

rate me?

>> No.4994992

Farenheit 451
The Hobbit
The Alchemist

>> No.4994993

I rate you a grade a lost cause

>> No.4994999


>> No.4995002

A Confederacy of Dunces
Franny & Zooey
Duino Elegies

How am I doing /lit/?

>> No.4995003


>> No.4995004

Atlas shrugged
The pearl
Slaughterhouse five
clockwork orange

Anyone want to rate my top 5?

>> No.4995008

De avonden (The Evenings)
L'étranger (The Stranger)
De uitvreter
No Country for Old Men

>> No.4995024

We'd probably save a whole bunch of time by just creating threads titled "Lolita Hype Train vol.244: Dat Ass edition" instead of these ones.

Recently read Despiar by Nabokov.Surpriiisingly hilarious.

>> No.4995029

Ahhh parfait!

>> No.4995034

Thank God there's someone who isn't completely boring who browses /lit/, who's actually read beyond the classic /lit/ cannon.

>> No.4995049

Huh? What are you saying?
Are you saying I'm a try hard?

>> No.4995060

wow, the books being named here by and large aren't even shit

props, /lit/

>> No.4995062

One Hundred Years of Solitude
The Sound and the Fury
The Second Sex (the argument itself-- as I understand it, that woman orients her Self to man and man is naturally oriented-- doesn't win me over so much, being so one-sided, as the way in which Beauvoir manages to cover ground)

mention: The Bell Jar. It's a potboiler and whatnot, but sheer identification managed to help me snap out of a complete breakdown midway through college, and for that I have to mention it.
Also a big fan of The Turn of the Screw.

>> No.4995100

>Yay, we've berated them enough so that they only select favorites from the 50 books pre-approved by /lit/! What a happy day!

>> No.4995190

Hyperion (Dan Simmons)
The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes
Desolation Road

>> No.4995198

Sure is summer in here.

>> No.4995215

Simulacra and Simulation
Beyond Good and Evil
Ham on Rye
Naked Lunch

>> No.4995216

The Hatchet
Z for Zachariah
Lord of the Flies
Caves of steel

>> No.4995227

exhibit a

>> No.4995228

crime and punishment
the warlord chronicles
the last flight of the flamingo

>> No.4995257

Philosophae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
Faust Pt. II
Finnegans Wake
Being and Time
Tractatus-Logico Philosophicus

>inb4 I'm lying, sorry you're too pleb

>> No.4995265

Blue Highways
Travels with Charley
The Great Railway Bazaar
The Snow Leopard
When the Going Was Good

>> No.4995266


would chill with

>> No.4995267

what did you actually gain from finnegans, do tell

>> No.4995269


Implying you aren´t bored out of your mind reading those.

>> No.4995277


If I'm going to be honest, I found the process of parsing between the plentitude of puns and wordplay and trying to distinguish, and then actually distinguishing a plot and laughing at the wealth of jokes (many of which went over my wee head) to be one of the most rewarding literary experiences of my life.

>> No.4995284


trying to distinguish a plot*

>> No.4995285

Game of thrones
Sword of swords
wow war crimes
that dune prequel
clash of kings

>> No.4995286

The stranger
4.48 psychosis

dont b rude

nice, 4/5

>> No.4995294

I only believe those dubs of yours

>> No.4995345

Try hard: The List

>> No.4995349

A Wizard of Earthsea (series)
Riddle master of Hed (series)
The Book of Skulls
A Winter's Tale
LOTR &The Hobbit

>> No.4995356

>book of pook
>remembrance of things past (du côté de chez swann)
>the red queen

last place is a dirty secret everything from Robert greene

>> No.4995366


Someone has to feign the status quo.

>> No.4995371

ok Sam

>> No.4995375

lmao if this is actually your list i feel terrible for you

i bet you didn't even read the german ones in german

>> No.4995377

I dont frequent /lit/ often, it this thread filled with trolls or is this shit for real?

99% trolls or fat whales and only like 4-5 dudes that actually read... the fuck?

>> No.4995381

The World According to Garp
Run Rabbit Run
The Last Picture Show
The Pope of Greenwich Village

>> No.4995384

How is that different from the rest of 4chan?

>> No.4995393

The Book of Disquiet.
Wise Blood.
The Trial.
Naked Lunch.
The Stranger.

>> No.4995394

few years ago it was different, yeah sometimes a Rand thread but this just looks like some /b/ thread

what a downfall

>> No.4995404

Point out the posts you don't like

>> No.4995420


what the fuck is this Mike?

>> No.4995424

no but you sound like some indian guy I know named Sam

>> No.4995450


all that have meme books in them.
if they have them in it, it means probably they dont really read that often and thats why they come here for inspiration, no problem with that of course.

problem is that there is no originality and ya'all writing the same shit will not inspire anyone to leave the circle of them shit books, in the end the joke will become reality because the peps who started the joke left... and the trolled stay

>> No.4995461


Well he sounds like a fuckface

>> No.4995468

What do you mean? Like Gravity's Rainbow or Finnegan's Wake?

>> No.4995469

wat is "meme book"

>> No.4995523

Lord of the Rings
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Illiad
The Great Gatsby
The Alchemist

>> No.4995547

Few highly literate anons. And the majority who don't read hundred pages minimum per day.

>> No.4995549

>meme book

You do realize that the authors spent years of their lives dedicated to getting their ideas out in the form of books only for you to dismiss them as meme books because 4chan has a bit of an affinity for them

What would you suggest that everyone's top 5 include then?

>> No.4995554

Well, we also have lives to attend to. Inconvenient as it may be.

>> No.4995573

>meme books

holy shit and i thought /mu/'s memerap was a bad usage of the word but this is even worse. a song might, at most, take 2-3 weeks to perfect, but a book can take YEARS to make, only to be instantaneously disregarded as a meme bc /lit/ made a chart with specific books in it.
we have sunk very low.

>> No.4995588

no different than dismissing YA and genre fiction out of hand.

>> No.4995599
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>The Alchemist

>> No.4995609

Not exactly. That's categorizing a genre, which is representative of a certain type of writing whereas 'meme book' would dismiss the books based on the audience rather than the writing.

>> No.4995612

ok then someone provide a fresh shelf of patrician shit

>> No.4995620

white noise
ham on rye
cats cradle
i robot

>> No.4995622

Catch 22
Confederacy of Dunces
Enders Game
Portnoy's Complaint

>> No.4995633

Hermann Hesse - Narziss und Goldmund
Erich Kästner - Fabian
Patrick O'Brian - Master and Commander
Stefan Zweig - The World of Yesterday
Stefan Grabiński - The Dark Domain

Sue me.

>> No.4995644

Warriors Cats
Human, all too Human
Fahrenheit 451

If you have shit taste and you know it clap your hands
*clap clap*

>> No.4995649


i th-think you're pretty patrish anon

>> No.4995663

so you can continue your follower-mindset?
stay classy anon..wow

>> No.4995677

Use of Weapons
The man who was Thursday
Huckleberrry Finn
Infinite Jest

>> No.4995678

>Warrior Cats and Nietzsche
That's strangely satisfying.

>> No.4995686
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.....Use of Weapons

>> No.4995700

Altered Carbon
The Sheep Look Up
The Dosadi Experiment
Conquerors' Pride

>> No.4995720

The Trial
The Idiot
The Fall
Emile, or On Education

>> No.4995726
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Crime and Punishment (only novel I've bothered to read three times over)
All Quiet on the Western Front
The Road
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

>> No.4995732

>warriors cats
>both in the same list

>> No.4995752

>Altered Carbon
Have you read the sequels? I've enjoyed Altered Carbon but somehow never got around reading the other two.

>> No.4995761

Not as good but decent

>> No.4995774

>liking Orwell

>> No.4995787
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>All this hipster pleb taste

>> No.4995790

The Odyssey
Under The Volcano
Grapes Of Wrath
The Ego And Its Own

Please validate me

>> No.4995793

>Only the stuffiest, most cerebral activities are suitable for an audience such as 4chan

You fucking loser.

>> No.4995802



>> No.4995826

hand me a fucking towel, summer.

>> No.4995838

Absalom, Absalom!
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion

>> No.4995846

How is it? I recently got it but it seems like a lot of work, so to say.

>> No.4995859

Very good. It's long, but engaging throughout and easy to read. I reread it last year and I loved it but it held my attention at 16, even.

>> No.4995879

Alright, I'll give it a try then.
Thanks Anon.

>> No.4995954
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Le Morte d'Arthur
Divine Comedy
Henry V
Brideshead Revisited

Read the Aeneid in original Latin as well, holy hell was that a difficult read.

>> No.4995973

Seven Pillars Of Wisdom - T.E. Lawrence
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion - Yukio Mishima
Homage to Catalonia - George Orwell
Snow Country - Yasunari Kawabata

>> No.4996005

the last samurai (not tom cruise stuff)
charterhouse of parma
to a god unknown
heart of darkness
aghost at noon

guilty pleasure: anne of green gables

>> No.4996039


>> No.4996046
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I'm going to post this here because the new posting thread thing is impenetrable.
I'm reading it for the 4th or 5th time in english.
No Homer.
But srsleh I found the Iliad (also in English) far more evocative, the Aeneid is a bit soft and you can't feel the dirt. Bits of it were good,mainly after book 5, but generally it was a bit lame. I guess tying it into the politics of the age is fun.
Pic related, I don't care what the label said, it's Mezentius

>> No.4996056

To avoid repetition I've tried to narrow down 5 from over the last year but it's hard to choose, my list would probably be different tomorrow.

Miss Julie
The Royal Game
Skylark (Kosztolányi)
Unbearable Lightness (yes pleb)

>> No.4996063

The Selfish Gene
The god Delusion
The Greatest Show on Earth
The Moral Landscape
Free Will

>> No.4996083


>> No.4996088


>> No.4996096


>> No.4996101


>> No.4996104


>> No.4996111


In This Thread: several people opening up, and one asshole with nothing better to do all day

>> No.4996134

4chan in a nutshell

>> No.4996152

Harry Potter 1,2,3,5 and 6

>> No.4996227
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>This nigger forgot to bring a towel

>> No.4996243

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
A Maze of Death
Good As Gold

>> No.4996302

How's Ubik? I mean it's clearly a favourite but how would youdescribe it if recommending to someone?

>> No.4996303

the selfish gene is actually really good

>> No.4996307

Fight Club
The Little Prince
The Green Mile
Animal Farm

>> No.4996323
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Fucking right

>> No.4996326

An engaging read that quickly turns surreal, full of twists and mystery.

>> No.4996340

The Brothers Karamazov
Atlas Shrugged (fuck you you useless takers)
Crime and Punishment
The Idiot
Of Mice and Men

>> No.4996342

10/10 taste

>> No.4996345

+ American Psycho

>> No.4996350

>But srsleh I found the Iliad (also in English) far more evocative
I've found this too, but I sympathise with, as you say the politics of the age. I enjoyed picking up on all the pro-Augustus propaganda Virgil slipped in there.

>> No.4996351 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4996368

less than zero
blood meridian
the stranger

deal with it

>> No.4996466

1. Lolita
2. Iliad
3. Aeneid
4. Don Quixote
5. Old Man and the Sea

I study Classics at Oxford and reading the Iliad and the Aeneid in their original language has been the most important literary discovery for me in my short life.

>> No.4996476

Please. Iliad Books 1-6 are infinitely better than 7-12. At Oxford we don't even study books 7-11 because they're so boring compared to the others.

>> No.4996486

His memoirs are alright.

>> No.4996490

>I study Classics at Oxford
You are everything I want to be. Teach me your secrets.

>> No.4996497
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>> No.4996510

in no order

A Season In Hell - Arthur Rimbaud
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
Spleen Of Paris - Charles Baudelaire
The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
Beyond Good & Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.4996535

Paradise Lost
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
Gödel, Escher, Bach
The Brothers Karamazov

No particular order.

>> No.4996545

do well at Latin and Greek in school, apply to Oxford (it's easier than you'd think).

>> No.4996574

>trying this hard

>> No.4996584
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Moby Dick- Herman Melville
Blood Meridian- Cormac McCarthy
The Old Man & The Sea- Ernest Hemingway
The Road- Cormac McCarthy
Sea of Glory- Nathaniel Philbrick

Honourable Mentions:
1491-Charles Mann
Beloved- Toni Morrison
Ham on Rye- Charles Bukowski
LOTR/Simarillion- J.R.R. Tolkien
Housekeeping- Marylinne Robinson
The Song of Hiawatha- H.W. Longfellow
Evangeline- H.W. Longfellow

>> No.4996588

The Stranger
The Sun Also Rises
Tale of Two Cities (I swear I loved it)
Moby Dick

>> No.4996596

>do well at Latin and Greek in school, apply to Oxford (it's easier than you'd think).
I'm in Australia, best I can do is apply at the University of Queensland, which is one of the best in the country. Might after a few semesters apply at Oxford, worth a shot.

>> No.4996605

Go for it, it's a great course here and I've met loads of international students from Australia so it's definitely possible.

Spent today doing a 3000 word essay entitled "What would we have lost if the Iliad had never used direct speech?", so if you're interested in literature it's pretty much the perfect course. (Better than English I would say).

>> No.4996627

moby dick
leaves of grass
tropic of cancer

>> No.4996631

>(Better than English I would say).
My grandfather was a professor who taught English or English Literature something like that. I've always leaned towards that kind of thing but just this year I've really got into the classics. Started with the Aeneid in January, and soon after finished Ovid's Metamorphosis and Ars Amatoria. Then I finished Cicero's letters, the Illiad, Epicetus' Golden Sayings, Marcus Aurelius' Discourses, Plato's Republic and writings on Socrates and Aristotles metaphysics. Its been a big cluster of fairly unrelated things, mainly because I get whatever I can get my hands on. I suppose I'll have to be a lot more specialised at some point.

>> No.4996661

Some of the ancient histories have quite a lot of literary merit too, try Thucydides and Herodotus if you feel like a change. Although, I would say that it's often hard to get the same effect when reading in translation...

>> No.4996671

I have both of them, but I haven't got around to reading them. Been reading Le Morte d'Arthur recently which has absorbed my reading time. I'll get around to it.

>> No.4996674
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"Angels & Demons" by D. Brown
"Lord of the Rings" by J. Tolkien
"Mortal Instrument" series by C. Clare
"Thinner" by S. King
Probably "20,000 leages under the sea" by J. Verne. (Never read the book but loved the movie as a kid so I'm sure the story it came from counts as one of my all time favorites)

>> No.4996677

can't tell if troll or not..

>> No.4996701

The Road
Moby Dick
The Gulag Archipelago
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Crime and Punishment or The Idiot
Can't decide on the last. Thoroughly enjoyed both of them

>> No.4996746
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How is that "trolling"
not everybody has the same taste in books
you guys are prolly lying about most of yours to look cool

Plot> style

>> No.4996795

it was more the angels and demons than c. clare's. i actually quite enjoy her books. and i love stephen king despite his reputation. but dan brown... seriously?

>> No.4996819

The Brothers Karamazov
Notes from the underground
Parerga und Paralipomena
The World as Will and Representation

>> No.4996835

The Brothers Karamazov
Blood Meridian
The Sound and the Fury
The Martian Chronicles
Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity

>> No.4996845

For serious about that last one, though?

>> No.4996890

What's up with the lack of love for moby dick? And all this love for Henry V (a great play but mediocre compared to what Shakespeare was capable of)

>> No.4996896

Desert Solitaire - Ed Abbey
The Vivisector - Partrick White
Down and Out in Paris and London - Orwell
The Iliad and The Odyssey
The Great Railway Bazaar

>> No.4996999

Not the Davinci code but Angels & Demons was breddy good

>> No.4997033

Iliad or the Odyssey pick one bitch.

>> No.4997045

went to high school/10

>> No.4997115

be more subtle next time

>> No.4997559

Wait... what's wrong with Dan Brown m8

>> No.4997598
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War Dog Heroes: True Stories of Dog Courage in Wartime

The Book of Sharks

You Can Go to the Potty

Spongebob Squarepants: Hooray for Dads!

Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand

>> No.4998146

Stranger in a Strange Land
Breakfast of Champions
Tao Te Ching
The Prince

>> No.4998163
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most influential texts is different

Bhagavad Gita
Old/New Testament
Tao Te Ching/Art of War
1984/Brave New World/Fahrenheit 451
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Prince/Discourses on Livy
Thus Spoke Zarathustra/Will to Power
The Road to Serfdom
The Politics
The Brothers War (fucking magic the gathering)
Snow Crash/Breakfast of Champions/Martian Chronicles
Lord of the Flies (better than Heart of Darkness)
Hamlet/Julius Caesar
Meditations (MA)
whatever that's enough

>> No.4998197

Brothers Karamazov
The Republic
Kafka on the Shore
Invisible Monsters Remix

>> No.4998222

Do they read Hopscotch in high schools now?

>> No.4998231


I read 2 of those in high school.
You're welcome to guess.
Before you dismiss another, why not try to qualify your dismissal?

>> No.4998234

This list doesn't make sense, even as a made-up one to look patrician. Faust is out-of-place as fuck, and the people who like Heidegger typically can't stand the analytics, and vice-versa.

>> No.4998240
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>what makes sense needs to be consistent

>> No.4998243

1. The Dog of the South
2. The Good Soldier
3. Anabasis
4. A Sport and a Pastime
5. Twenty Thousand Streets Under the Sky

>> No.4998248

Fathers and Sons
The Tin Drum
War and Peace
All the Pretty Horses

I need to read more.

>> No.4998253


We all do.

And hear more music and watch more movies and see more paintings and view more sculpture and taste more food and feel more flesh and love more humans and feel more happy more sad less happy less sad more sleepy less tired, be smarter wiser greater lesser blah blah

we all need more or less

Simply sharing yourself is enough.

>> No.4998260
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>this manqueen tearfest

Go the fuck back to tumblr and stay there forever.

>> No.4998270


I'll fuck you into a coma then tickle your prefrontal cortex with my glans so you dream of my sem[en].


ad hominem is for faggots

>> No.4998273

Madame Bovary
Crime and Punishment
Fathers and Sons
Therese Raquin
The Stranger

>> No.4998279

you don't think either of Homer's epics should be included on a 'most influential' list?

>> No.4998281
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I was talking about my personal list



Fucking all Shakespeare
Many Greek/Semetic/Helenic myths (just myths)
No Exit
The Stranger
Heart of Darkness
Voltaire (CANDIDE)
whatever, c'mon man, this list isn't meant to be exhaustive, I'm drunk. You offer some, I'll offer some.

>> No.4998285
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>really vulnerable and then really aggressive

Because the thing you want to do when you get told to go back to tumblr is act like some ragged out bitch. Pro move, fagfuck.

>> No.4998290 [DELETED] 
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I mean, we're really speaking well, huh?
Contributing to the cultural dialogue.
How about we both shut the fuck up until we can get over ad hominem failure?
We goddamn idiots.

>> No.4998315

Wow this is literally my list!

>> No.4998323


>I mean, we're really speaking well, huh?
>Contributing to the cultural dialogue.

lol everything about you is so fucking feminine. I bet you have that gif you posted saved in your "thinspo" folder hahahaha.

>> No.4998332


Name what is feminine.

That might help me.

I'm a male.

>> No.4998335


I'm a girl.

So what I have tits. DOes that make my point any less good?

god I have to deal with all you NEANDERTHALS

>> No.4998353


>so riled he played samefag so he could reply twice


>> No.4998963

Killer angels
Agony and the ecstasy
mila 18
All quiet on the western front
The quiet american

>> No.4999016

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Paradise Lost
Ethics (Spinoza)
Critique of Pure Reason
Die Leiden des Jungen Werthers

>> No.4999036

Nice. Kant though isn't too difficult if you're already reading Goethe in the original, although often a single sentence constitutes a whole paragraph for the philosopher.

>> No.4999084

Kant still is very difficult though. If you're completely new to his philosophy, you're definitely struggling the first 200 pages - even if you've read Goethe's works. Though I think the difficulty is mainly due to Kant's presentation.
Also, although I agree with you, I tend to see more resemblences between Goethe's works and the works of Nietzsche than the former with Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. Then again, there are lots of similarities between Kant and Nietzsche as well. In any case, I absolutely love discovering links between books.
Oh, and jungen*

>> No.4999199


>So what I have tits

There is so much wrong with this sentence. You shouldn't even be allowed to write in public.

Women are so easily spotted. It's unbelievable. Stuff like that, you, cured my feminism when I was in my 20's and naive.

>> No.4999587

Are you guys afraid to read anything that isn't on the /lit/ kit? Jesus fucking Christ.

Motherless Brooklyn
Great Gatsby
Wonder Boys
As I Lay Dying
No Country For Old Men

>> No.4999635

Kakfa Short Stories
Heraclitus' Fragments
Some books of the bible

That's all I like

>> No.4999709

The Far Pavilions
Moby Dick
The Winter of Our Discontent
Les Miserables
Anna Karenina

>> No.4999713


quit your samefaggin melonhead

>> No.4999746

And yet once more women had to come and ruin everything.
Thank you, girls.

>> No.4999760

no, they only feel comfortable to list those though, half these people are lying to please the /lit/ gods

>> No.4999762

The Anatomy Lesson - Kiš
Narcisuss and Goldmund
Henderson the Rain King
The Double: A Petesburg Poem

>> No.4999764


I hate goddamn feminists

also yes

>> No.4999767

>art of war
My nigga

>> No.5000018

One anon shows up claiming to be a girl and derails a good thread- good job /lit/.

>> No.5000085

The Count of Monte Cristo
Bosnian Chronicle
The Sun Also Rises
East of Eden
The Jungle Book

>> No.5000120
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>mfw when all you faggots can't handle how patrician I am because it makes you feel plebbish and inferior

>> No.5000232

What the fuck does it take to read 100 pages? I work 8 hours a day and still have time after dinner for a god hundred pages, then I usually get drowsy.
Besides, there are many other moments to read something, even as little as 5 pages, just for the sake of reading.

>> No.5000257
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>mfw Maradonia
No, seriously, what the fuck?

>> No.5000288

The only way I could read that was reading it like a purely religious text. Try Ecce Homo and The Gay Science instead.

>> No.5000312

The count of montecristo
Don quijote

no other book cant into my top yet.

>> No.5000322

*can get

>> No.5000370

The Brothers Karamazov
Narcissus and Golmund
The Trial
El Aleph

>> No.5000374

Gravity's Rainbow
Infinite Jest
The Brother's Karamazov
The Stranger

>> No.5000586

The Trial
Dream Story
The Devil in the Flesh
Catcher in the Rye

Dnt h8

>> No.5001160

Got some books I never read so no hate.

>> No.5001197

Marguerite Duras - L'amant (1981)
Andre Gide - Les faux-monnayeurs (1925)
Marcel Proust - Du cote de chez swann (1913)
Stendhal - La chartreuse de Parme (1839)
Charles Baudelaire - La Fanfarlo (1847)

More or less this. Lots of other literary traditions I like but the French 19th and 20th century are just something else.

>> No.5001243

We really can't; that's why they're *your* top five. We can't argue with that.

>> No.5001363

My top 5 non-ASOIAF books

Fight Club
Perks of Being a Wallflower
Catcher in the Rye
Great Gatsby

>> No.5001373

reading A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man currently

hope to finish at least Catch 22, Gravity's Rainbow, and Finnegans Wake before I start college this August
(but I'm shitposting on 4chan instead)

>> No.5001376

Also, isn't it kind of incomplete without Henry IV parts 1 & 2?

>> No.5001381

Je t'aime.

>> No.5001386
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>this entire thread

>> No.5001387

I suggest Gide's Journal, it's really superb. Just finished Le Rouge et le Noir myself as well as Les Fleurs du mal. We should start a thread some time :)

>> No.5001391

Please kill yourself and never come back to /lit/

>> No.5001406

The Coup
The Screwtape Letters
The Swerve
The Financial Expert
The Idiot

>> No.5001409


>> No.5001416

Will you give me five dollars if you don't finish Finnegan(')s Wake?

>> No.5001424
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Keep on reading my friend.

>> No.5001430

Fervor de Buenos Aires, Borges
Ficciones, Borges
Short stories of Mark Twain (I suggest The Art of Authorship to everybody here)
L'Avalée des avalés, Réjean Ducharme
Journal, André Gide

Whenever I run out of steam and can't decide who to read next, I turn to Biblioteca personal by Borges, which was a column he wrote before passing too soon to finish its 100 promised articles. Today, you can find the list online of books he recommended through it, although it's so much more than just the list. His positive criticism is the best criticism I have ever read, roping in biographical and historical references often and literary allusions only when necessary into concise, curious single-page résumés of Voltaire, Gide, and authors I would have never heard of otherwise, such as Eça de Queiroz and Dino Buzzati, and it's where he writes:

Que otros se jacten de los libros que les ha sido
dado escribir; yo me jacto de aquellos que me fue dado leer, dije alguna vez. No sé si soy un buen escritor; creo ser un excelente lector o, en todo caso, un sensible y agradecido lector.

Though others vaunt the books they have been gifted to write, I vaunt of those I've been gifted to read, I said once. I don't know if I'm a good writer, I think I'm a great reader, or at least a sensitive and grateful reader.

To which Bolaño responds elusively in the introduction to Entre paréntesis:
Soy mucho más feliz leyendo que escribiendo.
This is another great book of writing where you'll find gems like Literatura + enfermedad = enfermedad, a review on the cult-novel Ferdydurke, and a million other little tidbits like book thievery and bookstore friends, how to write a short story, and the importance of lucidity, despair and virtue. I would definitely pick this as another of my favourite books among the few but enjoyable ones that I've read.

>> No.5001667

>The Declaration of Independence
Go fuck yourself

>> No.5001694

Are u being sarcastic

>> No.5001702

>all these dead white men

oof, haven't any of you read any CONTEMPORARY literature? How about some diversity? My list:

The Autobiography of Malcolm X - Malcolm X
La Monadologie - Gottfried Leibniz
The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky
Bossypants - Tina Fey
The Goldfinch - Donna Tart

>> No.5001715

Shut the fuck up

>> No.5001735

Easy there Marx. Some people like freedom expressed in prose.

>> No.5001745

the dice man
fall of hyperion
beavis and butthead this book sucks
The Art of Shen Ku
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

>> No.5001748

Europe Central
Gravity's Rainbow
The Melancholy of Resistance
Crime and Punishment

>> No.5001802

Picture of Dorian Gray
Sirens of Titan
Heart of Darkness

>> No.5001901



>> No.5001917

I'm reading Picture. What's your opinion?

>> No.5001925

Try reading something with text instead.


>> No.5001944

The rest are in no particular order, but Picture is my favorite book of all time, take that as you will.

>> No.5001975

Okay, but why

>> No.5001979

Very valid criticism of aesthetics and art, actually pretty funny, all of the characters are engaging, fucking 10/10 prose, what's not to like?

>> No.5003129

I've got to ask, what do you love so much about Warriors? I've read them all and while I definitely appreciated them as a teenager, I'm curious as to why they stood out to you.

>> No.5003133

I'm new, and I only have a top 3.
Flowers for Algernon
The Great Gatsby

>the plebiest

>> No.5003154

Pronounced autism, or tenured professor. Probably both.

>> No.5003219

The Right Stuff
The Path Between the seas
Devil in the White City
The Best and the Brightest
Into the Wild

>> No.5003252

The Second Sex is concise and lucid.

The argument is based on the grounds of existentialism and sociopolitical theories, making neither religion, capitalism nor Marxism out to be institutions that in the end exclude women from the Mitsein of humanity.

She ends the first book by restating the themes of the essay, lucidity, generosity and freedom.

She is writing a happy albeit critical philosophical account of the world of the woman and the conclusion remains that women, like men, exist in this world to be individuals, each seeking an individuality that has thus far been out of their reach for the reason she describes.

>> No.5003255

Lovely. Read any other Twain or Nietzsche? I love their essays.

>> No.5003547

Could be worse

>> No.5003614

The Sound and the Fury
As I Lay Dying
Sabbath's Theater
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

>> No.5003629

Is Devil in the White City strictly biography or a narrative?

>> No.5004887


>> No.5006392

How many times have you read each of your favourite books?

I find it hard to choose favourites of anything because I feel I need to have experienced them multiple times, or else have fallen completely in love with them, which rarely happens.

>> No.5006403 [DELETED] 


>Post your top 5 books off all time

I assume this just means favourites, right?

1. 'The Island of Second Sight' - Albert Vigoleis Thelen
2. 'The Waves' - Virginia Woolf
3. 'Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable' - Samuel Beckett
4. 'The Book of Ebenezer Le Page' - G.B. Edwards
5. 'Memoirs of Hadrian' - Marguerite Yourcenar

>> No.5006419

1. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
2. Frankenstein
3. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
4. Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang - Kate Wilhelm
5. The Stars My Destination - Alfred Bester

>> No.5006425

<li>The Last Samurai</li>
<li>Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality</li>
<li>The Elements</li>
<li>Codex Hammurabi</li>
<li>Archimedes - Collected Works</li>

let's marry

>> No.5006428

Mason & Dixon
War & War
The Savage Detectives
The Sea of Fertility

>> No.5006441
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>War & War

if this is laszlo's war & war you have no idea how bro you are to me right now. for real.

>> No.5006455

Mind and enlightenment, brother.

>> No.5007197

Just got the Savage Detectives

>> No.5007354

>problem is that there is no originality and ya'all writing the same shit will not inspire anyone to leave the circle of them shit books, in the end the joke will become reality because the peps who started the joke left... and the trolled stay

That's old news
/a/ is full of fit in tryhards desperate to recreate le funny pics
/v/ the same except also with its musical
/g/ has it from /v/
/tv/ is entirely dead
/x/ is entirely dead
/lit/ is getting there, i can't even keep up counting all the fedora tips, pleb/patrician nonsense, and liberal hipsters whining

I don't know I hate this site but everywhere else sucks more

>> No.5007360

fuck off

>> No.5007435

How is LoTR hipster you summer fag?

>> No.5007491

Some guy called me hipster too in another thread just because I said that LOTR is better than ASOIAF. They're either trolls or retarded people.

>> No.5007777

Why are you judging people based on the book they love?

>> No.5007847

Wild Punch by Creston Lea
If on a winters night a traveler by Italo Calvino
Leaves of grass by Walt Whitman, 1855
Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut
Franny and Zooey by J. D. Salinger

>> No.5007861

Because a person's tastes provides an insight into their character. Nice quad 7's, btw.

>> No.5007872

It's because of the resurgence of interest in the series with the new movies. Long-time fans are getting their panties in a bunch over these wagon-hoppers.

>> No.5008319



>> No.5008380

>book of pook
PUA/motivation bullshit
motivation bullshit
>the red queen
leRedPill huehueheue
>Robert Green
motivation bullshit

can you be more pleb?